2-min walk from Exit C, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
90289925 (WhatsApp)
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米芝蓮指南餐盤推薦2020 2021 2022
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
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Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (249)
Level6 2024-10-03
暑假親友們都忙於外出旅遊共聚天倫,大食會要等到九月先集齊人馬一訪想試咗好耐嘅「井巷子」!餐店門面凹咗入去嘅設計帶有神秘感,磚牆延伸至室內,配上水墨字畫及燈籠吊燈,流露出中國色彩。用餐大堂光線柔和,右手邊一列四人卡位睇落應最為舒適,唔想俾人睇到仲可以拉上布簾,感覺幾中西合璧。十人派對被安排於樓上廂房進行,闊落得黎私隱度更高。人多仲可以打通埋剩餘嘅半個大堂包哂成個廳,屬派對好場所。上層只有一個男女共用嘅洗手間,好在夠大夠乾淨。另外有一點大家要留意,由地下上一樓冇𨋢搭要行樓梯,雖然有扶手但都唔係咁適合年長或行動不便嘅人仕。每位席上擺有齊備嘅自用及公用餐具。開瓶費設為$300/枝標準裝紅、白、汽酒及$1,000/枝烈酒。推廣期間,一至六人用餐可免一枝開瓶費,七人或以上則用免兩枝,另幫襯餐廳每買一枝可再免一枝,絕對有良心。大食會用餐,菜單自然一早定好。人一到齊,四款前菜隨即一次過上。四小碟之話梅石榴果(台灣芭樂):青皮白肉嘅石榴果清新爽脆,醒胃得黎當中嘅話梅味唔會過濃而蓋過鮮果嘅清甜。四小碟之奇趣豆腐:砌到好似英國巨石陣嘅豆腐又真係幾奇趣盞鬼喎!豆腐磚皮層香脆酥化,個心則白滑幼嫩,絲毫不油膩。四小碟之麻辣牛筋(本地黃牛):牛筋柔滑Q彈,香辣醒神,不過個麻辣尾韻都幾勁,建議唔食得辣嘅人唔好隨便試。四小碟之蜜汁叉燒(西班牙向日葵甘粟豚):如相所示,叉燒每件都係咁厚肉,而且肥膏唔算多,咬落鬆潤多汁,真難得大肥爸爸同蕃薯Uncle都大讚為極品,堅掂呀!是日靚湯:或許四款前菜都比較濃味,清補涼例湯飲落尤其味淡,美人姐姐更狠批「簡直好似清水」,全枱人都同意湯湯乃全晚最弱嘅一環!菜遠炒斑球(雲龍斑):聽到「雲龍斑」個名咁有氣勢,自己一向少食魚都試咗件,無奈魚魚雖則香口,肉質卻偏嚡,反而配角嘅菜菜爽脆甜美,更為出色。滋味粉絲蝦球煲:油光亮麗嘅蝦球鮮香爽彈,微辣嘅調味好惹味,伴配嘅萵荀又夠爽脆潤甜,原煲上夠哂熱辣辣,墊底滑嘟嘟嘅粉絲冇黐底兼入哂味。瑤柱扒節瓜脯:節瓜脯半腍半爽,舖面嘅瑤柱菇絲量足可口。戈壁核桃木煙燻脆皮雞(新鮮三黃雞):原本訂咗脆皮茅苔雞,但臨時因某種原因變咗做含花生嘅戈壁核桃木煙燻脆皮雞,細佬無緣一試。據為食隊友報告,連雜上嘅少爺雞一樣用新鮮雞造出,雞皮香脆少肥,雞肉亦相當軟滑。川味手抓羊:眼見小肥因敏感問題唔食得少爺雞,經理姐姐同廚房夾好,專登送咗個手抓羊,實行用誠意搭救!以「寧夏灘羊」所製出嘅手抓羊香辣得黎羊味濃厚,肉質鬆潤細嫩唔黐骨,好容易食,同桌嘅羊粉極為欣賞!自練蔥油手工麵:招牌手工麵嘅麵條外表光滑,食落仲超級彈牙,撈入蔥油已夠香潤,盡顯簡單美!蛋香土紅糖糍粑:結尾嘅糯米糍甜品煙煙韌韌,自行塗點紅糖及黃糖加添甜味,一人一件其實啱啱好唔算溜。上環有少少隱蔽嘅中菜館「井巷子」環境企理,服務生好客落力,帶有西方元素嘅川菜高質味佳,價錢合理,有緣不妨一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-24
井巷子 by 鋒膳- 中菜館對於上環這家新開的中菜館「井巷子」by 鋒膳的餐點,我今天來嘗試了幾道特色菜式,整體而言都相當美味可口。首先是叉燒系列中的「諾鄧鹽燒燒腩飯」。燒腩肉質鮮嫩多汁,保留了豬肉原有的香味,口感豐厚但不會太油膩。搭配自家製的芝麻鹽,為整道料理增添了香脆及鹹香的層次。米飯煮得恰當,綿密飽滿,與燒腩完美搭配。「叉燒茅台醬油雞飯」則是另一道亮點。雞肉軟嫩多汁,而茅台醬油的香氣和雞肉融為一體,營造出迷人的鮮香滋味。搭配飯菜品嚐,回味無窮。另外還有「叉燒煙燻燒鴨飯」,鴨肉入味而不乾柴,保有鴨肉固有的彈牙感,煙燻香氣令人如醉如痴。除此之外,「黃金豆腐」軟綿入口,伴以脆嫩的蔬菜,鮮甜滑順,別具特色。「海蜇頭」清脆爽口,開胃解膩。「萵荀」則帶有輕微的香氣和開胃滋味,與其他菜式形成良好搭配。無論是叉燒系列、素菜還是配菜,每道菜式都充滿了用心和創意,展現出這家餐廳的菜品功力。服務亦非常細緻周到,讓整體用餐體驗十分愉快。對於喜愛香港風味的食客來說,井巷子無疑是一個很好的選擇,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-20
今次體驗「川菜omakase」 叫老闆幫我order好曬 唔使諗大家既Comment係:哇 好好味! 我唔飲酸辣湯都覺得好好飲!哇 良心份量啊!又唔會好辣喔 正啊!同傳統超級油既川菜唔一樣,辣得好舒服值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-31
