港铁中环站 G 出口, 步行约3分钟
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 18:00
想給孩子驚喜,用差不多2千元訂購自定生日蛋糕。專登上到其中環店及电郵款式與其店員面談。店中一名亞洲操英語員工與本人及朋人一起傾談。我要求跟圖一樣希望蛋糕正方體形(cube). 店員話不可能,還拿出一個圓底蛋糕模話只可跟模一樣。那我們同意。我亦提出店員可隨時跟我聯絡。店員話蛋糕師唔會打比客人。我提醒店員將細節和師傅溝通。我老公去餅店取蛋糕。返到家,才發現蛋糕变成長方體,深度大概2吋,高4-5吋,濶7-8吋,蛋糕正面已塌下貼在盒邊,因蛋糕不是圓底或正方底,比例太高及深度短,不能承受本身的結構,塌下了。😭😭😭 孩子在生日見到生日蛋糕塌下來,非常失望。切開蛋糕,內裡只有一支像鉛筆的支柱,完全沒可能可支撐整個蛋糕企在一塊只有1厘米深的板上。返去中環店去理論,跟著打多次电話,在10日後只有电郵回應。佢哋冇了解客人,只重覆他們沒錯。他們不需預早通知形狀改變。結構沒問題。只有客人自己沒理解。我只可在這分享惨痛經驗,洗完2千元,只有一肚氣。希望你選擇這店時有參考。小心!
之前阿囡百日宴已經試訂過一次蛋糕,點知明明order 左四點先送蛋糕,佢地朝早11 點就到,個蛋糕咁大個,我個party 夜晚先開始,當時仲要係夏天,攪到我要喺屋企開大冷氣同即時落街買幾個雪種去雪住個蛋糕,而且佢仲要收我$380運費,其實如果佢一早話運輸安排唔到,我自己call 車都可以,不過最後見個蛋糕都ok, 又唔想冒險試其他餅店,所以今次再搵返佢地訂阿仔百日宴蛋糕,點知今次又出事,我訂左個大蛋糕同三打cupcake,連佈置既stand 都買埋,佢居然可以臨時話我知雪櫃壞左d cupcake cream 壞晒,所以我訂既cupcake 送唔到黎,聽到呢個消息我完全啞左唔知講乜,真係估唔到可以咁不負責任,一句雪櫃壞左比返錢我就算,經過兩次既深刻教訓,我真係完全對呢間餅店死心,就算d 餅幾好食都無用,我從來都無喺openrice 寫食評,但今次真係好嬲,所以要出黎比劣評佢地😤😤😤
We had been searching for a perfect wedding cake for our wedding. Disappointingly, none of the cake shop was able to tailor made a cake based on our requests until we found Complete Deelite. The owner was so professional. She was the only one asking us to have a face to face meeting to communicate our ideas. Once we saw her and talked to her, we could tell she indeed was an expert in cake and told us that actually it was super easy to make what we wanted. After discussing the outlook of our cake, she gave us to try all different favour of the cake and cream. We picked red velvet and cream cheese for our cake.When we saw our cake in our wedding. We was so happy about it. It looked even better than we expected and the cake tasted so good. All the guests were happy about it.Honestly, the cake was surprisingly cheap comparing with others incapable cake shops asking for more than HKD 10,000.
我喜歡吃甜品,但至於蛋糕、特別是滿佈忌廉的,始終喚不起食慾,我很怕死甜和油膩的食物。對很多甜品控來說,吃朱古力是一種guilty pleasure,我深明這是一件很guilty 的事,但對我來說不太是pleasure。我寧願吃十粒糖,也不想吃一顆朱古力或一口忌廉的。跟新相識不久的友人吃飯,他應該是覺得我是個愛漂亮甜點的女生,在Complete Deelite (讀 delight)買了兩件cupcake 給我。 正常來說我是不會舉手說要吃cupcake 的,甜和油膩這兩點全中。這家cupcake 店跟Sift 一樣都是香港cupcake 界先驅,至今立足已十多年,沒有打什麼健康旗號,所造的都是傳統般邪惡而可愛的cupcake。設於安蘭街的樓上舖,除了有售各種精美糕餅外,還有烘焙用品,並定期舉辦製餅班。這家cupcake 有名於訂製各式蛋糕,和Sift、Twelve Cupcakes 的受眾有點不一樣。價錢方面,常設款式和味道只是$20/個,比坊間的便宜。盒子設計不錯,不怕東歪西倒的。 Juicy Raspberry $20 這件cupcake 的birdview 像波板糖的旋渦嗎?紅莓醬吱在堅挺的custard 上,粗幼均勻;顏色上不是很girly,屬簡單的設計。底下的cake base 是原味,呈淡黃色。酸甜的紅莓醬成了味道的主角,柔滑圓潤的custard 不會過甜,主要帶來順滑個感。 Cake base 的濕度不俗,入口不會乾巴巴的。氣孔尚算平均,咬下盡是牛油香。由於沒有什麼低糖低脂的調整,cake base 有一定的甜度,而且密度頗高,吃一個會有點飽膩。 Choco Puff $20 裡裡外外都是朱古力的cupcake,綴以彩珠,感覺童真玩味。友人從中環買到,再帶到尖沙咀給我,我再帶回金鐘,實淨的忌廉都沒有走樣,翩翩的美感依然。 這個無疑較剛才的甜膩,加上我不大喜歡吃朱古力的緣故,吃的一半就投降了。說實話,這件的cake base 做得比原味好,濕潤綿密而不失實在感。整體來說,口感不是想像般油膩,但甜度始終不低,喜愛與否就在乎個人口味;在於cupcake 來說這是討喜的質感和味道,即使我本身不喜歡朱古力和糕點,我不會因此而吝嗇正評。
My bestie will be flying off to Japan for her Masters education and I wanted to celebrate her birthday with her before her departure. Nothing would be more perfect than a scrumptious red velvet from my favourite cake shop in town! The cake was moist with just the right amount of chocolate flavour. I like my cupcakes on the dense side (rather than air-light) and Complete Deelite just gets me. But what kept me going back for more was the O-M-G grade cream cheese frosting. The frosting was dreamy creamy with a subtle sourness from cream cheese, and it did not overwhelm the choco flavour of the cake at all. A bite with both the cake and frosting together sent both my bestie and I to food heaven. Complete Deelite is located at the quiet lane of On Lan Street, just a few minutes away from the hussle and bussle of the busy Central. Go up the hill when you reach Marks and Spencer and turn right when you see the Louboutin store.