2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
A stylish BBQ pork restaurant combines traditional roast pork with creative flavours. The BBQ pork would be cooked at low temperature and then grilled at high temperature. Environmentally friendly paper cups are used instead of traditional lunch boxes. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:15
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 20:15
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 20:15
Public Holiday
12:00 - 20:15
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 20:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Spicy Veg Rice, Citrus Veg Rice
Review (110)
Level4 2024-09-22
又到Lunch ,出面太熱又難揾位,都係外賣返公司食最安全,又係用Openrice 外賣自取🤣。店面紅色搶眼,Logo豬仔好型,去到即有得拎。WOW 焦蜜叉燒菜飯,$54。個包裝賣相好得意,似大紙杯裝一樣,以為份量少,實際都頗多,打開有隻燶邊太陽蛋,邊位口感香脆,蛋汁撈飯易入口又美味,切成粒粒的叉燒份量適中,蜜汁味香甜,肉質鬆化味道香口,菜飯都幾好味。有得儲印花。好飽肚的一餐。上環禧利街14號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐無幫襯行開上環就打算買個外賣返公司食,點知超級超級失望份量越來越少,飯又勁硬,叉燒又乾又燶,如果菜飯多d菜會好D, 宜家仲搞埋奇怪sauce溝 叉燒飯😅 係咪玩fusion? 我覺得成件事都唔夾😅 價錢已經唔係平,宜家玩包裝已經唔係主打,我見之前都好多人食,宜家明顯少左人排隊,仲keep唔到d品質,唱好香港都無用啦失望!不推薦!應該都唔會有下一次Disappointed⋯⋯no good no next time continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-07
蜜焦叉燒同蜜焦烤雞菜飯食過很多次,味道很好。今日是第一次食黃金烤雞菜飯,黃金即係鹹蛋黃,可能因為黃金真係好貴,所以黃金的份量極少,完全食唔出鹹蛋黃的鹹香味,因此味道同蜜焦烤雞分別不大,性價比低,都係選擇蜜焦系列更美味更抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🥡🥢🍚外賣叉燒飯專門店▫️以下為OpenRice外賣自取價呢間店只做外賣,主打港式叉燒同烤雞飯,味道都好多元化,有焦蜜、爆蒜、青咖喱、柚香、黃金、辛麻6種口味供選擇。🆗焦蜜叉燒菜飯 -$54飯可選白飯或菜飯,菜飯吾洗加錢,轉沙律就要加$5,菜飯嘅菜應該係小棠菜,大大粒撈埋落飯有咬口,感覺都健康d,但飯有d濕,可能因為醬油落晒底。盒飯用紙碗上,份量好大,完全可以當2餐食,上面有隻荷包蛋,煎得好靚,個邊脆得黎中間仲係流心,叉燒切粒上,都好多粒,唔會好肥,但焦味蜜味都唔夠濃,冇想像中甘吸引。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🔥叉燒界嘅隱世美食,今次我終於搵到機會去試啲咁受歡迎嘅焦蜜叉燒菜飯喇!一應入眼嘅係嗰層層疊起嘅招牌菜——叉燒真係做到香滑得嚟,焦香嘅味道絲毫唔輸正宗港式,脆卜卜嘅邊角,啖啖肉嘅感覺好滿足。🍚飯粒分明,搭配嘅糖心蛋流出嘅金黃蛋汁,同叉燒嘅鹹香完美融合,每一啖都食得出師傅嘅心思。蔬菜保持到爽脆,加咗點熱氣後嘅菜同肉嘅搭配,仲要係好惹味嘅辣味噱頭。辣度就算唔算太挑戰,但香味絕對係層層遞增,係我食過啲叉燒飯之中好特別嘅一次體驗。😋食嘢本來就應該開心,但呢間嘅食物真係令人喜出望外,食過之後會有種滿足感,就算飽到嗝都覺得值得。下次食飯揀咩好難搞,記得呢家叉燒飯就會搞掂你所有問題! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)