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從長洲碼頭往泳灘方向進發,映入眼簾的是 OXY CHEUNG CHAU 鮮明的橙色門面,店內更有一整面掛滿鹿角蕨的綠意牆,營造出溫暖且充滿生氣的自然氣息。店內的招牌 Chan Skin Coffee Tonic,巧妙結合陳皮、濃縮咖啡與湯力水,咖啡香氣從清爽的氣泡感中慢慢滲出,而陳皮的微甘帶來餘韻,層次豐富。Walking from Cheung Chau pier towards the beach, you can’t miss the eye-catching orange storefront of OXY CHEUNG CHAU. Step inside, and you’ll be greeted by a wall of staghorn ferns, making the space feel cozy and fresh. Their must-try Chan Skin Coffee Tonic is a unique mix of dried tangerine peel, espresso, and tonic water — the bubbly freshn
Chan Skin Coffee Tonic
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