港铁铜锣湾站 F1 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
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吴留手小料理的姊妹店,不时由日本空运新鲜食材到港,供应串烧及刺身为主的日式料理,配搭日本酒类饮品更加风味十足,是和朋友把酒畅聚的好地方。 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00
18:00 - 01:00
18:00 - 23:45
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自带酒水 详细介绍
食记 (151)
跟家人總共8人吃飯,家人預訂了這家居酒屋,門口好小,不過原來還有2樓的用餐區。服務週到得令我相當驚喜,2樓是1個女生跟1個男生在服務,服務真的非常好。我家人點了好多,基本都吃完了,只是我好多都沒拍到。串燒/刺身/生蠔/燒蠔/芝麻燒雞翼/烏冬/溫泉蛋鵝肝炒飯/芝士年糕……都挺不錯的,不過好多都沒拍照,因為8人長桌拍照有點難。我拍到照片的就簡單說說。✴️赤目張刺身/生蠔第一次吃赤目張刺身,看得出非常新鮮,肉質很通透,口感爽脆。生蠔🦪不知道是不是品種的問題,好像肉質比較沒有那麽厚實,但是沒拍到的蒸蠔就不錯,肉質比較肥美。✴️炸赤目張。魚頭魚骨加了$50將赤目張的頭和骨炸了,魚頭魚骨都炸得酥脆,全部都可以吃得下,不用吐骨頭。✴️刺身拼盤 (帆立貝配魚肝/拖羅/𩶘魚?/三文魚)其實好幾種我都不知道甚麼魚,不過都蠻新鮮的,帆立貝上面鋪了一大塊類似魚肝的東西,令清甜的帆立貝多了一重內臟的濃香,好吃。拖羅油脂很嫩滑,其他的刺身都挺不錯。✴️壽司拼盤 (油甘魚/火炙左口魚/三文魚腩/熟蝦/吞拿魚)不能盡錄,知道的就打出來了,不清楚或者沒吃的就不說。三文魚腩油脂滿滿,火炙左口魚,入口即溶,非常出色。✴️燒雞腎/燒牛舌都是非常爽脆,牛舌還保有肉汁,咸香咸香的。✴️厚燒牛舌超厚實的,但還是很爽脆,好有彈性,7,8成熟的感覺,所以肉汁更多,很驚豔。✴️燒鯖魚皮脆肉嫩,肉質厚實,油脂滿滿,所以非常不錯,連家中老人家也吃得開心。✴️燒牛仔骨 烤得應該7成熟,肉質還是非常有咬口,有配了海鹽及芥末籽醬,味道豐富。✴️燒鱈場蟹腳蟹腳肉非常厚實,不過鮮味不足,也比較咸。家人共聚就是開心,也算是吃了滿足的一餐,服務真的令我想當印象深刻,最後餐廳還免費送了雪糕給家中兩個小孩子,非常貼心。 继续阅读
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Went there for a quick late night supper. Options are limited at 10pm so I just went int a small shop, thinking to get simple skewers.Went into the shop and they asked me to go upstairs, I said why, becuz there’s still seats. They said cuz it’s more spacious.After sitting down, they left the menu and a today’s specials. I was thinking becuz it’s late so let’s order something better, fresher and I don’t mind smaller in portion.Turns out, I left feeling not satisfied (food was really mediocre) and I felt like I got ripped off.Just less than an hour, they served me not so fresh food; and I paid 1200$!!!I should have taken photos of all the food, which just fit into a middle sized plate, plus a stale beef ribs.Here are the breakdown:1. Thick-cut beef ribs - first, not thick cut, they beef looks really dry, like it’s been frozen for a very long time, and they charges me for 168$.2. Uni roll x 2 @ 108$- uni, tasteless, and very small, together with a slice of cucumber, and a small slice of white fish which was chewy.3. 白子 - first, they torched it like ALL BLACK on the top, so strange! Never had it like this before. Then when I used my chopsticks to pick it up, the whole piece went into mushy state and thus only happens when the 白子 is not that fresh. 100% not by air arriving the same day. But charging 108$ for it like I’m at an Omakase.4. Japanese oyster 間町蠔 - seriously??? I just asked how come they looked so dry and small. The flesh is not pulpy, it’s so dry like one stored in the fridge for 2 days or more. I didn’t know what I was eating. The answer from them was, ‘oh this oyster is like that!’