港铁中环站 D2 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
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食记 (25)
等级4 2015-01-25
1223 浏览
香港吃秘魯菜的食店買少見少。開啟Rider Radar, 四號僅僅只可偵察得到兩間食店,幸好總算是位於交通四通八達的中環區。"肯恩英雄,這間叫Mayta的食店現在每星期一都有主菜買一送一的推廣優惠呢!"原來不用甚麼Super Monday Card,任何普通walk-in 的客人都可以在星期一享用優惠,更加便捷。於是我們便選擇了星期一來到這裏....星期一的6:45pm去到食店,食客們尚未下班,我們是第一台的客人。食店燈光調校得不錯,給人cozy的感覺。食店裝修西化。要感受得到秘魯的異國風情,大概約略只可從牆上的布條掛飾及我們餐桌背後牆架上的酒壺擺設感受得到。其實食店除了主打秘魯菜色 (Peruvian Kitchen)外,另一強項是酒。食店中央便是酒吧的位置 (Pisco Bar)。酒牌上有很多不同類型的酒類頂目。皮斯可(Pisco)更是在秘魯非常流行的烈酒。對酒有興趣的朋友有機會都值得一試。原來牆架背後便是食店的廚房。可撇見厨師正為今晚的食物作準備。麵包來了,只是室溫的麵包,質感不算軟熟,不過可以吃到濃郁的香草味,感覺不錯。主菜之前先點一道頭盤。早知道Ceviche是秘魯菜中很出名的菜色,食店也有九款之多的Ceviche選擇,我們點了一道來一試。看到碟內有很多不同種類的食物。與之前在其他食店吃過的Ceviche相比,這兒的Ceviche伴有較多的汁液,成品似海鮮凍湯。廚師似乎很喜愛用上頂頂的小芽菜作伴吃的蔬菜或伴飾。打後的主菜也會見到它的踪影。在Ceviche裡可以見到這種大大粒的粟米粒,這是秘魯的特色粟米,口感較平時吃到的粟米烟韌。不知若果把它用來做爆谷的效果會怎麼樣....Ceviche即是醃海鮮,我們的Mixto不是以吃魚生為主,而是拼合了八爪魚,蝦,魷魚及帶子四款不同的海鮮而成(其實還附送了一小塊魚片)。海鮮都經一種特製的醬汁(leche de tigre,中文譯名"虎之奶")醃製,醬汁本身味道很複雜,應該是混了很多秘製材料在內,味道帶酸且微辣,醒胃十足。海鮮們經過虎之奶的醃製後,肉質更覺軟腍,而那酸辣味更將海鮮鮮味道帶向另一層次。其中覺得帶子及八爪魚的鮮味最為突出。除了海鮮,粟米,Ceviche內還有洋蔥,蕃薯等食材,其中蕃薯粒甜甜QQ,很是美味。整道Ceviche混合多種食材多重口感,一次過將秘魯菜的特色充分晒冷。吃過頭盤,主菜跟着上場。令人驚艷的presentation,主菜上桌時四號與我都異口同聲地嘩了一聲,以為到了法國菜館吃fine dining.廚師特意沒有把主角牛面頰放置在碟子正中央,反而是將整道食物以一幅風景圖展示出來。遠眺牛面頰恍如秘魯印加神廟遺跡,前面是夕陽西下泛起一片金黃的的喀喀湖....這片驟眼看似半太極形圖案的醬汁,其實是加入了辣椒的稀薯蓉。薄薄的薯蓉煮至近乎稠液狀,真的可以當作是醬汁那樣與牛面頰伴吃。因為加了辣椒,吃時多了一分微辣勁,視覺與味覺的雙重享受。牛面頰肉總共有四件之多, 都是很夠厚度,以啤酒醬汁炆製,再伴以少許小蘿蔔及青豆。小蘿蔔很是爽甜。牛面頰被醬汁炆得很入味,肉質適度軟腍仍帶有一定嚼度,肉味豐厚不肥膩,伴少許剛提及過的辣薯蓉同吃味道更有新鮮感。第二道的海鱸魚連整隻平底鍋及煮汁同上,看著紅色的煮汁會以為這道菜色很辣。因為平底鍋很大,驟眼看會被誤會只是浸在湯鍋中的兩片小小魚塊。其實海鱸份量一點不少,還是把它拿出來放在碟上才可全窺其厚度,活脱脱是厚切海鱸。可能是煮法的關係,被炆過的海鱸魚無論口感與味道都不是很突出,感受不到秘魯菜的神髓。正感失望之際,方發現菜色美味之處原來是來自平底鍋上的煮湯。湯汁用蝦殼煮餚,再混有其他香草及紫薯等蔬菜去烹製,索性把它當作海鮮湯去喝也絕不是問題。魚鮮味都被吸收進湯汁中,乃此菜色的精華所在。吃過主菜,順便也來甜品一試。甜品選擇不算很多,我們也只選了一道淺嚐。甜品是由兩件單項甜點組成。碟子左邊是焦糖巧克力脆脆甜品,賣相似夾餅。右邊是獨立一件香蕉雪糕。巧克力脆脆有兩層,翻開上層便可一窺內裡乾坤。內裡有一件烤香蕉還較易認出,反而是另一件像貓糧的物體更令我充滿好奇。沾了少許貓糧來吃。很有趣,原來是以開心果研成的小吃。用上三種不同口感的食材拼合而成的甜品,味道雖算不上驚為天人,但就很有特色風味。至於香蕉雪糕,裡面加了香料,質感不是幼滑型,吃下有點點似印度雪糕那種風味,香蕉味味道濃郁,伴巧克力脆脆同吃亦很是不錯。平時吃慣一些大路的西餐廳中菜館,偶爾品嚐一些遠邦的風味菜,來為舌頭refresh一下。Mayta提供的應該是屬於fusion式的秘魯菜。融和是現今的主流,今次秘魯冒險之旅沒有令英雄與超人失望。 继续阅读
