Creative molecular cuisine which is not for everyone, as my table of 4 would attest to. Think: popcorn soup, meatballs in beef mousse, and white-asparagus custard with orange jelly... High quality ingredients are served in a variety of ways, sometimes cooking a fish or a duck in several different ways. So one is served a series of presentations rather than a discrete main entree, done moussed, skewered, served raw, and so on. My starter, the skewered sea snails with curried vegetables and seaw
Creative molecular cuisine which is not for everyone, as my table of 4 would attest to. Think: popcorn soup, meatballs in beef mousse, and white-asparagus custard with orange jelly... High quality ingredients are served in a variety of ways, sometimes cooking a fish or a duck in several different ways. So one is served a series of presentations rather than a discrete main entree, done moussed, skewered, served raw, and so on.

My starter, the skewered sea snails with curried vegetables and seaweed, was an elegant blend of textures and tastes. The orange jelly topping the asparagus custard bit the tongue the way food flavoring does, giving the dish a slightly bitter kick.

The main, John Dory, was perfectly poached, sitting on a bed of buttery pea puree, slightly offsetting the fillet's natural sweetness.

Amazing view, high up in the old Mandarin where Vong used to be, with an elegant yet hip atmosphere.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$1200 (晚餐)
  • John Dory
2010-08-13 77 浏览
今餐最精彩係頭盆嘅【花瓜】湯,味道濃而不膩,恰到好處!環境氣氛都一流,我哋坐角落頭張圓梳化,好大好舒服!但服務不及 Caprice 友善與招呼周到!個女侍應竟然唔問我哋選擇,就自動是但擺低兩個麵包比我,好求其!又無詳細介紹菜色,感覺 Caprice 好好多!Express Lunch HK$440 + 10%我的 First Course:Foie gras soup with amontillado, citrus and chilli sorbet, black boudin.好好飲嘅【花瓜】湯,這湯是全餐之中,唯一比 Caprice 出色的項目,真係好香濃美味!拍得上 The Palour 的 Wild Mushroom Soup!朋友的 First Course:好滑好 CreamyWhite asparagus variation, cream, wholes piece and dressing sauce.我的 Middle Course:63度蛋很特別的煮法,用攝氏63度水溫把蛋浸一小時至半生熟。估不到,味道原來毫無特別,令喜歡吃蛋的我有點兒失望!我的 Main Cou


但服務不及 Caprice 友善與招呼周到!個女侍應竟然唔問我哋選擇,就自動是但擺低兩個麵包比我,好求其!又無詳細介紹菜色,感覺 Caprice 好好多!

Express Lunch HK$440 + 10%

我的 First Course:
Foie gras soup with amontillado, citrus and chilli sorbet, black boudin.

好好飲嘅【花瓜】湯,這湯是全餐之中,唯一比 Caprice 出色的項目,真係好香濃美味!拍得上 The Palour 的 Wild Mushroom Soup!

朋友的 First Course:好滑好 Creamy
White asparagus variation, cream, wholes piece and dressing sauce.

我的 Middle Course:63度蛋

我的 Main Course:黑米味道好特別,好香好配襯!
Roasted scallops, veneré black rice and tandoori massala.

帶子好大隻,不過始終都係 The Parlour 最嫩滑最鮮甜美味!

朋友的 Main Course:
Tenderloin beef, shallot and Pont-Neuf potato.

朋友 Main Course 的配菜:

Chocolate: unctuous praline biscuit, muscovado tuile; Cognac ganache and golden raisins. Water chocolate, Guayanara parfait and citron.

朋友的甜品:法國餐廳的意大利 Tiramisu
Italie: Luigi tiramisu, coffee garnité/orange velouté.

可能甜品太甜!Decaf. 咖啡有啲苦!不過隻杯好有藝術感!

相比之下,我喜歡 Caprice 多點!
218 浏览
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開胃小菜:開心果泡泡 Canapé
35 浏览
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50 浏览
0 赞好
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好滑好 Creamy 嘅白蘆筍
46 浏览
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23 浏览
0 赞好
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朋友 Main Course 的配菜:侍應都無介紹係咩,食落好似牛腩,不過隻碟好靚!
34 浏览
0 赞好
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好靚嘅 Pierre 餐具
173 浏览
0 赞好
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42 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (午餐)
好滑好 Creamy 嘅白蘆筍
  • 【花瓜】湯
  • Foie gras soup
2010-05-27 274 浏览
特別的日子, 當然要慶祝一下, 在這情況之下, 兩口子吃個法餐, 又實在是個相當好而又合理的選擇. 這次揀的是這家星店.餐廳位置在文華頂樓, 這層一共有三家店, Pierre的入口好型格, 大電視的影像不聽在變, 黑到差點看不到路. 來的時候其實不是正日, 但因為就假期的關係, 就提早幾天來了這裡. 天色明朗, 能夠更加享受這裡的美景. 單計景色, 小弟係幾家法式星店來講, 最喜歡的就係這裡, 或許不夠金鐘那家店高, 但中環對正尖沙嘴的景觀係最維港感覺的.星期五的午市來到, 供應的是Express Lunch, 由2 courses起計算每位$360, 再加一個course加多$80, 如果由First Course, Middle Course, Main Course食到Les Desserts就要$520, 因為都知道份量也不輕, 我們兩個都係要3 courses好了, 就揀了一個First Course, 一個Middle Course同埋兩個Main Course. Les Desserts就當然揀兩個, 對小弟來講, 那有不吃甜品的道理.先來的當然係麵包, 用碟上, 一人一
特別的日子, 當然要慶祝一下, 在這情況之下, 兩口子吃個法餐, 又實在是個相當好而又合理的選擇. 這次揀的是這家星店.

餐廳位置在文華頂樓, 這層一共有三家店, Pierre的入口好型格, 大電視的影像不聽在變, 黑到差點看不到路. 來的時候其實不是正日, 但因為就假期的關係, 就提早幾天來了這裡. 天色明朗, 能夠更加享受這裡的美景. 單計景色, 小弟係幾家法式星店來講, 最喜歡的就係這裡, 或許不夠金鐘那家店高, 但中環對正尖沙嘴的景觀係最維港感覺的.

星期五的午市來到, 供應的是Express Lunch, 由2 courses起計算每位$360, 再加一個course加多$80, 如果由First Course, Middle Course, Main Course食到Les Desserts就要$520, 因為都知道份量也不輕, 我們兩個都係要3 courses好了, 就揀了一個First Course, 一個Middle Course同埋兩個Main Course. Les Desserts就當然揀兩個, 對小弟來講, 那有不吃甜品的道理.

先來的當然係麵包, 用碟上, 一人一碟, 每碟三件. 麵包熱辣辣, 相當香口, 特別係那甜甜的牛由包, 實在好鬆軟, 忍不住吃了兩個麵包

Amuse Bouche有兩款, 賣相靚, 細細件, 清新, 也真的做到討好嘴巴的效果.

