2008-12-18 19 浏览
My colleagues and I went for a relaxing lunch at Pierre today. As it was with our last visit, we had a special pre-starter after the amuse bouches. This looked suspiciously similar to what the chef sent us last time... cold, springy/chewy sole coated with a layer of solid cream sauce. Each piece is topped with a bit of caviar, and served with tiny balls of crème fraîche. The lone oyster packed a wallop of incredible flavors that took me completely by surprise.My first course was 63° eggs, yabbi
My colleagues and I went for a relaxing lunch at Pierre today. As it was with our last visit, we had a special pre-starter after the amuse bouches. This looked suspiciously similar to what the chef sent us last time... cold, springy/chewy sole coated with a layer of solid cream sauce. Each piece is topped with a bit of caviar, and served with tiny balls of crème fraîche. The lone oyster packed a wallop of incredible flavors that took me completely by surprise.

My first course was 63° eggs, yabbies Nantua and chicken mousseline with green olives. I am a fan of these soft-boiled eggs, served with two marshmellow-like morsels made from yabbies. The mousseline was pretty yummy - a little rich but not enough to make you uncomfortable.

My main course was filet of seabream, couscous, confit lemon and oriental vegetable broth. The seabream was pretty tender and moist, topped with dried mushroom slices. The bed of couscous tasted of a light curry - I guess it is Oriental after all. The overall combination worked well together, and I'm reminded of a rice dish from my lunch here in May.

I chose not to have dessert today, since I most definitely over-indulged last night. The final nibble of bonbons on a stick was a nice way to end the meal.

original blogpost with wine notes: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2008/11/relaxing-friday-lunch.html
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$550 (午餐)
2008-12-05 42 浏览
八月十二‧晴比起Amber那邊的二星,以及東京店的同是二星,在文華最好的樓層,這一粒星,其實有點斯人獨憔悴。同時米芝蓮名廚,盧布松絕對比Pierre Gagnaire得我心,至少在東京要選一間西餐廳,我的選擇也是Joel Robuchon而不是Beige。香港的Pierre,如果你問我,就只有當Pierre在的時候才來得過。不過似乎這裡也要面對現實,最近推出了兩道菜的「商務快餐」﹝Express Lunch﹞,索價三百六十,比Amber便宜,而貴不了樓下的Cafe Casuette多少,以這個價錢,又好似幾試得過,就找一天又來吃一吃。 在文華的頂樓,以環境及地方計,這裡是無敵的。是日恰好天清氣朗,萬里無雲,坐在大大又舒適的疏化椅看著外邊,好不寫意。當然比較起來,半島的Gaddi’s會比這裡高貴,而香格里拉的Petrus會比這裡更「好景」。餐牌分開四部份,分別是「Frist Course」、「Middle Course」、「Main Course」及甜品,在兩道菜以外,選多一道菜也只收百一蚊,合理價錢。放棄了第一道主菜,前菜要了牛尾鵝肝醬,主菜要了燉羊腿,而甜品則是夏日特色的朱古力三重奏


同時米芝蓮名廚,盧布松絕對比Pierre Gagnaire得我心,至少在東京要選一間西餐廳,我的選擇也是Joel Robuchon而不是Beige。香港的Pierre,如果你問我,就只有當Pierre在的時候才來得過。不過似乎這裡也要面對現實,最近推出了兩道菜的「商務快餐」﹝Express Lunch﹞,索價三百六十,比Amber便宜,而貴不了樓下的Cafe Casuette多少,以這個價錢,又好似幾試得過,就找一天又來吃一吃。

在文華的頂樓,以環境及地方計,這裡是無敵的。是日恰好天清氣朗,萬里無雲,坐在大大又舒適的疏化椅看著外邊,好不寫意。當然比較起來,半島的Gaddi’s會比這裡高貴,而香格里拉的Petrus會比這裡更「好景」。餐牌分開四部份,分別是「Frist Course」、「Middle Course」、「Main Course」及甜品,在兩道菜以外,選多一道菜也只收百一蚊,合理價錢。放棄了第一道主菜,前菜要了牛尾鵝肝醬,主菜要了燉羊腿,而甜品則是夏日特色的朱古力三重奏L’Africian。

