1-min walk from Exit B, Tung Chung MTR Station continue reading
It specialises in Beijing cuisine and the menu is diverse. The signature Peking duck is grilled to order that tastes crunchy and tender. Besides, the elegant theme interior design is mixed with arty style to create a comfortable dining environment. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (203)
Level4 2024-10-10
招牌孖寶招牌孖寶係一個唔可以錯過嘅美味組合。首先,有羲和的馳名烤鴨,半隻鴨就已經讓人眼前一亮。外皮金黃酥脆,咬下去時發出清脆的聲音,令人期待。肉質鮮嫩多汁,搭配上特製的甜醬和葱絲,每一口都能感受到鴨肉的香氣,實在令人陶醉。而八寶盒裡的配料,像是脆的、爆炸糖、青瓜絲、醬料等,無疑是為整體的風味增添了層次,吃起來更是有趣。🍗另外,孖寶仲有磚爐吊烤煙燻叉燒皇,這道叉燒皇真係一絕。叉燒經過精心腌製,燒烤後的焦香味彌漫係空氣之中。每片叉燒切得厚薄適中,肉質軟嫩,帶著微微的煙燻味道。咬下去時,肉汁在口中四溢,實在令人心滿意足。🍖黑松露蠔仔煎蛋再來試試黑松露蠔仔煎蛋,煎蛋的外層金黃酥脆,裡面卻依然保持著蛋的嫩滑。每一口都能感受到蠔仔的鮮美,搭配黑松露的香氣,實在讓人難以忘懷。🥚黃金蝦球最後要介紹的是黃金蝦球,蝦球外層裹著一層金黃的脆皮,炸至酥脆,每一口都能感受到蝦肉的鮮甜,裡面的蝦肉彈牙有勁,口感十足。🍤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-09
而家改咗名叫羲和雅苑東涌分店,改咗名嘅分店未有 OpenRice,只好喺度寫,會話想試嘅人可以唔使去,其他舖頭更稱心首先,服務態度非常差,漏單情況嚴重,加單嘅嘢完全 冇上到,夠膽死坐咗咁耐追咗兩次單之後先再加返,都話如 果冇落就唔使再落單,夾硬同我落返,唔知我哋呢枱,其他枱都聽到其他客話冇人跟,然後cancel咗張單其次,不得不講嘅係鴨肉,不愧係馳名難食,鴨肉非常之老, 好似咬緊橡筋咁樣,配料仲要冇得refill,同一個價 位,我相信大部份片皮鴨餐廳呢啲服務都會提供到,而且水 準更高分量更加之多最後,究竟憑乜嘢收服務費?侍應完全唔理客人嘅需求,避 而不見嘅樣,水都唔加,然後收我茶芥再加一,呢個係一次 非常失望嘅用餐體驗,一定唔會再嚟,俾錢買難受,想試嘅 人都可以唔使試,值得擁有更好, 同埋明明有現金券佢都唔俾我用, 硬係要同我坳成15分鐘, 講埋啲歪理, 明明其他同事都話用得, 個收銀係都要同客人坳, 千祈唔好買佢啲現金券, 正價食品都唔會用到P.S 懷疑其他讚嘅人全部都係手打, 第一次寫食評就奉獻咗俾呢間咁差嘅餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
XIHE Bistro offers a delightful culinary adventure, showcasing the nice of Asian flavors. The XIHE signature Peking duck is with its crisp skin and succulent meat. The crispy rice with wild rice in broth provides a comforting and textural delight. The interplay of the crisp, nutty grains and the soothing, aromatic broth creates a harmonious balance that warms the soul.In contrast, the Indian lettuce pot delivers a refreshing and vibrant experience. The crunchy greens, aromatic spices, and zesty dressing come together in a delightful symphony of flavors and textures.Attentive service complements the culinary journey, with the knowledgeable staff guiding diners through the nuances of the menu. Whether seeking familiar favorites or novel taste sensations, XIHE Bistro promises a nice experience for discerning palates. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚喺東薈城行完街之後,想食中菜,就嚟咗呢間裝修高雅嘅餐廳見佢個餐牌有好多特色嘢食,叫咗:張氏炒肉絲、濃湯水餃、羲和小肉餅、鮑魚雞粒炆飯、黑松露蠔仔煎蛋羲和小肉餅好出色,上面有支細細地嘅飲管,唧啲醋入去個肉卷入面,小肉卷食落好似鍋貼咁,濃厚嘅肉味,造型同食法以及味道都好出色至於黑松露蠔仔煎蛋,煎得好香脆可口,蠔仔份量非常之慷慨,令人食得津津有味鮑魚雞粒炆飯入面有大量嘅鮑魚同嫩滑嘅雞腿肉,而且炒飯炒得粒粒分明,夾雜着香脆嘅飯焦,令唔係經常食飯嘅我都食咗好多,欲罷不能呢間餐廳除咗裝修有特色之外,食物味道同份量都好高質,而且價錢相宜,性價比十足,值得推薦#羲和雅苑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-05
之前係到食過tea覺得唔錯,難得朋友今日出尼東涌搵我 所以我又揀左依間食dinner,好多野都好吸引,好想叫 不過依到好似要試片皮鴨我地最後叫左半隻片皮鴨,幾個餸,好飽……馳名烤鴨半隻原本以為只係普通的片皮鴨,點知有食嘅次序,先要食鴨胸皮,再食鴨胸肉,最後先鴨腿肉包皮食唔同的部位都有唔同的醬點,有藍莓醬,爆炸糖,黃芥末,好講究 味道都幾特別鴨肉唔算好肥,唔太油膩小肉卷依個我同朋友都麻麻地,佢味道唔差,一層類似酥皮的包住啲肉,肉都好香,但太膩了,好滯,同埋味道有啲濃沙律芥末蝦球依個上菜仲熱的,芥末沙律同蝦球又幾夾,比平時就咁點沙律醬豐富得多,炸粉略嫌有啲多,不過外層的脆片增加左口感炒肉絲有4個夾包包住啲肉絲,肉絲有啲濃,不過夾住包食個包吸左啲汁感覺好啲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)