63 degrees eggs, black risotto made as a foam, green asparagus, Bellotta, Parmesan: 9分, First Course只要一個, 就係這裡的名物: 63度蛋. 賣相係好特別, 面頭放上一塊Bellotta火腿, 63度蛋就在火腿底下, 旁邊還有蘆筍同巴馬芝士, 而risotto就打成泡沫在碟的底部. Bellotta火腿有鹹香, 肉質靚, 無渣, risotto打成泡沫後黑黑的像芝麻糊, 真係唔講都食唔出係risotto, 撈埋63度蛋一同吃, 味道又幾特別. 蘆筍同巴馬芝士就一個清新一個濃香, 配上risotto又有另一番味道. 至於63度蛋是否真的特別好吃, 那就分不清楚了, 只知道蛋本身係好香滑.

Bouillabaisse jelly, soubrossade ice cream: 9分, Second Course也只要一個,就係Bouillabaisse jelly. 相信不少朋友還記得上次KC兄安排的Bouillabaisse盛宴. 是日見到餐牌上有這個Bouillabaisse jelly, 當然想看看又會變成甚麼模樣? 賣相也真的像一碟馬賽海鮮湯, 上面還有不同的海鮮, 真係交足功課. 當然不同的係熱湯變成了凍的jelly, 相當特別. 味道是好濃郁的, 一口一口的把jelly放入口, 也真的像在喝海鮮湯. 當然, 大前題係你要接受到這份變化, 創意, 小弟就覺得值得一試. 加上面頭的soubrossade雪糕一同吃, 味道又幾匹配. 有創意, 味道也不俗.

這個Bouillabaisse jelly, 還跟上一客"nicoise" toast同吃. 吃著馬賽的名菜Bouillabaisse同時, 竟然還有尼斯的名菜Nicoise, 真係熱鬧. 但這個Nicoise不是沙律, 而係多士, 跟Bouillabaisse jelly真的係一對. Nicoise多士材料也豐富, 有番茄, 生菜, 芝士, 吞拿魚, 黑橄欖等等, 加上小小的一塊多士, 是清新開胃, 夏天吃更加合適. 放在一個小碟子上, 好精美. 值得一提的係這裡的餐具係相當精緻而又有型格.

Tenderloin of pork, caramelised tomato, cheese dim sum: 9分, 跟住就到主菜的時間. 始終我們不太好魚, 就叫兩個肉分吃. 這個Tenderloin of pork, 係豬肉同芝士餃各兩件, 賣相像中式點心, 怪不得餐牌上竟然用上dim sum兩個字. 豬用上了豬腰的部位, 肉質自然係好嫩滑, 吃落口仲有點吃beef tenderloin的感覺, 面頭就鋪了焦糖番茄, 小弟一向喜歡焦糖, 番茄加上焦糖, 減低了酸味, 跟豬肉一起更加匹配. 這個豬肉, 真的做得出色. 另外, 件芝士餃係好濃而香, 小弟不喜芝士, 也好喜歡這個芝士餃.

French lamb crepinette, roasted eggplant, broccoli florets and couscous: 9分, 除了豬, 另一個主菜要的是羊. lamb crepinette就好像免治羊肉, 賣相精緻, 羊帶點騷味, 連著底下的係燒茄子同埋西蘭花, 幾特別的醬汁. 另外還有金黃小麥粒couscous, 帶點小麥香, 更為健康的填肚之選. 另外跟上一碗小小的番茄菜, 番茄汁好鮮甜, 其實剩吃也可以, 就當吃點點菜蔬, 起碼在這餐裡, 係難得的綠色時間.

Nelson: vanilla milk jelly, lemon Wurtz, Malabar ice cream and strawberry marshmallow: 9分, 甜品方面, 當然不吃甚麼生果沙律, 就要個Nelson. 點解叫Nelson? 是個份量不輕的甜品, 有雲尼拿牛奶布甸, lemon Wurtz, Malabar雪糕同買士多啤梨棉花糖, 陣容鼎盛. lemon Wurtz原來係這裡的招牌, 包括魚膠片,糖漿同埋檸檬, 味道是酸酸甜甜的. Malabar是法國的出名香口膠, 這裡就將Malabar香口膠的味道變成雪糕. 沒吃過這隻香口膠, 不知道這雪糕像不像那香口膠了, 但就係酸酸的味道, 幾特別. 也有不少士多啤梨棉花糖, 質感幾好, 士多啤梨的味道幾濃烈. 至於雲尼拿牛奶布甸是有兩個層次, 面頭係一層薄薄的牛奶, 底下就係牛奶布甸, 好香滑, 奶味濃郁. 這個雲尼拿牛奶布甸是偏甜的, 但跟上其他三個偏酸的材料(lemon Wurtz, Malabar雪糕同買士多啤梨棉花糖)就剛好互相中和了, 味道係調較得剛好. 這個Nelson實在令味覺相當豐富, 得!

Millefeuilles brut de coffre, diplomate cream with kirsh and red fruit marmalade: 9分, 另一個甜品仲大堆頭, 係一式三件的, 包括一個像拿破崙的Millefeuilles brut de coffre, diplomate cream with kirsh, 一杯紅生果marmalade同埋一小球雪糕.

先講那一小球雲尼拿雪糕, 太細球了, 加上我們影相慢吞吞, 未開始食已經溶了不少, 不過雪糕係好滑的.

至於這個甜品的重點當然係疑似拿破崙. Millefeuilles brut de coffre譯出來即係Cream slices gross of trunk, 個皮係相當之香脆, 加上diplomate cream同埋小小kirsh酒, 只能講, 係好吃到不能停下來. 在不少地方吃過拿破崙, 這個的水準起碼是前兩名之內, 實在出色.

另外的紅生果marmalade, 一眾紅莓, 士多啤梨係非常之鮮甜, 跟這個Millefeuilles brut de coffre一同吃係好匹配.

最後, 大家也要了咖啡, 相當之香濃, 賣相也好靚, 係一個好完美的謝幕.

另外還有小點跟咖啡同吃, 始終咖啡係幾濃的, 吃吃這小點去送就最好.

對於Pierre, 小弟的感覺係相當不錯. 食物係走比較創新的路線, 也在味道上做到平衡, 不會為變化而犧牲了最基本的東西, 是一個特別的體驗. 服務方面, 是滿意的, 也沒有甚麼挑剔, 不過跟隔離那家二星店比, 好像那邊的態度會更加友善. 環境就當然是滿分. 價位來講, 不能說是好抵吃, 但就一定係合理.

總結一句, 城中的法國餐廳, 這裡在小弟的心目中會是三甲之選. 餐後文迪問我會否想再來, 現在想想, 其實也覺得這裡是有吸引小弟再來的因素, 或許就係每道菜色那份驚喜.
52 浏览
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Amuse Bouche
68 浏览
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63 degrees eggs
74 浏览
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Bouillabaisse jelly
88 浏览
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Nicoise Toast
64 浏览
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Tenderloin of pork
48 浏览
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French lamb crepinette
64 浏览
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76 浏览
0 赞好
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Millefeuilles brut de coffre
87 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
red fruit marmalade
47 浏览
0 赞好
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50 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
77 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$484 (午餐)
Amuse Bouche
63 degrees eggs
Bouillabaisse jelly
Nicoise Toast
Tenderloin of pork
French lamb crepinette
Millefeuilles brut de coffre
red fruit marmalade
2010-05-19 67 浏览
It was my first anniversary with my boyfriend and we decided to visit Pierre again as we had an unforgettable night when we celebrated our first month together.We were seated by the window facing Victoria Harbor again, but then all the round sofas were gone. The manager explained to us that separate seats were more appropriate for business lunches, though we really missed the round sofas. Glad that Pierre was a dainty restaurant and it still gave the impression of exclusivity. Then the manager s
It was my first anniversary with my boyfriend and we decided to visit Pierre again as we had an unforgettable night when we celebrated our first month together.