還有工作在身的,飲品也只可以選有氣蒸餾水。先來的Amuse Bouche是煙三文魚酥餅,做得個子小小的,但味道卻很爆炸性的。鮮美的煙三文魚伴上忌廉,是美味;麵包籃內有三件小麵包,分別是牛奶包、核桃包及小法包。俱是微暖的,當中牛奶包最討好,帶微甜又鬆軟,塗起牛油來吃是非常美味。同上的牛油做成一朶小花的形狀,非常的美觀。

前菜上檯,是肉凍,深色的是牛尾碎肉,粉色的是鵝肝醬,紅色的是紅蘿蔔, 綠色的是翠瓜,蜜瓜切成小粒粒放在一旁,一層疊一層,賣相非常精美。這個菜看起來清新美觀,吃起來味道又很有個性,牛尾肉味道濃,鵝肝醬是豐腴又幼滑,配上間層的蔬菜,味道及口感層次感豐富,美味。在旁還有用桃子做的果醬,也出奇的配合。還配上幾片烤得香脆的小法包,美味,也令人吃得滿足!

主菜要了煎封羊Confit Lamb。羊肉是切丁的,配上切片的小蘿蔔、防風薯等根類蔬菜,旁邊還放有幾抺用向日葵花打成的慕絲,賣相也是「一百分」。羊肉是羊腿肉,吃起來雖然不韌,但也不會如其他部位般軟腍,較有咬口。炆得入味,吃起來絕不乾身,伴以蔬菜粒及向日葵慕絲,亦有水準。墊底的濃汁,當然連幾個小麵包也全用上了。

甜品5選一,本來我是必選芝士併盤,但聽落是日的選擇,又好像不甚特別,也沒甚心水,就要了另一個「時令精選」的L'Africian,是一個「朱古力三重奏」的甜品。墊底的是朱古力醬,中間墊了一件朱古力蛋糕,上面再放朱古力慕絲,再用朱古力條伴碟,賣相也是絕佳。這個甜品吃起來,口感由濃至輕,但味道方面,朱古力醬的味道實在太霸道了,令到蛋糕及慕絲也沒有什麼味道的,似乎在計算上可以更好。下次再來,還是打穩陣波,要回Le Helder好了;



埋單六百三,吃一餐好的,也要這麼上下的價錢。相信這裡在年尾的米芝蓮中,也是「坐二望三」,到時也會順理成章的加價吧!所以「When Pierre is not cooking」的話,來吃個午餐,也不錯。
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Confit Lamb也軟稔美味
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$630 (午餐)
Confit Lamb也軟稔美味
  • Confit Lamb,L'Africian
2008-11-21 34 浏览
Pierre 一直是我心目中其中一間很想去試試、但又很怕不夠銀兩結帳的餐廳之一。早幾個月聽同事說 Pierre 新設了 express lunch,而且價錢相當吸引。我們終於在前幾天浩浩蕩蕩的闖 Pierre 了~其中幾位座上客已於數周前光顧過,強力推介這兒的幾款食品。選擇不算少,我們正眼花瞭亂之際,檯面已陸續放上不同的小碟。好不容易大家都選定了,馬上看看究竟放滿一檯的是什麼呢。有餐包,我最喜歡長條型那款,這和我上星期在 clipper lounge 吃到的一樣,軟身得來,"密度"很高,好味道! 同事們則十分喜歡"豬仔",但因為我不喜歡吃太脆的,所以只吃了半個"豬仔",但再要了一個"長條"呢~另外一碟餅仔,四款不同的口味,牛油味很濃,是挺好吃,只是吃了餐包再加餅仔,已經開始有點點飽意。黃色那片忘了是什麼,下面那碗是芒果醬。另一碗是 strawberry sorbet,只有兩口,但感覺很清新,還有小粒的士多啤梨肉呢~不久便上頭盤了﹕ Lobster Bisque - 香濃的龍蝦湯和平常的龍蝦湯不同,帶有丁點苦味,但這正是龍蝦湯的靈魂,配上菇菌和有點海鮮味的 mousse 作配料,讚! m
Pierre 一直是我心目中其中一間很想去試試、但又很怕不夠銀兩結帳的餐廳之一。

早幾個月聽同事說 Pierre 新設了 express lunch,而且價錢相當吸引。我們終於在前幾天浩浩蕩蕩的闖 Pierre 了~


有餐包,我最喜歡長條型那款,這和我上星期在 clipper lounge 吃到的一樣,軟身得來,"密度"很高,好味道! 同事們則十分喜歡"豬仔",但因為我不喜歡吃太脆的,所以只吃了半個"豬仔",但再要了一個"長條"呢~


