2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 00:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
阿士厘道有唔少上樓餐廳,呢間係其中一間,仲幾有特色。舖頭比較細,大約得5張枱,午餐時段得一個侍應,所以最好唔趕時間先黎。一個午餐$78,有齊自助Salad Bar,湯,主菜同餐飲,仲要唔加一,邊度搵呀。Salad Bar有兩款薯仔,粟米紅腰豆,莎樂美腸沙律菜,麵包。幾樣都幾好味。湯有好多豆豆係裡面,好綿,超飽肚。Curry Wurst with Chip全餐最好食呢條腸,條腸好多肉汁,仲有咖啡粉係面,好香,中意重口味既人必點 ,但炸薯仔唔夠熱同脆,扣少少分。Sole Fillet with Boiled Potato估唔到個亮點係薯仔,口感好綿,好香甜。但條魚肉質太削,又煎得唔夠香脆。但$78有咁多野食,都有一定既回頭率既。
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其實我唔寫openrice我都唔知原來佢係奧地里野而唔係德國野, 我已經去左喱間野好多好多年, 基本上如果我o係TST而又想食一餐proper German meal, 咁我就會黎喱度。不過我估由於佢係樓上的關係, 唔係太顯眼, 所以大部份人去食德國野都會去tst地鋪o個幾間地方其實都幾細, 得幾張枱仔only, 如果想黎食飯都非常建議要提早打去訂枱,唔訂位就去好易會白行~ 坐就坐得舒服ge, 不過有一樣唔太好ge野就係都幾嘈下, 同埋服務我就覺得一般般, 不過喱度野食味道係好ge 鐘意食芝士ge人一定要試Raclette Cheese, 通常係將一大個巨型芝士融左上面o個層再刮落去, 由於味道都幾咸, 所以有俾埋d 薯仔同埋pickles 俾你balance 返佢的味道再黎就係食德國野必食ge Mixed Sausage Platter, 愛腸之人唔會錯過再黎就係冇理由唔食的德國咸豬手啦, 外層炸得非常之脆, 我試過介紹完朋友黎喱度之後, 佢3日唔埋兩日就會上黎自己order一個豬手做晚餐 Pork Schnitzel , 即係用香料醃左ge豬扒, 出面加左面包糠再拎去煎如果鐘意食德國野同邊食邊飲啤就一定要黎試下
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no sauerkraut with the sausages sad.ordered the corned beef hash but it took 30 minutes for them to tell is that they had run out. the erdinger was a little sour which was weird. place used to be better what happened waiting for food. it's taking forever. what happened.this is average. so disappoint
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Booked this place for Valentine's Day. Great ambience. Very nostalgic as well. Kind of like a retro diner / bar. Food was excellent, especially the pork schnitzel. I had the house red while my wife had the house wine. Both were fantastic. Serving size is ample. We ordered a salad (which was huge), a roast chicken and the schnitzel. We ended up having to pack the salad home. Would definitely wanna try their sausages next time.Excellent!
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食物勝價比低只係一般ge水平團購再平都唔會嚟重點ge 豬手乾到一個點有啲豬味個粉有罐頭ge味道Gimmick野嚟講咁ge價我不如去其他地方香港咁多選擇唔使係度食下次唔會嚟
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