12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 JCB
自带酒水 详细介绍
USDA Prime Grade Steaks
食记 (37)
等级4 2014-03-16
1187 浏览
環境舒適寬敞,主要用玻璃隔外,有陽光,幾開揚其實黎過好多次,食物方面唔放太多相啦,順便選幾張經歷某d事情時都會黎食下野解壓不過人流都不少,多數都預訂座位既餐包有類似BLT Steak既Popover可惜呢到既凍左,雖然芝士香都重,但冇咁香口鬆化煙三文魚係一大條切片俾人任夾切得厚度剛好,唔會太多筋又唔會紙片咁鹹香好香,味道偏濃,魚油多而香,不過唔會好膩沙律除左有自配,仲有mixed我最中意既係蕃茄芝士沙律蕃茄清新酸甜橄欖油香而不膩,只係輕輕帶過芝士都係偏香,味道不濃整體清新開胃,加埋smoked salmon剛好balance到甜品通常都有四款左右既我特別中意食佢既檸檬撻同檸檬蛋糕酸度得宜,開胃不膩,而撻底或蛋糕體份量正好配合同中和味道,不過激曲奇亦不錯,香甜脆度夠,而且有少少厚度有點嚼勁Crumble酸甜清新,面頭既crumble夠碎,有嚼頭又唔會過粗粒變塊狀另外Prime亦有鹽焗果仁、果乾及Marshmallow等香口零食任食 继续阅读
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等级3 2013-12-28
656 浏览
繼幾個月前食個Weekend Brunch 之後, 我地今次返兜食返個Semi buffet Lunch, 呢個可能更加適合女仔, 我地食得更加愜意。呢日落大雨, 所以唔可以坐係出面, 不過我更加喜愛樓上, 一上到去就見到裝飾好既聖誕樹, 就算出面落幾大雨, 上到黎樓上都有好溫暖既感覺。慢慢研究下個餐牌, 商量下食咩, 大家都諗住個主菜SHARE一齊食, 所以最後決定一個要魚, 一個要Open-up Burger,跟住就好安心咁出去攞野食。我就最鐘意食紅菜頭, 朋友鐘意食烤南瓜同薯仔沙律, 另外唔少得進攻個盤Grilled vegetable, 個盤真係精粹! 次次都好想成盤拎左佢返埋位~ 呵呵, 唔知有冇人試過呢?!  不過食左就食唔到其他野食啦~煙三文魚, cold cut既火腿我當然唔會放棄啦! 其實檯面既食物, 十樣有八樣都好好食, 貴精不貴多, 所以真係要早D去, 然後慢慢逐樣品嘗。食完兩輪, 主菜就到啦, 朋友既crusted fish 同我既漢堡都到左啦。crusted fish 外脆內軟, 好軟滑又唔膩, 再加上我地係一齊食, 所以我地先可以食埋個漢堡。漢堡件扒有炭燒香, 個漢堡仲有新鮮炸起既薯條, 真係好鬼邪惡!!但係又忍唔到口喎, 最後當然係食晒啦~食左咁多野, 我已經食唔到甜品, 朋友就仲可以食件蛋糕, 佢話睇中左件蛋糕唔食唔得, 我就唯有多食幾件生果幫助消化啦~ 继续阅读
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等级1 2013-11-16
444 浏览
The two of us were dressed in our usual nerdy style, and wandered into Prime at 8pm (without booking), and was shown promptly to a corner table upstairs since the place was about 70% full. We ordered two steak dishes (medium rare), an orange juice and a beer. I have barely finished half my cheesepuff (cold and not crisp) before the steaks arrived!!! That took definitely less than 10 minutes from placing our orders to delivery. That was some efficiency I thought. But despite the dishes underneath having been pre-warmed, how come the outside of BOTH steaks were just lukewarm and colder than the dishes themselves? We didn't get the usual rich fatty aroma associated with newly barbecued steak either. Would Prime serve pre-cooked steaks (and doesn't even bother to reheat because it would be more than medium rare)??? That immediately took away our appetite for coffee or dessert, and so we just gobbled some of the meat down (since we were hungry) and called for the bill. It came to a little below $1,600 (no wine). Any decent steak house could do a much better steak at half the price. Any decent Australian could do a better steak in his/her backyard. On our way out, at the entrance the Maitre'D was leaning over with his butt pointed towards us, happily chatting to a staff and ignoring our departure. 继续阅读
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等级2 2013-10-27
480 浏览
I decided to treat my friend to a nice brunch.  I booked Prime via the OnLine booking facility on OpenRice it is a convenient and efficient booking system. No waiting time as already booked.  We had the weekend brunch which consisted of a salad buffet with soup. The choose our Appetizer and Main course.  The Salad buffet was ok, there was enough rocket and other greens to keep us happy, though my friend wasn't too keen on the liberal use of coriander on the potatoes (I didn't mind, but they should be aware that some people really dislike the smell/taste of coriander). The pumpkin soup was nothing special, but was still ok.  If you like it you could drink as much as you can, though you should leave space for the appetizer and main course (which can be filling).Appetizers - We choose the young shrimp cocktail - nice tasty fresh shrimps covered in cocktail sauce.  I though it was ok, my friend commented that it had just a little too much sauce.  Maybe they could reduce the sauce and it would be great.  The other appetizer was bone marrow and escargot served with small toast.  Bone marrow looked like globs of fat, but it wasn't heavy and went well with the toast. The escargot was ok.Main course - My friend choose the Lobster Eggs Benedict.  There were a few pieces of lobster on top of the eggs, covered in hollandaise sauce.  The dish was quite nice and tasty as any other eggs benedict I had.  Its hard to get this dish wrong.  I choose the Prime Burger with chips.  By this time I was quite full as I had been a little greedy on the salad, I should have left more room!).  The chips were nice, they were like McDee's fries but much better as they were lightly salted with sea salt and some still have there skins on.  The burger with a fried egg on top was ok, though I didn't enjoy was much as I was feeling full already.  The meat tasted chargrilled and was ok, though they should have asked me how I wanted it, as it was it was stated as "Medium" when I would say it was medium-well.Service was ok, nothing special, but at least they always waited till we finished our current dish before serving us our food, which is always good practice.  They also served us warm water on request, always good as I really dislike restaurants who try to force sell their "bottled" water.The surroundings were nice, it was generally quite despite being over half full by the time we got there (at 1.30pm).  It's much less crowded in Elements (Civic Square)... which I like about this place.At just less than $300 per head for a filling brunch I would recommend to take your friends or loved one for a relaxing, filling brunch for a special occaision. 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-09-22
217 浏览
如雖然近來少了寫星期日好去處系列,並不代表我們沒有外出。事實上,每個星期天我們一家也計劃好行程,因為這一天是我們三人的時光,絕不可浪費。圓方是一個好地方,地方寬敞,親子配套齊全,加上有平台花園有充足空間給小朋友玩。重點推介的龍蝦班尼迪蛋(Lobster Benedicts),對麵包要求非常高的我,面對這個看來不是home made的麵包也非常滿意。蛋的生熟程度也掌握得非常好,不會太running的同時又保存了流心的效果。加上爽口的龍蝦,三重口感三重享受。 继续阅读
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