黃色那片忘了是什麼,下面那碗是芒果醬。另一碗是 strawberry sorbet,只有兩口,但感覺很清新,還有小粒的士多啤梨肉呢~

Lobster Bisque - 香濃的龍蝦湯和平常的龍蝦湯不同,帶有丁點苦味,但這正是龍蝦湯的靈魂,配上菇菌和有點海鮮味的 mousse 作配料,讚!

mushroom soup - 一位同事說這是 best mushroom soup in town,及後更聽一位上司說這是 best in the world,太誇張了吧?! 今次無緣,下次一定要試試!

Foie Gois - 單看賣相,相當有份量,同事說是水準之作。

Satay prawn 的 satay 不辣,但很香口


Grilled Rib Eye 是我一早已決定了要試的,要了 medium。表面煎得很脆很香,中間部份的肉質也很嫩。唯一感覺份量大了一點。

其實吃了主菜已經很飽很滿足了,極愛吃甜品的我,今次也有點感覺再吃甜品可說是有點 over 了,如果下次再光顧,只要 2 個 course 已經很夠了。 吃,永遠都是不要吃到100%飽就是最回味的~!
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$520 (午餐)
2008-11-12 21 浏览
I had lunch with the boss and my colleague today, since the boss' big birthday was yesterday. We had been planning to have lunch at Pierre since last week, and used this occasion to toast the boss.There was the usual round of amuse bouche, and we had a pre-starter from the chef. This was a piece of sole, served cold and with a bit of chewy gelatin at the bottom, topped with a layer of Champagne sauce. There is a refreshing "yogurt" of green apple and cucumber on the side. The fish was interestin
I had lunch with the boss and my colleague today, since the boss' big birthday was yesterday. We had been planning to have lunch at Pierre since last week, and used this occasion to toast the boss.

There was the usual round of amuse bouche, and we had a pre-starter from the chef. This was a piece of sole, served cold and with a bit of chewy gelatin at the bottom, topped with a layer of Champagne sauce. There is a refreshing "yogurt" of green apple and cucumber on the side. The fish was interestingly chewy, which I find unusual at establishments such as this one.

Moving on to the first course of the Express Lunch, I started with the crispy soft egg. Now what is it with chefs these days? Why is everyone wanting to play around with eggs in this fashion? For the second time in a week, I'm looking at an egg that has a layer of deep-fried batter on the outside, while being soft and molten on the inside. But the one in front of me was sooo good. The egg whites were done perfectly - soft but solid enough to have that jello-like consistency. The egg sat atop a layer of mushrooms - both dried morels and diced shiitake. The fragrance of the mushrooms hits me as soon as the plate is set down in front of me. It was just awesome.

The pan-fried skate wings didn't quite do it for me. It looked pretty enough, topped with a layer of deep-fried croutons, capers and other herbs. Unfortunately there were also bits of grapefruit in the mix, and given my physical condition today it just wasn't what I needed. But I do not wish to take anything away from the chef, for the execution was perfect. The fish was fresh and delicious, but I never like anything with too much acidity... Maybe next time I'll ask the chef to do something else with the skate wings.

I was in no condition to take in any cheese, although on reflection maybe that would have helped settle my stomach a bit more. We did have some cake to celebrate the boss' birthday, which was a giant version of an opéra.

original blogpost with wine notes: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2008/11/birthday-lunch.html
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$360 (午餐)
2008-09-23 29 浏览
跟Pierre第一次接觸是二零零六年的夏天,當時食神到歐洲旅歷,到了他其下London的 Sketch餐廳進膳, 可算是一見終情。Sketch店子不大, 特別之處不只他仿太空艙設計的廁所, 還有他的食物及出神入化的用料配搭, 記憶中以羊肉、魚類及龍蝦做得最出色。九月正碰著是啫哩人的生日, 也造就了食神跟Pierre的重逢。餐廳Pierre位在文華酒店頂樓,氣勢不凡,餐廳卻不是太大,大概只有十至十二張桌。A la Carte menu選擇不多,前菜只有五款,主菜有七款。食神會提議選擇 tasting menu。前菜食神選擇了澳洲龍蝦,起了肉的龍蝦伴着些薄片的水果,再加上淡淡的杧果醬汁,味道非常清新。至於啫哩人選擇八道菜的 tasting menu,有五款前菜,包括有香檳奶油汁瓏琍魚配鵝肝、 zucchini湯、香煎田鷄腿伴荷芹、白松露風乾火腿葡萄黑醋汁及墨魚橄欖 sorbet。當中以煎田鷄腿與白松露最為突出。主菜食神的選擇是燒黑毛豬,侍應上菜的時候真的嚇了一跳,賣相竟有點像泰國菜館的燒豬頸肉,真是普通一點。啫哩人的兩道主菜則是個很好的海鮮跟紅肉的配搭,用葡萄酒烹調的藍龍蝦味道非常濃但沒有

