3-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level1 2016-10-14
I have been here twice and each time was pleasantly surprised. I have to say that this is truly a hidden gem in TST. The chef is able to adapt to all food preferences and allergies and the food still has great flavours and consistency. Simply tell the staff about anything you can and can't eat and they'll be able to suggest what to order or adapt what you like. Up until recently it was a meatless menu but they have introduced a meat menu. It is slightly hard to find due to the lack of signage on the building but it's worth it. Allow for sufficient time to enjoy each course. Don't expect it to be a quick meal as all dishes are cooked fresh and to order. All quality products are used and it shows, with All dishes bursting with flavour. I will be back and I don't expect I will be disappointed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-09
今晚在尖沙咀 Wild Thyme 食 新派 地中海/中東 菜 , 有素有葷,口味清新~ 地中海菜講求簡單的烹調以保留食物原味為主要特色,此餐廳更進一步的連 素肉、pita bread、蘸醬 等等都是由厨師自家製作,讓食客吃出厨師的用心 ~品嚐過多款 mezze, 那些「蘸醬」都是地中海的開胃菜, 除了傳統的鷹嘴豆泥外, 廚師還調製了數款較適合現代飲食口味的 mezze ~還嚐過炭烤肉串, 餐廳在改革前是素菜餐廳, 後來加進肉類食品來迎合更多客人, 因此特別選用「符合清真條件宰殺」的肉品來烹調美食~ 葷、素美食其實還有很多, 唯有親身上樓品嚐才知道那一款會適合自己 ~當然也少不了特色甜品 ~本篇完 ~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-25
After googling this place, I thought it was a vegetarian restaurant but they serve both vegan and meat dishes.They specialize in Middle Eastern & Mediterranean dishes.Started with Tabouleh which is a appetizing mix of chopped parsley, tomatoes and bulgar wheat.Then we had six colourful dips.My favourite was the green mixed with avocado and pistachios.The pita bread that went with it was a bit too hard and dry.Then we had the Jordanian Shisbarak dumplings which were made vegetarian filled with vegetarian cheese surrounded in yoghurt.It was quite salty.Next were rices:The Arabic fried rice was tasty infused with my favourite cumin.The Mojadra had crispy lentils with a slight spicy flavour.Finished with the Shish Tawook which was a bit bland compared to the dishes that came before.For dessert, the mastic icecream was loaded with pistachio nuts with a light rose flavour but the texture was not elastic enough.The Kanafeh was interesting, it tasted like deep fried mozzarella coated in sweet crispy bits.I really enjoyed the Mezzes and fried rice but it would be good if the food came faster. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-17
