(Entrance at Spring Garden Lane) 5-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
我個人喺灣仔區搵間啱心水嘅食店確實唔容易, 喺修頓附近行咗轉都唔知食咩好, 本來諗住食南記算, 點知行前前小小見到間外觀好靚嘅餐廳, 樓底好高, 心諗應該價錢幾貴, 望一望門口個餐牌, 平均百零蚊左右, 一於試一試。果然裝修靚, 座得舒服, 服務好又有禮貌, 餐具同食物都好特別, 又抵食, 有銀聯卡仲有9折, 重點佢有自家口味軟雪糕, 外賣都只係$15大大杯, 呢個價應該呢區好難搵到, 而且顏色好靚好夢幻(唔記得影相). 下次再去呢邊食飯唔洗再咁煩lu!!!
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Walking around the Wanchai area, I saw this:$15 for softserve! Who can say no to ice cream? Let alone cheaply priced ice cream??Yuan Yang Cafe is a cha chan teng that tries to be a cut above the rest by offering an innovative twist on the favorite. Haven't ever been in there, I decided to go with the ice cream.For take away only, on weekends the soft serve is $15. Otherwise, it's $32. There are two flavors available. Sugas and caramel marshmallow. Or if you want to try both flavors, they have a twist version. Which is what I chose.They had a bit of problem controlling the ice cream while it squirted out of the machine, thus why it looked like it exploded all over. Understandable as I can't ever get it to work at Mou Mou Club.Flavorwise? The taste of caramel marshmallow was super sweet and covered up all the other flavors. I have no idea what Sugas flavor they chose but it was just lightly sweet. The texture of the ice cream, however, tasted like licking plastic. It was more gummy than usual. Not smooth and creamy. Just smooth and plasticy. Is that the Sugas part of the ice cream? The taste of plastic candy? I don't know. It was definitely not appealing.Not good at all. I'm glad I paid $15 otherwise for $32, definitely overpriced for plastic tasting ice cream. Won't be back for the soft serve.
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Lunch set $108鴛鴦口味⋯無論餐廳裝潢或食物都係混合風格,所以蘋果乾我就揀咗果個人感覺最混合嘅秘製非洲雞🐔配蕃茄🍅莞茜湯米粉,再豪比佢加$10要隻太陽蛋🍳!·一大碗米粉🍜,一個餐黎講我就覺得大碗;太陽蛋🍳就煎得靚靚咁放係米粉上面,其實個樣靚啲,唔多唔少睇得開心食又會開心啲嘅;蘋果乾我好鍾意食蕃茄🍅,自己煮麵食都會落🍅,依個習慣都影響咗身邊唔少朋友仔,而依個湯底對於啲蕃茄初哥黎講就好合適,淡淡嘅蕃茄味帶點微酸,我就食唔到茄膏味啦,湯底感覺都幾清爽;反而該有嘅莞茜味就唔太食到,否則,會感覺更清爽🍃。如果你想重口味啲,一於好似我咁吉穿個太陽蛋🍳,蛋汁配麵食,依個永遠百搭好味嘅食法,你唔係未試過呀?·秘製非洲雞🐔,雞肉口感幼嫩又大塊🙈,雖然係set lunch 但一啲都唔馬虎,醬汁有啲啲啲似腐乳嘅質感,但放心唔係腐乳味😂。我就無問師傅咩係秘製,但食落醬汁就係較「杰」有啲甜但又有啲啲鹹,為一塊幼嫩嘅雞肉生色不少;你真係要我講,我諗最貼切嘅係玫瑰腐乳同南乳醬嘅混合 🙊🙈(原諒蘋果乾我食野食得少)
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