跟Pierre第一次接觸是二零零六年的夏天,當時食神到歐洲旅歷,到了他其下London的 Sketch餐廳進膳, 可算是一見終情。
Sketch店子不大, 特別之處不只他仿太空艙設計的廁所, 還有他的食物及出神入化的用料配搭, 記憶中以羊肉、魚類及龍蝦做得最出色。
九月正碰著是啫哩人的生日, 也造就了食神跟Pierre的重逢。

A la Carte menu選擇不多,前菜只有五款,主菜有七款。食神會提議選擇 tasting menu。
食神選擇了澳洲龍蝦,起了肉的龍蝦伴着些薄片的水果,再加上淡淡的杧果醬汁,味道非常清新。至於啫哩人選擇八道菜的 tasting menu,有五款前菜,包括有香檳奶油汁瓏琍魚配鵝肝、 zucchini湯、香煎田鷄腿伴荷芹、白松露風乾火腿葡萄黑醋汁及墨魚橄欖 sorbet。
侍應非常殷勤,每道菜都細心介紹,如沒有他們的解析,可能真不知吃了甚麽進肚皮 !
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London Sketch餐廳的廁所 / 燒黑毛豬
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$2000 (晚餐)
finally made it to pierre to chk out the so-called molecular cuisine... nice try but really a bit weird for me - sometimes i find the side spices overpowering the main ingredients - like the lobster w/ mango - i couldn't taste the lobster b/c the mango was just way too sweet and covered all the rest of the flavor. maybe the chef forgot that mango in france might not be as sweet as the ones they get here in se asia?we had oyster for appetizer - excellently fresh and nice source too. i ordered
finally made it to pierre to chk out the so-called molecular cuisine... nice try but really a bit weird for me - sometimes i find the side spices overpowering the main ingredients - like the lobster w/ mango - i couldn't taste the lobster b/c the mango was just way too sweet and covered all the rest of the flavor. maybe the chef forgot that mango in france might not be as sweet as the ones they get here in se asia?
we had oyster for appetizer - excellently fresh and nice source too. i ordered lamb for main - very mediocre and actually a bit too well done for supposedly medium rare. sort of tasteless too. good thing i ordered the lamb to pair the wine (88 latour, actually needed more breath) not the other way around.

hardly of a view - what can you expect? if you want view, go to spoon.

attentive services.

i would prefer robuchon much better...
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$6500 (晚餐)
2008-05-29 12 浏览
We started with a bottle of generic Bourgogne from the 2005 vintage - forgot to check the producer. The wine was rich and ripe, very explosive with minerals, reasonably sweet in the mouth. For a generic Bourgogne (not even a village wine) I thought it was pretty excellent.The amuse bouche was quite interesting. It was a parfait/pate made of strips of braised beef brisket (牛腩), carrot and turnip - just like the Chinese dish! Very interesting way to start the meal.The first course was the oyster.
We started with a bottle of generic Bourgogne from the 2005 vintage - forgot to check the producer. The wine was rich and ripe, very explosive with minerals, reasonably sweet in the mouth. For a generic Bourgogne (not even a village wine) I thought it was pretty excellent.

The amuse bouche was quite interesting. It was a parfait/pate made of strips of braised beef brisket (牛腩), carrot and turnip - just like the Chinese dish! Very interesting way to start the meal.

The first course was the oyster. From the bottom it was oysters out of the shell, sprinkled with tiny cubes of pear and tofu, topped with a paper-thin layer of agar, with a scoop of oyster cream, then strips of Japanese nori and sprinkles of a rich, seafood-flavored powder. Sounds complicated and there were many ingredients, but the amazing thing is that the one taste that came through immediately was the oyster. It was complimented by the nori (tasting also of the sea) and the orange seafood powder. The slightly sweet-tasting agar and pear provided a nice balance in the overall structure.