We were seated by the window facing Victoria Harbor again, but then all the round sofas were gone. The manager explained to us that separate seats were more appropriate for business lunches, though we really missed the round sofas. Glad that Pierre was a dainty restaurant and it still gave the impression of exclusivity. Then the manager started introducing the menu by offering a 4-course set called 'Les Saveurs' (the four tastes that your taste buds have)... As we wanted to have something lighter while still be able to have a variety of Pierre's selection, we decided to go for the set with wine pairing.

Before dinner started, we were served pre-dinner appetizers. They were served in separate dishes. In that case, you felt overwhelmed by their wide selections while everything was delicately prepared in small portions. One was a tomato paste to be put on a thin toast. There was also an asparagus mousse, a prawn wrapped in lettuce with salad dressing and a jelly sandwich with mozarella cheese in between. Every bite was a surprise! I especially loved the cheese one cause it wasn't as filling and strongly-flavored as i've thought! The jelly balanced out the strong cheese making it a very nice snack before dinner started

Our first course came and it was the 'Salty' Dish - Tomato Water - rhubarb/ pink radish/ cuttle fish/ abalone The radish was served on top on watercress mascarpone cream! my first time to have a cream made of non-sweet stuff but it came out really well with olive oil! It was like a salad paste with crispy radish
the abalone was thinly sliced and seasoned and a great blend with the tomatos.

'Sour' was our second course - Grilled Turbot on the bone The white wine paired with the fish was fruity and i liked it a lot. The turbot's surface was cooked just well with a crispy texture with a paste of anchovy butter on top while the meat inside was still tender. The sauce was confit fennel. Pinenuts and olives were placed in between the fish and the sauce, absorbing flavors from the fish and the sauce. It was definitely my favorite fish dish apart from Cod.

'Bitter' was represented by Pan-seared / Poached foie-gras Diced spring onions and celery were paired with the foie gras, adding some freshness to the heavy dish while the sauce was awesome! It was made of black rice that had a nutty taste. I liked how the foie gras was only cooked by a bit of searing so the juice inside was well preserved.

'Sweet' ended with a dessert collection from Pierre! and ahhh! 'Happy Anniversary' was very nicely written on the big plate of Pierre's
There were a variety of 6 desserts served. Felt so overwhelmed with the whole table of desserts and just by the appearance of the desserts was already an enjoyment. loved the lemon dessert the best, not too sweet but the refreshing taste lingered along in the taste buds for a long time which made the dinner a memorable one

Petit fours were a few chocolates. Pierre has turned food into an art and made French cuisine a total indulgement. Service was a key part to raise the whole dining experience to perfection. This is absolutely my most favorite French restaurant in town.
Pre-dinner appetizer 1
39 浏览
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Pre-dinner appetizer 2
50 浏览
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Pre-dinner appetizer 3
45 浏览
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First course of Les Saveurs
70 浏览
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Second course of les Saveurs
61 浏览
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Third Dish of Les Saveurs
47 浏览
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Last Dish of Les Saveurs
53 浏览
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Facing Jardines House and Victoria Harbor
240 浏览
0 赞好
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Pre-dinner appetizer 1
Pre-dinner appetizer 2
Pre-dinner appetizer 3
First course of Les Saveurs
Second course of les Saveurs
Third Dish of Les Saveurs
Last Dish of Les Saveurs
Facing Jardines House and Victoria Harbor
2010-04-18 51 浏览
Appetizer分別是xxx同xxx同xxx,太多了,總括我的有oyster有鮑魚有cuttlefish而太太是龍哈仔雜錦,混合來食有9-10道菜,除一兩道外全都very very good,尤其是龍哈仔配回味無窮的ham同配多士同oysterMain course我要羊,medium,少少so,嫩滑無窮,100分滿分的話它便是100分太太又係要lobster,很大,牛油煎,食唔哂益我,唔夠羊正但都very yummy,配套的一pat似哈高做的東西亦一絕在10成飽status下仲叫咗tasting menu for dessert (12樣),眼花繚亂,我不是甜魔也食得興奮Service是勁好的,我們有幾樣比較麻凡要求都超額完成抵讚
Appetizer分別是xxx同xxx同xxx,太多了,總括我的有oyster有鮑魚有cuttlefish而太太是龍哈仔雜錦,混合來食有9-10道菜,除一兩道外全都very very good,尤其是龍哈仔配回味無窮的ham同配多士同oyster

Main course我要羊,medium,少少so,嫩滑無窮,100分滿分的話它便是100分

太太又係要lobster,很大,牛油煎,食唔哂益我,唔夠羊正但都very yummy,配套的一pat似哈高做的東西亦一絕

在10成飽status下仲叫咗tasting menu for dessert (12樣),眼花繚亂,我不是甜魔也食得興奮


Warm up 吓先
39 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2010-02-18 72 浏览
同男人慶祝我哋99日... 去咗Pierre! (小女子一直都萬分期待哩間餐廳 )we had a table by the window viewing ifc central pier and tst!正如王迪詩所講有view先有feel ma~未order之前, waiter 送上餐前小食+bread!bread wise 有 mini baguette 同埋 onion bread.onion bread 好好味! 好想要多個...但係又會太飽所以理智地無要~餐前小食有一籠點心: 魚蛋alike, 白菜 & gnocchi wrapped in roast beef我同男人掛住調情d entrees 好快到... then the waiter who speaks cantonese 就收o左個餐前小食... 我都無時間叫佢唔好,佢已經收o左... my entrees: La Pleine Mer ($520):-Crunchy artichoke, oyster, sea snails and murex; mackerel sauce -Sea bream tarta
同男人慶祝我哋99日... 去咗Pierre! (小女子一直都萬分期待哩間餐廳

we had a table by the window viewing ifc central pier and tst!
正如王迪詩所講有view先有feel ma~

未order之前, waiter 送上餐前小食+bread!
bread wise 有 mini baguette 同埋 onion bread.
onion bread 好好味! 好想要多個...但係又會太飽所以理智地無要~

餐前小食有一籠點心: 魚蛋alike, 白菜 & gnocchi wrapped in roast beef
我同男人掛住調情d entrees 好快到... then the waiter who speaks cantonese 就收o左個餐前小食... 我都無時間叫佢唔好,佢已經收o左...

my entrees: La Pleine Mer ($520):
-Crunchy artichoke, oyster, sea snails and murex; mackerel sauce

