Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
有機素食 芒果豆腐芝士餅 藍莓豆腐芝士餅
Review (51)
Level6 2011-04-29
食肉獸XO仔自己一定唔會去食齋,不過Auntie早幾日就已經打電話黎約我,請我試新野,所以就答應陪佢。天下太平既室內裝修簡潔,不過枱櫈都好細張,所以對於身材健碩既我黎講就唔係好夠位,坐得唔係好舒服。友善既姐姐仔好有耐性地等我地決定食乜,重好有心機地解釋個餐牌同介紹佢地既特飲比我地聽:"有機玫瑰豆奶","黑糖薑茶","柚子蜂蜜茶"。我地兩個最後都係決定食套餐三:湯 + 主菜 + 咖啡/茶 ($88 + 10%) 西蘭花夠薑湯:薑味唔會太重,味道ok啦。好感激廚房攪磨左D西蘭花同薑,因為對唔係好食菜既XO仔黎講易入口左好多。 菠菜翠玉幾層闊麵:個樣其實幾得,不過食落就好寡好嚡,只可以講句"唔係我杯茶"。真係好辛苦先食左半碟;其餘嗰半碟要auntie幫手先清倒。 香茅番茄紅咖哩天虹野菜伴雙色珍珠飯:Auntie叫既,我冇試到,不過佢話ok。 有機玫瑰豆奶:冇糖,好清好健康,不過玫瑰味唔夠重,所以唔夠香。雖然今次唔洗我出錢,不過知道要成百蚊一個人,覺得真係幾貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-03-19
"Gourmet Monday" is an event that is much looked forward to but it seems that our plans are always foiled by the lunch hour crowd. Once again, our original choice was way too packed and Plan B was adopted. We walked into the half-empty (or should I say half-full) cafe on a busy Monday lunch hour in Wanchai, certainly very peaceful. The decor is simple, utilitarian but by no means uncomfortable. In fact, I would imagine it to be a nice place to drop by for a coffee and a quiet read when a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is needed.Why I forgot World Peace Cafe was a vegetarian restaurant I had no idea... too hungry perhaps... The gang (especially the carnivorous gang leader) was a little unsettled by the vegetarian menu but all were game for a change in diet, hey, worst comes to the worst, we could order afternoon tea - yay! More food!Ok, back to the menu which was a little complicated but nothing the friendly and patient waitress could not enlighten. Here's what we had:Appetiser / SoupAppetiser was vegetable on French bread which turned out to be pureed greens on toast with more vegetable on the side. Locust 2 said, in a slightly cautious tone, that it was not bad. After the initial shock of ingesting more vegetable than he usually consumed in a week, he was more confident in pronouncing that the appetiser was "tasty".My soup had the word "HEALTHY" written all over it in bold with flashing (green) neon light. It was thick and green and smelled wonderful. In terms of flavour, it was just the right balance of spinach, a hint of spirulina - any stronger it would be like drinking sea water, and a touch of ginger. Absolutely delicious. And tasting all the bits of green made me feel really virtuous about my diet. Locust 4 concurred.Main dishI was a little disappointed by my vegetables with "golden" rice. It was like a ratatouille with too much tomato sauce. I found it too sour for my liking. The "golden" rice turned out to be rice with sweet corn, it was alright. The pasta was surprisingly yummy as the description on the menu wasn't that enticing. The "stir-fried fusilli with choy sum" was in fact a fusilli in a pumpkin sauce and choy sum. Believe it or not, the flavours did go together harmoniously though the mushroom slices were a bit superfluous as they were extremely bland.Tea / CoffeeWe all looked forward to the tea/ coffee that was included in the set lunch. There was a wide variety and some sounded really interesting. Locust 3 and I had some energising tea which came in teabags, oh well... The Indian Chai was ok. The prettiest and most delish of all was the soy milk with rose petals. Smooth and delicately flavoured with a nice foam on top. The meal was fine, some pleasant surprises with some disappointments, but nothing drastic. We all liked the atmosphere and the friendly waitstaff. While the portions were very decent, we, as locusts, simply did not find the meal filling enough. At 3.30pm, pleas to order afternoon tea were heard in the office... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-11
