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要不是太太的妹子生日, 我也不會特登去香港的韓國餐廳吃醬油蟹, 甚至不會想去品嚐這菜式. 無他, 因為它很容易處理得不好, 然後令人有消化系統的疾病. 幸好吃完之後沒什麼事, 所以相信餐廳的處理應該是夠Proper的吧! 單純以味道來說比我想像的好, 醬汁不會死鹹, 甜多於鹹能突出其鮮味, 特別是蟹膏的味道. 蟹膏份量豐富, 再配搭生雞蛋拌飯, 鮮味加倍, 但對於能吃得很Raw的我, 也覺得很Over呢! (笑)除了醬油蟹外, 韓燒和一般菜式也有提供, 相當全面. 韓燒之中以鰻魚最得我心, 比日式的薄身和少油脂, 吃起來肉質偏爽彈, 外皮烤得香脆後吃起來蠻爽的! 小菜如人蔘雞湯和海鮮薄餅也有提供, 味道沒有什麼驚為天人之處, 但就是有一種住家韓國菜的簡單和舒服.如果說我較不滿意的, 也許是安排用餐的時間不太足夠, 明白翻枱率的重要性, 但每人花了三四百元, 雖然不是豪客, 但無論吃什麼菜式, 份量多少, 以及人數多少, 每枱也只能很Tight地吃九十分鐘, 只能說, 香港搵食十分艱難吧!Gejang is the raw crab preserved by soy sauce. Bef
除了醬油蟹外, 韓燒和一般菜式也有提供, 相當全面. 韓燒之中以鰻魚最得我心, 比日式的薄身和少油脂, 吃起來肉質偏爽彈, 外皮烤得香脆後吃起來蠻爽的! 小菜如人蔘雞湯和海鮮薄餅也有提供, 味道沒有什麼驚為天人之處, 但就是有一種住家韓國菜的簡單和舒服.
如果說我較不滿意的, 也許是安排用餐的時間不太足夠, 明白翻枱率的重要性, 但每人花了三四百元, 雖然不是豪客, 但無論吃什麼菜式, 份量多少, 以及人數多少, 每枱也只能很Tight地吃九十分鐘, 只能說, 香港搵食十分艱難吧!
Gejang is the raw crab preserved by soy sauce. Before tasting this at Han Cham, I have never tried it at Hong Kong due to the hygiene issue. Luckily, no GI issue a week after that mean the processing is proper. The carb yellow is tasty especially when combined with rice with raw egg. Although I can taste very raw, Gejang is really too raw. Besides Gejang, the Korean BBQ and traditional Korean dishes are fine, at least it had home made feeling. However, the dining time is not sufficient enough. Only 90 minutes you can taste no matter how much you spend and how many people on the table. It is too rush for us to have a nice dinner.