港铁中环站 G 出口, 港铁香港站 C 出口
在厨艺总监Richard Ekkebus的带领下,Amber踏上国际级舞台,开业以来获多间中外传媒颁发多个奖项。总监对出品菜式在厨艺总监Richard Ekkebus的带领下,米芝莲二星及绿星殊荣的Amber一直为餐饮业的先锋,以建基于法国烹饪技巧的精湛厨艺呈现纯正风味及创新意念,满足一众时尚食客的需求。Amber餐单不含任何乳制品,减少使用精制糖及盐,呈献菜式最纯正的味道。。
最优秀开饭自助餐 (2008), 最优秀开饭法国菜 (2014-16), 米芝莲二星餐厅 (2009-24), 米芝莲绿星餐厅 (2023-24), 亚洲50最佳餐厅 (2017-2021)
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
I have received many praises regarding this restaurant from friends and the internet. It is about time I came. From the moment I walked in, I knew the service would be top-notch. The environment is elegant and makes the small space seem spacious and heavenly. This restaurant does not use any dairy products which is great for a lactose-sensitive like me.$$$This is definitely on the far end of fine dining in Hong Kong with the weekday lunch sets priced at $928, $1,168, and $2,318 (including a kitchen tour). We went for the cheapest option and still left very full and satisfied.Amuse BoucheThe most memorable amuse-bouche is the phenomenal tomato and tofu dish that features a layer of tomato jelly, tofu, and tomato relish with Sichuan peppercorns. The tofu is extremely silky and creamy with a texture not dissimilar to burrata, working beautifully with the small heat emitting from the fresh tomatoes on top. Truly a great start to the meal.The other amuse-bouche included a creamy foie gras lollipop paired with gingerbread and a house brewed kombucha spiked with seltzer for a pleasant palette cleanser and appetite stimulant.BreadWalking away from the extravagant and overwhelming bread baskets, Amber focuses on simplicity and perfecting that. Their sourdough is fermented for 48 hours and utterly flawless from the chewy and tangy interior to the crispy and crusty crust. It is consistent and reliable, no wildcards with flavors and techniques here. The butter on the other hand is not like your traditional butter as it is made from caramelised enriched soy milk and lactose fermented cashew butter but it tastes exactly like cow butter with the same mouthfeel and creaminess that is mind-boggling. It’s lightly seasoned with soy sauce so you get subtle umami but really it is the pure creamy fat that you taste and goes so well with the acidic bread. Truly a remarkable albeit simple representation of bread and butter that showcases the team’s hard work perfecting their craft.StarterFor the starter, I chose their Nishimera salmon trout smoked in sakura wood topped with trout roe that made for an amazing twist on the mother-and-child pair. The trout is salty and bouncy whilst the roe is salty and gooey. The saltiness is balanced by the creamy, unctuous emulsion made from eggs and Junmai Sake that simultaneously offers lightness and richness. However, the true star of the dish had to be the perfectly cooked asparagus on the side that is brushed with kombu oil, taking this seasonal ingredient to the next level. Eating the crunchy asparagus with the tender trout was a textural umami bomb. This is by far the best starter I’ve ever had in any restaurant.MainThe umami-rich starter was followed by another umami-rich dish but still somehow wasn’t overwhelming. The toothfish with Normandy scallops is a delicate and sophisticated dish that highlights the ocean’s abundance. The toothfish is firm yet flaky (a sign that it is perfectly cooked) and the huge scallops are tender and slightly opaque (also a sign that it is perfectly cooked). Wrapped in kelp for a crunch and umami, served on house-made garum (a fermented fish sauce made from marine organs) using scallop organs. This umami-loaded dish is balanced by the sweet and silky turnip puree on the side.DessertThis short but filling lunch concludes with a parade of sweets from the chosen dessert to the complementary celebratory cake to the petit fours.My chosen dessert was the seasonal pineapple surprisingly paired with elements of rice and matcha. This was a refreshing and fruity choice that accentuated the naturally sweet pineapple.The complementary cake was a longan mousse filled with hazelnut chocolate and topped with a yuzu curd. Extremely light mousse with rich chocolate and zesty curd, what more could you ask for? A very balanced dessert and they are very generous with the size of the cake so do come for celebrations.Petite fours started with their deceptively light madeleine decorated with poppy seeds and a black lemon (basically dehydrated lemon/lime) gel in the middle. This shattered with minimal force and is easily the lightest madeleine I’ve ever eaten (I’ve had 3). Followed by a rich 70% chocolate encapsulating a yuzu and mikan (satsuma or Japanese mandarin) curd topped with toasty caramelized sunflower seeds. This indulgent bite is reconciled by the fresh fruit platter that reflected my childhood. The platter includes a variety of seasonal fruits imported from Taiwan, such as rose apple, mango, and a first-time milk fruit. This purple-fleshed fruit reminds me of mangosteen due to the white gel-like interior but the taste really does remind me of milk. Perhaps even more closely to coconut flesh which is also very creamy as milk fruit also has a slight crunch. An interesting fruit that you can only find in Amber in Hong Kong. We also ended with a fun tea called “Monkey Picked” which is under the subcategory of Tieguanyin, a black tea. This tea is shaken with raspberry jam and finished with Amalfi lemon zest for a refreshing final send-off.Final thoughtsGiven the high price tag, you can surely expect first-class service and food here. The food does not scream high innovation and unique ingredients but instead focuses on elevating existing and sustainable ingredients, creating surprising pairings via sophisticated techniques. I truly recommend coming here for a celebratory lunch and even ordering the cheapest option because you will surely be stuffed and satisfied.