最近才在無病呻吟,說香港越來越少特色地方菜。不過自問說得沒錯,很多店家供應的只是有個震撼漂亮賣相的空殼食物。要不就是Fusion,玩創意,做傳統菜的以中式港式日式韓式等大路風格為多。並非指這些餐廳有過,確實他們也可以大有發揮,單純是為著一些傳統飲食文化而說說。  沒多久,便來到了這家以地中海及中東等地菜式作主打的樓上餐廳一嚐。雖說名字為異素Wild Thyme,當然有素,但同時亦有葷。昏暗燈光,感覺像酒吧,要不就是撐枱腳,來個燭光晚餐的地方。  未開席,先飲酒,紅白酒,和友人各一。兩款均是比較清淡溫和易入口的,但沒有問到店方酒的品牌年份之類,畢竟非本日重點。  Tabooleh以意大利香芹、cracked wheat(實為Bulgur那種)、蕃茄、洋蔥及薄荷製成。略帶酸甜,頗有纖維嚼勁,薄荷味不會太重太嗆,只有輕微香氣。加入橄欖油本應是提香,可惜用量太多,結果變得油膩。  緊接其後的Mezze Dips Platter with Pita Bread則來得合意很多。回到香港個多月,老實說,想起在瑞典吃午餐時經常有的免費任食沙律麵包抹醬。其中一款,就是十分常見的鷹嘴豆泥,在這兒也有,來得幼滑帶香。說到鷹嘴豆,還有Hummos Har及Truffle Hummos兩款。前者加入了自家製紅辣椒醬,但實在不辣;後者則是充滿黑松露香氣,但有少點膩。  Baba Ghanooj用到燒茄子、綠燈籠椒、香芹及石榴,嚼感豐富,味道多變而清新。真要辣的,可嚐Wild Thyme及Jalapeno,一紅一綠。是為焗果仁碎配燒燻紅辣椒,和燒烤墨西哥青辣椒的分別,果仁夠多,可惜我不太能吃辣。配的Pita Bread內層軟綿,整體比較乾身亦方便附醬及中和味道。但不用想也知道熱呼呼的麵包才來得香口軟熟,會好吃得多啦。  Shishbarak是約旦菜式,自家製餃子包著Feta Cheese,配以香草酸乳酪醬。看上去跟意大利雲吞相像,入口亦雷同,不過中間包的是味道較濃的Feta Cheese。蘸著略帶酸的酸乳酪醬同食減低鹹味,香草及粉紅胡椒的香氣不算高調,頗能協調。  阿拉伯式的Fried Rice,內含自家製的素肉碎,還有各種各樣的焗果仁。杏仁、腰果、松子仁及葡萄乾,大大增添脆感,以及酸酸甜甜的味道。然而,食味教人想起菠蘿炒飯,香氣亦類似,味道而言沒有驚喜。  其後的Mojadra則加入了Lentil及炸蒜,本以為紅辣醬會辣,其實也只是略帶香氣。這個來得比先前的炒飯夠味,味道配搭方面也可說是比其有特色些少。  然後終於出現了第一碟,同時是最後一碟的肉--Shish Tawook。製作方法不特別,就是炭烤串燒的樣子,雞肉、紅青椒、洋蔥、薯仔及Pita Bread。雞肉有少許似Tandoori,但味道淡得多,微鹹,帶焦香,燒得未算乾韌。薯仔粒非常夠味惹味,鹹香有致亦不粉爛,單吃已經不錯。至於Pita Bread跟早前沾醬的不同,這次來得薄扁脆口,但比較油身,沾醬吃還好。  甜品時間,先來香口的Kanafeh,外層聽說是切碎的酥皮絲,甜度頗高的。要趁熱食,中間夾著軟綿的芝士,牽絲得厲害,頗富奶香煙韌感。最後才吃期待已久的Bozza,則傳統阿拉伯雪糕。自身甜度中等,加入大量的開心果碎,香脆富咬口,頓時生色不少。  難得而且有趣的特色菜體驗,其實就是有時油了些少,以及某些菜式驚喜不大。上菜速度亦非常慢,但也明白樓上舖客流不穩定,本身人手不會太多。加上我們又不是包場,還有其他食客,得要拿掐個平衝來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-16
The restaurant consists of an exciting bar with cocktails and mocktails, from there we sample some beers, red wine and white wine.The seven course meal starts with a tabooleh salad in glass, typically made with Italian parsley, cracked wheat, tomato, mint and a strong olive oil dressing.Our favourite goes to the dipping platter with several different hummus, which we like the Wild Thyme, Jalapeno and Truffle Hummos, served with toasted pita bread.Halfway through the dinner, we are pretty much discontented due to the time they take to serve between each course. The fried rice and lentil rice pretty much taste the same except the former has mixed nuts whereas the latter has a tomato hot sauce to go with.The grilled chicken skewer is rather tasteless and dry, served with crisped pita bread, roasted potato and two sauces.There are also two desserts on the menu, Kanafeh, a soft sweet cheese topped shredded pastry with pistachio; Bozza, traditional arabic ice-cream topped with pistachio.Eventually, our first Middle-East experience in Hong Kong is quite disappointing.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)