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LEX Coffee 最特別嘅一定係佢啲嘅 3D 打印咖啡 😉 唔肯定係咪全港獨有 😙 但我自己都系第一次玩 — $88 一杯,想印咩相都得 😆 面頭嘅cream 上色後味道同正常 foam 冇乜分別,整體偏甜。為咗製造生日驚喜俾友人 V,特登預先同餐廳呢邊夾定要印邊幅相系咖啡上面 🤗 呢間 Cafe 裝修就典雅路線,幾 grand 🙆,樓底好高。不過週末如果想要坐好耐就應該唔得喇,因為佢哋嘅枱好搶手,booking 源源不絕Breakfast Fantasy ❤️ ($148)評分:7/10.嘢食方面,所有嘅主食都有近$100+~價位實在偏高 🙇 但呢個早餐佈置得真係幾靚嘅,田園 feel 滿分 👍 中間嘅一塊烤菠蘿好甜美,但炒蛋真係好細份有點可惜LEX Benedicts ❤️ ($138)評分:6/10.嗌嗌吓先發現其實我哋嗌咗好多都係沙律菜嘅主食 😅 呢個 Egg Benedict 我覺得有點圖文不符。雞蛋並唔系放係 sourdough 上面,而且麵包實在太單薄。呢個價錢咁嘅份量不行,所以不予置評Mango Crab Meat Salad with Mango Dressin
Breakfast Fantasy ❤️ ($148)
嘢食方面,所有嘅主食都有近$100+~價位實在偏高 🙇 但呢個早餐佈置得真係幾靚嘅,田園 feel 滿分 👍 中間嘅一塊烤菠蘿好甜美,但炒蛋真係好細份有點可惜
Breakfast Fantasy
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LEX Benedicts ❤️ ($138)
嗌嗌吓先發現其實我哋嗌咗好多都係沙律菜嘅主食 😅 呢個 Egg Benedict 我覺得有點圖文不符。雞蛋並唔系放係 sourdough 上面,而且麵包實在太單薄。呢個價錢咁嘅份量不行,所以不予置評
LEX Benedicts
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Mango Crab Meat Salad with Mango Dressing ❤️ ($98)
沙律反而價錢正常番少少。Portion 合理,芒果汁作為 dressing 非常開胃。不過蟹肉比較少
Mango Crab Meat Salad
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Japanese Salmon Roe & Tuna Risotto w/Spinach Sauce ❤️ ($168)
我哋一行四個人不斷食菜果然都係唔夠飽 😂 最後都嗌多咗個Risotto,煙燻吞拿魚非常嫩滑,入口融化 😋 呢個義大利飯嘅飯粒分明得嚟唔會太硬,味道都恰到好處,菠菜汁嘅濃度啱啱好。份量呢就,都係比較的式啦
Japanese Salmon Roe & Tuna Risotto w/Spinach Sauce
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Probably the only cafe in hk which has 3D printing coffees (and everyones probably here for that) 😂 it's a grand cafe with really high ceilings which isn't that common in HK. Price of the food is on the higher side 😗 and the portions in general are small. I don't recommend ordering their egg benedicts which look nothing and taste nothing like egg benedicts 😅 (2nd picture) "Breakfast Fantasy" looks pretty vibrant 😋, but it's more a salad than a breakfast. I liked the mango dressing 🤗 of the crab salad but there were only very few shredded crab meat....that said,😌 the risotto is probably the most satisfactory dish among the four, the tender smoked tuna 🐟 melts on your tongue