The second course was an avocado guacamole, except that it was blended with cumin and Indian spices so that it tasted of curry. It was paired with lobster cream on the side, which actually worked reasonably well together.

What followed was a very wonderful dish. Thin loops of calamari was topped with basmati rice, long strips of vegetable (zucchini?) and topped with lobster bisque. The combination of the lobster bisque and calamari was perfect, and the long-grained basmati rice also provided good texture in the mouth.

The sommelier chose a bottle of 2004 Frederic Magnien Gevrey Chambertin Vielles Vignes. Initially the wine was all sweet fruit, very forward and just the new style that I like. Gradually the wine softened a bit and the structure, complexity and acidity came out, making it more balanced and classic. Finish was a bit short but hey, it's only a village wine after all.

Finally we were served some very, very delicious lamb chops. There was so much fat on these babies, and the flavors just exploded in my mouth. They were also incredibly juicy and tender. If you're not a fan of the "lamby" taste, then these definitely weren't your thing. I was very tempted to pick the bones up with my hands and strip them of any remaining bits of meat and tendons, as I have been known to do. But...I choose to behave myself so as not to embarrass my host.

In typical Pierre fashion, we were served two sets of desserts - each with three variations. The first set came with a parfait of red peppers, raspberry and lemon. There was also a compote of red peppers with white chocolate, and a glass of strawberry compote. The second set delivered a samosa with lychee cream, along with a bowl of delicious vanilla cream. Desserts have always been one of the highlights of a meal at Pierre, and I was duly reminded of this today. The sommelier also poured us a glass of Jurancon to go with the desserts.

Throughout the meal, we were graced with the presence of Mr Gagnaire as he came to say hello to Francois. Mr Gagnaire commented that it was more difficult to source top-quality ingredients in Hong Kong compared to Tokyo, but he was proud to have shipped in around 300 lobsters on this visit.

original blogpost: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2008/05/magic-of-pierre-gagnaire.html
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2008-02-27 14 浏览
2008年2月23日晚8點香港文化東方酒店米其林3星食神法國皮埃爾餐廳探祕。 作为法國美食學院院士的Pierre Gagnaire在2006年曾說:La cuisine c'est de l'amour, de l'art, de la technique(美食,是愛,是藝術,是技術)久仰Pierre Gagnaire的大名,米其林3星食神,香港為唯一亞洲堂口。幾年前此君受cnn專訪,老夫就有心到香港文華東方25樓此君講武堂冒一冒泡。上周六晚,成行。參加宴會的有。。。。。。(此處參照cctv國宴名單),共5人。酒本來老夫喝喝chateau lynch的也慣了,酒保强烈推薦俺不知道之法國酒莊,2001年份,喝了,果然不好。估計回佣大大地。無數次經驗,喝酒,一定要聽自己的。開胃菜一般,有點鬱悶。湯,俺的特別好,鵝肝湯中的鵝肝,外剛剛熟,裏面半生,非常之華美,滋味無與倫比。肉類主菜之中,法國原産的牛,羊,豬,都有點。出乎意外,豬肉出奇之緊凑,鮮美,是老夫吃過的各國猪肉中的冠軍。甜品其他貴賓已經號稱肚滿,老夫本者在一家餐廳,無論如何不能虎頭蛇尾,點暸多為酒類之irish style(Honey

作为法國美食學院院士的Pierre Gagnaire在2006年曾說:

La cuisine c'est de l'amour, de l'art, de la technique(美食,是愛,是藝術,是技術)
久仰Pierre Gagnaire的大名,米其林3星食神,香港為唯一亞洲堂口。幾年前此君受cnn專訪,老夫就有心到香港文華東方25樓此君講武堂冒一冒泡。
酒本來老夫喝喝chateau lynch的也慣了,酒保强烈推薦俺不知道之法國酒莊,2001年份,喝了,果然不好。估計回佣大大地。無數次經驗,喝酒,一定要聽自己的。
甜品其他貴賓已經號稱肚滿,老夫本者在一家餐廳,無論如何不能虎頭蛇尾,點暸多為酒類之irish style(Honey spice biscuit, dark beer and whisky.
Unctuons pecan nut ice cream.Fake beer.Savoy cabbage, pear and cranberry compote),歪打正著,不愧食神作的甜品,能把愛爾蘭啤酒玩得如此富貴華滋。
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2007-12-14 10 浏览
went with my parents to pierre about two months ago and FINALLY made myself write a review about it... will try to recall as much as i can…i ordered a langoustine entree that was cooked in four ways: mousseline, tartare with green apple, seared, sauteed. the mousseline one was the best as the flavor and texture of the 'mousse' complimented the langoustine very well and the whole combination just slid effortlessly down my throat. The tartare was nice as well. The green apple gave a tangy edge to
went with my parents to pierre about two months ago and FINALLY made myself write a review about it... will try to recall as much as i can…

