港铁湾仔站 B2 出口 继续阅读
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 02:00
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Live Music
食记 (47)
等级2 2019-08-22
2123 浏览
今日同友人一行六人第一次黎食晚飯☺️因為之前黎左次,但係食lunch嘅快餐。其實野食同價錢一般都ok嘅,夜晚環境好舒服,有可以再黎嘅感覺。但音樂真係好趕客。。本身以為會有live jazz嗰啲,點知係隊叫untitled citizens嘅野,大聲到我地傾唔倒計,本身諗住坐多陣,叫多兩round野飲先走,最尾都轉場飲😰原本輕鬆嘅一晚咁就ruin左,因為個女主音無啦啦唱盧廣仲隻”我愛你”(而其實佢係handle唔倒好明顯),同一眾友人打完眼色就閃,不過見有外國人影video,好似好enjoy,但台上嘅band就問啲勁膠嘅問題,例如,大家覺得喱間餐廳啲野好冇食?之後會自己答返梗係好食啦,真係好難頂🤭🙄🙄我諗如果個台唔係8pm就開咪,應該會多好多客,難怪老闆話喱度做到31/8就會執笠,希望再開下手唔會有喱啲所謂 “live music”啦😅 继续阅读
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收工想約個朋友去飲杯野,有一排冇黎1563,決定過黎happy hour一下。今日星期四,5點幾黎到,人唔太多,全場只有4枱客左右,我地仲坐到sofa位。餐牌大致上冇點變,很快就能下決定落到單。Caesar Salad個dressing少左啲,撈得唔太平均雞軟骨炸得不是太脆,但個wasabi mayonnaise味道好好,不太辣,但能刺激味蕾。依個既質素保持得最好8點左右有live表演整體環境好好,好chill,食物質素還可以。最後埋單時waiter同我地講佢地做埋今個月就唔做,真係有啲唔捨得,想黎既朋友要爭取機會 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-04-18
2817 浏览
My friend and myself came here to try out the place on a Saturday evening. We both ordered a set dinner each and shared a bottle of red wine.For starters, I ordered the crab meat salad which was a quite nice appetizer. The follow-up carrot soup was bland.For the main course, I choose the char grilled steak. I asked for 70% done. I asked for extra red wine sauce. My steak arrived exactly like the pictures here. Pale, over-done, and a bit dry. There was a stick in my steak saying "Med-Well Done". The waiter really did not have a clue that 70% is medium. Then I ran out of sauce half way through, so I asked the waiter for more sauce. She came back saying that I could not have any more sauce. Totally absurd!! The amount of sauce I got is in the pictures. So my request for extra sauce was ignored both whilst ordering and when I ran out.The dessert was a jelly with bits of fruit in it. Overall very bland too.The red house wine was a less than 2-year bottle (2017). So nothing spectacular there. However, it did hit the spot for us.The free water refills is tap water.As for the live band performances, it was surprisingly nice. It was loud but exact sounds level for performances. They allowed kareoke style with the live band. Very nice.Overall the food is very mediocre. If chatting is what you want, this venue will not be too great during evenings. 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-04-11
1873 浏览
I ordered a pizza (parma ham , arugula) from the tablet. Pictures of the pizza on the tablet were great.  The pizza was a disappointment in full. For HKD 148, i got a pizza - industrial bottom- a few tomatoes cut- slices of ham (not parma ham) on top - a small heap of withered arugula leaves in the middle.I didn't even taste it as with watching i had enough of pizza. After 30 min, somebody came and ask " something wrong with the pizza" and i gave my comments, as above. The pizza was taken to the kitchen.  Paying for it at checkout and then asking to get it for takeaway., i decided to give it away to somebody in Wanchai who took  gratefully that pizza.Music was great - tutto bem - played jazz from 9 to 11 pm and i was listening the whole time. 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-03-12
1686 浏览
合和附近的餐廳只有這間比較客易有位,可以walk in。這餐廳環境不錯,座位舒適,只是燈光比較暗。但論食物質素真是每況愈下,今次點了set menu上的焗豬扒飯($98),飯非常濕,少cheese,豬扒無味口感差,只可靠汁送飯...總括差過快餐店正常焗豬,不推薦。 继续阅读
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