REFLECT Restaurant & Bar

1-min walk from Exit D3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
94029697 (室內室外以現場人數天氣情況作準)
93106468 (包場專線 訂台不適用)
It specializes in Mexican fusion dishes. The shop design features a relaxing and exotic vibe, which is decorated with mirrors, green plants, a 20 metres graffiti, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
【Party Vibe Mexican Cuisine】Beautiful Mirror Reflection! Open-air Rooftop for Chilling on Sofas
A rare find in Mong Kok, this restaurant features an open-air rooftop with spacious sofa seating. Indoor seats boast a mesmerizing mirror reflection design, creating a lively atmosphere perfect for gatherings, parties, or even micro weddings. With 10 years of experience, the head chef, an expert in Mexican cuisine, serves authentic dishes such as Quesadilla, Beef Fajitas, and more. They also offer a variety of Mexican fusion dishes, including a must-try New Zealand Grass-fed Lamb Loin topped with crispy cheese flakes for a delightful texture contrast. Their signature cocktails are a pleasant surprise, especially the famous spicy Mexican Jalapeño infused Tequila, which offers a combination of sourness, spiciness, and sweetness in every sip.

DM/WhatsApp 94029697 For Reservation

About Reward Scheme
Review (385)
🌟港鐵旺角站D3出口 1分鐘路程呢期熱門嘅墨西哥餐廳 最近出咗新Menu 所以要去食吓呢間餐廳其中一個賣點係佢嘅天台 有一幅好大嘅壁畫 但係今日太熱啦 所以都係坐返室內😅😅另外 呢間餐廳嘅大門已經好吸睛 有一幅大鏡 好有型 仲有餐廳嘅Bar枱 一樣係賣點同朋友兩個人嚟叫咗三道菜 兩杯飲品🧡#串燒拼盤 Mix Skewers- 分別有雞肉 豬肉 配秘製醬料 幾好食 好煙靭- 仲有沙律菜 做前菜🧡#墨西哥烤牛肉 Beef Fajitas - 有熱玉米餅 傳統酸忌廉 碎蕃茄 牛油果醬- 墨西哥烤牛肉 係由洋蔥 甜椒 烤牛肉 組成- 將以上材料放在熱玉米餅上 包起佢食 👍🏻🧡#墨魚肉醬闊條麵 Calamari Bolognese- 用咗自家製成嘅墨魚肉醬 食到一粒粒嘅墨魚- 而且闊條麵都係佢哋自家製 好彈牙 - 最緊要係趁熱食😚😚🧡#FrescoKiss- 青瓜 蘋果 青檸 自家製百里香糖漿- 第一次飲 都幾清新🧡#JardinSecreto- 接骨木花 蘋果 檸檬 梳打- 幾好味😃下次要多啲人嚟一齊食多幾道菜👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間天台墨西哥Fusion菜酒吧,以鏡反射、綠植盆栽、戶外巨形塗鴉牆等,打造休閒寫意、帶點異國風情嘅用餐環境。食物方面有墨西哥餡餅、烤肉、意粉、pizza、串燒、taco... 仲有各款cocktail 、mocktail、紅白酒、汽酒。🥗REFLECT SALAD $118沙律菜、牛油果、烚蛋、藜麥、番茄、石榴,精新又健康。🐙GRILLED CUTTLEFISH $128秘制調味烤墨魚、沙律菜,墨魚好軟腍,烤得剛剛好🐖🐓GRILLED MIX SKEWERS $78三串燒豬肉、三串燒雞肉、秘制調味、沙律菜,好抵食👍🏻🍕 SEAFOOD PIZZA 🌶️ $148車洋蔥、黑椒、橄欖、海鮮、煙薰墨西哥辣椒醬,好鐘意食餅底pizza,夠哂薄皮又脆。[ MOCKTAIL ]🍹Fuzzy Fuzzy $78荔枝、桃、酸橙,加上梳打,味道又香又甜。🍹Passion Fruit Fizz $78百香果、鳳梨、柚子,加上檸檬汽水,味道酸酸地,好開胃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-11