-Sea bream tartar, infusion froide dulce, celery remoulade and horseradish
-Haddock corolle, dices of braised turnip, Ribot milk
-Sea-urchin bisque thickened with potato, squid rings and cuttlefish brunoise

男人entrees之選: Le Saint-Pierre et les Saint-Jacques ($620) aka scallops:
-John Dory "garlic and spices", yoghurt with cardamom
-Roast scallop with clarified butter, almond and parmesan crust, red pepper confit
-Hudson raw vegetable soup
-Green and white quenelle
-Scallop and banana petals with lime

我好enjoy 每一道菜,真係有spice up d tastebuds! 男人o既 roast scallop最好食~

mon grand plat: Le Turbot ($660)
-Fillet poached in smoked milk with bay leaves; saffron basmati rice galette, leek fondue
-Fennel consomme, grated manchego and mimolette cheese

個turbot係我個晚o既highlight! 魚肉好滑,個sauce好creamy 又有d 香草味! 個portion o岩o岩好! 一多你就會膩...
however, the fennel consomme... TOTALLY NOT MY CUP OF TEA! 本來見到 manchego 同 mimolette 對眼閃閃發光!點知... 係jelly... the taste is not right... EWWW...

男人grand plats 之選: Le Biche ($680)
-Roast filet of venison (replaced by steak) with juniper, blackcurrant and red cabbage, pomme darphin
-Traditional civet; crosnes and grelot onions
-Foie gras tartlet with chocolate, walnut and endive salad

男人次次都食steak... 佢要medium and it's PERFECTO! The other two side dishes were just so-so...
Foie gras tartlet (Bo Innovation's one is much better! Apparently Shang Palace in Kowloon Shangrila has it too and my friend said it's even better than Bo Innovation~)
is a bit disappointing... maybe cos it was served cold... and when it's cold it's hard to taste the foie gras (unlike the pate de foie gras)

食完entrees 同 grand plats 經已食唔到desserts啦... dinner was done wthin ah hour and half...
我會提議share 1 entree and 2 grand plats and 1 dessert!

今餐之後有種升呢o既感覺...原來french cuisine係可以係咁 indulging o既! (I reckon Pierre is better than Robouchon)

美中不足係5* hotel NOT providing 5* services...
French butter and smoked spicy butter
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餐前小食! Gnocchi in squid ink wrapped with beef.
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La Pleine Mer
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男人之選: Le Saint-Pierre et les Saint-Jacques
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Le Turbot
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男人之main: Le Biche
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
French butter and smoked spicy butter
餐前小食! Gnocchi in squid ink wrapped with beef.
La Pleine Mer
Le Turbot
男人之main: Le Biche
  • Le Pleine Mer
..... For the Full Collection and Larger Versions of Food Photos as Reference, feel free to visit my Supplementary Photos Blog: babedolphin@blogspot.comAs of 2009 July, I was finally chastened by PIERRE GAGNIERRE HK for a quick 4 Course Lunch, him being one of my long term idols. Before long, a sequel of a follow up Dinner was accomplished, but it might well be 2015 before I submit that review going by the snail pace I'm churning out reviews lately! Note: During this critical phrase,
..... For the Full Collection and Larger Versions of Food Photos as Reference, feel free to visit my Supplementary Photos Blog: babedolphin@blogspot.com

As of 2009 July, I was finally chastened by PIERRE GAGNIERRE HK for a quick 4 Course Lunch, him being one of my long term idols. Before long, a sequel of a follow up Dinner was accomplished, but it might well be 2015 before I submit that review going by the snail pace I'm churning out reviews lately!
Note: During this critical phrase, there has already been transitions of Head Chefs, but no significant changes on the menu - its still quintessentially Pierre!. LUNCH ITSELF IS $380-390 FOR 2 COURSES, ADDITIONAL COURSES ARE CALCULATED AT $80 PER DISH, A BARGAIN IN MY OPINION CONSIDERING DINNER COST TRIPLE & THAT $80 WILL WHAT, LAND YOU A SINGLE "BIG DEAL OF A TINY PIECE" NIGIRI SUSHI IN OVER-PRICED BUT UNDER-ACHIEVING JAP RESTAURANTS?

Onion sourdough, soft butter roll & mini bagutte were paired with a salted-version of the same butter served in Caprice. Bread remains the same for night offerings, but the butter-style changes.

A cling-wrapped bowl sees suspended-in-mid-air some bread crisps, melba, parmesan shortbread as well as an inevitable showing of thin sweetish croquants, a precursor of more molecular food to come? Arriving with puy lentil & blue cheese spread, as well as Pierre's special spread made of chopped roots and vegetables , it reminded me of finely diced uncooked mirepoix.
The Spinach leaves were thick and dark greenish, its almost unlike any raw spinach I've devoured before, it resembling more of thai bettel in texture. It even managed to make my lips swell due to acute allergic reactions, possibly due to high iron contents?
My upper lip wasn't very comfortable throughout the whole meal after this, BUT, it was really nice and the smoked duck ham with black rice should be a regular item! This was side with a toast with green apples.
Duck Foie Gras was cooked to medium-rare, this accompanied by glazed cherries, as well as celery and what really isn't lin chi such as ganoderma lucidum, it was just lin zhi enoki mushrooms, a bit misleading I think...?
Sided with a toast that's topped with a mixture of dehydrated mushroom chips as used on mushroom soups, also surprisingly some aromatic, freshly shaved summer truffles! All on the house and not even written on the menu!

This became the first dish which really foretold of Pierre's global restaurants carrying that slight hint of Molecular Gastronomy for the sake of fun only, but without overdoing it! The bouillabaise of prawny essence and slight alcoholic/bitter influence was first turned into cold jelly, then accompanied by dollops of cream, chopped crustacean derived seafood pieces as well as soubrossade sausages - the latter also doubly presented in the form of a non-melting savoury ice cream with too much gel glace perhaps. The nicoise toast separately made with parmesan flakes, anchovies, romaine lettuce & crisp bacon was quite fun to play with!
Dicked Farm Chicken fried with herbs and then mixed with famous grenaille potatoes and fresh salads for that crunchy textural contrast... for some reason I also tasted toasted-sesame? This dish is actually quite simple to execute, yet its also not an usually encountered dish. From a Michelin 1 Star kitchen and 2-3 Stars fame elsewhere, this main dish might seem under achieving - albeit in reality, the Pierre Gagnaire of the 2nd Renaissance after his hiatus has changed substance, just like Robuchon, becoming a true Food-Artist... And so, his kitchen and pastry chefs are allowed to break traditions and do whatever they feel will be deemded fun yet enjoyable by customers, this forms the backbone of how the Pierre kitchens operate. I found this dish refreshing.
There were lots of that Iberian Black Pork's acquired porky taste even for a tenderloin, some might marvel at its retainment of original meat flavours, others could find it slightly disengaging. It was slightly stringy, the steamed fan gou with vegies inside was fun and daring and it worked as a side, albeit a little over-steamed. Caramelized tomatoes served in a side bowl with spinach was sweetishly-acidic, balancing the overall wild pork flavour.
This came with a lot of really thoughtful accompaniments to ensure you get the best of a Cheesy experience... For more details, refer to my Supplementary Photo Blog.
Dessert comprised of a central vanilla jelly which was unbelievably addictive when balanced with the lemony wurst jelly inside. The highlight of this dish however must be awarded to the quenelle of gum-flavoured Malabar ice cream, a cousin of the carambar candy. Boiled for a long period to extract all of its full bubble-gummy flavours, the final "water-based" ice cream version was surprisingly, nearly smooth enough! - it was only slightly crystalized on a few certain bites, it can be attributed to every molecular foodie's dream P-J ice cream machine, a much higher end version of the ubiquitous Taiwanese snow-flake shaver. The marshmallows went just perfect as an supporting actor to this dish. This dessert to put it short - was simply awesome, awesome, bloody awesome, I was so close to ordering seconds straight away!

