1-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
65015128 (WhatsApp)
The restaurant has a spacious environment and adequate seats. It specializes in exquisite Cantonese cuisine. The ingredients are exquisite, and the dishes are relatively rare, such as Steamed Chicken with Vegetables and Stewed Eel with Roasted Pork. The restaurant offers business sets that available for office workers nearby. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
花雕滑蛋蒸海斑、欖角金沙腩、海鮮湯脆米泡飯、杏汁白肺湯、姬松茸燉響螺湯 紅紋原條牛肋骨、鮮蕃茄茸燴大虎蝦、古法支竹羊腩煲、飄香荷葉飯、五彩脆米素炒飯 生磨蛋白杏仁茶、香煎清潤馬碲糕、提子凍
Review (9)
Level4 2024-09-29
📍 城中小閣 西環西營盤威利麻街6號威華商業中心2樓是晚餐單:🌟 白灼豬蹄筋 (口感軟腍, 調味都正, d薑絲辟哂啲腥味, 係會食唔停嘅前菜)🌟 鹹蛋黃花蝦多士 (炸到香而不膩 但鹹蛋味可以再出啲)蟹肉糯米釀雞全翼 爵士燉湯 麻辣炒花膠筒 豆卜 油條 (豆卜同油炸鬼極入味 如果可以辣啲仲好)鳳梨咕嚕肉 🌟 海鮮湯泡米蒸海東星 (btw問佢海鮮湯用咩整 佢答海鮮湯 siu4)橋底黑椒炒肉蟹 (我唔食蟹 所以no comment)脆皮炸子雞 上湯蒜子浸菜苗臘味煲仔飯 (如果飯煲再多啲會更香口)老陳皮紅豆沙 (純屬個人喜好 但會想有一粒粒紅豆嘅口感多過煮到熔哂咁)(🌟= 是晚最愛)Taste: 👅👅👅1/2Value for money: 💰💰💰💰 (私房菜around $990 per person, 有房, 又免左corkage同切餅費)Will I go again? Sure continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-03
城中小閣A meal that gained a lot of traction lately. Many queried whether it was good and how long was the wait. The wait wasn’t long, approximately 1-month advance booking would suffice. The question we should be asking instead is was it worth the wait? I’d say there were hits-and-misses along the way. Memorable items include appetiser braised pork tendon (白灼鮮豬蹄筋), lobster (one served in lettuce wraps, one served with steamed egg) (龍騰四海), Leopard coral grouper in seafood broth with rice crispies (海鮮湯脆米蒸海東星 ) and the Fried Pork Ribs with Chinese Black Olives (欖角脆口金沙腩). The pork tendon was meaty and tender. The lobster was done just right and delightfully complemented by the silky smooth steamed egg. The grouper was definitely the showstopper of the evening-a lot of oohhs and aahhs when server poured the umami packed seafood broth over the grouper and rice crispies. The pork ribs had a light crispy battered exterior and juicy interior. The major let downs for me was the Steamed Flowery Crab with Aged Shaoxing Wine. The crab was thin and there was hardly any Shaoxing wine in the dish. It would have been better had the kitchen added an additional splash of Shaoxing wine over the crab before service. Otherwise the fragrance from the alcohol content of the wine would have been evaporated when the crab was being steamed. The mapo tofu fish maw rice at the end was also a disappointment. The fish maw was not thoroughly cooked and it was not as gelatinous as one would expect. Overall, I’d say it was worth giving it a try. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-20
聽說這間餐廳是最近很火的一個選擇,上星期朋友生日選擇了這餐廳主要係因為免開瓶費及切餅費,適合大夥人慶祝節日。套餐大概$1000一位左右。頗為失望的係因為餐廳裏面環境就像私房菜一樣,沒有什麼特別出色,價錢其實也不太便宜。要推介的就係一開始嘅鮑魚,非常入味,而且賣相也很好,為餐飯打開頭陣。其次係個羊腩煲,打開個煲香噴噴,羊腩也非常入味。花蟹陳村粉當然也是招牌菜,由於最近真係食得太多這味菜,我只能說味道滿足到我要求。蝦多士頗為失望,大大嚿但係沒有什麼值得回味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
不吐不快,有種被騙的感覺,一行九人埋單過萬,以下八個菜式及品質,沒有湯,實在太離譜:白灼鮮豬蹄筋 - 吃牛筯感覺,無特別蝦米冬姑粒煎蛋角 - 好咸脆米蓮耦餅 - 無耦餅感覺陳年花雕蒸大花蟹陳村粉 - 上枱唔熱,蟹唔新鲜,花蟹不是大蟹,極其量只能说是中蟹海鮮湯菜米泡蒸海東星 - 無魚味,甚至有朋友吃到電油味紅炆原條牛肋骨 - 好韌,有騷味清炒豆杯 - 雖然是我們點的,但俾這種價錢,我們期望是不一般的,但送上的真是清炒豆苗,我們為何要俾咁多錢吃?在家隨意自己炒都得!香煎糯米脆皮雞 - 糯米飯好綿,飯無味吃私房菜及付這樣價錢,我們是有期望的,以上菜式除了沒有貴價的材料,每道菜的价格沒有透明度,分開來算,不知怎樣可計算至一萬元一席九位,性价比是非常低的,我們絕不會介紹朋友去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-13
㕑師態度其差,服務員一般,食物完全沒什麼驚喜要預早最少4個月訂位,deposit $1,000。要提早數月訂枱,另是朋友推介,心存厚望,可惜一肚氣。魚雲羮有朋友覺得腥聖子陳村粉,聖子太熟肉靭,陳村粉全冇味道東星班全冇魚味,雪藏是也羊腩煲大失望,支竹不淋及沒入味,不是一齊炆,上枱不夠熱,普通餐廳也不如馬碲條,麻麻哋其他沒特別提及味道一般中段時間,我們對服務員反映陳村粉沒味道,但服務員聽後全冇反應,究竟她聽到嗎?其實我們對幾它餸菜也有意見,不過見服務員冇反應我們繼續吃。直至食到飯時段,我們再次提出陳村粉的味道,服務員才說廚師之後會入嚟。又過了大半個鐘連甜品都食埋,都沒見厨師,而服務員特然在其中友人耳邊細聲說你之後給貼仕直接給我們不要加在總數上,我們各人十分愕然。廚師最後好不情願樣子行了入來,他說"你哋搵我呀?(語氣不是講笑嘅語氣)我們說你的陳村粉沒有任何味道。他的回應是"你哋重口味咋?”聽到咁嘅反應各人完全唔想再同佢溝通埋單就走人!之後問番推介此店友人,他說他是在疫情期間去的,食物好,服務也可以。可能他們生意太好,廚師吾在意!不會介紹給朋友.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)