12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 01:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
电话订座 详细介绍
芝士燴德國粉糰 炸德國芝士配乾無花果醬 秘製德國咸豬手 煙三文魚水瓜柳薄餅 德國芝士餅伴士多啤梨 德國香腸拼盤配酸椰菜
食记 (17)
心血來潮黎到愉景灣,愉景灣有好多唔同國家既菜式,兜左一個圈最後選擇一出碼頭就見到既德國餐廳。 但最後, 竟然點既都唔係德國菜ORZ!對正廣場一邊有開放式bar枱,另一邊沙灘方向亦有露天位,可以對正大海享受美食。一入去Waiter亦有問想坐入面定出面,但由於天陰陰又準備落大雨,我地決定坐番係室外,但揀左較近外面既一張枱。店內環境清靜得黎好光猛,岩岩坐低冇耐出面已經落大雨,聽住落雨既噠噠聲食飯別有一番感覺。午飯時間有提供Lunch Set,款式亦都唔少,有跟前菜及迷你餐湯、主食、甜品、飲品。主食方面有八款選擇,價錢由$88-$118不等,有意大利飯、肉腸拼盆、煎魚等等。另外亦有一款標榜較健康既套餐─瑞士芝士豬手肉墨西哥卷 ($78),我地最後決定一份墨西哥卷及意大利飯套餐。首先盛上既餐湯─雜菜忌廉湯。 其實名都係我俾架姐 ,有時候係部份西餐廳飲既忌廉湯唔係太杰身就太稀,但呢到既忌廉湯非常幼滑, 有一種好creamy既感覺,入面材料亦都好充足,有好多西蘭花茸,表面係幾粒烘左既麵包脆脆。前菜─德式腸沙律。配有酸瓜,食落去酸咪咪咁係一份好好既開胃前菜,但酸瓜又唔會好似M記孖芝果款酸到令人打唔開眼 (雖然我知有好多人好鍾意食孖芝既酸瓜...)。雖則係腸仔,但切成薄片感覺上更似係火腿 -W-主菜─意大利燴飯配香煎帶子、青豆及巴馬芝士。 燴飯上面有一粒粒帶子肉,飯既質感非常軟熟,帶有奶油及白酒香。以一人份量黎講算係非常大份,加上意大利燴飯以忌廉煮成,通常都偏膩,最後都係食唔哂.. ORZ主菜─瑞士芝士豬手肉墨西哥卷。 顧名思義亦即係墨西哥卷,包住非常足料豬手肉,入面都有好多唔同既沙律菜。值得一提既係卷皮,平時食開既墨西哥卷 皮比較厚,似印度薄餅,但呢到既係脆身,又唔會好似薯片咁一咬就碎開哂,保留番少少煙韌度,仲係熱辣辣既~~~ 內餡滿滿既豬手肉,一咬落去肉汁同埋芝士咇哂出黎~好好食甜品─朱古力蜜柑蛋糕配雲呢拿雪糕。蛋糕有好濃既朱古力味,偏甜,但加埋雲呢拿雪糕一齊食可以減輕甜膩感,另外亦配有偏酸士多啤梨粒,唔會因為太甜既朱古力味而覺得非常飽滯。另一樣有驚喜既係灑上少量肉桂糖,由於我太鍾意食肉桂,所以好滿足 >W<最後叫埋餐飲,都係一般咖啡或茶。 叫左兩杯凍檸檬茶,習慣落糖水之前先飲一啖紅茶,茶味十分清新,亦唔會太淡,可以試試唔落糖水就咁飲下淡淡既茶味 ^_^ (題外話好鍾意呢隻杯 <3)今次呢間德國菜餐廳,(特登加粗 德國 兩個字), 雖然名係德國菜餐廳,但結果我地最後食既竟然係墨西哥卷同意大利燴飯 =P有少少美中不足既係,德國 令人諗起 鹹豬手、啤酒.... 但午餐關係冇試到特式德國啤酒!! 枱面有張餐紙更有提到 無酒精啤酒,好想試下......唯有下次先 继续阅读
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等级1 2015-12-26
1184 浏览
俗人和朋友都是嬌滴滴的(大誤)女生,基於每次吃稍為正統的歐洲菜都會吃不完的開係,這次來到Berliner雖然是聖誕節,已有吃大餐的心理準備,並且有最低消費HK$300的要求,但謹慎起見還是只點了兩個主菜,後來加了一道甜品。菜式包括:1. Roasted秘製德國鹹豬手(話說boiled的那種我真的不會欣賞,感覺像阿嬤會吃的豬腳薑)2. 香燒柏林肉腸圈配燒薯燴紅洋蔥3. Apple Strudel飲品:Holsten Beer味道平心而論,兩道菜都很值得推薦。個人愚見,吃德國鹹豬手就像吃中國乳豬一樣,皮不脆的話再說甚麼也是百搭。Berliner的鹹豬手皮脆而不焦,肉質以豬手這個部位來說也是挺好吃的,反正吃進口是肉香四溢,很能滿足食肉獸的胃口。而且重點是portion超大,香是很香,總是有點膩了,而且也的確難切,建議找男性友人同往,吃起來會比較方便(......)。然後柏林肉腸圈呢,燒薯是不行的,只有賣相好看,而且只有三塊;紅洋蔥我不吃的,所以不知道味道如何,反正我朋友是吃光了。俗人評菜一向只談主菜,不重配菜,由於肉腸圈實在高質,味道方面我還是給個整體5分了。好吃的點在肉汁豐富而不油膩,皮脆而不韌。為甚麼要吃正宗德國腸呢,還請想像一下雪藏快餐漢堡扒和現場用鮮牛肉壓成的香煎漢堡扒,Berliner的肉腸圈就是我吃後者時候的感覺。甜品Apple Strudel雪糕是正常的,酥皮也是好吃的,但那個蘋果餡就算了。(我只有喝杯裝那個Holsten)啤酒沒甚麼特別,可能因為我們忙著拍照,結果都沒喝到泡......依稀看到是德國進口的。環境&衛生俗人沒去過德國,無法說地道不地道,不過憑基本的審美而言,這裏環境還是十分不錯的。而且這家店地處愉景灣,整個灣區都是蠻有情調的,聖誕店外還有燈飾,離碼頭又超近的啊,環境我真的無法不滿分。服務這邊的侍應服務態度不錯,上菜時如果桌面位置不夠,他們會仔細認真的挪動其他東西的位置,而且(可能因為)都不是港人侍應,沒有遺傳到我們大香港社會的侍應黑面傳統,基本上每位都很有禮貌。美中不足的是,人手貌似不是很足夠吧,想點菜、加菜、結帳等都要等好一陣子,入場時也沒有reception比較混亂。當然節日人多,可能也是原因,這我就無從稽考啦。抵食聖誕節人頭低消HK$300,綜合而言我覺得CP值超高。必須滿分。 继续阅读
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等级3 2015-12-11
889 浏览
We only order one dish for 2 people but I still think we order too much Dessert Platter : upper level is blackforest cheesecakeMiddle level is fried pancakeLower level is apple strudelBlackforest cheesecake with ice cream, cant taste any cheese, so it doesnt tast like cheesecake at all, but it do taste like blackforest cake, its not much different than other blackforest cake, chocolate taste (not too strong ) with cream filked in the middle and roll up with soft sponge cake, but I would