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星期五晚跟朋友吃飯, 一行五人, 找到這間在籣桂坊的袐魯菜。預先訂了枱, 7:30PM 去到, 還不是太多人。先來面包, 加了香草的, 味道不錯, 略嫌口感不足。Pork Ribs Chaufa $178其實即係豬肋骨, 睇返餐牌, 是用义燒醬,至於炒飯, 用了很多香料, 有點乾, 好像在吃印度飯。Chicharron De Chancho $178呢個其實係燒豬腳,皮脆肉香, 底下的薯仔, 不知道是薯仔的品種還是煮法的關係, 第一口吃, 有點像栗子, 總之吃不出是甚麼, 要找回餐牌才真相大白。Lomo Saltado Completo $198這個大雜薈, 竟然成了全晚大家一致認為最好的!SERVER 提示我們要先把荷包蛋弄碎,跟薯條,牛肉,香蕉(對,是香蕉)等等混在一起。感覺又新鮮, 又奇怪,味道又算不錯,新嘗試。Chicharron De Calamares $118剛好五圈, 一人一圈。有點乾, 有點燶, 不過不失。 Pam Con Chicharron $138很中式的一款, 夾了一塊超肥五花腩, 一大塊烤紫薯片(即乾蔬菜片), 還有些 pickles, 真的沒有甚麼特別。由於大部份食物不太合口味, 甜品我們決定到別處。總括來說, 試過就好。但環境一流, 剛好我們望窗邊,可以望到下面 hard rock cafe , 還有人來人往的 LKF。飲酒,跟朋友聚聚舊也算不錯 。 继续阅读
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等级3 2014-09-07
3114 浏览
My friend got a reservation in advance so we didn't have to wait. The restaurant is spacious, nicely decorated wooded floors and furnitures with pretty Peruvian/ Persian designs. That are glasses everywhere that allow u to take a peek at the busy streets of Lan Kwai Fong while u enjoy ur meal. we arrived at 12 pm. To my surprise , the restaurant was quite empty, while only 2-3 tables occupied. I was quite worried abt the food quality then but after I tried to food myself that worry just went away  lunch cost about 200 including some bread, soup/salad, appetizer, main course and a dessert. I love the different varieties they offer, proving hot appetizer or cold appetizer! yet food came in such appropriate portion and fine detail, which made me really happy  I ordered soup, Ceviche Clasico as cold appetizer (thank Goodness for the description of the food written on the menu or i had no idea what it was O.O) it was sea bass sashimi in many cute cubes together with glasses sweet potato and red onions- a light and refreshing dish for summer! For main course I ordered Sudado de Pescado (braised fish, onion, potato, potato chips) it is really appetizing! the portion is quite big. it had two big pieces of braised fish in potato sauce. the fish was cooked just right! juicy and chewy with the skin a lititle crispy ! yum! I highly recommend u to try this one if ur a fish person like me  my friend ordered  Chicharrin de Calamar- fried calamari in some chili/mango sauce?? I know it sounded weird but the sauce is super yummy!!! and not spicy at all! instead of dipping our bread in to our soup, we dip into this dish instead yum! For mains , she orderd braised veal with roasted potatoes , beans and chili oil. the veal is very tender ^^ but i would still prefer the braised fish more coz I thk it had more flavors. dessert time! we ordered chocolate moose. It surprised me by accomplimenting it with strawberry and yogurt as sauce!normally chocolate woukd make ur tummy feel kinda heavy but the strawberry and yogurt just gave it a nice sour kick to make the chocolate lighter!  