6-min walk from Exit D1, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
*Last order: 21:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (85)
餐廳內的裝潢很有日本傳統的風格,很多木的元素,好像去了日本本地的傳統餐廳一敞,坐在餐廳都感覺到店主很花心思裝飾餐廳的每一個角落每個角落也有日本的小裝飾,但又不會感到太累贅。店內也有很多叮噹的卡通裝飾,相信店主很喜歡叮噹,連洗手間也乾淨企理,一樣有很多小裝飾,店員都有禮貌,有笑容,有點時光倒流的感覺,是難得的日本餐廳點了以下的套餐:$119 套餐 - 吉列大蝦卷 加 醬油味叉燒拉麵 (另加$7)配熱咸檸檬水大蝦卷香脆可口醬油拉麵湯底不會太咸,麵質很好,軟硬適中。咸檸水不算咸,味道ok$139 套餐 - 牛柳陶板燒 加 油揚手延湯烏冬 (另加$7)支裝可樂 (另加$5)上菜時是陶板,熱辣辣的,牛肉7成熟,剛好,味道ok。湯冬質感ok 是玻璃樽支裝可樂,有懷舊感The decoration inside the restaurant is traditional Japanese style, with many wooden elements. It feels like in a traditional restaurant in Japan.When you sit in the restaurant, you can feel that the owner has put great effort into decorating every corner of the restaurant.Japanese decoration was placed in every corner. There are also a lot of Doraemon decorations. I believe the owner likes Doraemon very much. The bathroom is clean and tidy with many small decorations. The staff is polite and helpful with smile. Just like turning the clock back to 80s in Japan. The following combo were ordered: $139 Combo - Grilled Beef on Hot Plate &Bean Curd Udon (Add $7)Coke (plus $5)The beef was served medium-well on a clay plate. Tasted good. The texture of udon was good. It’s a glass bottle of Coca-Cola. Its nostalgic.$119 Combo - Fried Shrimp Sushi Roll &Soya Bean Soup Ramen (Add $7)Hot Preserved Lemon WaterThe shrimp roll was crispy and tasted good.The soup was not too salty and the noodle was good. The preserved lemon water was not too salty. The lemon was small and cute. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-24
呢間野真心要比負評。好心話佢知佢抹台啲消毒藥水臭到暈,點知啲職員都幾寸,話咁多年無人投訴喎。呢個情況我先後同兩個職員講,結果都係咁上下既態度。Well, 我黎食野,唔係黎聞你清潔劑既味,你間野 唔係收幾十蚊既茶餐廳,有人比意見,係咪循例都講聲會留意下?你改唔改係你既自由,但有人比意見,你去寸個顧客有意思嗎?另外,間野晚市逼人要叫前菜,有理無理擺低,話唔食都要比錢,仲衰過茶樓。Btw, 間野用啲木筷子都幾劣質,我自備筷子去食。雖然食過幾次,以後唔再幫襯。😬😡呢間野真心要比負評,好心話佢知佢抹台啲消毒藥水臭到暈,啲職員寸到爆,話咁多年無人投訴。另外,晚市逼人要叫前菜,有理無理擺低話唔食都要比錢,仲衰過茶樓。雖然食過幾次,以後唔再幫襯。😬😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
䇄立於香港太古城超過10年,家庭式經營的日本料理。Love their ramen sets, with multiple soup base and appetisers (or dons to choose from, for those who want more carbs). Got tatami seating as well as regular tables. 播住傳統日式音樂,好warm, 好有feel.The one I love the most when I first became their customer was the 奶白鯛魚湯素麵. The fish broth was ultra nice. Too bad they had discontinued that years ago. Now I love their 豬軟骨拉麵、䐁肉豬骨湯拉麵and 蕃茄茸湯蟹肉雜菜拉麵。他們的三文魚沙律卷、汁燒雞扒、什錦魚生粒飯也很好。我也很喜歡他們自家製的蜜桃茶,可熱亦可冷,飲完拉麵個湯之後,食埋個雪米糍,飲番啖,好舒服。Lunch sets 有好多選擇,埋單人均消費都係百零蚊. 埋單時喺cashier 隔離有個多啦A夢嘅擺設,你可以㩒掣令佢跳舞,好開心! I always come back every now and then. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-13
晚上行過此餐廳的門口,被溫馨的燈光感覺吸引了。餐廳有許多一人餐作選擇,有許多不同配搭。今次叫了三文魚刺身加醬油拉麵,飲品叫了特別的鹹檸檬水。在等候期間,欣賞餐廳的環境吸引,有很多日本風鈴裝飾,令人放鬆。鹹檸檬水飲下去有潤喉的感覺,十分足料。三文魚刺身十分新鮮,口感軟滑。醬油拉麵也十分正宗,湯汁很清,食得出是湯麵分開煮,麵的質感剛剛好,爽口的。餐廳職員友善,有家庭的感覺,在忙碌的生活中,可能這樣嘆一嘆是難得的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-04
狸屋台屋是一家日式家庭料理,新鋪位置要搵不過唔算難。套餐選擇三十多款一定有嘢啱你,左一款右一款總計$85,另加一合計$94我揀咗1.咖喱豬扒飯(少)99.鱈魚子三文魚茶漬飯老闆娘話魚肉片蒸蛋每日限送20份送完即止隨餐熱飲自家製水蜜桃茶奉送維記雪米糍甜品食湯泡飯多,食茶漬飯第一次,清清淡三文魚肉嫩口,感覺幾特別。咖喱唔辣豬扒夠脆,就細份咗啲。飲埋杯熱水蜜桃茶,幾舒服。聽住日文歌,好容易諗到張國榮,餐廳電話鈴聲係哆啦A夢,氣氛唔錯。睇得出老闆酷愛劍道,滿場佳句,其中呢句係咁講的,劍道追求不是第一而是唯一,追求穩定自我肯定。茶漬飯又名武士之食,認識到日本劍道文化同埋武士飲食哲學,又可以成為蒸蛋幸運兒加送心靈雞湯,認真唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)