i ordered a langoustine entree that was cooked in four ways: mousseline, tartare with green apple, seared, sauteed. the mousseline one was the best as the flavor and texture of the 'mousse' complimented the langoustine very well and the whole combination just slid effortlessly down my throat. The tartare was nice as well. The green apple gave a tangy edge to the finely chopped langoustine and as I like mildly sour food, the dish worked perfectly for me. The seared langoustine (shown above) had a great texture too but I felt it wasn't that special. Its flavor wasn't special enough to be imprinted on my mind at least. The sauteed one wasn't that great as the asian flavor was a bit too heavy...

my mom had the foie gras soup and she said it was very rich and luscious. I trust her judgment, although I can't help seeing the resemblance between the soup and a bowl of dog poo lol. in appearance of course.

my mom and i also ordered a rack of lamb to share. I think the lamb was good, but not superb. I can't remember much about the side dishes but I think i didn't really like them. I do remember one thing... I was pretty full by then and I didn't even bother touching the white beans, but then the waiter somehow mentioned that the beans were a rare product of France and so i couldn't resist trying a few. Maybe it was just me... but i didn't find them that special either lol....

my dad ordered the tasting menu which had quite a few courses including seabass carpaccio with sth sth, a course with cep as the theme (cep soup, cep salad, cep ice cream)... and desserts. right, there were actually lots of courses in between but i just can't even remember the main course. there were seven different desserts (shown above) and by then my dad was pretty full, so we shared the desserts. (yea okay we are small eaters) There was a tiramisu, a trio of sai-mai-lo like small cubes with a dash of soufflé on the side, a coconut mousse and etc etc. I don’t usually like coconut much but this mousse came as an exception. The others were delish too but I found the bit of soufflé too sweet.

Throughout the meal, my parents also ordered two champagnes, one red wine, two whites, and a glass of port. The french wine waitress speaks english in a sing songy voice and was quite pleasant as well.

About the service…I’ll give ten out of ten for the waiter that served our table. Unlike some other snobby waiters from other ‘fine dining’restaurants, he was pleasant and absolutely down to earth, and explained every dish clearly without making me feel like a five-year-old. I’m not a professional food critic (neither are my parents) and its natural that I can’t interpret every single fancy french word on the menu or distinguish this herb from that herb. He clarified everything when being asked and contributed big time to making this dinner a wonderful experience.

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2007-09-22 16 浏览
My loved ones have decided to treat me to this restaurant to celebrate my b-day. We have read q a no. of reviews on magazine and heard it was famous for molecular food.The environment was pleasant with a magnificent view of central and victoria harbour. The interior design is more modern/ chic compared to Caprice , which is more glamourous and grand.Waiters are q friendly and helpful ( though personally i prefer Waiters at Caprice). We ordered the Degustation menu ( tasting menu ) which cost $13
My loved ones have decided to treat me to this restaurant to celebrate my b-day. We have read q a no. of reviews on magazine and heard it was famous for molecular food.
The environment was pleasant with a magnificent view of central and victoria harbour. The interior design is more modern/ chic compared to Caprice , which is more glamourous and grand.
Waiters are q friendly and helpful ( though personally i prefer Waiters at Caprice).
We ordered the Degustation menu ( tasting menu ) which cost $1388 each, together with sparkling water, 2005 French resling white wine .I don't eat raw beef so had changed one of the le appetite- beef tarta to scampi tarta.
The home made bread are excellent and well toasted. The petite complimentary le appetite is excellent with clear distinction of taste between each.
The waiter explained each cusine thoroughly while serving the dishes. le appetite consists of mainly seafood. The oysters with foie gras sauce stood out from all the others and is one of my favourite.
Whilst the main course consist of two dishes: fish ( sea-bass ) with devil sauce and "coco de poco" (a kind of seasonal beans ) and brasied pigeon with foie gras sauce accompanied with a side dish. the pigeon was carefully sliced and the pinkish color of the meat looks great. Main dishes taste excellent and i would say these are better than the ones in Caprice.
Main course was followed by grapefruit and chille sorbet which helps to clear the palate. The burning sensation in throat shows big contrast to the cooling sensation on tongue.What a fascinating design.
Desserts also consists of two couse and were also better than expected.
As a whole, it was an excellent meal. The flow from the start till the end is smooth and dishes are well- matched.