Pretty good quality, unlike many other Michelin restaurants serving exactly the same Italian brand.
At the time of visit - I was appalled at the poor choices of white wines by the glass, which I wanted to order to pair with my food selection. This seem fixed by another visit already. Anyway, the decent red wines are good but expensive at around $160-180 a glass, however they come as larger portions than a normal standard drink. So when u order 2 portions - the Somelier will happily split them into 2 separate glasses! Very thoughtful!

Normally not a fondest adorer of
1): 'Molecular Cuisine' since it can often become ghastly cross-overs between Picasso's Cubism mixed with Frankenstein's Laboratorial Experiments gone astray
, in reality, true
2): 'Molecular Gastronomy'
intents carry a vastly different school of thought and goal. It needs to be distinguished from its predecessor, as the pivotal mentality resolves around a 'deconstruction of all matters related to food, for the purpose of understanding its separate elements', whereas others end up choosing to go down the path of more extreme molecular cuisines, treating it as a 'means to an end' and for the convenience of conjuring up new-age food just for the sake of detouring from the well established!

Bo's Innovation, Le 188 and The Krug Room falls into the former experimental 'Molecular Cuisine' category. Whereas places like Amber & even Caprice on the other hand luckily retained chefs with some sanity - who know fully well how to utilize their new found molecular knowledge and then administer them responsibly as food supporting enhancement than for pure show-boating!
分子料理 when explained in Chinese: unfortunately fails to clarify the differences between the two stylistic variations.

Pierre HK in my opinion, did not employ as much Molecular Gastronomy influences as others might expect: if anything, they were more geared towards cooking Fun but very balanced Avant Garde food, sometimes even courting with fusion ideas rather than Molecular elements, but it was all 適可而止. Unfortunately, the MICHELIN GUIDE does have its Achilles heel - it has never developed a penchant for non-serious food such as those served here, unless of course when its cooked by Mr. Pierre Gagnaire himself. In a way, its unfair to PIERRE HK as most of its underlying setup and even ingredients uses are basically identical to the 3 Starred Caprice. Relatively speaking, PIERRE duly deserves more applaud for their efforts.
A HIGH '4' to LOW '5'.
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2009-12-13 42 浏览
So, I bring you some of the more amazing dishes from the wondrous night. Of course, don't get me wrong, it was about a 98% perfection, the 2% just a matter of personal tastes. It is therefore no wonder that Pierre Gagnaire maintains his status in the culinary world. It was a little pricey, but you do leave very satisfied and in ecstacy. And portions are certainly generous enough to leave you rolling home afterwards..The 2 Entrees we had were the highlights of the evening. Les Langoustines: M
So, I bring you some of the more amazing dishes from the wondrous night. Of course, don't get me wrong, it was about a 98% perfection, the 2% just a matter of personal tastes. It is therefore no wonder that Pierre Gagnaire maintains his status in the culinary world. It was a little pricey, but you do leave very satisfied and in ecstacy. And portions are certainly generous enough to leave you rolling home afterwards..

The 2 Entrees we had were the highlights of the evening.

Les Langoustines:
Mousseline: with green pepper; curry sauce, dried yellow grapes.
Grilled: French “grenaille” potatoes and dried white mushrooms.
Tartare: like a biscuit, celeriac cream; unctuous spicy grapefruit syrup.
Pan-fried: with shredded pine nuts; spot of caramelised soy sauce; slightly acid carrot julienne.
White velouté and amber jelly, shell powder.

Langoustines were beautifully done - in either style, very succulent and juicy, yet still retaining its bounce. These are probably the best I've had in treatment. With the exception of the curry, which I did not like very much, the rest of the company was excellent and enhance the flavours of the langoustines even further.

La Charcuterie fine:
Crispy toast, soubressade velouté and apple marmalade.
Foie gras soup with amontillado, citrus and chilli sorbet, boudin noir; small grilled sausage.
Small cubes of cooked ham, creamed curry, celeriac julienne.
Bresse chicken Pojarsky with tarragon.
European ham assortment (Parma, Bellota, Bigorre), colonatta fat and black bacon.

If you prefer a richer meatier flavours to begin with, don't miss this excellent entree.

Crispy pie with a velvety cream topped off with white truffle. Sheer decadence in the 2 bites. Unfortunately, not very big.

The foie gras soup has got to be one of the best ideas around. The rich piece of liver swimming in a foamed broth, and topped with a blood and other pork sausage was a decadent burst of a gorgeous variety of meat flavours. You had to be there...

The European ham assortment was a combination of good meats on a bed of sauerkraut. Clever delicate balance.

Le Turbot:
Slice of turbot roasted on the bone.
The fillets are cut then cooked in shellfish juice.
Provolone, pear, celeriac gratin with Colombo.
Pochas and hummus like a condiment.

The turbot while good by most standards, seemed to be an anticlimax after the 2 amazing entrees. I probably won't order it again given the other selections.

Roasted saddle of lamb from Lozere, bunch of fresh herbs, crusty olives; aubergine, lamb sweetbread, girolles.
Béchamel tuila, green pepper, garlic paste with vadouvan.
Lamb chops, tamarind on a green square of herbs.
Cold courgette cream soup with tarragon.
Condiment: Roquefort cheese.

The lamb saddle was most out-of-this-world. Even more so than the main event of the chops, which were delightfully tender and juicy. But the saddle was just so tasty, I was actually putting on top of the lamb chops and eating both as a combination. Probably wrong but it was good!

Strawberry jelly; marshmallow and crumble.
Crystal salt.
Milk chocolate crunchy parfait.

Of course, no French restaurant is worth its sugar without dessert. And the vanilla souffle certainly did not disappoint. If you've never had souffle, this would be a good place to have it. But of course, after you've had it here, you can't have it at most places afterwards. You decide!

Definitely worthy of its Michelin accolades. Well worth the visit and all the calories money could buy here!

