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食记 (8)
等级4 2014-08-31
2137 浏览
如果打邊爐對你嚟講最緊要係牛肉,咁就要去試一試「牛 上牛」,一聽個名就知佢牛。 這是天后一舊樓內的私房邊爐,全牛宴,menu 不定期更改,每位$580,3個前菜,8款牛肉,甜品。不過,在等齊人期間,負責人又提供了兩款小食,麻辣龍躉扣和炸墨魚丸,個墨魚丸係食到墨魚㗎喎! 前菜 : 雙紫牛脊,即是紫蘇葉,紫菜包住一片牛脊嚟食,好香嘅紫蘇,好香嘅牛油。 牛白肉伴麵 ,將牛白肉炸咗,得出啲油渣,用來伴麵,你話幾正先。 牛柳心刺身 ,係店主自家風乾熟成的,佢話係中式Beef Carpaccio,伴洋蔥同海鹽,呢碟好好食。 食完前菜就可以打邊爐,湯底係牛骨沙嗲同豬骨,沙爹淡淡的又有牛骨鮮味比豬骨湯好。由於第一次來,又見好似得牛食,驚死唔飽,所以加了兩款海鮮,象拔蚌同星斑,價錢好平,因為負責人只係幫我哋喺街市買,冇另外收價,實報實銷,而佢去個街市喺荃灣,咁你估到有幾平。 八款牛肉分別有池板、胸尖、金錢𦟌、牛脷托、封門柳、牛柳邊、牛頸、牛脊。部位來講,其實有一啲外面都有,不過係冇佢咁有牛味,而且每上一碟有專人講解,對食牛有passion 嘅人就啱哂。我個人覺得最好食係牛胸尖,即係牛白肉。 原來除咗牛係仲有餃、菜、牛丸同埋生麵,牛丸係佢哋自己打的,好好食,食到大半已經好飽,真係失禮哂,結果打包咗5個麵返屋企。 继续阅读
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等级3 2014-07-30
1799 浏览
自從有了「牛。上牛」,以後吃火鍋都不用到別處去。火鍋最要緊是牛肉。這裡其中一個合伙人,擁有大名鼎鼎的荃灣三昌牛肉,全港零售最多本地「騸牯牛」的檔口,因此確保「牛。上牛」永遠有頂級牛肉供應。不僅如此,三昌獨家特有近二十個部位的牛肉,可讓食客遍嚐不同的口感和味道,這是其他火鍋店都不能做到的。鬆化滑溜的牛柳邊、煙韌口感的腩底、甜美惹味的封門柳、雪花均衡的牛頸脊、爽脆油香的牛脷托、入口即融的牛胸尖、牛味逼人的池板、甚至極難得的駝峰等等,不同部位的牛肉,各具特色和魅力。由淡入濃逐一品嚐,每一口都令人嘩然:以為「封門柳」已是不可多得的美味,誰知下一盤的「扒底尖」亦是人間極品;剛嚐過叫人驚喜不已的「牛胸尖」配「池板」,卻發覺接著的「腩底」和「肉眼嘴」還要更上一層樓。前菜也是好不刁鑽。自家風乾熟成的牛柳,取出中間肉味最濃的「牛柳心」,薄切刺身,混合生洋蔥生雞蛋,其鮮美不能以筆墨形容。餐廳堅持所有牛肉要即切即吃。預先切好可以節省時間成本,但卻會流失水份肉味。另外亦有精製牛肉熟食,如牛肝醬多士、冬瓜蓉牛肉羹、牛肉三文治、牛柳炸饅頭、清湯牛坑-腩-角、炸牛肉球、牛筋凍沙律等,按季節時令供應。若非愛吃牛、熟悉牛到了登峰造極的地步,實在不能製作出如此精彩傑出的。務求做到一絲不苟,其餘的海鮮、丸類、菜蔬、生麵、烏冬以至甜品、啤酒、日本酒,無一不是費盡心思、在外邊不易吃到的佳品。可是在完美的牛肉面前,始終是相形失色。要數唯一缺點,就是私房菜的坐位不多,每晚最多招待二十多個人,必須預訂。原因是好的牛肉份量有限,寧願食客少些都不願以次貨待客,也是餐廳對品質的執著、「貴精不貴多」的意思。 继续阅读
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等级1 2014-07-17
1430 浏览
It's my third time to Kin's, bringing a few friends from the US. Every time, the appertizer was a surprise. The beef and fried Chinese bun sandwich/burger was very delicious - bite size, sizzling hot bun with tasty and tender beef in the middle, yum yum!!  The beef broth and stew in a small cup was excellent. Broth is not heavy, but with natural sweet and beefy taste. Overall, a very fusion but pleaseing appertizer.Then came the beef carpaccio, aged for 21 days. We were a bit skeptical when we looked at the dish. But after we dug in, it's gone in seconds. The special egg sauce that went with it made it irresistable. The 8 different kinds of beef for hotpot were served in 4 pairs. All of them were very special. My favourite pair were  - special cut shank and back of the tongue. Both were thinly sliced. The tongue was really crunchy. The shank was crispy with a beefy flavor. The others were nice as well, each had its unique beefy taste. Suprisingly, all the beef were  lean, but still tender.  