5-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
A western restaurant merge with Japanese style and it is opened by a TV artist, Kirby Lam. Almost all dishes will using Japanese flour and eggs to make it. The spaghetti is made by hand daily and it is chewy with strong egg flavour. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
*Last Order 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (382)
今天在旺角逛街,不知道吃什麼,無意中在社交平台上發現了一家小小的手工意面店,覺得挺有趣就決定嘗試一下。進店後雖然人不多,但環境乾淨明亮,給人一種很舒服的感覺。我們點了兩款意面,一份是A1奶油汁豬肉手工寬面,另一份是A3不辣的番茄汁豬肉寬面。先說A3,番茄汁微酸,味道不錯,搭配有嚼勁的手工寬面和爽口的豬肉,整體口感非常令人滿足。然後是A1,奶油汁香濃順滑,豬肉煮得剛剛好,再加上攪拌後的生蛋,意面略帶硬度,吃起來層次感豐富。我們還加了18元的套餐湯,今天的湯是蘑菇奶油湯,香味濃郁,裡面有新鮮蘑菇的顆粒,完全不是罐頭湯的感覺,非常有新鮮感。另外點的套餐水果茶,口感清新解渴,不過果味比較淡。總體來說,這家手工意面店雖然人不多,但味道誠意十足,套餐湯和意面都相當出色,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日同女朋友行到旺角諗唔到食咩好,無意間喺IG上發現咗一間細細嘅手工意粉店,覺得幾有趣就決定試吓。入到去雖然唔係好多人,但環境清潔、光猛,有種舒服嘅感覺。我哋叫咗兩款意粉,一個係A1忌廉汁豬肉手工闊條麵,另一個係A3蕃茄汁豬肉闊條麵(唔辣)。先講A3,蕃茄汁微酸,味道唔錯,配合手工闊條麵嘅咬口同爽口嘅豬肉,整體食感好滿足。再嚟係A1,忌廉汁香濃順滑,豬肉亦都煮得岩岩好,加埋隻撈勻咗嘅生蛋,意粉啱啱好硬身,食落有層次感。我哋仲加咗$18叫個餐湯,蘑菇忌廉湯好香濃,湯入面有粒粒蘑菇,非常有新鮮感。另外叫嘅套餐水果茶,味道清新解渴,不過果味比較淡。總結嚟講,呢間手工意粉店雖然唔算多人,但味道有誠意,餐湯同意粉都相當出色,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-06
我們於4/9(二)約中午🕛十二時到達餐廳,由於剛開門沒多久,當時只有一個店員,餐廳光猛簡潔。後來有2個店員回來上班😗我們叫了2個套餐(主菜+飲品)及一個甜點,甜點亦可當套餐咁叫,店員建議我們單點,如果真係想再叫飲品,先計套餐價。①飲品:凍冷泡玄米茶:有淡淡的玄米茶味🥃②主菜❶忌廉汁 菠菜葉 車打芝士 手作闊麵($69):滿滿的芝士🧀️,有不少香草🌿,菠菜感覺可以多啲🤣,而撈埋手作闊麵就有芝士拉絲的效果,手作闊麵🍝粗粗的,煙煙韌韌,個人非常喜歡💕❷白菌 車打芝士 馬蘇里拉芝士 松露油 手作薄餅($106):比想像中多菇菌🍄,芝士與菇菌平衡得非常好👍🏻,分了4塊,吃的時候,薄餅與餡料沒有「分離」,值得欣賞🤩❸日本炒蛋車打芝士 烤焗餅($65):外形有點像中式咸煎餅🫓,炒蛋加芝士無得輸,略嫌黑椒味有點重,烤焗餅邊邊口感非常得意,亦不會過硬😝埋單不用加一,服務不錯,小店溫馨,以平民價錢吃到手作意粉,物超所值 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-06
Cream sauce pasta with egg and pork- the pasta texture is quite decent but wish it could be cooked a minute longer for a perfect al denté texture. Sauce is nice, pork is chewy and mixing with the Japanese raw egg makes the sauce more rich and appetizing to the eyes too. ($98 for dinner set)Cheesy fried chicken- I probably like this the most. Crispy yet not too oily, juicy and smooth chicken with a bit cheese flavor making it not too oily feeling. (+$48)Caramel comb ice cream pancake- the pancake got a strong egg flavor, love it! Not too sweet even with the Caramel comb. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-26
睇show前食個快餐,揀咗間唔使排隊嘅手工意粉。一個係辣蕃茄豬肉意粉加芝士,撈一撈,又creamy 又juicy,辣同鹹味都剛好。另一個係無汁嘅香辣牛肉菠菜意粉,呢個就太重手太鹹,撈勻咗都係偏鹹,反而我係鍾意牛肉質感同調味,另一半則嫌太韌🥲 喜歡手工意粉嘅麵體,麵芯硬硬的,麥香蛋香都不錯。最後加點嘅Dutch baby pancake with Scrambled eggs,嘩,真驚喜,邊邊脆脆,中間的蛋和芝士軟滑,口感豐富😍 下次可以試埋甜食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)