For the original, please visit www.edeats.blogspot.com
Foie gras soup
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Grilled langoustines
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$1600 (晚餐)
Foie gras soup
Grilled langoustines
  • Les Langoustines; Le Charcuterie Fine; L 'Agneau
2009-11-08 25 浏览
this was the first time i officially dined here since the departure of previous chef de cuisine philippe orrico, who left several months ago to head the hotel kitchens at 1881 heritage in TST opening soon. so i thought it would be interesting to see what changes the new chef has brought to the kitchen. olivier elzer already won several notable honors under his belt before gagnaire took him under his wings. the young chef was voted amongst the best 22 young chefs in france by gaultmillau, and won
this was the first time i officially dined here since the departure of previous chef de cuisine philippe orrico, who left several months ago to head the hotel kitchens at 1881 heritage in TST opening soon. so i thought it would be interesting to see what changes the new chef has brought to the kitchen.

olivier elzer already won several notable honors under his belt before gagnaire took him under his wings. the young chef was voted amongst the best 22 young chefs in france by gaultmillau, and won a michelin star for abbaye de la bussière hotel restaurant in burgundy prior to his latest career move. he was previously mentored by eric briffard, who is currently head of george V le cinq in paris (sister restaurant caprice in hong kong). elzer interned at the gagnaire restaurant for 2 months before coming to hong kong, though he already started infusing asian flavors into french cuisine during his days in burgundy. so it seems like elzer’s young vibe and daring approach to fresh produce would be a good match with gagnaire’s style.

we both ordered the tasting menu in order to see the most of what the new kitchen has to offer.

muse bouche: there were some coconut biscuits; then some fried shrimps and cabbage placed inside a dim sum basket; then a thin toast with pepper/vegetable mix; then some cheese biscuits; then some chinese tangerine jelly; then some foie gras puff pastry. the amuse bouche was very busy and went by like a breeze: overall nice presentation with innovation, and it was interesting to stimulate different parts of the tongue and awaken the taste buds, but i just found a little loose end in everything – the fried shrimp was too soggy; the puff pastry was too brittle; coconut biscuits a tad sugary…

Zezette infusion, mixed raw seafood and shellfish: it was a mix of diced tuna, shellfish, clams bathed in coriander sauce. the thin sauce was very light and gave a refreshing, minty lift to the crispy seafood. this quieted down our taste buds after having several strong/busy amuse bouche.

Royal urchin; sea urchin, seasoned mullet and salmon eggs: at the bottom was sea urchin mousseline, then a thin layer of gelatin, and on top was diced mullet and salmon roes. the french sea urchin was very fresh and delightful - it was weaker/less aromatic than the japanese sea urchin, but worked okay as a mousse. then it was gelatin as intermission before the saltiness and bursting ocean flavor of salmon roes reached my brain. yummy.

scallops 3 ways - (1) Poached; served with melted endive and celeriac root marinated in saké. (2) Mousseline; turmeric, creamy Manchego cheese risotto; pear sorbet.(3) Tartare; Hudson raw vegetable soup.
- we started with the poached one and it was absolutely amazing – poached and grilled at final touch, the scallop was juicy and flavorful.
- the mousseline one was quite amusing- tumeric gave an unexpected peppery, bitter taste to the risotto, while the scallop mousseline was fresh and delightful. but when mousseline was mixed together with the heavily cheese-y risotto, overall texture came too buttery despite the pear sorbet…
- the scallop tartar was layered with apple sauce on top, pomelo in the middle with scallop tartar, and vegetable soup at the bottom, so taste wise it was a light sweetness first, then bitterness from the pomelo, and a refreshing, slightly bitter vegetable soup at the bottom. however, this dish was too noisy and i found the bitterness offscale…

White Alba truffle emulsion with Parmesan, tomato confit and garlic sablé. Béchamel tuile: the dish smelled so, so nice that i almost did not want to eat it so that i could keep inhaling. the bechamel sauce at the bottom was nicely done and worked well with parmesan cheese layer in the middle to wrap around the lovely tomato confit. very generous portion of truffle to give off a unique aroma that i always love so much.

Foie gras pot au feu with Morteau sausage and Gillardeau oysters. Cauliflower florets with Cramone mustard: the pan-seared foie gras was wrapped inside a cabbage leaf with poached oyster at the bottom. surprisingly foie gras went very well with oysters; the foie gras was velvet smooth with a nice, thin crisp crust, and the gilladeau oysters were fat with a taste of brine. on the other hand, the sausage seemed out-of-place on the plate and just lied there lifelessly.

Abalone roasted à la diable; crispy bacon. Green Puy lentils gnocchi: (shame that i forgot to take photo) this was not your top-grade dried abalone with molten center and intense flavor, but it was still nicely roasted with a slight crunchy texture and assisted by saltiness of the pan-fried bacon. bold use of lentil because, frankly speaking, lentil has yet to find inroads into the chinese gourmand palate…

Obsiblue prawn curry, braised eggplant. Cockles, Bouchot mussels, French beans in a cone: the obsiblue prawn was absolutely, definitely, irrefutably a to-die-for and well deserved its reputation as “sea caviar”! it is one of the new favorites among parisien chefs and can only be found in some of the upscale michelin restaurants; it is grown in a small new caledonia pacific lagoon under strict conditions and can only be harvested once a year. it was *THE* most delicious prawn i have had. ever. the meat was crunchy, with tiny threads of tendons breaking between my teeth at each bite. the taste of ocean was subtle but distinct; i had the first gulp of the prawn mixed with the curry sauce, but the sauce way too distracting and wasted the good material, so i actually worked my flatware into freeing the prawn from the sauce and vinegared eggplant. the essence of mussels already melted into the thick rich curry sauce, balanced with the sourness of the vinegared eggplant. but i was not entirely convinced by the sauce yet – curry and mussels were fighting against each other.

langoustine: grilled lobster with slightly acidic vegetables at the bottom. the lobster was crunchy on the outside and still juicy and medium-rare in the inside.

Seaweed jelly, milk jelly with raifort, Etivaz Gruyère cubes, goat cheese dumplings. Pine nut powder: sorry but goat cheese is not my favorite thing.

grand dessert – apple pie with mousse filling; rhubarb with berries, grape sauce/jelly; pear sorbet; orange confit; coffee cream: apple pie topping was chewy and tasted marvellous; i never like rhubarb too much as it resembles more like a syrup shot to me, but this one was fortunately not too sweet; sorbet is always nice with tea jelly which was perfect combo; orange confit was refreshing, though the coffee cream was a bit too intense for me.