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Never forget this experience with my girlfriend and my best friend. food: taste is not bad but you never know what you are having because in front of you. you have around 15 to 20 dish and you also don't know what is that it call "far te" or "fair there" with quick and unclear explaination. I don't even know what I'm having. Main course I have the fish call orange something. not too bad for taste but the fish is cold or I should say little warm. my girlfriend havning the beef with expensive blac
Never forget this experience with my girlfriend and my best friend.

food: taste is not bad but you never know what you are having because in front of you. you have around 15 to 20 dish and you also don't know what is that it call "far te" or "fair there" with quick and unclear explaination. I don't even know what I'm having. Main course I have the fish call orange something. not too bad for taste but the fish is cold or I should say little warm. my girlfriend havning the beef with expensive black fish roe caviar. for the price of the beef i think that was a japanese kobe beef but end up which is US beef may have MCD. dessett we order their best selling one call 9 conduct street. they said is the name of restaruant in England. taste so so. and my friend having the set menu within 1 1/2 hour. so quick.

Service: fine dining. I don't think so. do they know what is fine dining is and you think we could finish our set menu with more then 10 dishes within 1 1/2 hour. our food come out when we haven't finish our dish yet. once you finish your dish the next dish will come out within 2 minutes.

Not an great experience for me. if you want us to spend money on this restaurant again I will say little over the price they should charge. 3 stars chef. In Hong Kong you can find other place easily with better experience and taste. let's try and you will see is it true or not.
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2006-12-31 30 浏览
I went to Pierre with my friend to pre-celebrate Christmas. Like the other customers, we had high expectation with Pierre, from its service, ambiance to food presentation and taste. We got a window seat that nite. So happened that there was firework at TST harbourside and as a result we got the best view and atmosphere. And what else we had that night?? Bad food. We both are so so disappointed. The so called moleculer food are nothing, can't tell the "structured taste" at all, it is absolu
I went to Pierre with my friend to pre-celebrate Christmas. Like the other customers, we had high expectation with Pierre, from its service, ambiance to food presentation and taste. We got a window seat that nite. So happened that there was firework at TST harbourside and as a result we got the best view and atmosphere. And what else we had that night?? Bad food. We both are so so disappointed. The so called moleculer food are nothing, can't tell the "structured taste" at all, it is absolutely just a gimmick. The taste is really blur. It's nottempted to your taste buds...... from the entree to coffee. There a Chinese phrase which well described the food served in Pierre, "味如嚼蠟". Honestly, I think the traditional french cusine is far much better. I like Gladdi's in Peninsula more. Eating at Pierre is purely just paying for the reputation, ambiance and view. For nice French food.... better go to somewhere else.

N.B. I have been to many many other French or high-end restaurans in Central, like AMBER, CAPRICE, Le Parisien, ... ... Pierre scores the LOWEST!!
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2006-12-30 12 浏览
We ordered 1 tasting menu ($1,350, 8 courses), cocktail drink, a bottle of water, Pop corn soup, Grill eel on toast and Orange Roughy (fish).Total $2,500 for 2.Quite expensive but worth to try it once in your life time to experience the masterpiece of French cooking.
We ordered 1 tasting menu ($1,350, 8 courses), cocktail drink, a bottle of water, Pop corn soup, Grill eel on toast and Orange Roughy (fish).

Total $2,500 for 2.

Quite expensive but worth to try it once in your life time to experience the masterpiece of French cooking.

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2006-11-01 36 浏览
We tried the tasting menu while chez Pierre Gagnaire was still in town. As the earlier review said, Mr Gagnaire's daring use of ingredients and combinations of such is certainly an eye-opener. The amuse-bouche serves sort of like a sampler of the courses across different tastes and textures. That certainly set the tunes for the entire evening. For the tasting menu we have a series of food pairings served at the same time. Sense of fusion's been felt throughout the course, but in a subtle way. Th
We tried the tasting menu while chez Pierre Gagnaire was still in town. As the earlier review said, Mr Gagnaire's daring use of ingredients and combinations of such is certainly an eye-opener.

