Restaurant: | Tsui Wah Restaurant (Fu Tung Plaza) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here,
Restaurant: | Tsui Wah Restaurant (Fu Tung Plaza) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here:
- 面包蛋撻
- 雲吞
- 魚旦
- 冰鎮菠蘿油
- 熱奶茶
- 粉面類
今次真係有好野介紹!👇呢個「榴槤菠蘿包」超級好食!!!我食完一次之後不停介紹其他榴槤愛好者嘅朋友食呢個包 呢個面好大個架切開一半睇睇,入面嘅榴槤餡一啲都唔吝嗇,$14我覺得一啲都唔貴呀!平時食榴槤嘅 甜品都特別貴,例如榴槤糯米糍、榴槤pancake,都要成$30+啦!
- 榴槤菠蘿包
After being promptly seated and then perusing the menu, we opted for the breakfast special. This was composed of a crispy bun, scrambled eggs, some ham slices and a cup of pasta, potatoes and ribs in tomato soup. It came with a cup of tea. All for a reasonable (pefrhaps too reasonable) price of about 30 odd dollars.
The food and drink came quickly and was mostly a mess. The tea was VERY bitter - overbrewed with too much tanin. I like a strong cup of milk tea, but this was not pleasant. The bun was fine and the reformed ham (not spam - ham) was OK. The eggs were a little on the not cooked enough/slightly greasy side, but when combined with the ham in the roll, made for a not completely unpleasant mouthful.
The real problem was the soup. The pasta was alright (a little mushy maybe) and the potato and ribs were also edible. The tomato soup was tasteless and insipid. It was more like tomato coloured water. Not good - no redeming features aside from its small size, thereby shortening the displeasure.
Basically it was not Tsui Wah's greatest hour. Either we picked badly (possible) or this branch doesn't quite come up to standard. It is a shame, as their pineapple buns and Mexican buns that are sold at the take away counter are great.
與住在附近的 "奄尖K" 通電,談及新進的翠華,大家一拍即合,我先去排隊輪候,待 "奄尖K" 另一半返抵東涌便可安然入座了。 翠華上市後,一洗傳統茶餐廳多油、味重的不健康印象。翻開餐牌,在食物素材的一頁,申明採用無公害雞蛋、海鹽及橄欖油,這些元素正是大眾關注的熱話,希望翠華能真正堅守原則,愈做愈好! 翠華新穎與舒適的環境也一向是其賣點。不過東涌的分店,無論走廊與座位,或座位與座位之間也相當狹窄,除一排木板卡座和某些極少數的位置外,食客必需挺著身子坐到無靠背的圓形凳子上,相信對老人家或略胖的食客,甚為難受!
當晚我們三人被安排到一張楕圓的桌子,再加插另外兩名食客,一共五人,不單坐得不舒適,就連桌面擺放食物的空間也得互相遷就,更要一會兒閃避送來的食物,一會兒讓出空間予身邊走過的人,令我想起小時候擠迫的徙置區,有點透不過氣來。 "奄尖K" 要了凍檸茶,我則要了至愛的鹹檸雪碧。可能鹹檸太少或是雪碧太甜,覺得酸味及檸檬香未能令人滿意。 "奄尖K" 要了沙嗲牛筋腩時蔬。牛筋腩軟腍入味,雖然沙嗲味淡薄,不切合沙嗲牛筋腩的名稱,幸好腩汁汁底濃厚可取,無礙食味。時蔬採用了菜心,菜心夠新鮮,軟硬度亦恰好。整份沙嗲牛筋腩時蔬,以牛腩居多,喜嚐牛筋的朋友,在落單時不要忘記跟 侍應聲明。 我欲多進食蔬菜,所以挑選了咖喱雜菜蛋飯。晶瑩的太陽蛋與鮮黃濃厚的咖喱頗為合襯。 雜菜包括有茄子,西芹、薯仔,車厘茄,款式不算多,不過最驚喜的是用上了新鮮磨菇。咖喱汁香氣不弱,含中度的辣勁,雖然香料與層次感不及咖喱專門店,但以茶餐廳來說,已是大大超越港式咖喱的規範。 瑞士汁一向不是我的喜好,不過這碟瑞士汁牛肉炒河的牛肉,雖然黏上濃濃啡黑的瑞士汁,但入口不太甜和黏稠,加上牛肉質感不差,效果使我感覺良好。
另一方面,對於瑞士汁愚昧無知的我也曉得,瑞士汁牛肉炒河就如乾炒河的豉油一樣,汁液應與河粉混為一體,可是眼前的河粉均是白白的,似是翻熱後堆砌在碟子上,完全與瑞士汁絕緣,吃不出精髓來。連 "奄尖K" 另一半也忍不住要抗議!
翠華只有一款午市套餐供應,是不想多動腦筋的老公之最佳選擇。 除了預設的金必多素翅忌廉餐湯外,亦備有羅宋湯。
羅宋湯味道沒有濃濃的茄膏氣息,化學調味亦不明顯,味道較自然,可以接受。 主菜是夏威夷烤雞扒。雞扒烤得金黃,皮脆肉嫩、醃味濃淡適中,故效果比預期出色。 我選了蕃茄牛肉滑蛋魚湯飯。橙紅的鮮蕃茄與湯汁、金黃的滑蛋與牛肉,湊出一種鮮艷和諧的感覺。
各式食材新鮮,味道溫和,正是我欲在蕃茄牛肉滑蛋魚湯飯中尋找出一份家的感覺。湯底蕃茄味比例較重,掩蓋了原有魚湯的鮮味,縱使食味同樣自然溫和,若能在蕃茄與魚湯中取得平衡,味道會更為吸引、精彩,這點對翠華而言,也是將烹調技巧推向更上一層樓的挑戰。 留意到翠華選用的白米是身材短短,渾圓胖胖的,與日本米外形很接近,大家不妨留意一下。 要一提的是翠華新鮮熱盪的出爐麵包。門口開了一道小小的玻璃窗,能觀看到即場的麵包製作,光是新鮮也叫人垂涎。
- 烤雞扒
- 菠蘿紅豆包