. I felt like I had been treated like a dumb and didn’t know anything about food.5. Appetiser - not sure why they’re charging me appetiser that I did not tend to order. Is this a Chinese restaurant?? It’s not even appetising what they served but I got charged by them, without consent.6. Flounder fish sushi - I think this kind of flounder dish, that’s so chewy, I can get a whole pack of frozen one from Sogo for 200$, 30 pcs.So small, and didn’t taste like anything but just burnt fish fat. Terrible! I don’t expect that to be charged for 96$ for the very sad 2 pcs. Genki Sushi is 5x times more fresh and juicy and bigger to make the dining experience more reasonable!!!7. Sake - the only item I’m willing to pay for. 25% off after 10pm sth. Not impressive, but you won’t complain at this price.Apart from the sake, I think this shop is pretty much a black store. I will not for sure be going back and I do warn people who consider going. You can goto the shop on the ground floor, though most of the times they cook your food upstairs and then the plate will be uncovered travelling from a back alley, full of dirty water on the ground, and send the food to your table.I could have spent my money much wiser even at 10pm. I don’t have to spend 1200$ for no service, terrible food, dirty environment! 继续阅读
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吳留手居酒屋 (銅鑼灣)📍 地址: 銅鑼灣邊寧頓街5號地舖💬 簡介: 銅鑼灣抵食好味居酒屋午市定食!🍣 壽司定食 $128 - toro、深海池魚、醋漬鰊魚、紋甲魷魚、火炙左口魚邊、 海老 🦐 因為我唔食三文魚,店員都好nice幫我地轉左其他魚牛舌定食 $128 - 牛舌燒到個邊係脆,好香口!加埋wasabi 同檸檬食好食!🤤👍 推薦指數: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐味道:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5星為最滿意) 環境:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 服務:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  性價比 :⭐⭐⭐⭐ 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-11-16
1160 浏览
齋聽「吳留手」呢個名,完全估唔到係食日本野,佢哋有地鋪同樓上鋪,樓上鋪就坐得舒服啲,假日都有午市套餐,價錢一啲都唔貴,試過都唔錯,下次會再去。🥢厚燒牛舌芯定食 $128⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️香港區少有嘅厚燒牛舌,外層有些少咬口但可以接受嘅,內𥚃軟腍牛舌味重,加少少檸檬汁已經好好味,份量嚟講都算多,性價比幾高。🥢溫泉蛋豚肉生薑燒丼 $75⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️整個組合都好得,無論係洋蔥定豚肉,豚肉食得出係日本貨,有豬肉香味口感又軟熟,而且份量都幾多,洋蔥又多又入味,最重要係有淡淡薑味,當然有埋溫泉蛋就堪稱完美。二人共消費:$203 继续阅读
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朋友相聚啤一啤 🍻 推介:銅鑼灣吳留手居酒屋 🏮每次食完都有味蕾驚喜😋⭐️前菜# 牛脷沙律 🥗牛脷薄切且軟嫩,搭配清脆的蔬菜,佐以清新的和風沙律醬,讓人胃口大開。⭐️辣蘿蔔 🌶️蘿蔔爽脆口感和適中的辣味完美結合~# 赤魚太 赤魚太串燒外焦裡嫩,魚肉鮮美多汁,烤制得恰到好處,每一口都充滿海洋的鮮味。⭐️刺身海膽卷 🍣刺身海膽非常新鮮,搭配青瓜及刺身魚,鮮甜味讓人回味無窮。⭐️鹽燒雞翼 🍗雞翼香脆可口,鹹度適中,雞翼外皮烤得酥脆,內裡肉質鮮嫩。⭐️串燒⭐️柚子胡椒雞 🍋柚子胡椒雞串燒帶有淡淡的柚子香氣和胡椒的微辣,雞肉鮮嫩多汁。⭐️紫蘇雞肉 🍃紫蘇雞肉串燒帶有紫蘇的清香,雞肉多汁,兩者搭配起來口感層次豐富。⭐️薄牛舌 🐂牛舌厚實且有嚼勁,經過精心烤制,保留了牛舌的鮮美和彈性。⭐️雞皮 🍢這道雞皮串燒外酥內嫩,脂肪經過烤制後的香味撲鼻,入口即化,是一道讓人難以抗拒的美味。⭐️醬燒墨魚咀 🦑醬燒墨魚咀口感Q彈,搭配特製的醬汁,既有海鮮的鮮味,又有醬料的香甜,非常美味。⭐️雞胸軟骨 🍢雞胸軟骨串燒脆口爽滑,富有膠質,經過炭火的烤制後更加香脆,適合搭配啤酒享用。⭐️厚燒牛脷 🥩厚燒牛脷是這裡的招牌菜之一,牛脷厚切且鮮嫩多汁,經過燒烤後外焦裡嫩,口感豐富。⭐️雞肝 🍢這道雞肝串燒口感細膩,經過燒烤後保留了雞肝的嫩滑和獨特的風味,帶有一絲甜美的香氣。⭐️黑毛豬鞍 🐷黑毛豬鞍選用了優質的黑毛豬肉,肉質鮮嫩,肥瘦相間,入口即化,帶有濃郁的豬肉香氣。⭐️炸白蝦仔 🍤第一食炸白蝦仔,原來外皮酥脆,搭配特製的醬料,小朋友話食咗一個海洋嘅味道😂香脆可回味無窮!⭐️燒牛仔骨 🍖燒牛仔骨肉質鮮嫩,經過燒烤後香氣四溢,每一口都能感受到牛仔骨的鮮美。⭐️燒銀杏、秋葵、翠玉瓜 🥒蔬菜的清脆口感和燒烤後的香氣完美結合,既美味又有營養!⭐️燒左口魚裙邊 🐟燒左口魚裙邊是非常特別的一道菜,魚裙邊入口即化充滿油香😋⭐️燒豆腐 🍢燒豆腐外皮焦香,內裡嫩滑,搭配特製的醬料,帶有淡淡的煙熏味。🍧最後每人一球雪糕作結~我點咗朱古力味⭐️總結吳留手居酒屋每一道菜都充滿日式居酒屋🏮風味,食材新鮮,烹調用心,特別適合朋友相聚一齊享用,佢哋而家仲做緊晚市優惠:(星期日~星期三)晚巿無限時全場啤酒🍻及指定清酒及啤酒任飲($男士$198,女士$88)食完又好期待再次去食,一定會再encore👍🏻👏🏻 继续阅读
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