3-min walk from Exit B1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*last order:21:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (34)
Level4 2024-01-02
今日心血來潮想食返啲清新嘅,揀咗間素食園坊大展環保味蕾🌱。起頭先嚟個松露醬木耳毛茄炒淮山,木耳咬落有勁,味道夠哂香,好入味。跟住,腐竹銀杏百合浸菜苗,真係正啦👍!腐竹吸滿咗湯汁,但仍然保持彈牙,淋漓盡致地展現素食嘅精髓。冇得講,燒汁猴頭菇西蘭花都喺一絕。猴頭菇金黃香脆,燒汁恰到好處,唔會攝住口🤤。而家講講雪菜肉絲炒米,係冷碟?錯,佢有咁足嘅鑊氣,真係屋企點整都整唔出嚟!全場大滿足,服務態度又友善,下次再嚟要試下其他嘅美食。啱哂搵個輕鬆周末,同三五知己嚟個素食食堂大餐,心情都跟住好起嚟😊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
從聰嫂•原素年代開始一直以來都是常客,後來聰嫂搬了去將軍澳,便變成素食園坊,由於是同一班員工接手,食物質素沒有改變,員工很好,所以一直都經常去。 直到好幾個月前,發現突然漲價了,有些更是一加便加了$8,再去時覺得食物質素比以前差了些,但還算可以。今天和朋友2個人再去,服務態度非常差,人手亦不夠,非常混亂。一心想去食咕嚕肉(猴頭菇),所以便點了咕嚕肉,沙爹茄子薯仔煲和咖哩雜菜雞蛋飯。後來有一女士過來說咕嚕肉剩下不多,叫我們改吃甜酸骨,我問哪意思是不是賣完了,她說只是剩下不多,由於不是賣完,我又想食咕嚕肉,因為是猴頭菇,不是素肉,所以我便說我不想改。她答應說好,我照做給你。到後來上枱時,竟然是做了甜酸骨,於是我便再一次問那女士,為什麼答應了給我咕嚕肉,最後還是擅自作主改了。她說:「這材料比咕嚕肉貴,廚房不做我也沒有辦法。」我說:「重點是我想吃的是咕嚕肉,不是料平貴的問題。」於是她突然對著我大聲吆喝說:「你依家到底食定唔食?唔食就俾返我!」當下連旁邊的客人也立刻說,態度真差,自己的問題都不對客人說聲唔好意思,唔道歉仲大聲咆哮。如果賣完,我會願意選擇別的,但和我說剩下不多的意思是?要留給別的熟客? 來問我願不願意改別的,我不想改,你答應不改,結果擅自改了,還要對客人咆哮吆喝! 這樣的態度,實在無法接受。 加了價!食物質素下降了!服務態度奇差! 我以後真的不會再去受氣。 😡😡😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-08
一間提供精緻素食嘅餐廳。我最近去咗呢間餐廳,試咗佢哋嘅招牌菜式之一 < 蕃茄芝士素豬扒焗 >。呢道菜用素食材料整嘅,唔止可以食到好味嘅食物,仲可以唔傷害動物,真係令我好開心同滿足。呢道蕃茄芝士素豬扒焗嘅菜式好吸引人。佢用素食豬扒做主要成份,豬扒烤得金黃酥脆,入面仲保持住豬肉嘅質感,好難相信呢係全素嘅。豬扒上鋪滿新鮮成熟嘅蕃茄片,每一片蕃茄都鮮紅多汁,增加咗菜餚嘅口感同甜味。最令我驚喜嘅係,呢道菜用咗豆腐芝士做覆蓋物,芝士融化喺豬扒同蕃茄之間,賦予咗整道菜式濃郁嘅芝士風味,為素食愛好者提供咗一種全新嘅享受。除咗主要成份之外,呢道蕃茄芝士素豬扒焗仲配咗一份新鮮嘅蔬菜沙律同烤薯仔。蔬菜沙律入面嘅蔬菜好新鮮,口感爽脆,增加咗整餐嘅清新感。烤薯仔烤得外酥內軟,每一口都有滿滿嘅薯味。呢啲配菜令整道菜式更加平衡同豐富,令我覺得好滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-27
這家素食餐廳雖然常常經過 但因為我是一個很重肉的人 沒一餐一定需要吃到肉 所以從來沒想過要吃。這次因為不太餓 而且女朋友想吃所以就來試試看 雖然常常看到很多人在排隊 但沒想到這麼多人。他的香椿炒飯很好吃 很香。咕咾肉其實不仔細吃的話不會特別發現他不是肉 但是他猴頭菇本身是很好吃的 咖哩花菜也是很好吃 非常意外! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I came back enjoying a delicious dinner after a month since my first visit. 🤪 I was missing the vegetarian wok cha chaan ting flavour, and this is the first pop in mind. We ordered sautéed green beans, braised bitter melon, mixed mushrooms and glass vermicelli in XO sauce and braised baby cabbage bean curd enoki mushroom vermicelli. We requested two rice sets to pair with the dishes. First came first, today's soup was lotus red bean peanut soup. Very savoury and umami. It came boiling hot, literally need to leave there for at least 10mins before actually consuming it.Sautéed green beans was quite salty but not to the point became bitter. Good to serve with hot rice. And saltiness was what this dish famous for😂 Crunchy green beans stir fried with mixed mushrooms and fermented vegetables. Very flavourful. Bitter melon, mixed mushrooms and glass vermicelli in XO sauce was a surprise. Not as oily as last time clay pot dishes. Big thick slices of bitter melon gave a crunch and absorbed all the XO sauce. Vermicelli also coated with the XO sauce. Not as spicy as the colour was. Wish to serve more mushrooms or more variety mushrooms. Having two strong taste dishes, we requested braised baby cabbage bean curd enoki mushroom vermicelli to clean up our palate. It didn't disappoint us. This dish looked simple but satiating! Generous amount of vermicelli and tofu. Not bad.Overall, very satisfying dinner. Restaurant serves loads of options that every customers in fact spend time to read through and finding difficulty to make the decision. For sure will come back trying out more dishes! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)