All Branches (2)
Our restaurant specialises in serving delicious and authentic Tonkatsu that bursts with flavors. Our culinary team only uses high-quality ingredients and carefully selects a variety of pork from Japan and overseas. We offer a novel culinary experience here at Tsukanto. Our Tonkatsu is prepared with a perfect balance of crispy exterior, and tender, juicy meat inside. We sous vide our pork before deep-frying, making our Tonkatsu medium well, utilizing Chef Ohashi's specialised French slow-cooking technique. Our Tonkatsu has a luscious meaty flavor, and a crunchy texture as you bite in continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
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Review (47)
👇吉列里肌豬扒三文治(練梅醬)、豚肉味噌湯$138,驚喜之作,豬扒厚切又軟嫩,吉列外皮鬆脆,麵包也烤烘過,當中也夾著椰菜絲,再加上塗了酸酸甜甜的練梅醬,實在是絕妙的配搭,wow,很好吃😋👍🏼👇燒牛小排配湯蕎麥麵、豚肉味噌湯$138,一塊塊的牛小排肉雖不太嫩,但可接受的,小棠菜就老了,夾起看到顏色暗啞,蕎麥麵不錯上次光顧新都會廣場的豚勝,無論食物和服務都是滿意的,但今次到圓方店,服務和應變真令人感到不爽🙁當天是平日的下午茶時段,餐廳分了兩個區域,主區域和副區域,看到副區域有兩張四人枱,便問帶位女職員可否坐,女職員說要留給員工休息和用餐進入主餐廳,看到一張4人枱,也問女職員可否坐,此時有位男職員建議我們坐二人位明白餐廳想預留一張四人枱給4位食客,但當時絕不多人,2人枱也可以靈活合併,為何誓不給2人坐四人枱🤨由坐低至用餐完畢,都不過約50分鐘,離開時那張四人枱也沒有客的餐廳面積不大,2人枱之間都很近,沒有傾談私隱。不會再到圓方店,只會光顧葵芳店😏香港有很多餐廳都會靈活變通客人的要求,我會繼續多光顧這些餐廳或食肆,加油💪🏼! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-20
因為方便,也出於好奇,來到這個餐廳。還沒有吃飯,就看到寫好評(在大眾點評)就可以獲得免費青豆。所以就編了一個,到品嚐菜的時候,才知道餐廳為何要求餐前寫好評,因為真實的菜品實在失望。豬排又幹又柴,覺得就是廉價的豬排。鰻魚也不例外,皮厚,又烤焦,而且portion又小。免費的青豆沒有煮熟。一頓超級失望的晚餐。環境也是勉強,位置很擠。服務員還算可以。不會再去。這個餐飲集團的其他餐廳也去過,如十里湘薈,應該是創意菜,也不正宗。現在的經濟。餐廳連基本的都做不好,創意只是藉口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-11
💬圓方搵間好食同想食嘅並不容易,在溜冰場附近唔常路過嘅通道,有一間日式吉列丼飯嘅店舖「#豚勝 」於日本坐擁6間分店,在東京、靜岡、福岡等美食勝地都有店🇯🇵———————————————————————————.🥢滑蛋吉列大海老定食🍤💬見到咁大件吉列蝦,非常吸引,立即要試試。吉列大蝦啖啖肉好滿足,加入幾款醬汁,扒兩啖飯,仲有前菜同麵豉湯,係極度滿足🇭🇰.🥢吉列豬柳蕎麥麵🐽🍜💬唔喜歡食飯可以揀蕎麥麵,有冷麵汁,加點點蔥,日式芥末,仲有一隻鵪鶉蛋,配有鬆化嘅吉列豚豬,厚切更有口感🇭🇰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-28
Their afternoon tea menu is only available on weekdays.Since I recently had cheese cutlet at another restaurant, I wanted try it here for comparison and it definitely did not disappoint.There is 3 seasonings you can choose from as well.The batter was really thin yet more crispy than the previous restaurants I tried and there was definitely more cheese and meat inside. The amount of rice was also quite sufficient to be treated as a late lunch/early dinner. This afternoon tea definitely made me want to try their main ddishes in the future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-29
今天四位来用餐 由于时间太赶,吃了埋单 扫码时看到TGG会员里面有送饺子的优惠卷,一看到马上月底到期,赶紧跟店长说想使用,店长说已经埋单但是看到券明天到期,很快给我们安排上。态度很好 处理非常弹性,很赞。香港就需要这么好的服务餐飲业才能继续延续。希望有多点像这位店长的人才。顾客满意,还是最重要。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)