港铁铜锣湾站 A 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
自带酒水 详细介绍
食记 (93)
等级3 2016-11-29
775 浏览
There are just too many restaurants in Causeway bay and this time come across "Onion". After arriving the 19/F, numerous of artworks hesitated me from stepping out of the lift as I thought I went to the wrong floor. Glimpsed the restaurant name in between the crayon paintings and proceeded into the restaurant. Already filled with Christmas atmosphere, I realised that we where the only guests that night!~Served with basket of bread while ordering, we also ordered their promotion plum whiskey. Looking through the menu, you will realise that this restaurant serve multi-country iconic dishes and provide exquisite fusion dinning experience.Appetizer and soupThe onion soup has intense caramelised onion under rich broth. The texture does simmer and not too watery. Onions are well caramelised and soft. However, I would still prefer onion soup with a french toast or a crouton topped with melted cheese. The salad is mixed leaf with parma ham and paired nicely with the plum whiskey. Appetizer 2: scallop with crispy parma hamNicely decor dish. The Scallop is slightly seared, enriching the seafood oil flavour. Scallop itself is ok but enhanced by the slightly salted crispy parma ham. The balsamic sauce also added a bit of attitude to this dish.Main: Iberico porkThis is the winner of the week! We ordered the 8oz medium Iberico and the moment it arrives, the charcoal scent blossomed on the table. The amazing tender texture on top of the intense carbonized wood flavour is astonishing. The sauce has lingering sweetness with hint of wine, although matched very well with the pork, I still prefer the original juiciness from the pork. Caramelized  apple and veggies were ok. Main 2: Roasted baby back ribCompared to the previous Iberico pork, this baby back rib is relatively suboptimal. Although the texture is somewhat tender, I still do have high expectations as baby rib. BBQ is adequate, but would be more mouth watering if there were more sauce. The whole experience would be more dynamic if the "main 1" and "main 2" switched as the Iberico pork is defo rated higher compare to this baby back rib. DessertOn the right, it is the meringue cookie with fruit sauce. The sweetness of the hand-whipped meringue cookie created a good contrast with the relative sour fruit sauce. Balance would be disrupted if either of the ingradient is gone. Moving to the middle, there are several selections of fruit as you can see. Beside providing one of the "5 portion a day", the fruit will also rinse your palate before moving on your dessert pathway.  