put in more cherry to give a bit more of fruity taste.Fried pancake with cherry source, its fluffy, warm n soft, with almond and raisin on the side, combaination is good but its too dry, at the beginning its okay but at the end I need to ask for extra cherry source to go with and it make you full, really really full!Apple strudel is the best out of what we order, puff is crispy enought, apple pieces is not too sweet or too wet, its a bit more dry, but thats how it suppose to be thats why it come with vanilla cream n ice cream for you to go with. 继续阅读
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等级3 2015-05-08
1385 浏览
Discovery Bay is quite a nice choice for one-day getaway from the busy city life. Walking along the beach, enjoying the sea breeze, wandering in perfect weather just made your day there. You may forget you are now in Hong Kong amid the surrounding as you may be the only few locals there. There are not much to see indeed but the major attractions are around D’deck and DB North Plaza.For Berliner German Bar and Restaurant, it is located at the D’deck. I do like the front door and inner design. As you can see the front door is actually an arch that makes it look quite classic. What’s more, the design of the ceiling lamp create an even more gorgeous picture.Pork Belly Sliders ($74)There are 3 pieces in total. I can say the pork belly is the essence as as the fat of the pork belly is pretty even. The surface of the burger is also well baked in crispy texture. The juice of the pork belly will fill your mouth with just a bite.Flamming with Salmon Pizza ($138)I saw the chef roasted the pizza in a big pizza oven that you can see the glowing fire! It makes me expect more. What it came out is a bit disappointing though. The pizza dough was separate from the ingredients on top. Try to imagine when you devour the pizza but the food on top does not stick to the dough so it will slip off your mouth. It feels like put some salmon and spill the veggies on them.Nurnberger Sausage 6 pieces ($132)This dish is great! Usually, when you dine out, you may want to try something you can hardly make at home by yourself. Nurnberger is a district in Germany and this one is cooked in German style as well. At the bottom of the sausage, pickle floss and soft mashed potato made up the base. Hong Kong people may not like the taste of pickle as it used to be tangy and too sour but this one is slightly sweet so it is just fit.Indeed, the price is marked up a bit as these ingredients may not be too rare. The portion is not that big and not as filling as I expected. Overall, it is pleasurable to chill here but the price and portion should be improved in order to draw more customers. 继续阅读
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等级2 2015-02-20
1147 浏览
係呢到完到食到德國風味既腸!不過比較咸最好拎黎送BEER!!!!!!!!!同埋D野食好大份,最好4人SHARE就岩岩好!D腸真係隻隻唔同味,多人食可以試多幾款!OVERALL係較咸,但真係好好食! 继续阅读
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