with such great food, comfortable enviroment and friendly staff I would definitely come again ) 继续阅读
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Ever since I tried Peruvian food a few years ago, I haven fallen in love with it,   so I don't know why it has taken me so long to visit Mayta. Environment & Hygiene:It had quite a nice set up inside. It was spacious inside, with some nice decorations. I liked how one side of the restaurant was more romantic looking, whereas the other side was more causal and relax looking. Hygiene was okay. Service:The service was excellent. I liked that the chef took time to ask us how the food was, and was attentive to our needs. Complimentary Bread The bread was soft and packed with herbs. Quite Good.  Starter: Corn Cakes ($88) On top of the corn brick, there were some mushrooms with a very rich sauce. The flavour of the corn was there, but the sauce was just too salty. Salmon Escabechado ($188) Beside the bed of smoothly mashed white beans, and the sweet confit shallots lied the nicely fried salmon. The skin of the salmon was really crispy   and the flesh was tender. However, the skin was so so so salty.   It numbed my tongue to taste anything else. Chupe Rice ($188) The was a nice dish.   The rice was creamy, tasty and the portion was plentiful. Shrimp Bisque was the base of the rice, which explained why it was so flavourful. Also, the fresh cheese made the rice very creamy and cheesy.  Lomo Saltado ($198) The dish that I was most looking forward to. The stir- fried steak, tomatoes, red onions, and french fries made this one hearty dish. Also, the addition of roasted bananas and tacu tacu, which were fried rice bean cakes made this lomo saltado different from ones that I have had before. The main ingredient of this dish was soy sauce, so again it was a salty dish, but luckily the sweetness of the bananas were there to help mellow the saltiness down.  Arroz Con Pato ($198) Another rice dish this night. The beer cilantro rice was very tasty, but wet. None of us knew it was cilantro to be honest. I like cilantro and I especially love how it tastes in rice.  