On the right, it is the France chocolate. Without adding flour that you usually do for brownie, the pure chocolate fudge has intense cocoa flavour. The firm body with glutinous texture, kind of spreading the chocolate butter all round your palate to wake your taste bud. While enjoying the dessert, we realise that there are crayons on the table! Inspired by the nice dessert, we also draw something on the table~ Oooohhhh~~ now I realise why there're so many artworks outside the lift! They were not from drawing classes~ they were all customers drawing!! On question, it seems like the restaurant is no long continuing the business in the same location due to short notice, although their takeaway or order service is still functioning. So do grab the time to eat in this restaurant while you can and I hope we can see you again in the short future. Maybe let's enjoy some good art gallery before it is too late.You will be amazed how people can draw with just crayons. Last but not least,  I think our work worth a special frame before display. 继续阅读
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等级4 2016-08-12
2934 浏览
商務午餐一般要求:合適檔次,安静(可以谈生意),合预算而食物可以。今天在銅鑼灣找到這家不錯地方。有多款set lunch,~100-150。我點了個洋蔥湯+燒焗半隻春雞。洋蔥湯夠料夠味,只不夠濃和欠了点芝士味。春雞色香味俱全,外皮金黄色,肉質嫩滑兼juicy,份量足夠。最后来杯燙口咖啡,完全收貨。 继续阅读
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為我做 Facial 的美容師 auntie 及她的大女,在大約半年前介紹了一位男生給我認識,不論跟他發展如何?!  也要多謝她們兩母女!所以,我不會待薄她們! 我知這位 auntie 好識食,喜歡食西餐及喜歡走到 cafe 飲咖啡!享受離婚後的單身生活! 美麗的事物總會吸引她!  因此,我便約她一起週末去睇花卉展覽!為何我不約我媽咪呢?而我那個愛花之人的媽咪,已早在展覽頭一兩日的平日賞花! 恰巧!她的大女跟爸爸 (即是她前夫) 一起在第一個週末去花卉展覽;於是,我們就在第二個週末去吧! 賞花卉展覽之前,先請她食飯! 在銅鑼灣區,嚐過質素不俗又環境寧靜的西餐廳,而且距離維園不太遠的地方,我想起樓上餐廳 <洋蔥>! 我預先 book 枱,我們直接入座!  週末的中午,只有好幾枱食客,女食客佔大多數! 臨走,原來我忘記拿走放在椅背的絲巾!  店方除了致電通知我之外,還有 what's app 並影低絲巾張相給我,跟我確認是不是我的絲巾?!讓我睇完花卉展覽才拿回吧!服務實在太好嘞!給我們留下很好印象! 由她發辦點食物,最緊要她喜歡!  我負責付款就可以嘞! 麵包籃富有麥香的麵包,外層煙韌,包身密度高!我個人喜歡伴湯食!  洋蔥湯配沙律洋蔥湯用牛骨熬製,味道濃郁!洋蔥已煲至軟腍入味!  果然是招牌菜之一! 沙律混合了青蘋果,倍感清爽!  新鮮即切,水果依然白雪雪,薄切的水果卻不失口感! 輕煎北海道帶子配法國甜包及香脆巴馬火腿 $38外脆內軟的帶子,肉嫩鮮甜夠厚身,食得一口滿足感!  配上香脆而鹹香的巴馬火腿,不論賣相抑或口味,都即時生色不少啊!  以法國甜包墊底,整體是無懈可擊的組合! 香煎鵝肝配法國甜包及啤梨醬 $150 (50克)鵝肝份量也不少,以價錢來說已是交足貨! 清新富天然果酸的士多啤梨醬,完全中和了鵝肝的油膩感,兩者很夾得來! 香煎三文魚扒薯蓉拼新鮮蔬菜 $95店方以原條三文魚切成魚扒,魚質相對鮮嫩分明!  旁邊小小的檸檬夾的確幫了一個大忙,既方便又衛生! 北海道帶子及鮮蝦扁意粉配白蘭地龍蝦汁 $280 (晚餐)橙紅色的龍蝦汁,洋溢濃郁鮮香,絕對惹人垂涎!  軟硬適中的意粉也沾上了龍蝦汁,足料夠味!選用新鮮蝦,鮮甜彈牙又爽口啖啖肉,真是無得彈! 甜品拼盤 (晚餐送)檸檬餅清酸開胃! 迷你忌廉泡芙,細細件易入口又甜而不膩! 朱古力蛋糕店方因應香港人口味,甜度恰到好處!相對朱古力味夠濃郁,質感挺身!  跟前者兩件甜品口感上與別不同!<洋蔥> 是一間憑真材實料、廚師實力而保持水準的樓上西餐廳!值得支持! 我們睇花卉展覽前,嚐了一頓有水準的豐富午餐,大家也感到滿足又高興!   继续阅读
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等级1 2016-06-03
4489 浏览
一直以來對樓上西餐廳實在不太熟悉,這次多虧朋友介紹才找到這一家。Special menu,是之前想也沒想的事,餐廳方面在book位時得知這會是一頓生日飯,便提議為我們設計一份special menu,也好吧﹗這樣一來既能為朋友帶來多一點的驚喜,亦能有個更好的預算 餐包、餐湯當然少不了,他們的洋蔥真的很香、很惹味,平時愛喝蔬菜湯的朋友可以考慮一試喔﹗除此之外,還包括了六道菜及一道甜品,對平常不大吃的我們,份量剛好,餐廳方面還細心的為我們配上餐酒 頭盤,帶子夾在parma ham與脆多士之間,口感既豐富又香脆,讓人更期待接下來的菜式。鵝肝同樣配脆多士,卻沒有半點油膩感,有驚喜﹗說到乳豬,真沒想過會成為這晚的菜式之一,好吃 脆而不膩 最欣賞這碟意粉的調味部份,吃的時候感覺到意粉帶一點點的辣,但那份辣味並沒有停留在口裡,不用以喝水來沖掉辣的味道,感覺很好。麵質也很不錯,不太硬,也不太軟,軟硬度剛好。牛扒,沒有一點韌的感覺,讚 這款甜品的賣相和味道都很特別,甜和酸的味道配合得剛好,就連碟上的畫花也畫得很細緻 上菜方面,他們會待客人完成一道菜式後,才安排上下一道菜,不會有被催趕的感覺,加上當日餐廳的環境很寧靜,很適合與朋友小聚。 继续阅读
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等级1 2016-05-10
1648 浏览
母親節帶4歲小朋友2人去食午餐,首先問待應有沒有母親節主題的食品,佢語氣唔多好一個字'無'就咁回答,當時有D失望,跟住點了2個午餐 加$加是日甜品,待應比相我睇係個蛋白批有士多啤梨藍莓幾好(諗住無母親節餐都有個甜品補數可以同小朋友影 好開心,點知食完2個餐話賣晒,超失望)講返果2個午餐,睇食評話高水準西餐我先專登去食,點知一個魚扒配薯蓉,魚肉明顯霉又D位一係好鹹一係無味,D肉無魚鮮味則邊醬汁少得可憐,另一個豬肋骨配意粉,意粉好乾,豬肋骨肉質夠淋,可惜唔夠juice又唔夠燒汁味,我覺得食物質素同烹調真係比預期失望 , 連杯凍o茶都無味,茶餐廳至少都飲到茶既苦嚁啦! 不過得意既係張枱有大大張畫紙可以畫下畫 继续阅读
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