Bookmark咗接近1年,全因小貪心,想趁生日去食,可以獲贈蛋糕吖嘛~訂位要喺2個月前進行,雖然到訪時係平日下午,但食客唔少,幾乎滿座,所以儘早訂位係必須。另外,訂位入座時間係每15分鐘一輪,我同狗狗爸爸早到,幸好上一輪有食客已離開,餐廳先可以安排我哋喺5分鐘內入座,否則就要直接等到訂座時間。我哋點咗3道菜午餐,一肉一素。侍應話2個人要食相同數量菜式,應該係要達到上菜時的一致性。首先上檯係酸種麵包,小小原個麵包,一開四,配以椰子油製的軟身素牛油。麵包可追加。第一次送上的麵包雖然好食但唔暖,所以外層過硬。牛油的鹹味突出,食耐咗或食得多,會感覺略鹹,而優點係佢非常軟身,一搽即刻會化成半液態的油,流入酸種麵包的孔洞,令成塊包充滿油脂,好可口!我哋喺用餐期間追加咗一次,第二次送上的麵包烘得夠暖,外層冇咁硬,趁熱食就更加食到麵包外脆內軟的口感。追加麵包時,第一次用過的牛油有剩,但侍應表示要收走,再俾過一件新牛油,顯示出餐廳對食物的完整性或presentation好有要求,但咁好味的素牛油(略鹹係後期先有感既),哪怕係食剩,就咁丟咗有啲浪費。上三道菜之前會有4道開胃菜,包括紫穌葉雪芭、kambucha 湯、大豆布甸(?)以及紅菜頭棒棒糖。侍應一次過上4樣食物,不過「撻Q」,其中一枝棒棒糖喺不為意下「訓」低咗,要拎番入廚房。紫穌葉雪芭:手指公的指甲大小,紫穌葉味濃,但太細粒,食感只停留好短時間,印象唔深刻Kambucha湯:一湯匙份量,帶檸檬味,酸咪咪(都幾酸),幾開胃大豆布甸:非常好食!分3層,上面係碎蕃茄、紅甜椒,味道特別又有層次,中間好似係以由豆奶製成的布甸,豆味濃,下層唔記得係乜,呈淡黃色,估計係蔬菜湯啫喱紅菜頭棒棒糖:有少少食不出所以然,味淡,似一件由紅菜頭同其他淡味食材搓成的小波波,波波上的2件瓣,其中一件係薑味餅乾(前菜)蕃茄雜莓大豆慕絲:慕絲同開胃菜果個類似;醬汁帶蕃茄酸,配搭以黃豆製成的慕絲/布甸,唔太適合,因為一酸(頗酸)一淡,對比過大,酸味遮蓋曬豆製品的獨特味道(豆味我係鐘意既),所以我冇撈埋食,亦唔喜歡個醬汁(主菜)雜菌雅枝竹:主角係雅枝竹,醬太濃及過䶢;雅枝竹係我幾鐘意的食材,但餐廳的煮法唔係特別出色,一般水平;雜菌冇特別;由於個醬我唔識睇欣賞,所以喺食主菜的食材時冇點嚟食,到最後唔想浪費,用麵包醮啲醬嚟清碟65%可可慕絲:慕絲下面有類似青檸味的醬,狗狗爸爸唔太喜歡,覺得既然係甜品,整到咁酸,食味麻麻;我覺得都ok,或者個醬係用嚟消滯,但側邊果兩小角牛油果就唔知為乜;慕絲上的幾片薄片帶咖啡味,而呢個甜品原本配咖啡雪糕,但狗狗爸爸唔飲咖啡,所以我哋改咗大豆雪芭,而味道上就唔係好食得出黃豆味;可可慕絲的甜度合適,但佢唔係好夠可可味,冇黑朱古力的甘苦,所以整體一般;味道雖然係複雜,但所有食材唔係好夾或好食花生醬班㦸椰子雪芭(?):唔肯定有咩食材,但記得有椰粒/椰子碎;花生醬濃,有花生碎粒,幾好食;班㦸/crepe墊底,淋曬,好難切細件嚟食,而且冇乜味;甜品的甜度合宜,食材配搭比65%可可慕絲夾;全個甜品喺表面上睇係純白色,好靚Latte:咖啡nutty但冇乜特別凍朱古力:狗狗爸爸話朱古力味同牛奶味平衡,但因為咁,可可味唔太突出,有少少過甜果盤:侍應介紹各種生果的來源地,我哋食完甜品已冇胃納,需要外帶生果同其餘甜品、蛋糕;生果的質素好好,提子有葡萄酒香;蜜瓜質感軟硬適中,仲好甜;火龍果比平日買到的好食瑪德連:狗狗爸爸話味道單調朱古力撻:有朱古力味,唔過甜,但就冇乜記憶點紅莓烏龍茶:細細杯,酸甜作結,有少少解膩用途;不過,我見侍應調配時,落咗好大pat紅莓醬,所以應該都幾甜柚子朱古力蛋糕:生日贈禮;非常好食!蛋糕輕盈,食落唔漏;佢層次分明但幾夾,鋪面的柚子醬帶酸而開胃,然後係清淡的慕絲蛋糕體,裡面夾咗朱古力脆脆,最入面係榛子/朱古力醬,最少有4個層次的味道同質感,食蛋糕時,感覺豐富,滿足又唔會食到好飽整體嚟講,素食者的選項基本上係零,只係需要表示係vegan定vegetarian,同埋侍應會特別問食唔食西芹,此外就唔需要揀任何菜式;肉食者可3揀1,其中一道主菜係和牛,加$750。以素食者肉度出發,黃豆的味道以及佢的慕絲/布甸口感可以話係貫穿全餐,挑剔啲會覺得食物變化唔大。雖然寫到佢的食物有少少單調,但事實上係幾啱胃口、輕盈同幾好食。環境方面,餐廳有少少暗,昏昏黃黃,下午時段拉上紗簾;座位坐得幾舒服,但檯與檯之間的距離同整體空間感一般(以呢個價錢嚟講),當full house時,行出行入要就住;餐廳冷氣大,一開始唔覺,但坐咗一陣就覺得幾凍,食幾個鐘會有少少頂唔順。服務方面,人手雖多,但未做到有侍應可長期mark一張檯,所以加水唔會即時發生;因為冇中文餐牌,坐低後我哋提出想由廣東話侍應講解,而餐廳只係儘量安排,就算個侍應係香港人,講廣東話,但有啲食材佢哋照樣係用英語講出嚟,其實我同狗狗爸爸都唔係百分百聽得明,而且亦唔係每道菜都由果1-2位侍應作廣東話講解,如後續的甜品,照樣係由外藉侍應英語演繹,不過雖然有少少語言不通,但侍應們都好有禮貌既。食物方面,我覺得偏鹹,呢個大部分係同個人飲食習慣有關,而坐我哋隔離檯的食客喺食海膽魚子醬時亦同侍應反映鹹得滯(檯與檯之間的距離就係我可以隱約聽到佢哋同侍應溝通的內容)。嚟呢度食嘢算係一次體驗,食完冇太舒服的感覺,始終醬料較濃同鹹,加上甜食多,都幾heavy,消化上有負擔。最後,講埋我的小貪心,就係生日可以獲贈蛋糕,不過我哋發現,幾乎檯檯客都係嚟慶祝生日架,所以餐費都差唔多係包埋個生日蛋糕架喇~~