The amuse-bouche serves sort of like a sampler of the courses across different tastes and textures. That certainly set the tunes for the entire evening.

For the tasting menu we have a series of food pairings served at the same time. Sense of fusion's been felt throughout the course, but in a subtle way. The first course - a "vegetable jelly" - reminds me remotely of "和果子", and slices of nori are served with "bulots facon bretonne" , that's whelk, in layman term.
The main course is veal - nothing out-of-the-scale spectacular, but he did a nice job.

Dessert - a la pierre gagnaire fashion - never dissapoints. First there's the petit fours - a platter of "things" with tastes of sweetness, sourness, bitterness and spiciness (yes, it's a sorbet with a hint of chili!) How thoughtful. Then a dessert served in a martini glass with stuff of different textures - caramel sweets, marshmallow and alike.

Service's great and not stuffy. We've had bad experiences at Amber where the staff frantically memorised everything about the menu and spat that out word by word without knowing what they actually meant. But and nothing like this at pierre. Sommelier is knowledgeable and friendly - can count on them making recommendation. A decent list of half-bottle selections - which is more suitable for dinner for 2 anyway.

Over the dinner we overheard a couple behind us commenting adversely about everything from the special "cup" used in one of the courses to the lentils mixing with foie gras. For that my only advice is - don't come if you do not possess an open mind.

Btw, the menu's $1200. it's roughly half the price as the typical degustation dinner menu at a Michelin 3-star restaurant in Paris. Well, it's by no means cheap eat, but you will know it's the best deal in town once you can compare when l'atelier de joel robuchon opens at Landmark.

What a lovely evening!
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2006-10-23 17 浏览
Have dinned there for my wife's birthday. The chef , Pierre Gagnaire is a famous chef and his restaurant in Paris ranked No.3 in World in one of dinning guide in 2006.The restaurant is just next to Mo bar but the sound insulation is not good as you can hear people talking in Mo bar. Decoration and atmosphere is grand . The food provided was fantasic and innovative and most are complicated made and it was also the first time I experienced "Molecular Food". I tried
Have dinned there for my wife's birthday. The chef , Pierre Gagnaire is a famous chef and his restaurant in Paris ranked No.3 in World in one of dinning guide in 2006.

The restaurant is just next to Mo bar but the sound insulation is not good as you can hear people talking in Mo bar. Decoration and atmosphere is grand .

The food provided was fantasic and innovative and most are complicated made and it was also the first time I experienced "Molecular Food".

I tried their 7 course tasting menu and my wife a la carte a entree, soup and a main course.

You must tried their tasting menu for once as it was actually composed of over 20 dishes.(The entree is subdivied into 4 different dishes, the dessert is subdivied into 6 dishes, the soup, main course all subdivided intpo two plate, they also had 5 amuse bouche for each customers). The tasting menu is 1200 HKD per one but I sured you cant made same food by yourself with 1200 HKD and i is worth to try it.

The soups , the entree and the dessert in the tasting menu impressed me the most. It was the first time I ate a vegetable'r root but I tasted shellfish taste i n the entree. The scallop and shrimps soups also tasted wonderful as I tried a cream -like texture's scallop firstly in my life. The orange desserts is wonderful as it looked liked pudding but actually it is composed of 3 different layers of mosses/jam but each layer tasted liked different prt of an orange(skin, flesh and juice).
Sorry for me poor English and I cant describe exactly what the dishes are as the name for each courses are complicated.

My wife foie gras soup are fantasic, it is not just put a foie gras in a watery soup but you tsated a smooth creamy soup full of foie gras smell with a small piece of foie gras as smooth as "cotton-candy".

The clayfish entree is a molecular food. The extracted the "clayfish" tasted into a jelly for you to dip the clayfish's meat in but the clayfish itself is actually tasted like almond.

It's really impressive for their Molecular food.

But it's a pity that they cant provide non-alcoholic drinks menu.

Foie gras soup 170, Clayfish entree 400, Guinea Bird 400(not recommend this main dish). Also , if you want more creative molecular food, chose the entree. 750ml spring water 80, apple and mano juice 70 for each cup
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