I don't really eat duck meat, but I actually didn't mind the duck confit in this dish. The meat was tender and just fell off the bone. Desserts: Picarones ($68) These were Peruvian style doughnut balls with a chocolate sauce, and pickled berries. Nothing too outstanding. It tasted like what it was, which was deep fried dough. Rice Pudding Casserole ($68) This was the better tasting dessert out of the 2. The cinnamon ice cream was very good. The sweet yet acidic berry sauce complemented the sweet creamy rice quite nicely. Also, because it was a cold dessert, it was very refreshing to eat. Final Verdict:The flavours of the dishes were a nice change from what I haven been eating, so I enjoyed that, however, I just can't get over how salty most dishes were. Also, we were looking at about $200 per dish, so I'm glad the Super Monday Buy 2 for 1 Main deal was on.  继续阅读
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等级4 2014-05-22
2678 浏览
對於我這個喜歡品嚐天下美食的遊子,自然四圍去找。輾轉找到了秘魯菜,這是香港人覺得很冷門的菜式,但既然香港已有秘魯菜的餐廳開業,就覺得很好奇,剛剛今年生日很想吃一些從未吃過的菜式,愛妻知道了,就幫我找到這間Mayta的秘魯餐廳並訂了枱。之前我對秘魯的印象,都是印加帝國的歷史、近代出任秘魯總統的日本裔藤森謙也......而已。之前在網上看了一些秘魯菜的資料,原來秘魯菜受到日本菜不少影響,不過今次在這餐廳吃生日午餐,就讓我發掘了更多秘魯菜的神秘面紗。餐廳很有印加民族色彩,由裏面的木建築和手織布便可感受到。之前有網友提及這裡有semi buffet,但我倆去到卻發現已沒有了,取而代之的是兩道菜的set lunch。不過,一品嚐之,卻真感受到秘魯菜的美妙!每個set可選一款冷或熱的前菜,再配一款主菜,有$118及$198兩種價錢。前菜我倆揀了Ollita de mariscos (Seafood in casseroles) 和 Pan con Chicharron (Braised Pork Sandwich)。前者是用多種香料加上牛油、辣椒煮成的海鮮小鍋,主料有魷魚和香菇,酸辣兼備,又不失主料的鮮味。上枱時更驚喜的是,原來這是一道湯煲!後者Pan con Chicharron的賣相令我倆想起去年赴台中時吃過的「刈包」。這道菜是用長橢圓扁形麵皮,對摺起來蒸熟,放入烤豬肉、炸蕃薯片及特製醬汁而成。這看到秘魯菜吸收了中國菜一些元素,竟然和台灣人吃的「刈包」有異曲同工之妙。這菜式,原來是秘魯人在假日消閒時必食的小食。跟著的主菜 Arroz con Pato (Beer-braised Pervian Duck with Rice) 和 Seco a la Norteña (Northern Style Stew) 都是秘魯名菜,前者將圓身米粒與黃辣椒、洋葱、蒜頭、南瓜等慢煮,再加入甜酒、鴨湯、粟米、甘筍烹煮,鋪上慢煮鴨腿及香煎鴨胸,灑上切碎的辣椒、洋葱及芫荽而成,很似意大利飯Risotto,但卻沒有Risotto的肥膩,驚喜的是飯內有大粒的粟米粒,是當地的大粟米品種,在香港的超市根本無法找到這種粟米。而鴫肉煮得很入味,而且很嫩,容易入口,愛妻和我都特別喜歡。Seco a la Norteña是秘魯北方特色的燉牛肉,也是秘魯人的家常菜,用豆作配料,加上煮到稔的牛肉,很清爽,又不會韌。然後我倆加點了一道甜品(只需加付$30),名字叫Amazonas,是可可造成糖餅夾附着香濃而帶點膩口的焦糖和香蕉,搭配香草雪糕而成。很清甜,雪糕入口即溶。雖然我倆今次沒有嚐過秘魯魚生Ceviche,但已感受到秘魯菜的靈魂-秘魯菜深受西班牙、中國、日本的影響,加上印加帝國的傳統烹調技術,發展成一種融和各國文化的菜系。以這個特別風味的午餐度過今年這個生日,加上愛妻專程取了大假陪伴,讓我感到很開心! 继续阅读
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