是日要響灣仔食lunch, 響附近兜左輪, 見呢間個樣唔錯, 雖然個名怪D (令我想起細個玩天下太平...), 但近排食得唔健康野太多, 食個齋都好. 等位時見到牆上poster寫呢間係non-profit restaurant, 所有人都係義工, 心裏加個分. 雖然唔知係乜機構, 但佢有d kadampa buddhism 的小冊子, 應該是有關的吧! 檯同檯的距離十分窄, 隔離兩隻鬼講野我聽晒... 得3個main course揀. 唔太餓下叫左set lunch b, 即係main course + smoothie. 是日smoothie: 芒果+菠蘿+橙: 唔特別好飲, 冰打得太碎, 似果汁多過smoothie. 甜度ok.Main course: 蕃茄雜菜潮州麵: 因為個聽落個combination 好怪所以叫! 見隔離檯d份量好大, 叫時已叫少麵, 但黎到麵的份量都有兩個男人拳頭甘多... 見到都有d飽. 料幾多但味就係樓上cafe 的蕃茄雜菜意粉質素, 只係個麵特別韌, 有d粗有d幼甘. 個人寧願食意粉.服務麻麻. 可能始終係義工, 幾disorganise下, 唔知邊個負責邊張檯. 總結: Lunch 一個main course加杯野飲成百蚊算貴. 野食只係普通. 雖然係non-profit, 但睇唔到點解要返黎食. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-08-26
以前沒王管的日子,什麼也放入肚,無論有幾高膽固醇,有幾不健康,統統塞落個口.完全不知道個死字點寫.現今與女友一起,她奉行健康飲食主義,在某程度上,也感染了小弟的飲食習慣,不是完全不大魚大肉,但偶爾也要吃得清一點,平衡一下,正如吃齋不再擇日初一十五,這個周末晚上,小弟便主動帶她,來到灣仔大王東街的"天下太平".此店是素食店,位置正在The Pawn隔離,樓上更是上佛課的地方,樓底極高,很有空間感.而店員大多是義工,無私為客人服務.晚餐只得套餐供應,每人$185,有四道菜,主菜二揀一.頭盤為仿日蕎麥麵條,配胡麻汁.點為之仿日?其實是用上翠玉瓜切成幼絲,來扮作麵條,再配上蘿蔔絲,論本身味道與正牌的蕎麥麵完全兩回事,吃著這個蕎麥麵,有點兒似吃外賣刺身,底下的菜絲.非常之寡,不過點些胡麻汁,又的確像吃蕎麥麵.全是醬汁的點石成金之效.餐湯是玉米香薯味噌湯,質感濃凋,玉米的香甜,混合味噌的鹹香,兩者有平衡的作用.主菜兩個揀一個,我們選了大家不同的主菜,是夜我選了高麗五目飯(不含荵蒜),用得高麗之名字,果然賣相有點似石頭飯,當然不是放在石鍋在內,只是用碟盛上.材料還是幾款菜類如大豆芽,紅蘿蔔,西洋菜等等,再混合辣醬吃.女友說這個飯,似足她平時吃的一樣.事實上此高麗五目飯,果然夠齋,幾款菜撈埋飯吃,說到尾,都是菜飯,但此菜飯,味道比較鹹了一點.不知道是不是來自辣醬?女友的夏野菜慢煮伴香草醬意粉加自製燕麥飴餅.賣相比我的高麗飯為佳,碧綠的螺絲粉,充滿著金不換的味道,但結尾比較淡,野菜方面,有茄子,番茄,南瓜,節瓜等等.全是新鮮貨色,味道鮮甜亦充滿水份.甜品是有機脆椰片配日式雪糕,普通不過,沒有特別之處.餐茶有很多選擇,如果想喝一些特色飲品,便要加錢,我只要一杯熱薄荷茶,有提神之作用,但對我作用並不大.如果飲罷之後想買一盒回家?可在店內的小賣部購買,除此之外,此小賣部亦提供一些佛學書籍,有機小食等等.當然亦少不了公平貿易咖啡.年前在電影節上映過一齣描述埃塞俄比亞,以種植咖啡豆為生的農民,點樣被強國的大商家去欺壓的"不公平咖啡".我不喝咖啡,說不出公平與不公平咖啡味道之分別,始終現今世界存在著很多不公義的人和事,既然有能力的話,大家一盡綿力,又何妨?執筆之時,我們的地方正受到菲律賓的慘劇影響,你和我也感到悲憤,無助,為何有些人,可以為了一己私慾,用子彈去摧毀幾個本來美好的家庭?有沒有理會過後果?有沒有在乎他人的感受?為何要打仗?為何要濫殺無辜?為何要將整個民族送往集中營?老婦幼子也中槍火,但是卻不知道為何?沒有自私的心,就沒有戰爭,沒有戰爭就自然天下太平,但願如此.在慘劇中的死難者,希望在天之靈得以安息,活著的希望能夠堅強地活下去.一時感觸,收不到筆,說多了,對不起大家. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-07-07
Walked past here so many times, the exterior is grey and looks dark inside, so I always thought it was closed.I assumed it was one of those classy places that serve western sets, however it turned out to be vegetarian.The staff could speak a bit of English which was OK.I came on the wrong day, because the sets on other days are much better.Ordered two sets, one was Red curry and the other was lasagne.The red curry had that lemon grass herb in it, and there was a small portion of pearl rice to go with it.The Lasagne tasted like canned spinach, and the lasagne sheet wasnt proper, it was like thick tough filo pastry.Overall, the starter was the best, beetroot and tofu.The tables were cramped apart from the window area, and the people were very noisy making it hard to place an order.The drinks section was Ok, I got the piccadily tea, which is basically just breakfast tea.As for the pricing, is it pricer than the average pub food @$88 per set with another 10% on top. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)