Pot Luck is a new high-class hot pot restaurants which serve high quality ingredients.In addition to Hot-pot with seafood ,they provide Japanese sashimi. The restaurant use light to create a dark atmosphere with elegant style.There are VIP rooms in the restaurant.Olympic athletes went to Pot Luck when they visit Hong Kong previously. continue reading
Additional Information
Misto有兩間VIP房平日最低消費4,000元,假日5,000元。 半開放式的VIP房平日最低消費3千元,假日4千元。
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
A5 black Japanese cattle beef chuck Fried preserved duck egg and duck egg roll Egg with leek and tomatos Black Pork
Review (40)
Level3 2011-11-19
everyone was urged to leave on time! first time here, with 20% bank promotion discount it's very very okay!we ordered the big "beef car", and we couldn't finish it! quantity was generous and quality was high.i love their fried fish skin too, very crispy and tasty! overall, food were fresh and not very expensive - i didn't say it's cheap, but it's reasonably priced.ate too much, i'm still stuffed today >.<note - low score on hygiene since there're water droplets from the roof continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-09-07
好耐冇打邉爐,亦都起碼接近兩年冇去過樓上摟,今晚就同太太再去!一推開門心諗'大鑊',當時近七點半,全場只得一枱於是硬住頭皮坐啦!首先點左皮旦芫茜湯底,叫左牛頸脊(薄到呢),黑柏葉(ok),九菜餃(難食),菜心苗(ok),再追加魚卜(超腥,唔新鮮),蛙花蚌(麻麻),蝦子面(ok),最後湯丸豆槳(好),埋單$620!總結食物吾新鮮、冇客、慳材料、冇心做、再冇客,一個循環,再唔改善,遲早玩完! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-05-12
未評食物前, 想讚一下這家店的裝修, 很用心. 我很喜歡他們的燈, 個人來說認為很漂亮, 而且很有情調;可是燈光暗了點, 又不集中, 照片都拍不好啦! 服務方面, 比從前好了很多. 員工態度很友善, 服務也很細心.食物方面啦, 比起味道, 我最喜歡的還是它們的賣相! 擺設和裝飾得非常有心思!當晚的刺身全都很鮮甜! 特別是帶子, 牡丹蝦和虎蝦刺身! 蝦刺身全都很大隻, 牡丹蝦比我的手掌還要長, 肉質鮮嫩; 而虎蝦則較彈牙有口感。 還吃了波士頓龍蝦(凍食), 配上沙律醬和青瓜來吃也很鮮味!唯一沒有滿足的是生蠔方面, 其實當晚的生蠔味道不錯. 是濃味的, 可是我喜歡吃的是淡口的生蠔啊!然後再來了一些小吃: 煎鵝肝併石蠔, 炸蝦餅, 春卷, 紅酒梨煎鵝肝併石蠔很香口, 只是鵝肝可以小一點, 因為有些微搶了蠔的味道(所以我都是分開吃它們的)炸蝦餅很有口感, 還送上了蜜糖芥末醬, 天啊, 我最愛這個醬了!!!另外最愛的便是紅酒梨了, 很清甜, 帶點酒香, 把嘴裡炸物的油膩都除去了最後便是火煱了, 由於我全家的口味也吃得較平常人淡一點, 於是便點一個冬瓜粒湯底, 清清的還不錯. 火煱配料也很好, 點了鹿兒島豚肉和牛肉都很好吃! 我覺得其他配料的味道都剛剛好, 只是可能爸媽年紀大了, 愛吃淡一點的食物, 所以他們認為火煱配料咸了少許。最最後當然是甜品了! 心太軟一如以往的好吃, 不太甜, 也不膩, 讚! 然後又吃了威士忌雪榚, 很有驚喜的感覺!!! 總結來說, 我是很喜歡這裡的, 因為刺身和甜品都很好吃!!!! 而且我很愛食物的一流賣相. 價錢方面雖然不便宜, 但我認為物有所值啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-04-25
價錢貴,預左,因為食裝修,d野食無乜特別,牛肉好貴,價超所值!不過,試一次是ok的!我最印象深是,坐得唔舒服,環境太黑! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-01-13
一心來見識見識 A5和牛的風彩可惜無緣相見唯有先感受一下A3的口感吧~~service ok! waiter/waitress 幾友善可惜當晚客人太多了 所以我們多了點private 少了點service ^__^羊脾肉 麻麻地 (唔滑 唔吸引) 藥膳湯底 很好喝 很足料A3 和牛 很好 如果切薄點更好 因脂肪密度高 所以很快便覺飽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)