Along the course of the dinner, many kinds of crispy fresh Chinese vegetables were served; too many and couldn't remember their names.The beef ball (100% beef) and hand-made noodles were good. Beef ball - very heavy beefy taste, yet bouncy. The noodles went well with the balls, and the super tasty soup.Desserts - creme brulee or pudding in small portions. the peeti size was just right, with rich creamy taste, but kind of an anti-climax after all the beef. Another highlight of the evening was the beer pairing for each dish. We tried a few, very interesting. Our favourites were: "Yakima Red" with the beef and "Chocolae Porter" with dessert.   继续阅读
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等级1 2014-06-14
1328 浏览
Felt compelled to sign up for OpenRice just to write my awesome experience at Kin's Terrace last week.High's- Quality meats.  This is what they pride themselves in, and they do it well.  Our party had 7-10 courses of beef, prepared in different ways.  We started with carpaccio and wrapped up with beef balls & noodles.  Perfect amout of marbling in their cuts.  These guys are obsessive with their beef!  They went into the intricate details of how there are only 15 of these exclusive cows slaughtered, and are butchered & delivered on the same day.- Environment.  Not too sloppy, e.g. street, but not too pretentious either.  With seating for 20, it feels like hanging out at your buddy's house with an awesome staff.  They are high-touch, but not too intrusive, continuously keeping our glasses filled, skimming the beef junk from the broth, etc.- Value.  Yes, there are cheaper hot pot options.  But considering you're getting top quality meat, unlimited veggies & noodles, cheap corkage ($200 for unlimited bottles! Unreal!), and a private, unrushed meal, it's great value for money.Low's- Low seating capacity + 1 seating per night = low availability esp. on weekends.  So definitely make a booking.  (But don't be mean and pull a no-show.  With 1 seating per night, a no-show really hurts them.)- Bad for your diet.  Between the great food and cheap (and good!) beers, you're totally gonna blow any aspirations for that model figure.Will definitely be back as they said they rotate the menus often.  Keep up the great work, guys! 继续阅读
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等级1 2014-06-05
973 浏览
朋友介紹呢間専食牛肉的火鍋店,最初以為係D普通野,點知喜出望外!係天后舊樓樓上鋪,鋪頭細細,裝修都幾骨子,座位唔多,如果一大班人已經好似包場。一開始頭盤已經睇到心機,係牛柳心刺身,老闆話係用20日既牛仔,難怪好嫩滑!跟著主菜火鍋上場,有d牛既部位聽到未聽過,老闆同我地每㨾介紹,吾記得全部不過最鐘意牛胸尖,白色脆脆地好特別。另外仲有牛利托同封門柳,好有牛肉味又夠多肉汁!唔鐘意剩係肉仲有手打牛圓面,夠彈牙!一班鬥牛friend已經決定再去過! 继续阅读
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