4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Deep Fried Pork Chop Curry Rice Shabu Shabu Beef Curry Rice Crispy Cheesy Mochi
Review (107)
Level4 2018-04-09
環境4分:簡約日式木枱木櫈,坐落唔太迫,整體都幾好,有四分。 衛生4分:有個開放式廚房,見到都算幾乾淨,有四分。 服務3分:侍應解釋雞翼啤酒90分鐘任飲任食都算非常清楚,而且斟酒都算快,但係雞翼要等得都幾耐,所以得三分。 味道2分:雞翼食過幾輪,有時唔熱,有時超熱,肯定有啲擺咗好耐,唔係即叫即炸,所以得兩分。 抵食4分:100蚊唔使就卑你坐足90分鐘,雖然唔係話超級好食,但抵食度嚟講都有四分。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-03-19
抵食推介~ 因tiger curry 快要搬遷,由現在到4月中有一個雞翼啤酒放題! 90蚊任食雞翼+任飲Sapporo draft~😘😘任食要早d到, 我地兩個人5點到左,唔算多人。兩個人用左全日既戰鬥力食左3盤。第一盤:第二盤:第三盤, 食到第三盤冇哂雞翼,變左炸雞條。其實我覺得重正!食到佢地冇哂雞全翼變左雞條,都好吖~ 唯一唔好炸雞冇乜味,90蚊加一算啦~ 做到4月中only, 同埋任食要早d到~啤酒方面就係Sapporo draft~老實講我地兩個都算食得多,到食完第二盤果時已經好飽! 重要一路飲啤酒,好飽肚! 不過我真係覺得好抵既 curry都有折架~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-03-18
事隔3-4年後再戰老虎咖哩,當時辣度無咁多選擇,所以結果係辣到嚇怕左今日同男朋友想食辣野,咁岩路過見到主餐牌有七折,就試下啦5pm-11pm 仲有啤酒買一送一老虎咖哩另一面門面有特色Graffiti ,白天食完出黎仲可以打卡。但呢間舖做到四月會搬,所以要把握時間呢內部設計都係以黑色為主調,開放式廚房但睇唔到廚師既製作過程空間唔算大,只有3-4張四人枱 同bar 枱5-6個座位。晚餐peak hr 相信都要等一等位。餐牌有特色,可以自由配撘 先揀汁和飯定意粉(有三款口味) 再到配菜 可以加蛋,泡菜等等。最後當然係主菜 (豬牛雞)煎或炸,選擇性好多實有一款岩你食 相比以前不同既係辣度追加,詢問店員意見一隻辣椒 以唔食辣既人黎講會好辣,形容為譚仔十小辣。跟據上次既經驗,我地保險啲無追加辣度最後叫既係咖哩飯配燒金雞另外,有丼物和烏冬。 炸豬扒相當吸引所以叫黎試試首先上燒金雞咖哩飯,飯份量十足而且係粒粒飽滿既珍珠米雞皮煎得香脆肉質嫩滑多汁試一下個汁先,微辣帶甜,我會形容為甜咖哩相信食唔到辣既朋友絕對無問題。男朋友同我一致認為再試一定要追加辣(評分:7/10)炸豬扒丼 $98 (評分:8.5/10)如果無七折,價錢略為偏貴。一試我覺得比咖哩飯更有驚喜炸豬扒鬆軟,有肉汁唔乾,炸粉剛好。滑蛋配上大量洋蔥同甜豉油,味道岩岩好。連唔係洋蔥既我都食到停唔到口,配飯一流。丼飯飯既份量比咖哩仲要多,男仔食夠哂飽肚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-14
Today was a white curry kind of day.Tiger Curry has been around for some time and this is my first time to try there shabu shabu beef white curry. This dish cannot be ordered via delivery apps and can only be eaten when dining at the restaurant. I have always wanted to see how this tasted. It is quite different with the rich and creamy sauce covering the noodles. It’s quite good and not as heavy as I would have thought. Beef was tender and the noodle was just right. Since it caught onto the sauce quite well. The noodle bowl really warmed me up. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-11-30
1️⃣) 極上吉乃村 💲1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣比較易入口既清酒🍶- 2️⃣) 老虎吼沙律 💲6️⃣8️⃣裡面有生菜🥗 蕃茄🍅 粟米🌽 烤雞肉🔥🐔 溫泉蛋♨️🥚 再加上佢地既秘製醬汁💦 呢個係每次泥都必點既🤤 雞肉又香又嫩🤤🤤 不過雞既份量好似比以前少左🤔🤔-3️⃣) 老虎咖哩汁加飯🍛 💲1️⃣5️⃣2️⃣自選配菜 : 太陽蛋🍳 炒滑蛋🥚 粟米🌽 芝士🧀自選主菜 : 招牌黑金豚🐖🐖我揀左最低嗰種🌶 不過我覺得佢地既🌶係香辣 所以就算我怕辣 但都會有種欲罷不能既感覺🤤 佢地既滑蛋的確不錯 另外炸豚肉🐖既外表非常香脆但不油👍🏻-4️⃣) 鹽燒牛脷 (4片) 不算厚切 但非常嫩👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)