7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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60697500 (WhatsApp)
The overall and bar area, lighting atmosphere and furnish and decorations are decorated in full of Middle Eastern style that makes you feels like in a foreign country. Except for the Hummus, the restaurant has grilled on charcoal such as lamb kebab.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
17:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Make it a night to remember with the rich flavors of Lebanon and the Middle East, Indulge in our specially curated Valentine’s menu, perfect for sharing love and great food.
About Reward Scheme
位於中環大館附近, 係餐飲集團CHESS HOUSE 旗下嘅餐廳🍴, 主打黎巴嫩菜式🇱🇧, 無論係食物、環境都好有特色!藍色嘅燈光配上民族風嘅裝潢, 周圍都有中東宮殿風嘅裝飾, 仲有榻榻米座化區, 充滿異國風情🕌!🍴Hummus Beetroot粉紅色嘅鷹嘴豆蓉🩷顏色好吸引🤩!鷹嘴豆蓉加入芝麻醬、紅菜頭、檸檬橄欖油, 鷹嘴豆蓉口感綿滑, 帶一點清新嘅檸檬酸味, 搭配Pita bread一齊食🫓, 開胃又好食😋!🦐Shrimp Matffie 推介👍🏻 每隻蝦仁都煎得好香, 以橄欖油、檸檬汁及芫荽調味🌿, 蝦仁肉質爽口彈牙, 唧上檸檬汁更鮮美!底下個汁充滿蒜香, 調味酸酸地, 惹味又開胃!🍗Shish Tawook 烤雞肉串配大蒜檸檬醬, 雞肉有炭烤香味, 肉質嫩滑, 烤得剛好, 而且一啲都唔乾身!旁邊配上青椒🫑、車厘茄🍅、洋蔥🧅🐟Samake Bil Tahini煎鱈魚柳肉質結實, 魚皮煎至脆身香口, 底下配上芝麻醬, 仲加入咗石榴籽同松子, 口感濃厚滑順, 有堅果香氣🍸One Thousand One Night 名字來自童話《一千零一夜》🌌, cocktail 以荔枝、玫瑰、柑橘、Prosecco氣泡酒、seared rosemary調製, 酒味唔會太濃, 非常容易入口, 散發住果香同玫瑰花香🌹
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Shahrazad Authentic Lebanese Restaurant is a unique spot in Hong Kong that offers genuine Lebanese cuisine. With its inviting decor, diners can immerse themselves in a West Asian atmosphere while enjoying their meals. The lunch set features four components, including daily soup, salad, a main dish, and dessert. My friend and I chose the lamb kofta and fish sayadieh for our main courses, and the special mezze enhanced the flavors beautifully. We also ordered hibiscus tea, served in a stylish metal teapot that keeps the tea warm. A cup of tea is the perfect way to unwind after a meal rich in spices. To top off our experience, we tried their signature lychee-flavored cocktail, which is fruity and refreshing, appealing to everyone.(◔◡◔) ♥️ Average spending💰:~ $150♥️
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今日去咗一間中環嘅黎巴嫩餐廳食lunch 店舖裝修充滿着異國風情。一入門口已經聞到一種好特別嘅香氣。令人感覺暫時逃離咗繁囂嘅都市。好似去咗旅行咁。食物質素亦都唔錯👍🏻擺盤精緻。味道好新奇,但係係好食嗰種。第一次食黎巴嫩菜。感覺唔錯。Daily SoupSALADTabouleh / Fattoush羽衣甘籃/蔬菜沙律MEZZEHummus beetroot/ Mutabal/ Falafel紅菜頭鷹嘴豆蓉/煙燻茄子乳酪Pita bread basket /Spinach fetta Borek阿拉伯薄麵包/菠棠酥餅MAINFish Sayadieh炖盲曹魚柳Grilled Beef Skewers炭燒牛肉串All Main Served with Vermicelli RiceDESSERTHibiscus cream caramel洛衶花焦糖糕
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Mix Cold Mezze烤到熱新辣嘅好軟熟嘅中東烤餅 配上兩款醬料,分別有鷹咀豆蓉和煙燻茄子蓉。Grilled Halloumt哈羅米起司🧀由山羊奶和綿羊奶混合製成,因為熔點高,可以用來烘烤,配上清甜的西瓜享用。不失為一道開胃小菜。Shish Tawook中東烤雞肉串,表面灑上香料,好惹味,配上洋蔥絲,青椒絲和蕃茄仔。 Lamb Ouzi阿拉伯羊肩飯,羊肉軟腍,入口肉味濃厚。底下嘅炒飯入邊加入咗炸蒜片,青豆等等。食飯到咗尾聲,仲有專業舞者表演阿拉伯風情嘅舞蹈,佢仲會邀請在座嘅人士同佢一齊跳舞添,氣氛好好!
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Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar📍中環雲咸街75-77號嘉兆商業大廈2樓中環有間裝修得好靚嘅黎巴嫩菜餐廳個個位都係打卡位Mix Cold Mezze經典鷹嘴豆泥 茄子蓉經典中東頭盤 配彼得包豆泥好滑身 好足料 啖啖都有豆味茄子有煙燻過 呢款係我嘅最愛點埋d包一齊食 麵粉味好香又煙韌 Shrimp Matffie香煎虎蝦是一道令人垂涎欲滴的菜品虎蝦煎至金黃色,外脆內嫩,保持了海鮮的鮮甜口感它的香氣和口感絕對能滿足虎蝦愛好者的味蕾。Shish Tawook烤雞肉串是一道簡單卻美味的料理烤得剛剛好,外表微焦、內部多汁。的香氣和口感使它成為一道受歡迎的主菜選擇。Shahrazad Lamb Ouzi半肉好大份 但係啲肉整得好嫩滑重有一個口感豐富嘅羊肉飯配埋一個用乳酪整嘅汁 酸酸地幾開胃Cocktail都唔錯💓全晚都好有氣氛
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