6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
室內設計以時尚和風設計為概念,佔地2,100平方呎,更有戶外花園。資深日籍廚藝團隊每日製作人氣雞湯拉麵,並提供近60款的居酒屋美食及爐端燒料理。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Wed - Fri
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
*last order: 16:00; 22:15 (Mon to Tue); 16:00; 23:15 (Wed to Fri); 17:00 ; 23:15 (Sat); 17:00 ; 21:15 (Sun)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (251)
Level4 2024-07-02
It’s great to have sashimi dons together with authentic ramens. The restaurant is right by 石板街, with both indoor and outdoor seatings available. During lunchtime of up to 34 degrees Celsius, of course we went for indoors, while there’s one table of people sitting outside. They kept a fan with water spray on, just like those in Disneyland.The restaurant was full of people during lunchtime. People don’t mind walking up all the way to near Hollywood Road. The food must be good. I chose the tuna don with yuzu ramen and it also came with tofu as appetizer. The texture of the tuna was very fine and the tofu was nice. The yuzu ramen turned out to be having a few strips of yuzu skin on top, with lots of raw onions, a chicken meatball and a small corn. The soup does not have any yuzu flavour. It’s a regular salt base. The noodles were special.My friends’ spicy salmon & tuna don, which came with avocado was nice, and so was the salt & clams ramen. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-16
上次同朋友約去中環嘅Nojo食拉麵,真係好enjoy呢次經歷!我點了鴨胸肉鹽拉麵,朋友就揀咗雞髀醬油拉麵。第一眼見到,兩碗面都擺得好靚,賣相真係好吸引,都忍唔住要影落黎check吓。我嘅鴨胸肉鹽拉麵,面底質感好順滑,唔會太硬身,反而帶點兒蛋麵嘅手感。不過一個驚喜就係面上仲有好濃郁嘅香味,做得好啱,令人口水直流。鴨胸肉好嫩滑,又唔會乾身,配襯住鹽味剛剛好,好飽肚。朋友點嘅雞髀醬油拉麵,個醬汁濃郁咁加埋肉嫩嘅雞髀,真係好襯。佢話份量好足夠,味道都好好,唔會太鹹。我哋仲叫咗幾杯啤酒,食飽飲足之後,慢慢聊天吹水,真係好放鬆。總括嚟講,呢間Nojo真係一個好去處,不論係食定係飲都好到屈,絕對值得推介俾其他朋友!我哋以後會再嚟! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Nojo價錢: $68/ $148/ $128/ $98服務🍴: 3.3/5環境🗾: 3.7/5性價比🥢: 4/5回頭率😚: 3.7/5-Nojo最出名佢地的雞腿醬油拉麪,開左咁耐都爲去試過。今次約埋d朋友用openrice book枱,weekend夜晚都有8折優惠😱每人食小小加cocktail,人均只需要$200到。但除左拉麪,d dish都比較適合少人share。-✅Kurosatsuma chicken skewers. 一串有3粒雞肉加其他的配菜。雞肉烤得塊皮夠脆,肉質好嫩,同埋係比一般的雞肉有雞味,用日本薩摩雞係唔同d! 其他有d番茄仔、椒、菇同瓜,全部都唔會好乾🤓-✅✅Japanese Wagyu Tartar. 