7-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (56)
Level4 2023-12-01
25-11-2023 (Sat) 同老公由朝忙到黑,晏晝搬咗嘢去北角砌好後就喺附近食晚飯,我哋嚟呢間開咗好耐,但次次都冇幫趁嘅呢間.由於時間尚早未多人,我哋就坐最入面嗰張枱,睇完menu,就要:1. $88.00嘅宋嫂魚羹都幾大碗,熱騰騰,味道清淡,魚肉有少少鯹,都有啲冬菇絲,加少少醋食會好啲.而呢個份量好似舀到六個飯碗.味道:3分, 抵食:2 分3. $49.00嘅雲吞湯麵一碗有四粒雲吞,我夾起啲麵時,佢哋仍黐埋一舊,都未煮開,但佢係夠腍,雲吞大大粒,皮薄肉多,亦唔太鹹.味道:3分, 抵食:1.5 分2. $76.00嘅奶油津白由於想食菜,所以叫好耐冇食嘅呢個,奶油味好夠濃,感覺同西餐嘅忌廉冇乜分別,而津白夠嫩同清甜.味道:5分, 抵食:2.2 分4. $48.00嘅小籠包(5隻)都係熱騰騰,夾起唔會穿,味道同口感正常,同樣有爆汁,而呢喥會正宗咁俾碟薑絲客人. 上次食小籠包喺10月20日晚喺麥記美食(https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/r-%E9%BA%A5%E8%A8%98%E7%BE%8E%E9%A3%9F-%E5%8C%97%E8%A7%92-%E6%B8%AF%E5%BC%8F-r799049)食(評係2023年10月21日刊登嘅呢篇:https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/review/yeah-%E5%B0%8F%E7%B1%A0%E5%8C%85%E8%BC%83%E5%87%BA%E8%89%B2-e5085013)味道:5分, 抵食:1.5分服務:店員企定定喺喥等落單,我哋先叫兩樣,同佢講叫住先,再諗後再落,但佢都依然冇走開企喺喥,令人好大壓力,佢等齊一次過落.問佢宋嫂魚羹幾大碗?唔答亦唔形容,好似啞咁.之後老公問佢係咪好似湯麵咁大碗,佢答係.又問佢咩係木須肉,唔答,我睇日文就估到,之後佢至講肉絲.2.5分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-02
Under the typhoon signal T8, apart from cha chaan ting and fast food shops were opened, light from this local Shanghai food restaurant still on which I immediately went in to fill up my tummy.Staff welcomed warmly with big smile. Apart from soy milk was unavailable, food was all available. Restaurant was busy, such a contrast from the empty quiet street. We ordered dumplings noodle in soup and Sichuan dan dan noodle with the sides of five spice beef shrank and pickled eggplant from the afternoon tea set menu.Four big dumplings were served. Meaty with a hint of chives flavour. Stuffing was cooked just right that minced was kept its moisture. Wrapper was thin and smooth. Noodle was in a pretty big portion. Cooked perfectly. Not too soft nor tough. Nice to have some chives garnished which gave a hint of freshness. Dandan noodle was extremely flavourful. A well mix of noodle and broth was a must because the peanut butter paste was at the bottom. Broth was spiced with a heat combining with the nuttiness and crunchiness from the peanut sauce, it contained mega flavour. Noodle was different from the dumpling noodle. It was on a tougher side, still absolutely delicious. Pickled eggplant was soft and juicy. Very garlicky and well coated with sauce. Spice beef shrank was thin but on a tough side. Flavourful and beefy.Overall, it was satiating to enjoy goodnesses in a good deal under the storm. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日想落樓食個菜飯就落左呢間食係門口見到人都算多本來都諗住算咁岩有位就入去食啦點知坐低嗌左個侍應3次都唔理但就幫遲過我入去嘅客落單最後先到我落單由於星期六、日、公眾假期無午餐我就咁叫左個蝦仁炒蛋菜飯點知個呀姐呢頭落單果頭入廚房發脾氣仲要同個廚師嘈交勁大聲話廚師不嬲睇佢唔順眼出到黎黑面對客個餐黎到啲飯同菜都唔係好熱似係擺左一陣食物質素都麻麻個菜飯好乾炒蛋敢好咸總體真係唔掂食完嘢又勁快收曬啲碗碟勁似趕客走咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-05
擔擔麵, 45蚊 ,加辣但都唔辣。香濃花生味 ,好香口,麵有口感👍🏻送餐速度快,整體來講唔錯 ,好飽。塑膠餐具洗得好乾淨+衛生。好多人 ,要等位。不過唔耐。服務態度中規中矩, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-10
北角這間地道上海萊,幾十年老字號,上海老師傅,樸實無華,不賣弄花巧,簡簡單單煮出老上海的味道。回味無窮!日本雜誌也曾介紹過,店舖雖少名氣卻不少,所以不時有日本人光臨。必點招牌菜~回鍋肉菜飯$52,五花肉肥瘦相間,還有豆乾和椰菜,以自家製醬料爆炒,香、甜、辣,層次感豐滿、非常惹味,配以青椒和紅椒,簡直是色香味俱全。天氣熱,點了個冷盤~五香牛展$62,牛展鹹香,牛肉味非常香濃,風味十足。🍜雪菜肉絲湯麵~$47,煸炒過的肥肉絲炸出肉香,再加上荀絲和雪裡蕻拌勻,清香而不油膩,平日是用白麵條,老闆說是由於今天供貨延誤了,唯有黃麵頂上。有點失望,因為我人比較喜歡上海麵(白麵條),因為口感更彈牙更紮實點。上海雲吞湯麵🍜~$47,大大粒雲吞灑上蔥花,配蛋麵,味道不過不失。上海生煎鍋貼(四隻)~$46,皮比較厚實,餡料肉質還可以。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)