Beside St. Regis, Landmark Mandarin Oriental also have their own summer promotion, which includes lunch and dinner sets. I tried their Exteneded lunch experience, where the E-coupon was $2056 (already including service charge). Although it is around $1000pp, given that the regular extended menu is $1200 which does not include wine, the E-coupon is definitely a good deal.The bread and butter was off to a good start. The "butter" was actually made of soymilk, cashew and coconut, giving a even more summer flavor to the menu.Despite the shisho is not in their appetizer, I am so glad they still included in the amuse bouche. My other favorite would of coure be there cherry foie gras. I would mainly be reviewing the dishes I tried. My friend stated this changed his mind that Michelin restaurants are worth the price and the taste matches the beautiful presentation(it seem he had some "traumatic" dishes in some Michelin restaurants in Europe)Despite having ginger flower/root in the dish, it did not overpower the fish and simple elevated the its flavors with the lightly flavored daikon.I was a bit surprised by the pairing of these 2 strong flavors(black garlic and foie gras) but somehow they made it work. The brussel sprout on top and sourdough beneat the foie gras also balanced out them quite well.The main star was definitely the pigeon being so tedner but the corn and cornmeal also held its own, with its sweetness reminding me of the summer themed menu.Enjoying tarty desserts, I definitely ordered the golden pineapple but I was thoroughly surprised by all its flavors besides the tartness, eg. the sweetness of the rice milk, the aroma of the sake kasu, bitterness of the matcha etc.Ended with their seasonal fruits and petit four. Totally enjoyed my lunch here and looking forward to trying their full menu later.
