6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The restaurant is specialty of Japanese A5 wagyu. It also provides some high BMS grading parts of the beef that rarely see in other restaurants. The professional meat grilled assistants will help you to grill the meat and serve your meal; you can just focus on enjoying the tasty wagyu. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE JCB
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (73)
Level2 2024-07-22
適逢朋友生日,不想自己動力,果斷選擇了中環分店會有店員幫手烤。店員會介紹每片肉的部位,烤制時間,以及推薦蘸料和吃法,十分專業和貼心。餐廳採用的都是日本最純種的黑毛和牛,肉質由此可見的誘人。每一道很好吃,只能說和牛的油脂均勻juicy,入口即溶,吃每一口都是大滿足。當中最深得我心的當然是壓軸登場的和牛海膽飯 。清甜海膽配上鮮嫩厚切菲力,無需過多的調味,就很好吃,吃完還有一種意猶未盡的感覺。適逢朋友生日餐廳也安排了生日蛋糕甜品和staff一起唱生日歌,真是讓朋友又驚又喜。不過個人有少少建議,希望餐廳能夠在套餐裏面增加多一點點蔬菜來解膩。總括而言,整頓晚餐還是非常高質量,會再encore值得推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-08
自問小妹都去過日本吾同地方食過不同和牛,今次Yakiniku Great既材料真係非常高質,佢地既A5和牛係鹿兒島黎既,未煮之前已經見到塊塊都雪花分明又有新鮮的顏色。🔆頂級食材加埋秘制配方及最perfect既烤煮時間,把每一片牛都提升到一個不能用言語表達既層次,個人認為比米芝連🌟級更值。共有3款套餐,我地點左$1180果隻,要試哂佢地好味既野食😋前菜有牛油甜薯、燒大磨菇及魚子帶子。💁🏻‍♀️當你以為佢係普通服務員招呼各位,其實每個都係廚師🤩果然係隱世高人1️⃣薄牛肉配泡沫醬油Shakushi2️⃣芝士牛肉他他3️⃣一口牛 Uwami 4️⃣牛肉配蘿蔔蓉 Daisankaru 5️⃣鏗魚高湯配半熟牛 Tougarashi6️⃣3秒牛肉 Misuji 7️⃣和牛西京燒8️⃣海膽牛扒飯Uni Briand 中間仲有個水玄餅俾大家清清味蕾,最後仲有個素冷麵。吾好睇少呢兩款食物,佢地真係起了清潔味蕾既作用👏🏻👏🏻絕對係用心巧手之作❤️以為自己好飽再食吾落,點知食完第一啖又鯨吞埋🤣🤣失禮失禮我地約8:30時段,所以可以放輕鬆去enjoy,不怕趕交枱。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-24
呢間餐廳好有格調,全黑裝修,長吧枱,每人響木質枱度有一個燒烤位。望見廚師為你請選優質食材,為你用心烹調,唔會糟蹋咗啲和牛,都算係一種享受。Shakushi廚師話將豉油加埋蛋白拌打,再將質料雪凍切粒,加埋新磨山葵,放上剛燒好嘅和牛薄片上,和牛片充滿咗雪花油脂,配埋響上面啱啱溶化嘅調味粒,成都菜入口即溶,好正。Cheteaubriand係一隻牛最中心嘅位置,最高級嘅部份,每隻牛得少少,好稀有。舊肉好厚,油脂分佈均勻。廚師將舊肉燒好後,再用錫紙焗一焗,跟手再煮埋蒜蓉牛油汁,之後再烤一次舊肉,放入醬汁裏面煮。大約煮到五成熟,將佢放入珍珠米度,再放入好多海膽,再淋上牛油蒜蓉汁。呢度牛肉海膽飯,簡直將味蕾層次提升,好食到震。素麵我素麵彈牙到你估唔到,配埋薑蓉、昆布、同蝦食,好驚喜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前已經喺YouTube見過呢間燒肉店,但因為比較貴,所以一直未有機會食🫢啱啱出左糧,為左慰勞吓中意食燒肉嘅男友,於是就你試一試呢一間燒肉omakase🤭-呢到有3款set可以嗌,我地就叫左中間價位嗰個,因為我地都麻麻地想try sides / 主食個啲🤔另外仲叫左一杯西柚梳打,不過杯梳打就略嫌太淡🫢呢個呢啲生牛肉壽司好香滑,唔洗驚會有腥味!呢到個setting係兩人一爐,有專人會幫你燒肉。個職員會一邊數拍字一邊幫你燒肉,因為啲肉好靚,所以基本上燒3秒左右就ok😋呢個漢堡肉配生菜,令成餐嘅中間可以refresh返啲~不過個人認為靚嘅牛肉,都係就咁一片片食係最好食~間場仲有個牛肉湯俾你,個湯好熱架‼️所以要快啲食左舊肉去,避免會過熟🫢個湯可以沖走啲牛肉嘅油,做到解膩嘅效果!壓軸嘅重頭戲係呢個和牛海膽飯,個chateaubriand好厚,所以要燒耐少少,然後就放落個醬汁入面烹煮多一陣,喺熱辣辣嘅和牛上面擺凍冰冰嘅海膽,令個海膽有少少溶左,個口感真係好豐富‼️👍🏻-結論:呢餐真係好滿足😋我覺得呢個價錢食呢個質素嘅和牛都好值👍🏻好適合大時大節/紀念日嚟食嘅一間餐廳👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-11
Dedicated waiter will introduce every dish in front of you every time. When the waiter grill the beef, he will count 1, 2, 3, 4 etc to ensure the cooking time. The memorable food was the first one and last one. The first one was Negitoro sushi with beef tartare and sweet shrimp which made me mouth-watering. The last one was Chateaubriand. Sweet Uni Don with garlic butter sauce was finger-licking good. The beef and vegetables were fresh and exquisite. Food pairings can enhance taste. Personally, I think the price is not cheap. Men won’t be full after eating it and neither will women, but it’s just right. All in all, the price includes the environment, service and food quality. You can give it a try. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)