3-min walk from Exit A, Sha Tin Wai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (42)
Authentic Dai pai dong/Chinese restaurant@Sha Tin..My friend and I went to a restaurant called“Kam Sha Kok”(金沙角美食小厨)located in G/F, Pok Hong Estate Cooked Food Stall, Sha Tin沙田博康邨熟食中心地舖..You can see artistic handwritten Chinese calligraphy menu on the walls ..Roasted goose脆皮燒鵝 HKD$138 上庄/upper part .the skin is golden crispy .the meatbis juicy and tender.the seasoned is not too salty .delish.highly recommended .dish of the night.must try item!..steamed pork rib蒸排骨HKD$98.the pork rib is fresh and sweet.seasoned with fermented bean.you can taste the ribs are the fresh ones instead of the frozen ones..Steamed Sabah Grouper 清蒸鮮沙巴HKD$298.the fillet is flaky.the Sabah Grouper is fresh and sweet.you can tell as the eyes are popping out.light,healthy and bright..Prawn veggie noodles蝦球菜遠麵HKD$100.the bottom of the noodles are crispy and crunchy.the top ones is al dente.a great texture contract..stir fried beef with Bitter gourd 豉椒牛肉炒涼瓜HKD$98.not too salty,not over seasoned.not oily .generous portion.healthy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-19
筆者住在沙田區,下班後和好友相約在沙田博康邨的大排檔吃晚餐。當晚為星期一,入座率約為七成,頗為熱鬧。大排檔採用傳統方式點菜,點菜後約十五分鐘,小菜便陸續送到了。全部菜式即點即煮,新鮮熱辣,而且份量十足,體型健碩的男士們也吃得滿足暢快。。朋友的飲食習慣相對清淡,他認為小菜略為油膩了少許。不過,筆者則覺得,偶然吃一頓美食,不會太影響健康。第一道來到的是潮式蠔仔粥。📌潮式蠔仔粥 (一大碗)- $58蠔仔肉質飽滿,而且味道頗為鮮甜。潮式粥的米粒會相對完整,不會過份軟腍。📌黃金鮮魷 - $138黃金鮮魷炸得好香口,伴飯一流。表面的鹹蛋黃外衣相當惹味,吃一口,筆者幾乎高興得手舞足蹈。📌乳香藕片炒鹹肉 - $105朋友相當喜愛這道客家菜,南乳醬汁配上鹽醃鹹肉,相當適合拌飯同吃。📌海味雜菜煲 - $105點了一道較為清新的雜菜煲,配料包括有時菜、小魷魚、冬菇等,還有海量粉絲。吃了不少香口的小炒,可以吃這款清新時蔬中和一下。📌香煎琵琶紅燒豆腐 - $95香煎琵琶紅燒豆腐都建議襯熱食,表皮炸得幾脆,配上蠔油芡汁。菜式份量幾大碟,食到好飽。金沙角美食小廚地址:沙田博康邨熟食中心地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-16
金沙角美食小廚位於沙田博康村熟食中心煎蠔餅 $108大大塊夠鬆脆蠔仔大大隻點汁食減低油膩感椒鹽鮮魷$108鮮魷非常爽口炸粉夠薄食唔停口茄子魚腩煲$108魚腩炸得香脆茄子美味加埋蔥薑蒜勁香魚香茄子$98散發鹹魚香氣豬肉粒有咬口送飯必食家常菜粟米魚肚$138大大煲粟米夠鮮甜魚肚大塊有咬口一口氣飲幾碗炒貴刁$98配料非常多鮮蝦夠粉嫰爽口叉燒炭香味正韮菜,芽菜夠鮮味白飯 夠軟熟而且阿姐招呼好,無漏單,仲同你覆埋價錢夠細心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-16
位於沙田博康邨嘅🌟金沙角美食小廚🌟,大排檔🔥設室內外座位,呼吸方便💨!菜單豐富,由♨️大排檔小炒、🪿港式燒味、🌶️川菜水煮、🐟現撈海鮮、🔥火鍋、🐐羊腩煲都有!🦐椒鹽瀨尿蝦 $188一客有六隻,都幾入味!🦑椒鹽鮮魷 $138好大塊,有啲兩三塊痴埋,大過我個拳頭!🦪懷舊煎蠔餅 $108大大份而且厚身,仍保持到酥脆嘅口感,水準之作!🍍菠蘿咕嚕肉 $98上菜勁快,醬汁調味剛好,甜酸平衡! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-15
金沙角美食小廚,位於沙田沙角邨附近,所以都係係「金沙角」✨大排檔風味,燒味、海鮮、鑊氣小炒都齊,款式多到爆,仲有啲特色小菜用書法字寫左上牆,幾有feel😀先黎個孖寶👼🏻脆皮燒鵝皇,相當夠份量,仲有鵝脾食😋燒鵝肉質好嫩,鵝味好重,多汁好味,真脆皮😮‍💨高質推介,配清蒸海上鮮,蒸大條倉魚,肉厚又夠肥美,都算幾鮮下,性價比相當高既孖寶👍🏻蒜蓉炒豆苗,勁香,鑊氣勁抵讚🤩蒜味夠好好味😎滑蛋炒牛肉,好大碟,蛋炒到充滿焦香,牛肉滑而有口感,好味道🤗芝士焗琵琶豆腐,好巨型,芝士味好濃,港式芝士風味,加豆腐就係正👍🏻整體風味相當唔錯,鑊氣保證🤞🏻燒味海鮮質素都高,掛住香港既大排檔就係時候黎依度!❤️‍🔥 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)