3-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The British retro bookstore theme and big glass windows design create an IG-able environment. It mainly serves Thai dishes fusion with Western and Japanese elements to bring you a new dining experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (297)
Level4 2024-10-17
Revisiting after a while without making any reservation, thankfully without a queue we managed to get a seat.Restaurant was well designed with old book store setting and upcoming Halloween decorations. Menu was creative with a story book themed. Chapters were grouping in food options. Today's soup was onion soup. It was served in decent portion with a slice of garlic toast. Melted cheese and parsley topped. It was weird that it was steamy hot but when consuming, it was warm. Soup was sweet and savoury. Loaded with incredibly soft caramelised onions. Soaking the garlic toast with the soup, it was indulgent. Not bad.Salted egg corn definitely gave a wow factor. Stir frying the salted egg with the corn, it was serving in bright golden yellow. It was a bit messy today because all I could think of was eating by hands. It couldnt fork or cut in pieces because of the hard corn cob. Anyway, it was definitely drooling to eat. It could never go wrong with the salted egg. Seaweed pork cartilage wrap was a surprise. Eating from freshly made, seaweed was crispy. Hint of fishiness paired so well with the juicy pork cartilage. I have never thought of the combination between pork cartilage and seaweed and they worked perfectly. Fries with skin and a side salad were served on a side.Thai style minced stir fry with pork neck pizza took awhile to be served. Pork neck was flavourful and tender. Little bit on a grease side. Minced was savoury and spicy, its spiciness balanced out by cheese. Whole dish was indulgent with a Thai twist. Not bad. We rounded things up with their pistachio burnt basque cheesecake. It was in perfect portion to sharing between two. It was baked to perfection. Centre was jiggly and creamy. Edge just set with a hint of smoky flavour. Cheesecake gave a hint of pistachio flavour. Nice to have a touch but not strong. Not artificial at all. Not bad.Overall, it was a decent dining experience with quite a comfortable environment. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
