Restaurant: Bouchon Bistro Francais
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
禮拜得閒諗住食個chill brunch😚揀左間Soho嘅法國餐廳 Weekend 有set $178 有3-course (加錢嗰啲寫咗係下面) 📝餐廳大部份係bar枱嘅凳 整體嚟講算高質😻中上環上班一族可以考慮嘅decent work lunch👩🏻‍💼🧑🏻‍💼👸🏻’s favourite💫1️⃣ 1/2 Doz Escargots - Garlic Butter Snails +$18 ⭐️7.5/10👩🏻第一次食Snail😂佢俾咗個鉗我都唔識夾出嚟😂😂但係食落去好香 啲油仲可以攞嚟點麵包超正👦🏻 正常snail,有d蒜香味,不過嫌佢唔夠重同唔夠入味,好彩唔算靭,香港嚟講算OK2️⃣ Soupe a l’Oignon - Onion Soup, Emmental +$18 ⭐️ 8/10👩🏻雖然我平時唔食洋蔥 但係都覺得呢個洋蔥湯好好味 (挑走咗d洋蔥冇食😝) d洋蔥味好香甜 有啲嗆辣味 上面層芝士酥皮令到成個層次更豐富👦🏻 好飲3️⃣ Moules and Frites - Blue Mussels Garlic White wine Sauce, French Fries $378 ⭐️8/1
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禮拜得閒諗住食個chill brunch😚揀左間Soho嘅法國餐廳 Weekend 有set $178 有3-course (加錢嗰啲寫咗係下面) 📝餐廳大部份係bar枱嘅凳 整體嚟講算高質😻
中上環上班一族可以考慮嘅decent work lunch👩🏻‍💼🧑🏻‍💼

👸🏻’s favourite💫
1️⃣ 1/2 Doz Escargots - Garlic Butter Snails +$18 ⭐️7.5/10

👩🏻第一次食Snail😂佢俾咗個鉗我都唔識夾出嚟😂😂但係食落去好香 啲油仲可以攞嚟點麵包超正
👦🏻 正常snail,有d蒜香味,不過嫌佢唔夠重同唔夠入味,好彩唔算靭,香港嚟講算OK

2️⃣ Soupe a l’Oignon - Onion Soup, Emmental +$18 ⭐️ 8/10

👩🏻雖然我平時唔食洋蔥 但係都覺得呢個洋蔥湯好好味 (挑走咗d洋蔥冇食😝) d洋蔥味好香甜 有啲嗆辣味 上面層芝士酥皮令到成個層次更豐富
👦🏻 好飲

3️⃣ Moules and Frites - Blue Mussels Garlic White wine Sauce, French Fries $378 ⭐️8/10


4️⃣ Steak Frites 7oz - Shoestring Fries, Béarnaise, Coleslaw, Scrambled Eggs +$28 ⭐️7.5/10

👦🏻 牛肉味可以再重d,火候拿捏好,味道焦香,肉質firm,有咬口又唔韌,份量偏小,個蛋個人幾鍾意同幾得意,薯條同上
👩🏻 但我唔鍾意個蛋wor,凍又冇味🧐
👦🏻 giligulu giligulu

5️⃣ Crème Brûlée - with Berries ⭐️8/10

整得唔錯 唔會太甜 入口即溶 流心滲透口腔 口感豐盈 乾身嘅曲奇同berry 中和返甜膩 發揮到甜品嘅作用

6️⃣ Christmas Special - 卷蛋啲friend😂 ⭐️7/10
朱古力脆包住嘅咖啡卷蛋,正正常常冇乜特別普通一個朱古力cake roll 冇咩特別 純粹諗住Christmas叫個應下節😂💩

👦🏻 冧女指數: 7.5/10 個人一般佢bar枱d凳,有啲迫,坐低唔太舒服,同隔籬枱坐得幾埋,flirt女俾隔籬位聽到可能會尷尬,但係帶女女食法國菜好似幾威咁又幾好食,2nd date 開始可食

Food: 8/10
Environment: 7/10
Service: 8/10
Price: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

💸 ~220 pp
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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