Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
3428 2508
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level4 2017-04-12
四月生日月,同往年一樣,兩口子過。簡單買左個蛋糕,吹下蠟燭仔。去到美麗華,記得有間cake shop,平時都有經過,鬥外又有啲位供客人即場食用件裝蛋糕。當日記得時間都唔早,可能人地都就關門,所以有部分蛋糕都收起左。見到得三款,定價$300左右,但我唔係太鐘意呢幾個款式。店員可能見我地考慮緊,都好主動介紹,原來仲有幾款放左入雪櫃,略略聽過之後,唔想煩,所以揀左其中一款。佢話係佢地嘅招牌~Zoë Cake $300 (榛子忌廉)蛋糕係店家招牌,三角簡單造型,細細個,適合兩至三人食用。榛子味道唔會太甜,食落都唔會好膩。忌廉薄薄一層,較輕盈,但就唔算話好滑溜。中間夾雜海綿蛋糕,軟腍綿密,有少少濕潤,配合朱古力薄脆餅底一齊食,亦都唔係話好脆,但起碼比起齋食cream好啲。作為招牌,略嫌有少少普通,呢個價錢都應該唔會回頭。好在店員態度好好,俾埋生日牌我地,資料都好詳細,好熟悉佢地嘅產品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-03-12
預早幾日喺銅鑼灣訂zoe cake 9件切餅,噚日四點幾喺尖沙咀拎返屋企切蛋糕,餅底脆脆淋哂,有啲失望。一直都是zoe cake fans, 其實上月4號親戚生日時已買了zoe 蛋糕細磅裝慶祝生日,上月嗰個喺好味道,所以今次再買zoe cake 作為阿囡既生日蛋糕,點知今次每件切餅脆脆餅底淋哂,阿囡有啲失望,好彩面頭mosses都仲係好味,感覺有d遺憾,下次都唔知買唔買好。本身四十幾蚊一件切餅都算貴,仲要唔係整個好味,希望zoe 留意下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-17
A while back, I visited three stores in the hopes of finding THE cake for my mother's 60th birthday. I was set for the last store, but in the end came back with my father to the first one, Zoë. The Zoë Cake with hazelnut cream and crunchy chocolate base seemed to suit everyone's taste best. With a big dinner ahead, a moderate size such as the square 10" ($1,300) would be more than enough for 16. The only addition we asked for was the golden "壽" (longevity - $80) character. As for the rest of the design, it was entirely up to the pastry chef — a bit of suspense for us then.Surprise, surprise! The cake was a success. Everyone was talking about it. It not only looked delicious, it tasted just as good. The most impressive part of the Zoë Cake was how the cake, only about 8cm tall, had at least seven layers to it. Every bite was a mixture of sweet, crunchy, creamy, tasty and soft textures — each so distinctive. I have to say: What a wonderful cake!    continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-06
一直在「蘇施黃」的社交網絡個人專頁看到她拿着曲奇拍照,原來這個曲奇就在這一間店舖擺賣。七彩曲奇,紅橙黃綠青藍紫。七色彩虹,誰人有真正見過呢?開心果、咖喱、紫菜、辣椒、羅勒,雖然說明書上面寫着七種不同的味道,但吃來卻又吃不到曲奇有什麼特別的味道。口感而言,曲奇的脆度實在是不錯,脆而沒林掉。但閉起眼睛,這曲奇卻與其他曲奇沒太大分別。包裝非常精美,以小鐵盒乘着兩小格,中間也有小格隔開,令曲奇不會因開了太久而很快回氣,繼而林晒。店員一副細膩的目光,看看你的衣着打扮,經已好像非常不願意回答你的問題。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-05
大人飯局先在鼎泰豐吃了前菜滿足鹹胃,餐牌裡的甜點未夠吸引,還打算到同場吃個黑與白吃雪糕作為主菜,當大家也沒異議之時,易放Hon說先要到ZOE用禮券換馬卡龍。柴娃娃笑笑說說的到達全開放式的ZOE,第一眼當然是這個有著多款精美蛋糕的餅櫃!只是心有所屬也沒有太認真去看。 誰知突然有一個插了洋燭小蛋糕出現面前,原來親愛們送我一個驚喜!完全平面的蛋糕上的櫻花圖案很是特別,相信採用移印技術吧,藍色底白色花蛋糕外圍還有一圈令其更添華麗的金邊,好漂亮!看似硬實不能吃的表面,其實是切下有點軟的牛奶朱古力,軟軟甜甜的朱古力成為主題味道;蛋糕包含榛子這款堅果味道,只是在濃香朱古力中表現不來,反而在蛋糕邊的榛子味忌廉才最突出,蛋糕口感柔軟細滑而甜度又不太高,十分好吃!壽星專用的白朱古力生日牌上的字體漂亮極了,還加上心心及小花朵,單單朱古力牌的字體設計已讓我出現心心眼! 朱古力牌口感很脆,白朱古力味道一向較淡,相信另一邊像火漆印的朱古力牌會更濃味。在此再次謝謝各位的心意和安排,你們的驚喜行動真的成功了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)