4-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (15)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (36)
雲桂香午餐時間好鬼死多人所以都排咗一陣隊先有得入座😅四個人一齊去 不過冇得一齊坐因為太多人了😂😂😂😂😂😂😂碗米線就正正常常啦 不過好似咸咗少少😂😂啲豬頸肉都幾香同埋口感唔錯 米線口感都OK 唔會過淋過硬嘢飲就叫咗豆漿😄😄不過覺得啲豆漿唔夠順滑😅😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-05
話說之前見到巴打出post 講米線,今日咁橋啱時間出嚟食個tea,所以去左厚福街呢間雲桂香食late lunch點知未食就已經嬲左4點入去餐廳都無乜人,每檯都係單丁客有2餐4人檯,一張就一個男人坐,一張就一個女仔坐。咁我就想同個女仔坐啦,點知個阿姐話唔得!要我同個男人坐我明,因為個女仔就快食完,所以個阿姐想free 返張4人檯出嚟嘛,但我都直接問佢「點解我唔坐得呢度?」個阿姐繼續唔理我自己行去印QR code如果唔係有巴打加持話好食,平時嘅我已經擰轉頭走左,做乜食餐飯都要受氣我叫左紅薯粉酸辣粉加冬菇同滷大腸佢啲餸要$9個,但個份量無$9咁多囉!冬菇細粒得嚟又唔去椗,滷大腸唔係厚身嗰款切得好薄薯粉就粗嗰款,但量都係唔多,湯底又水葱花唔多粒又無芫荽雖然巴打話好食嘅係米線,但我唔expect d餸咁差喎叫埋杯凍檸茶埋單$56,貴到啊早知去返大家樂食tea好啦講返阿姐唔俾我坐嗰張4人檯,最後都係入左2個單丁客,咁點解阿姐唔俾得我坐先!!!4點呢個鐘數可以有幾多客啊最後埋單淨係收BOC pay alipay cash 同微信支付,八達通都無就知唔係做本地人生意啦Ok 無下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-17
呢間分店我成日去幫襯,係品嚐地道米線嘅好去處👍推薦必食1️⃣螺旋藻腩肉麻酸辣小窩米線:螺旋藻非常有口感,配上醃製咗腩肉。食完一啖忍唔住要食第二啖😋2️⃣雞絲蘿蔔麻酸辣小窩米線:雞絲同蘿蔔都係我經常叫嘅搭配,超級好食又吸收晒湯底嘅味🍜🩷個人化調味:可自行調節酸度和辣度,完全滿足個人口味偏好。亦都好啱重口味嘅我👌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-11
#雲桂香there are so many 雲x noodle in hk. they are have similar origin 雲南 a china Provence. hk ppl love that unique style of rice noodle, meat broth, with mince meat, viggie, sour viggie, and little spicy. a soup the look little orange and looks slaggy would be a good bowl of noodle. rice noodle must be optimum cook. long entire length with chewy texture and must not be overcooked that will make it soggy and i dont really like it. topping jyst like cart noodles. meat, chiken. dumplings would be best. i sometime will choose viggie to make it more healthy.very standard food. high quality, will come back.#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #深圳美食 #hkfoodpoet #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-24
今天途徑這附近工作,還好吃得早,不用排隊!雲桂香米線很多本地人都知道的米線店點了酸辣小辣小鍋米線+3個菜👍👍滿滿一大碗,料很多,超級飽這家餐廳的米線Q彈有勁,湯頭濃郁鮮美首先,米線本身的質地非常好,不會過于軟爛,而是有適中的韌性,吃起來有嚼勁。湯底也用心熬制,湯汁濃郁醇厚,帶有一些微微的香氣。腩肉🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟軟嫰入味,油脂適中蘿蔔🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟很清甜,入味,推薦👍魚肉春卷🌟🌟🌟先炸,外脆內彈牙整體來說,這家的米線在口感、湯頭、配料等方面都表現良好,價比也較為合理,人均消費在50-80元左右。對於喜歡正宗川味米線的食客來說,「雲貴香」的米線絕對是一個很不錯的選擇。我個人非常推薦大家去品嘗一下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)