🇲🇽 Recently, my friend recommended this Mexican rooftop restaurant to me, located on the busy streets of Mong Kok. The place has a modern design, both indoors and outdoors. The food was very good, and I will definitely come back again next time! We ordered:🌮 Beef Fajitas $238墨西哥烤肉(牛肉)Sautéed onion and bell peppers served with warm tortillas, guacamole, pico de gallo, sour cream, and tender slices of beef. The vibrant colors and sizzling aromas make this an irresistible Mexican classic.🍝 Uni Scallop Linguine $228海膽醬大帶子扁意粉Perfectly seared scallops served over a bed of linguine, tossed in a rich and creamy uni (sea urchin) sauce, and mixed with sautéed mushrooms. This dish is a true delight for seafood lovers, offering a symphony of umami flavors.🍗 Crispy Wings $78手工單骨炸雞翼Freshly fried chicken wings served with a refreshing mint yogurt dipping sauce. These wings are a crowd-pleasing favorite, with a delightfully crispy exterior and juicy, flavorful meat.🍫 Chocolate Tart $98自家製流心朱古力撻A homemade decadent chocolate tart, served with a side of creamy strawberry ice cream. Indulge in the perfect balance of rich, velvety chocolate and the refreshing sweetness of the strawberry ice cream.💰 Total: $706 for 2 (including 10% service charge). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放工後約咗朋友食飯,揀咗依間地點方便,位於旺角嘅天台墨西哥餐廳,outside 仲有壁畫可以欣賞🤩🔵CHICKEN FAJITAS 墨西哥烤肉(雞肉)雞肉鮮嫩,加上洋蔥同甜椒香氣撲鼻,用熱辣辣既玉米餅,加上牛油果醬、莎莎醬和酸忌廉夾住一齊食,口感豐富而層次分明🥰🔵TACOS PARTY 墨西哥夾餅派對(三件)食墨西哥菜一定要叫,有三款唔同嘅口味(牛肉、雞肉同蘑菇),taco香脆可口,內餡豐富多汁,牛油果醬、莎莎醬和酸忌廉更加突出食材嘅口感😍🔵BEEF QUESADILLA 牛肉芝士餡餅玉米餅烤得外脆,內餡滿滿既牛肉香,配搭牛油果醬同莎莎醬,好清新同唔油膩👍🏻🔵GRILLED PORK SKEWERS 豬肉串燒(六串)用秘製調味香燒,外層微微焦脆,肉質保持嫩滑,搭配上清新的沙律菜,更加平衡和清爽,值得推薦俾大家😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-16
其實我都幾鍾意食墨西哥菜,尤其是係食 Nachos 😍 不過好味嘅 Nachos 唔係度度都有,今次就去咗我 bookmark list 上面嘅 Reflect Restaurant and Bar,除咗環境好有特色之外,佢嘅墨西哥菜亦都做得好好 👍🏻 今次仲要坐近Bar枱,望住好靚嘅logo同好朋友飲番杯,都真係幾 chill 同relax ✌🏻Nachos 焗玉米片大大盤嘅玉米片,上面鋪滿咗芝士同埋碎牛肉,仲有酸忌廉同埋牛油果醬,超級足料,每一塊玉米片都可以沾滿醬料同埋配料,勁滿足 😍 味道有少少微辣,都幾惹味 😋Grilled Mix Skewers 串燒拼盤拼盤有豬肉同埋雞肉各三串,串燒燒得剛剛好,keep到有肉汁,而且都好香口惹味 😋Beef Fajitas 墨西哥烤肉(牛肉)呢個份量真係好足,烤牛肉勁大碟,而且個烤餅都有好多塊,兩個女仔食真係食唔晒 🙈 牛肉處理得鮮嫩多汁,而且味道唔辣,加埋酸忌廉、牛油果醬同埋莎莎,食落真係唔會覺得好漏,而且佢仲有啲彩椒,我覺得成個口感同味道都好豐富,好適合一大班人share 👍🏻Toxic Slush (Mango、Lychee)Weekday dinner 就冇飲酒,叫咗兩杯Motail,我哋兩個都不約而同揀咗呢杯沙冰嚟試,我就試咗芒果味,朋友就揀咗荔枝味,都好清甜,因為墨西哥菜口味都比較濃郁,飲番沙冰啲類清涼嘅飲品就最適合啦,而且佢個賣相都非常之靚,喺吧枱度打卡簡直一流 🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)