環境係屬於比較modern, chill,輕鬆嘅氛圍,配以jazz Music。唔係屬於classical嗰種嘅高級感。開胃小吃酸酸甜甜嘅蕃茄同埋紅椒打成嘅醬,配以鮮甜嘅豆腐。整體都開胃好味。另外送上一杯以青瓜青檸同梳打嘅飲品放喺一個小碗度,味道比較東南亞。味道可以,不過放喺個碗到感覺怪怪的。如果放喺一個小玻璃杯,可能感覺啱feel d。 Nishimera Salmon Trout , Trout Roe Pertuis, Green Asparagus呢一碟好無謂。就係兩塊煙三文魚,上邊放咗d 三文魚子。完全冇廚藝可言。我嚟呢啲米芝蓮餐廳,無非都係想食吓分子料理,或者係新奇嘅味道。淨係食現成嘅煙三文魚加魚子醬,又使咩特登過嚟破費食?隔離有條蘆筍配以牛油醬。個牛油醬就幾好味。但係我撈個醬落去個三文魚到,又唔特別覺得夾。本身碟嘢嘅味道就正常,煙三文魚都厚切有口感。但個人覺得呢碟野個主角冇廚藝可言,算係求其。Aka Uni, Cauliflower, Lobster, Royal Cristal CaviarAmber 10幾年嘅招牌菜。魚子醬非常鹹香鮮甜,唔會只得個海水鹹味。龍蝦係將佢打成非常香滑嘅mousse, 又有非常濃郁嘅龍蝦味。整體係食得滿意。另外佢仲有兩大片海苔片。餐廳介紹可以撈埋一齊食。但我自己試過,我覺得係破壞咗魚子醬嘅香甜口感,所以我覺得都係分開食比較好。👌🏼酸種麵包 + 椰子醬個酸種麵包大大份,本身味道就冇咩特別。但係我自己就好鍾意佢嘅椰子醬。打得非常幼滑,質感非常輕盈,唔會太甜,只係帶淡淡嘅椰香味道。個味道就有啲似非常非常淡嘅椰奶糖味道,好欣賞佢嘅輕盈口感,同埋少少香甜嘅subtle 感。好味。Obsiblue Prawn,Guanciale di Montalcino , White Asparagus法國藍蝦鮮甜爽口,另外Guanciale 餃就冇特別食到風乾豬肉嘅鹹香味,都係正常豬肉餃嘅味道。另外配嘅龍蝦湯汁都濃郁好味。Foie Gras ,Black Garlic ,Home-Made Sourdough Bread Vinegar ,Malabar Pepper鵝肝如果唔配佢d 汁就咁食,就本身煎得冇乜特別,唔會話特別香滑。個精華係在於佢鵝肝底下面有個脆脆皮,面頭有一啲花同埋配菜,再點綴佢嘅黑醋汁,就會帶來同平時食到嘅鵝肝另一種層次嘅味道。要讚個黑醋醬唔會太酸太甜,個味道恰到好處。👌🏼Toothfish,Normandy Scallop ,Garum ,Kombu 一半鱸魚一半帶子,魚肉同帶子都係半生滑滑嘅質地。個汁係miso 醬嘅味道。味道同質感都正常咁啦。👌🏼Ping Yuen Chicken, Foie Gras,Morel Mushroom ,White Asparagus 一半嘅本地雞同埋一半嘅鵝肝醬。雞同鵝肝醬都整得好幼滑。個汁係類似中式嘅醬油生蠔撈埋再溝到淡淡嘅味道。由於個味道有啲中式,雖然係味道都唔錯,但又唔係特別impress。 甜品👌🏼 Blood Orange, Heirloom Carrot , Ginger橙味sobert,正常味道,唔算驚喜。唔覺得有薑味。Vegan Milk Chocolate,Coconut,Peanut ,Custard Apple 賣相靚。類似豆腐味雪糕嘅外層入邊包住一啲流心醬。個menu 貌似寫係custard apple,但食落唔似蘋果醬,反而有少少芋泥feel。偶然會食到一啲焦糖花生脆脆。整體口感新鮮又豐富。最後佢仲送咗蛋糕同朱古力,味道正常。十幾年前嚟過Amber,當時佢嘅味道真係帶嚟好多驚喜。今次重返,唔知係印象過於美好,定係其他因素,覺得個驚喜度只係屬於正常。整體來講,味道唔會令人失望,整體係decent ,但就覺得少左份新鮮感同埋驚喜。環境:★★★★☆ 食物: ★★★★☆ 推介指數: ★★★☆☆