呢個他他又唔同西餐的他他,呢到無任何creamy的調味,只係酸酸地加香草的味道,同埋因為好多紫洋蔥粒,味道有小小辛辣感,惹味得來仲食到牛味。牛肉切細粒,無筋,係有d脂肪的水,所以質地幾軟熟🥰呢個好味!-🆗Scared Bonito (Kagoshima Ibusuki) w/ White Ponzu. 呢個一定一定要點汁食,如果唔係會超級腥!鰹魚就好似呑拿魚赤身咁,外皮輕輕烤過,入面仲係生的,肉質結實。沾啲醋食可以僻醒😂 同埋後面有啲沙律菜都幾好。-✅✅Chilled sesame dandan ramen special. 呢個估唔到幾好食!!😋 用黃色冷麵個d去做,質地好彈牙煙韌🤩調味係芝麻醬+辣椒油+醬油jelly,食落最出係擔擔麵的麻醬味,微微的辣。面頭有d辣肉碎、木魚,再加車厘茄,味道有層次,感覺涼爽,好啱夏天同想清新啲的感覺的時候食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👧🏻😋👅🍽✨大館旁居酒屋拉麵特色chill之選🫰🏻-🇯🇵 NOJO係H Code地下有露天平台位置好chill, 配合$198兩小時free flow house drinks (包括beer / wine / spirits / sake / highballs等等), 難怪一杯杯生啤係咁拎出去😎🇯🇵 除左主餐牌, 仲有weekly special拉麵, 平日有2/4人combo lunch set, 人均百幾蚊有拉麵+前菜+飲品, 都係附近唔錯既chill選擇-🥗 Sashimi Salad with Wasabi Dressing 刺身沙律配芥末醬汁 $108💯大大兜無論刺身同沙律菜份量都好多, 角切三文魚, 帶子, 吞拿魚, 蝦加左柚子醋汁好清新, 沙律菜爽脆新鮮好開胃-🐥 Overnight Sake Lees Marinated Fried Chicken 清酒糟醃炸雞 $88✨炸雞皮脆肉嫩, 驚喜在於食落真係有清酒味未揮發晒, 味道有少少甘甜, 加上雞肉鮮嫩多汁, 唔使點醬都一絕-🍢Kurosatsuma Chicken Skewers 黑薩摩雞串燒 $68Japanese Pork Skewers 日本豚肉串燒 $68Japanese Wagyu Sukiyaki Skewers 和牛壽喜燒串燒 $98💯巨大版串燒對得住個價錢, 豬牛雞各點左一串, 炭燒好香脆, 配上黃椒, 青瓜, 冬菇同番茄仔口感更豐富💯除左和牛壽喜燒之外, 雞同豚肉其實都有少少燒汁, 但因為肉質夠靚好重油脂, 完全平衡左甜味唔會覺得太甜-🥩 Wagyu Sirloin Ramen 和牛西冷拉麵 $198✨和牛片切得薄身但口感油潤入口即溶, 湯底清清地加左洋蔥同蔥粒, 突顯和牛油香, 炸牛蒡厚身有口感仲要炸得唔膩-🍗Soy Sauce Ramen 醬油拉麵 $148💯醬油湯比較濃郁, 麵條亦比較粗身, 配合返較重味湯底食落唔會太鹹; 雞髀肉煮到好腍, 醬油完全融合左每一寸雞肉, 加左蔥絲好清新-🌶 NOJO Spicy Minced Chicken Tossed Noodle NOJO 辣雞肉碎拌麵 $128✨又一個夏日之選, 撈麵凍冰冰, 加上多種清新配料同香辣雞肉碎, 食落好清新-🍸Cocktail $68/$78 per glass 💯Kaoru Ale Spritz 用malt ale做底唔會太heavy, 加左檸檬同少少aperol好清新💯Nanko Ume Mojito係sake mocktail, 再加左shochu整體比較strong, 薄荷同sparkling令佢更fresh, 好值得試試!-🍹Mocktail $68 per glass ✨Strawberry Sunshine 新鮮士多啤梨同橙肉無論顏色同味道都好繽紛, 有把小遮好可愛, 配上mango syrup係有令佢更甜, 但又同時更突出鮮果酸甜味都幾出色✨Ginger & Apple Slush 呢杯睇menu成份都覺得值得一試, 用真薑絲加上ginger beer有少少chur, 但用左蘋果片, 肉桂同柚子又平衡返成件事, 甜辣清新好爽! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-02
喺中環附近飲嘢,就諗住食少少嘢先再去,朋友就推介咗呢一間喺石板街嘅拉麵,位置方便呢一間餐廳好方便,喺中環中心,之後去附近飲嘢都好方便,我哋就叫咗一啲小食同埋拉麵!枝豆就不過不失,份量唔算好多不過以呢個價錢嚟講我覺得可以接受,熱辣辣都幾好食嘅!餐廳都係應該採用日本嘅貨!拉麵就係重頭戲,佢係豉油汁慢煮雞髀拉麵,每一台都基本上有見到呢一個拉麵,雞髀非常入味,應該係慢慢煮過,所以成隻雞髀都好林,味道同埋肉質都幾好!拉麵都幾好食,同個湯底嘅味道都非常夾! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)