Exit A2/ C, Fanling MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (54)
Opening Hours
06:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
06:30 - 23:00
07:00 - 23:00
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Review (49)
Level4 2021-08-12
熱焫焫,喺屋企嘆冷氣打邊爐好過癮🔥!屋企人鍾意日式邊爐,尤其豬骨🐷湯底夠濃郁,我就無辣🌶️不歡。咁就一於試下吉野家嘅蕃茄湯底🤗,真正[日本邊 x 本地辣]!可以自己決定加幾多本地秘製辣醬🌶️🌶️入蕃茄湯底🍅,無論一個辣定係十個辣都可以自己話事😎!我覺得佢酸酸辣辣嘅湯底,好開胃😆!我仲會留返一半辣醬直接點餸料食,惹味加倍😋!我就幾鍾意呢個配搭,外面都有蕃茄湯底,但呢度蕃茄味濃,正!邊爐定食配埋優質穀飼肥牛🐮,經特別切片,點煮都唔韌。我鍾意佢每片都滿滿牛肉香味,打邊爐真係一流。仲有年糕福袋,索晒酸辣湯汁,煙煙韌韌,刺激味蕾又好有口感😋。芝士竹輪都好有驚喜,每啖都有滿滿芝士流出。嗌埋杯抹茶紅豆特飲🥤,紅豆好甜好味道,又有口感,同抹茶好夾,焫辣時飲一啖,解辣又解熱😌!成個邊爐套餐可以 fit 晒全家唔同人嘅口味,大滿足🤤,下次一定要再嗌!辣蕃茄湯底吉邊定食 $48起咋,4:30pm後有得嗌,堂食外賣都可以😉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今朝返屋企肚仔餓當然要買個早餐🥣但係又諗唔到食咩見到附近有間吉野家就嗱嗱聲搞掂佢,發現佢而家做緊一個外賣自取嘅優惠$20 就有一個細牛肉飯,叫咗個細嘅牛肉飯同埋野菜油楊, 雖然味道冇太大驚喜但勝在夠平建議大家可以幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-05-02
Chain Japanese fast food restaurant famous for its Beef Rice Bowls.EnvironmentA typical fast food restaurant layout. Counter at the front to place your order and rows of tables and seats inside with Yoshinoya themed colours and Japanese music playing in the background.ServiceYou won't get any special service here. The person taking your order and giving you your food is very robotic. Just there to do their job really...FoodA range of rice bowls available, curries and seasonal meals depending on the time of year. I ordered a large beef with veg bowl for takeaway. It was quite disappointing. The portion size was quite small for a "large" size. The taste was okay. Beef was slightly tough but sauce was good. The veg is obviously not fresh, apparent from it's texture. Another disappointing factor was the tea, they had only given me half a cup...Overall quite disappointing. Even though it's a fast food restaurant, I expected the quality to be a little better with proper portion sizes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-03-01
第一日出左咖哩濃湯就去左試果然無令我失望啲配料都好多下 但有幾條芝士腸型既丸麻麻地 同埋佢啲肥牛真係太多脂肪肥膏🤣🤣但$70整體黎講性價比都高大家有機會可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-02
本來連鎖店真係無咩好寫,但食完覺得好抵食,加上店員又好態度,上黎開飯讚一讚佢啦,唔使一面倒話連鎖店無好野。是咁的,公司十分忙,於是一眾同事齊齊OT,返九點收九點,做足十二個鐘。又攰又餓,就拉大隊去食宵夜,本來想去xx粥店,但差不多所有粥品都沽清,就轉戰吉野家。唔講唔知而加有宵夜餐,一碗細飯加一杯汽水都係$22,好平呀,好過夜媽媽仲返去煮啦。仲有另一款多隻溫泉蛋或甜品$25,睇下你鍾唔鍾意食囉。我就揀左$22就夠嘞,海苔粟米牛飯+16oz百氏。粟米脹卜卜幾甜,紫菜香口,牛肉半肥瘦甜甜地ok啦,飯都幾多夠飽的,美中不足係啲飯落得水多左有啲爛。汽水16oz飲唔哂,天氣凍唔係好想飲汽水,下次都係要綠茶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)