銅鑼灣呢間走英倫復古書店主題嘅泰西Fusion餐廳📚 ,由裝修、擺設去到Menu餐具都趣怪玩味;最近仲加入咗Halloween元素🎃,有種好似去咗霍格華茲魔藥房嘅感覺🔮💫。今次專程係想試吓佢哋嘅開心果咖啡!💚 開心果奶蓋咖啡 $56隻杯有誠意喎!好別緻,幾有英倫High Tea感。上層係厚厚嘅開心果奶蓋,味道極濃郁又好綿滑✨。建議先用細匙羹試真啲個奶蓋👅,然後再一啖飲埋個奶蓋同咖啡就最滋味。冇令我失望,成杯嘢都好正,開心果控一定要試🙆🏻‍♀️!🍰 Tiramisu 巴斯克芝士蛋糕 $78呢度嘅甜品都係好出名,巴斯克蛋糕都有3個口味揀。最受歡迎就係呢個Tiramisu口味,賣相好吸引😍,啲Cream有咖啡粉中和咗唔算太甜👌🏻,蛋糕都整得好軟綿濕潤,整體都幾好味🩷!🍝 明太子蟹肉野菌意大利麵 $138好多餐廳都有呢味意粉,我都係風雨不改鍾意食佢💁🏻‍♀️,係好穩陣嘅選擇,唔會伏得去邊。呢個我都好大推,明太子醬好掛麵又唔會太鹹,價錢唔算太貴,好味💁🏻‍♀️!🍛 烤大蝦海鮮椰香喇沙飯 $148講到泰國Fusion菜,當然要有喇沙。入面有大大隻隻新鮮海蝦🍤、兩隻青口仲有魷魚🦑,份量唔惹少。味道就辣辣哋,都幾有後勁🥵,食得辣嘅朋友應該會鍾意。Iced Latte $46 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
搞鬼畫板甜品| $78free flow starter,星期一至日勁抵優惠!最近見到呢間餐廳有勁搞鬼畫板甜品,可以係上面畫畫先食,即刻book位食!❣️估唔到餐廳都做緊好多優惠,基本上星期一到日都有❣️每日8pm後仲有$128/位free flow cocktail,$78 /位任食雞翼薯條等starter!(2個人點3款小食已經回本!)🎨這件蛋糕是我的畫板$98- 每日限量供應!真係成個畫板咁上,可以先畫畫再食,仲有藍莓、玫瑰做deco。- 蛋糕係yogurt moose cake 加脆脆底,甜度適中🍕黃咖哩軟殼蟹比薩 - 軟殼蟹大大隻好多膏,啖啖滋味。薄脆餅底配上厚厚咖喱,味道幾好!🐔避風塘雞翼配薯條$68 ($78/位就可以任食!仲有八爪魚、牛油果脆脆波)- 薯條有薯皮有誠意,雞翼外皮辣得來惹味,正!✨豬軟骨京蔥脆脆卷配薯條及沙律菜$138- 紫菜+wrap卷, 層次豐富,入面大大舊舊豬軟骨難得嘅係都真係有軟骨!個畫板真係好特別,已經bookmark再去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
- 銅鑼灣|The Old Book Store -▪️啤酒炸魚全日早餐除咗有炸魚🐟,仲有煙肉🥓、薯餅🥔、大啡菇🍄‍🟫、蕃茄🍅、炒蛋🥚等,好豐富▪️咸蛋黃香茅雞翼🐔雞翼裹滿咸蛋黃醬,咸蛋黃味道濃郁,仲保留咗啲咸蛋黃粒粒,夠晒惹味▪️鵪鶉蛋肉鬆比蕯🍕Pizza邊邊好脆,配上鵪鶉蛋、滿滿嘅肉鬆同芝士🧀,食落鹹鹹甜甜,好新穎嘅配搭▪️日式豬軟骨配失傳已久自家製豬油炒飯🐷大大件豬軟骨,煮得非常軟腍又入味,而豬油炒飯都唔會話好油膩嘅感覺▪️提拉米蘇奶蓋巴斯克芝士蛋糕🧀🍰巴斯克芝士蛋糕質地軟滑,中間仲要係流心狀態,而且芝士味道香濃▪️這件蛋糕是我的畫板🎨🍰有得玩又有得食🙆🏻‍♀️ 有一件全白色嘅蛋糕,同埋幾隻顏色嘅cream、糖珠、食用花🌸,可以用嚟喺白色蛋糕面畫畫✍🏻同裝飾。而切開入面係士多啤梨乳酪蛋糕,酸酸甜甜,好清新▪️士多啤梨玄米奶昔🍓🥛士多啤梨奶昔,飲落順滑,而上面嘅玄米茶奶蓋就好清香,兩樣嘢配埋一齊又幾夾▪️白痴戀人☕️面頭有粒棉花糖,仲有唔少朱古力醬🍫,好邪惡😈,但入口唔算太甜The Old Book Store by The So Lonely Club📍銅鑼灣謝斐道535號Tower 535地下1號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-18
二訪呢間英倫文藝復古風書店cafe✨試過佢地嘅Fusion菜 今次就試下打卡Tea Set🫖.📌Not So Lonely High Tea Set寂寞書店貴婦下午茶 $268賣相精緻 食物款式多元化 人均$150唔洗 銅鑼灣嚟講 CP值超高‼️.1️⃣開心果蕨餅法式海綿小蛋糕: Bouchee好Q軟 忌廉軟滑輕盈 內餡原來冇蕨餅 而係開心果醬 夾埋食存在感偏低 較重蛋奶香🧁.2️⃣咸蛋黃曲奇: 曲奇香脆chewy 混入粒粒咸蛋黃碎 甜中帶鹹香🥚🍪.3️⃣伯爵茶菠蘿費南雪: 口感濕潤鬆軟 唔重牛油感 但偏甜左啲🤏🏻伯爵茶香唔太出☕️比夾心菠蘿醬甜味蓋過🍍頂層忌廉好香滑 奶味濃郁🥛.4️⃣開心果英式鬆餅: 冇乜開心果味 但口感出色🌟暖笠笠 外脆內鬆 濕潤度剛好 唔漿口/乾身👅另配嘅開心果醬稠杰綿滑 果仁香超濃郁 一齊食 超正💚.5️⃣自家製抹茶雪糕: 口感軟滑 抹茶回甘味濃醇 自家製嚟講好高質🍵🍦.6️⃣季節濃茶焦糖布丁: 入口泰茶味超濃回甘香🧋布甸動L動L 超軟綿滑溜 應該加左煉奶 好香甜🍮不過焦糖醬做多左👀.7️⃣粟米墨魚餅: 扎實Q彈 粟米粒香甜 但份量多啲就更好 點啲泰式酸辣醬好夾🦑🌽.8️⃣牛油果煙三文魚脆脆波: 外殼薄脆 釀滿蕃茄+煙三文魚+牛油果+泰式醬汁 酸酸地 配搭清爽開胃🍅🍣🥑.📌Squid Ink Pasta with Salted Egg Yolk Prawn $148墨汁意粉好爽彈 微微鹹鮮🖤咸蛋黃醬鹹香十足 有別於平時忌廉嘅creamy 沙沙地 掛滿每條意粉 正🧡燒虎蝦好吸睛 大隻爽甜🦐配料仲有彈牙魷魚, 野菌同洋蔥粒 口感相當豐富🦑🍄‍🟫🧅整體又唔算太油膩/重口味 幾好食🤤.1️⃣Honey Black Tea: 跟餐飲品 蜂蜜清甜 紅茶微甘🍯☕️2️⃣Pistachio Cheese Topped Coffee +$36(跟餐減-$20): 芝士奶蓋厚身軟滑 鹹香同濃郁開心果味完美平衡🧀💚配搭甘醇牛奶咖啡同香甜煉奶 甜度略高 但味道層次好豐富☕️幾好飲 推介💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)