Exit A1, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station, Exit A2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station, Exit E2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
It mainly serves Southeast Asia cuisine. Besides, it offers Western-style dishes, vegetarian items, low-calorie dishes. It cooperates with local brand and provides healthy drinks as well. The shop is decorated with IG-able neon lighting, and is designed with modern factory stall style to create a smart and casual vibe. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
Other Info
Opens 24 Hours
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (245)
充滿驚喜嘅一間泰國餐廳,餐廳名特別,裝修又搶眼。餐廳經理仲好友善,推介好味嘅菜式比客仔😙✨泰式鮮黃咖喱海鮮多士盒 ($168)整體都好大個,除咗打卡一流,連味道都唔錯!咖哩好澎湃,滿滿一碟好似就黎瀉。味道甜甜地,好有椰奶味!麵包好軟熟,點埋一齊食好豐富。海鮮都好鮮甜😆✨圍威喂!炒金邊粉($98)金邊粉配料多,滿滿芽菜。炒嘅濕度適中,食落甜甜地,味道似足泰國,幾好味🤤✨圍威喂!香辣豬肉生菜包($88)辣豬肉係其中一樣泰菜經典。辣豬肉炒得好香,配埋蔥頭一齊辣辣地幾過癮😚✨蒜香炒通菜($78)通菜有鑊氣,炒出黎都好翠綠。配埋大量乾蒜好惹味😋✨圍威喂拼盤 (春卷.魚餅.蝦餅.單骨雞翼)($138)每款小食都試試小小就夠晒滿足!每件都炸到金黃色,魚餅蝦餅食落彈牙、雞翼入面保留肉汁、春卷多料🤘🏻✨泰奶茶雪糕配油蔥餅($58)雪糕分別係斑蘭同泰式奶茶味,兩者都好濃郁,配埋油蔥餅原來好夾!油蔥餅酥脆,係冰火交融嘅感覺。只係塊餅有少少難切🤣🥤木瓜奶奶 ($36)木瓜味好濃,嗌咗少甜比例啱啱好!質感係濃稠款,飲落好足料🤘🏻🥤炭燒黑糖珍珠鮮奶 ($36)珍珠煙煙韌韌,好有咬口。黑糖味好足,配埋鮮奶真係邪惡感大大提升🤪———————————————————————💰加一:✔️⏰限時:❌ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-02
今年最伏的一餐,唔寫食評根本係發洩唔到憤怒情緒!我點咗海南雞飯+迷你肉骨茶,雞死死實實,係冰凍的 (唔係唔夠熱),而係冰凍的!見到都唔開胃。於是問侍應,海南雞飯是冰凍的嗎佢話佢哋呢間舖係凍上的。吓?! 這是全球獨創的海南雞嗎 ?餐牌 冇講係冷盤呀!我叫佢整返熱,最神奇係一分鐘都冇就攞返出嚟畀我。我再試啲雞仍然係凍的,我都費事再同佢地講,就咁食曬啲飯就算,完全唔敢食雞。 飯也冇味而且偏硬。肉骨茶都系差,偏甜糖份太重。我朋友叫咗蟹肉炒飯。賣相嘔心很差很差很差!!呢兩款菜係餐牌中廚師推介,質數已經太差。 不能想像不是推介的食物 會係點樣嘅質素。 唔好忘記,你收我 100蚊一個餐。港人鍾意返大陸消費實在太有道理。貼上收據為證! 以上是反映真實情況,絕無虛假。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-17
 Yellow Curry Seafood Toast Box: This dish was a true masterpiece, featuring a crispy yet fluffy toasted bread box generously filled with a medley of succulent seafood, including plump shrimp, tender squid, and briny mussels, all swimming in a luscious yellow curry sauce. The curry was a perfect balance of spices, with a rich coconut undertone that left me craving more. The contrast of the crispy toast against the creamy curry was a textural delight, making it an absolute standout. Satay Chicken Skewer: The aroma of the grilled chicken marinated in a heavenly blend of turmeric, lemongrass, and other spices was irresistible. The skewers were beautifully charred and served with a side of peanut sauce that was the embodiment of nutty perfection. Each bite of the tender chicken, coated in the slightly smoky sauce, was a journey into Malaysian street food heaven. Signature King Crab Meat Fried Rice: The fried rice was expertly wok-tossed to perfection, adorned with generous chunks of sweet king crab meat. Every grain of rice was infused with the flavors of garlic, soy, and the essence of the sea. The dish was crowned with a perfectly fried egg, the yolk of which added a velvety richness to the ensemble. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-14
諗住行吓想食下午茶,見到冇乜人試吓fusion東南亞菜,點知嗌咗一碗”泰式濃湯牛三寶船河”啖湯非常之鹹牛腩河好韌、牛肉好老、牛丸冇味道、啲河粉一餅餅、最敗筆成碗粉都唔熱下午茶仲要$73真的冇下次再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-10
豬頸肉肥瘦適中煎得香脆菠蘿炒飯有驚喜菠蘿味好香濃間唔中食到菠蘿粒不過份量唔算超級多粒粒分明嘅飯+炒完味道更加突出嘅菠蘿配上香濃肉鬆好正金邊粉就唔夠鑊氣調味不足,好淡蝦唔算彈牙新鮮但肉質又未算好淋既 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)