4-min walk from Exit A, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level1 2025-01-21
最近經過炮台山,同朋友俾一間白雪雪嘅鋪頭吸引左入去。。。太有驚喜,忍唔住要寫寫食評。見到餐牌心大心細,唔知食乜好,老闆知道我同朋友細食,介紹咗Pan-fried Norway Salmon Fillet with Provence Ratatouille 同 Dry Aged Rump Cap 俾我哋試吓。三文魚比我想像中好食,一來夠厚身,二來肉質好滑,唔會嚡口,連配菜都好好味,岩晒要減肥嘅我。一見到碟Dry Aged Rump Cap 上枱,心諗會唔會太紅… 好似好生咁…食左一啖就俾佢征服咗… 好好味呀,同朋友一人一半,連配菜都唔放過。好有肉味,又唔會靭,醬汁配搭得好好,可以再 encore。食飽飽之後,見到隔離枱叫咗罐嘢飲,個罐好靚,問吓老闆,原來設計係介紹佢係大澳嘅另一間鋪,呢罐係 Passion Fruit Rosa。正,我最鐘意飲酒,唔錯!!!朋友就試左杯 Cardamon Turkish Coffee with Baklava,剩係見到套杯已經覺得好靚,土耳其嘅無咖啡因咖啡,再配搭埋都係來自土耳其嘅開心果酥,好吸引! 老闆話飲完仲可以占卜㗎,下次我都要試吓。今次亂打亂撞,竟然試到間好嘢。食物質素高,下次想再試其他菜式,除左咖啡,仲有酒飲,正!!! 最重要係無限時,可以有一個地方同朋友慢慢吹水,傾到唔捨得走。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
During a recent stroll through Fortress Hill, I stumbled upon The White House, a charming restaurant that caught my eye with its elegant decor and inviting food photographs displayed at the entrance. Intrigued, I decided to step inside for a meal.I ordered the Australian M7 Wagyu Ribeye Steak, cooked medium. The steak was cooked to perfection, with just the right amount of juiciness and tenderness. The seasoning was well-balanced, enhancing the flavors of the meat without overpowering it. Each bite was a delightful experience, showcasing the quality of the steak itself.One of the highlights of my visit was the presence of a cute red-whiskered bulbul in the restaurant. This littie cutie added a unique touch to the atmosphere.Despite its appealing ambiance and delicious food, I noticed that the restaurant wasn't very busy during my visit. However, in conversation with the owner, I learned that they are genuinely passionate about their business and are committed to providing a great dining experience for their customers. The White House is a hidden gem in Fortress Hill, deserving of more recognition and support. If you're in the area, I highly recommend stopping by for a meal—you won't be disappointed! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-11
與舊同事相聚,我們都有選擇障礙,因為餐牌菜式種類多,樣樣都好想食,好彩老闆好好人,很詳細地介紹每樣菜式,據老闆說當中很多食材都只有他們店家從外地進口,別的地方很難有機嘗試。我們三個女仔各自叫了主菜,分別是土耳其海鱸魚,前三文魚,而我食阿根廷紅蝦意粉。吃住美食, 在舒適的氣氛,下享受土耳其特式咖啡, 不知不覺間就4個鐘。我忘了影自己杯咖啡😱 我set杯碟好靚㗎😍下次一定要和多些人來試食其他菜式!因為餐牌上有好多樣菜式我都想試😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
They did not show a wine list, so I specifically asked if they had a house wine-level white. But they charged me $147 for a basic Sauvignon Blanc from a relatively unknown (no disrespect intended)Gramham Norton Sauvignon Blanc 2023, not freshly opened and probably opened one day ago. The white is not bad in its own right for the class—still, there are citrus fruits, but there is a shortage of liveliness. I should have asked beforehand; she breached a customer's trust. The second reason is she never bothers to bring me a menu despite my request. If you care about the value of customer service, please don't go there.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🎡 叫 The White House, 所以成間餐廳裝修都係以白色爲主。本來以爲係普通Cafe食物,睇睇Menu先知,其實佢地正餐都有不少選擇。因爲只是下午路過,過來打發時間等朋友,所以就只是吃了 🥢🍽️  土耳其開心果酥一開始叫哩個酥老闆就問係米接受到騷味,我話我真係好中意食重口味的。都奇怪老闆點解會甘問,原來哩個酥係大有來頭。 平時外面食的酥多數都是牛油做的酥皮,哩個土耳其開心果酥係羊奶做的,所以一開始食時,會先聞到羊騷,品嘗到羊騷味,再有裏面開心果餡的堅果香,無論嗅覺或味覺層次都十分豐富。我都估唔到我會因爲一個酥而寫甘多字,可能因爲個酥真係我唯一試過較特別的吧。💡 值得一提~因爲好奇,所以就問老闆係米自己研發的,原來老闆同老闆娘好喜歡土耳其文化,因爲都自行引進一些土耳其食品來香港。我都留意到,佢地的餐具都是由土耳其空運回港的,十分有心思。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)