7-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
11:45 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (128)
Level4 2024-08-29
醒起之前有人介紹話The Pizza Project 既pizza好正,今日一於去下.限時75分鐘~去前我無睇過餐牌,去到發現係以pizza為主無意粉同Main course😂一人一個Pizza又食唔哂,最後揀左個小食同Pizza,食完都飽.意式脆炸麵包 3件 配松露$95面頭鋪左松露片,麵包外脆內軟,中間有松露醬,幾濃松露味.香蒜大蝦薄餅 $150Pizza即叫即焗,上到枱係熱辣辣!Pizza外脆內軟,餡料有蝦、青椒🫑粒,番茄醬同芝士,唔太食到蒜味,濃味返小小會更好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-13
The Pizza Project 同 pici 隸屬同一個集團 Pirata Group,本身我都唔知—第一次去pizza project 無book 枱,店員先生叫我留個電話,佢就check 到我個名(因為之前係pici book 過枱)但係其實walk in都無需要留電話既,而家回想覺得有啲odd (。 ́︿ ̀。)— pizza project 個甜品tiramisu 係同pici同一款,睇到個下仲以為自己去左pici Σ(・□・;)—坐bar 枱可以睇chef 整pizza pizza 好好味,即叫即整熱辣辣chilli oil 自己隨便落,好惹味,(不過加太多真係太油會喉嚨痛)carbonara pizza有啲鹹食唔晒可以攞走,自己整返熱一樣好好味—lunch set 包括前菜 + pizza + 甜品或咖啡(二選一)飲品無乜太多選擇所以揀左甜品就無追加飲品前菜揀左沙律菜好脆,新鮮(嗌左走醬,店員話無問題)—staff 好nice 有笑容有禮貌下次再去(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-04
餐廳環境:有樣嘢我真係想反映下😂我唔太清楚佢哋幾點開門,我去到嗰時已3點半,佢哋一部冷氣都唔開😂環保起見,我都支持嘅,但風扇都唔開就真係過分咗少少😂行斜路上去已經好熱,坐低咗幾個字,一滴風都冇,我流汗流到沖涼咁😂然後問佢哋可唔可以開一開風扇,但把風扇係座地式,就咁擺咗喺我隔離,所以淨係吹到我隻腳,然後我對面嗰個話完全吹唔到佢⋯⋯間餐廳唔大,所以冇位移去第到⋯⋯我哋就係爆住汗咁享用午餐😂🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵💦差唔多食完先開冷氣,真係唔該晒😂I would like to provide some feedback. I was not very clear on the restaurant's operating hours, and when I arrived it was already 3:30 pm. The restaurant did not have the air conditioning or fans turned on. It was already very hot by the time we arrived. I asked the staff if they could turn on the fans, but the fans were floor-standing models and were only blowing air towards my feet. I understand the restaurant has limited space, so they couldn't move the fans to another location. But they could have at least turned on the air conditioning.Overall, the lack of climate control made for an uncomfortable dining experience, despite the food itself being satisfactory. 我哋嗰日去每人嗌一個set,有前菜+主食+甜品,一個人唔會食得晒😂太多啦,應該嗌一個pizza就夠!嗰日我哋每人食淨嘅🍕可以拼翻埋一個完整pizza,拎走又好唔方便,勁大個pizza盒(餐廳冇膠袋提供),唔拎走又好嘥。所以如果你唔係好大食,建議齋食pizza就OK了~🥗前菜:TUNA CARPACCID吞拿魚薄片+Smoked Salmon GNOCCO FRITTO煙三文魚意式脆炸麵包~個吞拿魚薄片er⋯⋯我唔識欣😂只可以話我食唔慣嗰口感😛煙三文魚意式脆炸麵包我覺得幾好食,個麵包好煙韌,配煙三文魚幾好食!唯獨是嗰中間加咗啲lemon cream cheese(我估,唔肯定係咪cream cheese),我覺得加埋就麻麻地(純粹個人口味~)但食一舊已有啲頂胃,細食嘅建議正係嗌Pizza就夠,唔洗嗌set~🍕Pizza:MARGHERITA (V)瑪格麗特薄餅(素)+GAMBERI AGLIO E OLIO 香蒜大蝦薄餅整體嚟講嗰餅皮係幾好食,幾煙韌!MARGHERITA正正常常,未至於勁好食,都對得住佢嗰價錢。香蒜大蝦薄餅都唔錯,幾juicy~🍮甜品:PICI TIRAMISU 都正正常常,口感比較creamy,唔係一整舊正方形嗰隻,係用杯裝住。食到後尾真係好漏,加上個TIRAMISU偏甜,唔重咖啡味,我好中意食TIRAMISU,但今次另一個胃都搞唔掂😛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-02
某日捐血後自己去食見到有set lunch 係包前菜 甜品好似250$ 一人 第一次食好開心啊! 係我食過最juicy的pizza呀! 有啖啖肉個burrata都超正 很pure的奶味 彷彿有乳牛在我面前奔跑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
ღ 炸芝士意大利飯球好好食!即炸熱辣辣 外脆 灑上芝士碎🤤入面係好濃嘅意大利飯芝士味十足🧀沾醬係marinara dip 可以中和返芝士嘅Heavy感評分: 9.5/10🤍ღ Carbonara pizza每一塊pizza上面都有一粒鵪鶉蛋質感鬆軟又煙韌餅底好乾身所有材料都好夾😋評分: 8.5/10🤍ღMargherita最傳統最普通亦都係最好食🤤蕃茄醬夠酸甜🍅芝士夠香濃🧀羅勒葉夠新鮮🌿好fresh嘅經典組合評分: 9/10🤍ღ Tiramisu甜品就比較普通冇乜咖啡味不過好creamy 😔評分: 4.5/10🤍➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖Overall食物質素:🤍🤍🤍🤍環境服務:🤍🤍🤍🤍打卡指數:🤍🤍🤍➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖#hongkong #hongkongfood #hongkongfoodie #hongkongtravel #hkfoodlover #hkfoodie #hkfood #mongkok #旺角美食 #jmoon continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)