The Farmhouse 咖啡廳

2-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
The Farmhouse is our interactive buffet restaurant celebrating fresh, quality produce with a focus on high-welfare meats and sustainably sourced seafood. Our talented chefs prepare your food live from multiple interactive stations set around a barn-themed restaurant. Our unique and dog-friendly outdoor patio offers additional seating options complemented by the restaurant's open gardens with views of the surrounding harbour. continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
The Farmhouse
【NEW! 】Starting from 2 Jan till 28 Feb 2025, experience the diverse culinary heritage of Southeast Asia with the return of our popular “Flavours of Southeast Asia” buffets, featuring highlights like Vietnamese Lemongrass Pork Chop, Sambal Grilled Chicken, Char Kway Teow, Filipino-style Lechon Roasted Suckling Pig^^, Thai-style Crispy Oyster Pancake^^, Bak Kut Teh^^, Wok-fried Tiger Prawns in Singapore-style Pepper Sauce^, Grilled Pork Neck with Green Papaya Salad^ and more. Enjoy additional dishes during the Lunar New Year Public Holidays (29 to 31 January 2025) with highlights like Lo Hei (Prosperity Toss), Poon Choi (New Year Basin Feast), Traditional-style Steamed Halibut, Stir-fried Prawns with Garlic and Tomato Sauce, a special serving of Braised Abalone and Duck Feet in Oyster Sauce* and more. #

^Available during dinners on Mondays to Thursdays (excluding Public Holidays and their Eves).
^^Available during dinners on Fridays to Sundays, Public Holidays and their Eves.
*Available during dinners from 29 to 31 January. One serving per person.
#Menu items may vary depending on date / time of the buffet. All items are subject to availability, and may be changed without prior notice.
**All prices are subject to a 10% service charge and a 1% surcharge to restore with Zero Foodprint Asia, funding food-related climate solutions.

The Farmhouse is an interactive buffet restaurant with live stations and a dog-friendly outdoor patio. We celebrate fresh and quality produce, focusing on high-welfare meats and sustainably-sourced seafood.