Dinner. One private room upstairs but we were seated at the main dining room. Acoustics were bad, could hardly hear myself speak with all the surround sound of mandarin behind me.Friendly female server saw our BYO bottles and gave us all hot 羅漢果茶. Here’s what we had.奇趣豆腐- wonderful interplay of textures, with a crunchy exterior and silky tofu interior.蜜汁叉燒- perfect balance between sweet, savory, and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness.泡椒花螺口水皮蛋- rich, creamy yolks crowned with a vibrant chili oil.煙燻肥腸- brother underwent spasms of coughing when server lifted the glass lid, letting out drifts of smoky aroma. Not really a fan of organs, I tried a piece and liked the smoky richness.皺皮椒酸菜煮魚, mixed with 手工紅薯粉- definitely the highlight of the night. Everyone said that the spice level was just right, not overpowering.As I didn’t take spicy, I was given a separate portion of the 紅薯粉, which wasn’t completely non-spicy, as there was quite a substantial amount of black/white pepper in the broth.炒白蘆筍- the vegetable's natural sweetness made a refreshing interlude to the spicy dishes.脆皮茅台乳鴿- another table favorite with the crispy golden skin shattering to reveal juicy, flavorful meat. Couldn’t quite taste the 茅台 tho.菌王花雕皇湯雞飯There was quite an interval between server presenting the claypot and us being served. When asked why it was taking so long, server replied that chef did not consider the 飯焦 acceptable so decided to recook it some more. Indeed, the resulting 飯焦elevated the dish to new heights, adding a wonderful contrast of textures to the fragrant dish. 雜果土紅糖冰粉: very refreshing.蛋香土紅糖糍粑- someone joked that this looked like the 奇趣豆腐 we had in the very beginning, an apt conclusion for our meal. Well, to finish us off- server presented us with homemade Yakut sherbet crackers compliments from the chef.In summary: beacon of Sichuan culinary excellence, where the region's bold, complex flavors are celebrated with artistry and authenticity. Particularly impressed with the service- eg male server saw me with my handbag and immediately gave me a stool for it; in addition to handing us wet wipes to go with the pigeons, actually opening the packets for us. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-04
星期六去餐廳午聚,選了很多間餐廳,想搵一間圓枱,少人,環境舒適的地方作聚會。最後決定選這一間私房菜。當日,客人不算多,有餐廳有兩層,我們坐正中間完枱,選了很久都不知道應該選什麼菜式,最後決定問一問職員有沒有建議,最後我們選了出名的片皮鴨和一些小菜,片皮鴨會附上一份說明書,教導大家應如何進食該片過皮鴨,職員對每一台客人都照顧周到,食物也不錯,為食物偏貴,如果要選少人又要圓枱的,不妨一試。項目評分:滿5分食物:3.5分環境:5 分舒適:5 分服務:5 分性價比:3 分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)