Vanilla souffle; Strawberry jelly, marshmallow and crumble. Crystal salt. Milk chocolate crunchy parfait: this was not part of the degustation menu but herve the restaurant manager always accomodates my request (love ya!) =). i am huge fan of souffle at pierre. there just isn’t any restaurant anywhere, bay area/paris/hong kong, that i can find better souffle – light as air and texture so smooth that it almost instantly melted in my mouth and glided down the esophagus. it is a magical dessert that can only come from fairy tales.

overall it was a remarkable meal; this restaurant has become much more “gagnaire” like under the hands of chef elzer, and there is notably more finesse in the cooking. the style closely resembles what i had at the pierre gagnaire restaurant in paris, although i suspect elzer eventually would have to dumb down the taste in order to cater to most hong kong foodies. also the degustation menu we had was very well composed; the dishes flowed nicely from first to last course, each of them a progressing taste, strength, and preparation style that allowed us to sample so many different kinds of sea creatures from new angles.

the negatives: some dishes worked wonderfully (sea urchins/foie gras/white truffle) while others not so well, though it is within expectation because there are always hit-or-misses in gagnaire’s furiously daring kitchen. there was also a slip in harmony; during the meal i felt the dishes sometimes were worked off an academic formula of acidity/alkalinity, bitterness/sweetness, and lost sight of the natural produce itself. sauce at times could also be too preoccupied and overpowering.

it is impressive how elzer could mold the gagnaire style in such a short period of time. i am looking forward to coming back next year to see how he develops his own style. so far it looks very promising.

full post with pictures: http://randomnomad.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/pierre/
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2009-07-23 39 浏览
The restaurant is operating with a substitute chef from Paris after the recent departure of Philippe Orrico, so it was a chance to see what new changes were taking place here.The typhoon over the weekend had cleared up much of the pollution, and some of my guests had a spectacular view of Hong Kong harbor as well as the skyline of Kowloon and New Territories. I must remember to come to dinner more often!The amuse bouches arrived and they were delicious, especially the parmesan foam sprinkled wit
The restaurant is operating with a substitute chef from Paris after the recent departure of Philippe Orrico, so it was a chance to see what new changes were taking place here.

The typhoon over the weekend had cleared up much of the pollution, and some of my guests had a spectacular view of Hong Kong harbor as well as the skyline of Kowloon and New Territories. I must remember to come to dinner more often!

The amuse bouches arrived and they were delicious, especially the parmesan foam sprinkled with bit of pancetta. That's a great way to start the meal.

Les Langoustines:
Mousseline: beurre blanc with cardamom, courgettes brunoise and bean sprouts - this was pretty nice with a layer of egg whites, and the diced courgettes provided the dish with some crunchy texture so that it wasn't all soft and mushy...

Grilled: salpicons, red shizo leaves and confit-grilled aubergine - a cute little skewer like yakitori, lightly grilled so that it was still fresh and succulent. The mound of eggplant mash was pretty good.

Pan-fried: terre de sienne served on pearl barley étuvée - this was quintessentially Gagnaire - with sauce made from the head of the shellfish and flavored with cumin. The langoustine tail was soft and juicy, and sat on a bed of slightly chewy barley. Very, very nice.

Pan-fried foie gras: cherry, lin chi mushrooms and celery. Perfect execution here, and the sweetness and the acidity of the cherries cut through the grease just as well as the acidity of the wines. But the muchrooms aren't lin chi.

Polyphénol sauce seasoning a blue lobster fricassée poached in a noisette butter; potato tamy and dry black olives - this was completely not what I expected. We actually joked about this dish coming from the restaurant next door - Man Wah - as it just looked incredibly Cantonese! I definitely have had something that bore a striking resemblance to this at Fook Lam Moon a couple of times, also with diced red and green peppers... The sauce was made from the tannins of Syrah grapes, which matched the wines for the evening.

L'agneau: saddle of lamb from Aveyron roasted with sarriette, finished in an aromatic butter. Green square of herbs, choi sum ravioli, cold juice - the lamb was very, very juicy and tender. The layer of herbs around the lamb - as well as the flat square on the plate - was interesting. The so-called 'choi sum ravioli' looked like a Chinese fun gor (粉果) and induced a few chuckles at the table.

Skewer with vadouvan, confit shallots - again this was served yakitori-style with a 'dip' on the side. Pretty good, but then lamb has always been good at Pierre.

The side dish was kinda fun... sautéed red capsicum and mushrooms, with a ball made of black glutinous rice.

The highlight of a meal at Pierre Gagnaire's restaurants is often the desserts. We had four this evening:

Coffee with cachaca and spicy milk jelly, sugar nibs. Butter cream coffee - it's great to smear the butter cream coffee on the jelly...very yummy.

Vacherin and hibiscus jelly, strawberry meringue - this was really, really yummy...especially the strawberry meringue on top. And I've always liked anything made from hibiscus.

Apple ice cream and green apple tuile. Blackcurrant sauce - the green apple tuile was really cool, and you really get the taste of green apples out of the wavy forms.

Dry fruit marmalade, chocolate ganache with nougatine. Fresh passion fruit sauce - probably my least favorite dessert of the night, and once again we having something in front of us that looked like a fun gor...

I think overall it was a pretty good evening. The wines themselves were pretty interesting, and the cuisine was pretty creative and well-executed. And finally, kudos to Pierre the sommelier for working with the chef on such an interesting food and wine pairing.

original blogpost with pictures and notes on wine: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2009/07/showdown.html
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2009-06-12 66 浏览
It was my first time to dine at Pierre, and I surely hope this would not be the last one so we booked like 10 days in advance and got a seat facing Victoria Harbor. There was a choice between the tasting menu and the a la carte menu. Since we didn't want to order the same set, we went for a la carte.The captain was very informative and explained every dish in detail. He suggested us to go for seafood as meat dishes might be too heavy for us. Another captain, who was French, came to suggest suita
It was my first time to dine at Pierre, and I surely hope this would not be the last one

so we booked like 10 days in advance and got a seat facing Victoria Harbor. There was a choice between the tasting menu and the a la carte menu. Since we didn't want to order the same set, we went for a la carte.

The captain was very informative and explained every dish in detail. He suggested us to go for seafood as meat dishes might be too heavy for us. Another captain, who was French, came to suggest suitable wines for us since we were ordering different main courses.

Before the dinner started, we were served with some snacks, the one on the metal dish was great! beneath the thin slice of pastry was some puree with carrot sauce. A new yet delicious combination.

we had the famous 63 degree egg for appetizer. The egg white was cooked while the yolk was still a bit runny (quoting from what the captain had said =)). It was flavored with caviar. There were also prawn cocktail, 2 mousse-like dishes which could be served alone or spread on bread. and there was deep-fried dish that was served with red wine sauce. Very very nice appetizer i would say

and here came our main courses. I had seabass in seafood sauce, and there were 3 different flavors of pastes that you could dip into for the fish. There were a Black Guiness Jelly (tasted REALLY good), diced tomatoes, and tiny mushrooms. Definitely loved the fish. It did stood out when compared to other top french restaurants in town. My side dish was a foie gras mousse. It was very well made, I didn't find it too filling.
My boyfriend had lobster. It was served with a refreshing side dish and a lobster bisque. The captain explained how we could eat the food to make the experience perfect. He has made the whole dinner more enjoyable.

of course, we have left some room for desserts. The captain suggested us to order the Vanilla Souffle. It was a big one, but it was good enough for two people. It had a strong vanilla flavor, it did actually taste like European vanilla icecream
Next to the souffle, there was a plate of cherry jelly with marshmallows and small biscuits.

the petit fours was sherbet with mango sauce, while they offered us a few chocolates. and to our surprise, the captain offered us a taste of dessert wine for free.