About Reward Scheme
Review (743)
1月19日與家人享用中午自助餐,雖然係買一送一約每位270元,但都有期待,因為始終係Hyatt集團當日估係做泰國食品節,坦白講,食物質below average,而且菜式選擇不多,不是太辣就係太鹹,完全覺得廚師冇用心烹調,得過且過.如果同老人家或小朋友嚟,必須考慮清楚點只十宗罪1)芥蘭炒五花肉....太辣2)炸魚加醬汁...好咸,根本唔知係乜嘢汁3)泰式湯粉...只有河粉和米粉選擇,但一點半已經冇曬河粉4)只有幾款燒物,但每次都要客人等,多工作人員企喺度唔代表做嘢5)只有牛扒,現時一般自助餐都有牛扒配搭雞或羊或豬,這間只有牛扒.雖然燒物有燒雞但好乾好韌6)燒味有海南雞燒鴨和叉燒,好多時只得幾夠工作人員企起到冇嘢做都唔會添加7)海南雞油飯只剩兩碗,沒有人員添加.當時時間係下午1點15分7)在燒物類,沒有清晰顯示牌係乜食物.要問工作人員8)炒泰式河粉,一點半出去只餘幾條,跟住每十分鐘出去都冇添加,我有拍照和記錄時間,直到1點55分,終於見到有新嘅炒貴刁,可能工作人員見我之前舉動,所以先炒碟新出來,其實一碟炒貴刁值幾多錢?只有幾條芽菜和少量蝦?9)咖啡完全沒有咖啡味,我去過尖沙咀high嘢中午自助餐幾次,完全冇諗過北角 Hyatt咖啡係咁差10)甜品全都是小蛋糕,完全冇特色同唔好食唯一可點讚就係自家製雪糕..大家真係想清楚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近同媽咪去咗The Farmhouse 咖啡廳食佢哋新推出嘅「東南亞薈萃」主題自助餐,除咗可以望到海景,食物款式超多選擇;分咗冷、熱兩區,真係要留肚去食!自助餐有多款東南亞異國傳統名菜,包括越式香茅豬扒、叄巴醬香料烤雞、馬來西亞炒貴刁、菲律賓燒乳豬、泰式蠔仔餅等等;仲有最受歡迎嘅海鮮區、刺身、串燒、粉麵等等。冰鎮海鮮最推薦龍蝦,龍蝦肉質夠彈牙!刺身區一定要食帶子、三文魚同八爪魚,三文魚油香豐腴,帶子鮮甜。熟食區推薦🌟菲律賓燒乳豬皮香肉嫩、泰式蠔仔餅香脆無比、仲有即叫即燒嘅串燒同豬頸肉,魷魚同豬頸肉encore咗幾次😋🤩主食泰式菠蘿炒飯好夠鑊氣;松露汁意大利雲吞都好出色,醬汁好creamy!食到最後一定要食埋甜品先走!佢哋嘅雪糕旋轉櫃真心吸引,最愛班蘭同椰子味,入面仲有啲脆脆喺度增加口感~芒果糯米飯同班蘭蛋糕每件精緻小巧,啱晒小鳥胃但又想試唔同甜品嘅大家🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The farmhouse d buffet真係好抵食,weekend原價$798 ,依家喺Openrice度book有55折,計埋原價加一只係 $519,今個月上個月又同屋企人再去食啦~~今次主題係東南亞,啱晒我!! 📍東南亞特色美食+即燒串燒烤物除咗經典泰式生蝦/冬蔭功湯/泰式蠔仔餅; 星馬肉骨茶/黃咖喱炒蟹,叄巴醬香料烤魚等等比較特既係嗰個菲律賓燒乳豬! 乳豬烤得剛好皮脆肉滑好正,我都食咗好多轉! 除咗呢啲,仲有專人即燒雞肉牛肉沙嗲串/大蝦/原隻魷魚豬頸肉同大豬脾!! 📍東南亞特式甜點甜品方面都有幾大亮點,好似係斑蘭戚風蛋糕/印尼千層蛋糕/泰式奶凍加煉奶/芒果糯米飯等等,最後雪糕就緊係要試泰式奶茶同斑蘭味📍冰鎮海鮮+刺身冷盤選擇都幾多,醬漬鮑魚/龍蝦/長蟹腳/青口大蜆等等;刺身選擇就有三文魚/吞拿魚/八爪魚/帶子等等📍熱葷即切牛肉/蒸魚/炒菜,仲有中式既燒肉/海南雞/叉燒同燒鵝;另外仲有粉麵檔(今次有越南PHO/沙律吧/印度素食/國際美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-21
由於網上有買一送一優惠所以呢日黎左The Farmhouse食自助午餐雖然食午餐但食物種類都唔少呢期主題係東南亞薈萃自助餐,有好多東南亞異國傳統名菜,例如香茅豬扒、烤雞、冬蔭功酸辣湯、泰式青咖喱雞等等最驚喜🍨雪糕味道選擇十分多,有成12隻味咁多以呢個價錢黎講性價比都唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
北角𝑯𝒚𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄酒店嘅𝘽𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙩一向高人氣~除左出名食物選擇多 仲有維港海景睇(´ω`*)新年有新主題!集合中印越星馬泰嘅東南亞美食!有海鮮、刺身、冷盤熱盤、串燒、粉麵等等.海鮮類.個人最推介熟食區&串燒區!.Gelato雪糕唔少得雪糕關注組名物 — 𝑮𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐旋轉櫃(*゚∀゚*)口味超過10款 每款都好好味!.甜品類最貼心嘅係有兒童放電專區 仲有寵物友好嘅室外位嚟緊農曆新年 一家大細帶埋主子去食岩哂~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)