6-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station; 5 Mins Walk from Causeway Bay Exit F continue reading
The Hwaduk is a Korean restaurant that specializes in serving roasted chicken made without too much oil. Apart from chicken, they also have fried squid, gorgonzola pizza and Korean rice cake. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (515)
Level4 2018-12-27
Chicken Dinner Again 🎉🎊今次想食吓烤雞就搵到The Hwaduk ,佢哋係用火山岩焗爐,雖然唔知係乜🤔但應該係食得過既😉根據之前經驗,韓式都比較大份,我哋兩個人都係嗌兩樣嘢食就算😏😆叫咗個招牌烤雞🍗同香辣海鮮烏冬🥘兩樣都好食到我哋一路食都一路點頭啲烤雞有三款醬料俾埋你,唔會食到厭哂👍🏻啲烏冬鮮味有,而且辣度啱哂我哋食(我哋都食唔得辣🤭)呢兩樣都夠我地食到好飽肚P.s 呢間餐廳好似係韓國人開,唔知佢哋係咪一家人黎呢?🤔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-12-06
Korean food had been on the rise. When I was younger, most people went for Korean BBQ, some of them would pick the traditional Korean food (those very nutritious ginseng chicken soup, ox tail soup, kimchi seafood tofu soup etc.). Following the popularisation of young novel Korean soap dramas where the leading characters all went for fried chicken and beer, more people crave for fried chicken as well.So here we were, to try their fried chicken!To our surprise, there were salad, pizza and some traditional options other than the chicken. What's more is that the chicken is not fried! Instead, it was baked! Much more healthier! But was it as good and crispy as the fried ones? Let's see.SaladLoved their cheese and black vinegar. Just a fresh opening of our chicken date.Original Baked chickenThis was their house original option, (there were so much more options such as bbq, spicy, sichuen, honey, etc.)The skin was baked to perfection, the meat was not as juicy and tender as I thought though. A bit dry and the meat was not super savouring.Overall speaking, the skin was nice, the meat needed more seasonings and baked for a little shorter time.PS the picked radish was wonderful with the chicken, the waitress just gave us free refill! Service was nice!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-05
呢晚同老公睇完戲,煩惱緊食乜好嘅時候,行過一座好似商業大廈嘅地方,睇睇個水牌,好多餐廳,就上網睇下邊間好食啦~ 然後就見到呢間食韓式烤雞嘅餐廳,感覺上無炸雞咁熱氣,於是就決定試下。餐廳環境都算大,座位都唔會好迫,同隔離檯又唔會好近,有返少少私穩。由於在懷孕初期,啤酒就無我份架啦!點左杯無酒精嘅Sangria 過下口癮我同老公分別點左 Red Sangria 同 Pink Sangria Red就帶多點藍莓味,有啲似利賓納Pink就帶點西柚味,有點甘甘地嘅果皮香氣呢個香蒜蔬菜烤雞真係好正!又惹味!佢啲蒜仲要勁多,勁香!如果之後要同情人錫錫就要帶定漱口水啦!再黎我地叫多左個Pizza呢個叫做雜錦種子薄餅呢個薄餅嘅特別之處就係佢相對健康,因為Pizza上的材料都是不同種類的種子,配芝士焗餅邊烘得脆脆的,而且薄薄一片。如果怕太乾,旁邊還有橄欖油,可以滴少少去中和一下。如果大伙兒share, 想試多啲唔同嘅野食,其實店內仲有幾款拼盤俾大家揀架喎之不過我地當晚都唔算太餓所以就無點拼盤啦!當晚的食物,份量都叫做大大份,好足料所以我地都覺得呢個價錢幾合理如果想食到韓味雞,唔一定要炸嘅!烤雞都可以好好味架 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-11-06
同朋友行完書展,行完七點半鐘,之前知道利園附近開平道Cubus新開有d高質餐廳。我地兩個人想食韓國野,於是就試下21樓既The Hwaduk食韓國炸雞。上到去,餐廳裝潢不錯,好有氣氛,高層可以俯瞰銅鑼灣景色,晚上好適合同朋友king計聚舊,唔會太嘈。睇返餐牌,佢以烤雞同烤pizza為主,價錢尼講同平時質素有返咁上下既餐廳差不多。我地叫左個無酒藍莓梅桑格利亞味道有d似利賓立。水果蜜桃熱茶,蜜桃味很淡,入口甘甜。前菜有醃嘅白蘿蔔,酸甜酸甜好開胃! 主菜叫左個烤雞配年糕同海鮮湯烏冬。 烤出尼既雞肉好嫩好滑,亦都保持到佢既肉汁鎖住係裏面,味道唔錯,因為保持到肉質咁鮮嫩。全程可以戴住手套,唔洗整污糟手指。海鮮湯烏冬材料新鮮有青口大蝦。份量剛剛好,不會太飽,仲有,餐廳嘅侍應係韓國人,不過非常有禮貌。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-10-23
這間餐廳很有驚喜。位置在銅鑼灣的一棟商業大廈,感覺不太容易找的。老闆是韓國人,能說流利的英語,所以點菜沒有難度。食物的份量不少,一盤豬手足夠4個人呢了。點了一份炸雞拼年糕,年糕都有炸過。上面的醬汁甜甜辣辣,很開胃。飲品都很大杯,我點了荔枝Soju。酒味不太濃,荔枝味很突出。如果想要多點soju的話,可以加錢點double。4個菜,2杯飲品。CP值很高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)