I have fallen in love with this restaurant of Pierre's. The food, the service, the ambience... it is absolutely one of the best french restaurants in town. I love how they have made french cuisine with a twist while keeping the spirit of traditional fine dining. The restaurant is small, and there are round sofas so it makes things more private
can't wait for another encounter with Pierre
A little snack before the dinner started
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Overwhelming appetizer
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63 degree egg :)
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Seabass with different sauces
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Lobster :)
140 浏览
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Side dish for lobster
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Vanilla Souffle :)
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Petit Fours - Sorbet with Mango Sauce & Chocolates
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
A little snack before the dinner started
Overwhelming appetizer
63 degree egg :)
Seabass with different sauces
Lobster :)
Side dish for lobster
Vanilla Souffle :)
Petit Fours - Sorbet with Mango Sauce & Chocolates
2009-03-22 34 浏览
Several frds told me dishes are weird here. But my gd frd gave me a surprise to bring me here. The interior design is reali grand! We sat on an oval table by the window. Great view! Extremely spacious! Everything is grand there!Given that it's in Mandarin Hotel+gd service+有心思食物+有welcoming dish+dessert+grand seaview+comfortable seats,this price is reali reasonable for a fine lunch!!!
Several frds told me dishes are weird here. But my gd frd gave me a surprise to bring me here. The interior design is reali grand! We sat on an oval table by the window. Great view! Extremely spacious! Everything is grand there!
Given that it's in Mandarin Hotel+gd service+有心思食物+有welcoming dish+dessert+grand seaview+comfortable seats,this price is reali reasonable for a fine lunch!!!
精神welcoming dishes
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$400 (午餐)
精神welcoming dishes
  • 63度蛋
  • 磨菇soup
2009-01-19 22 浏览
We had a wonderful dinner at Pierre, where black Périgord truffles showed up in just about every course, including desserts. I never imagined that I would say this, but I think I actually OD'd on truffles tonight... It was just soooo good.The first course was ewe velouté and smoked tarragon, cab muscovite and beluga caviar with traditional condiments. As Pierre the sommelier said, "Champagne and caviar...this is the life!" Indeed! In addition to bringing my own Champagne, I actually brought in m
We had a wonderful dinner at Pierre, where black Périgord truffles showed up in just about every course, including desserts. I never imagined that I would say this, but I think I actually OD'd on truffles tonight... It was just soooo good.

The first course was ewe velouté and smoked tarragon, cab muscovite and beluga caviar with traditional condiments. As Pierre the sommelier said, "Champagne and caviar...this is the life!" Indeed! In addition to bringing my own Champagne, I actually brought in my own caviar. As I was flying out of Kazakhstan last June, I spent a chunk of change buying some beluga and oscietra caviar at Almaty Airport, because it was (relatively) cheap to buy this from one of the producing countries of this delicacy. I brought in 2 jars of beluga and the 4 of us shared a bit more than 220gm of the stuff... Decadant? Oh yeah...

Philippe created three different preparations for the caviar. The first was with crab meat. The second preparation sat on a bed of raw, sweet scallops. The third was a only a mouthful on pickled vegetable.

Finally, there was a chunk of caviar that I ended up spreading on blinis with the traditional condiments. I'm not a caviar connoisseur, but I did think the Kazakh beluga wasn't bad. Pretty complex on the palate. I'm sure there is much better quality out there, but for the price I paid I wasn't gonna complain.

We followed with a nice oyster in a consommé. What was incredible was the amount of black truffle floating in the bowl. Very fragrant and yummy.

We went into the kitchen to watch Philippe finish the preparation for the 63° eggs, braised endive with grapefruit, champagne sauce with black truffle. It's a little decadent when Krug Grande Cuvée is being used in the cooking process... Anyway the egg was just perfect, and the acidic grapefruit really did work wonders on the bitter endive. The whole thing was topped with some freshly shredded endive and black truffle.

The slow cooked fillet of cod, creamed pearled barley "Perigourdine" and slice of turnip with aged Port wine was really delicious. There was a nice mix of textures between the slightly crunchy barley, cubes of ham, the moist and tender cod, and of course more black truffle. The small round disc on top looked like a slice of chorizo at first glance, but was actually turnip turned red by cooking in Port.

The last course before dessert was something I did not expect at this restaurant, because it was just so traditional. Beef "Rossini" was done very, very nicely. The beef was so tender, and the slice of pan-fried foie gras was just as I like it - soft and juicy. Everything was drizzled with black truffle sauce.

There were a total of four desserts, and we would go back to the kitchen to watch Nicolas putting them together. Eggs à la neige and buratta with lime is the îles flottante that we had learned about in the afternoon. Here the soft, spongy meringue was a luxe version prepared with lots of black truffle grounds that gave it a totally different flavor. The flavor of truffles was also infused in the crème anglaise, and shavings of lime rind provided the extra dimension. The savory buratta cheese at the bottom also took me by surprise.

The chocolate sponge cake had a creamy filling and a slice of black truffle to create a unique combination. And what could be better than a cream-filled macaron with a thin wafer of black truffle? Tasted a better macaron, I have not.

The Guanaja chocolate ganache was poured over caramalized fruits, candied kumquat and roasted nuts. Pretty nice and rich. And of course, there was a slice of black truffle in there somewhere.

Finally there was a scoop of caramel ice cream, which was pretty nice.

original blogpost with notes on wine: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2009/01/black-truffle-evening.html
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$2000 (晚餐)
2009-01-10 15 浏览
We started with some pan-seared scallops with black truffles. The scallops were perfectly fresh, and the aroma of the black truffles is just overwhelming. The whole thing sits on a bed of what looks like apple confit, and I must say that the tastes worked well together. I had half a bowl of the mushroom soup, which was rich, creamy and delicious. It doesn't hurt that they laid plenty of dried mushroom slices as well as a bit of black truffles on top. My main course was the seabream Jodphur with
We started with some pan-seared scallops with black truffles. The scallops were perfectly fresh, and the aroma of the black truffles is just overwhelming. The whole thing sits on a bed of what looks like apple confit, and I must say that the tastes worked well together.

I had half a bowl of the mushroom soup, which was rich, creamy and delicious. It doesn't hurt that they laid plenty of dried mushroom slices as well as a bit of black truffles on top.

My main course was the seabream Jodphur with couscous and lemon confit. I have always liked Pierre's dishes that involve couscous because they actually do the fusion thing well, and this one was no exception. The fish was poached so the flesh was sooo tender. The only issue I have is that the fish actually tasted a tad "fishy" (imagine that...) This is where the Indian-spiced couscous comes in, as the combination of the fish and the couscous means that the spices completely cover up any hint of the fishy taste. This one's another winner, with some slight adjustments...

Once again I come away smiling from a meal at Pierre. Looking forward to my return next weekend!

original blogpost with wine notes: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2009/01/seafood-and-sauvignon-blanc.html
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2009-01-08 12 浏览
I think this is one of the best French cuisine in town! We sat on a table by the window. The view was fabulous! I had the lamb and my friend had the steak! the steak was much better than the one we had at RoXXchXXX. I can tell that the chef had put in a lot of time in creating each dish. The wine selection is much better than all other similar French restaurants.
I think this is one of the best French cuisine in town! We sat on a table by the window. The view was fabulous!
I had the lamb and my friend had the steak! the steak was much better than the one we had at RoXXchXXX.
I can tell that the chef had put in a lot of time in creating each dish.
The wine selection is much better than all other similar French restaurants.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)