2010-09-26 29 浏览
sep 23, 10,3人來lunch,叫咗 :1) distill water (hk$88)2) 麵包籃 (免費)-先供給無鹽牛油+海鹽-牛油正常,但就無嘜牛油嘅香味-麵包起碼有4款,因要保住食力,所以無試晒-只食友麥片薄脆同扭身包3) amuse bouche-有2款唔同嘅amuse bouche,都幾慷慨吓喎-上層嘅泡沫酸酸哋,而底下綠色的就喺青橄欖sorbet,紅紅哋就喺番茄汁-創意組合度很高,雖然味道未喺好吸引,可能個人唔鍾意青橄欖啦-而車厘茄仔酸酸甜甜,中間釀咗些少菜粒,味道清怡,而麵包條就有芝士香,咁我就喜歡呢個多士4) 友人a 3 courses set lunch (hk$320)i) smoke scottish salmon-traditional condiments and potato blinis-賣相好靚呀,砌到成朵花咁,邊位仲有魚籽醬添-友人比咗d我試吓-煙味不是好濃,不過肉質結實-塊pancake仔就喺用嚟伴住黑魚籽食,因黑魚籽下喺沙律醬,所以味道被沙律醬嘅酸味搶過了ii) roasted tasmanian lamb saddle "aurora
sep 23, 10,3人來lunch,叫咗 :

1) distill water (hk$88)

2) 麵包籃 (免費)

3) amuse bouche
-有2款唔同嘅amuse bouche,都幾慷慨吓喎

4) 友人a 3 courses set lunch (hk$320)
i) smoke scottish salmon
-traditional condiments and potato blinis

ii) roasted tasmanian lamb saddle "aurora"
-sweet potato, baby carrot, turnips, snails with ginger and cumin tuile

iii) star aniseed parfait
-pistachio soba, grapefruit, pomelos, angelique batons and rocket salad

iv) petit fours

v) decaf coffee

5) 友人b 3 courses set lunch (hk$320+$40)
i) oyster soup
-seaweed knodel and beaufort cheese

ii) prime beef from montana
-green beans with red onion, croquette potato, celeriac cream and bearnaise

iii) homemade ice cream and sorbet

iv) petit fours

v) cold lemon water

6) my 3 courses set lunch (hk$320)
i) 63 degree eggs
-sauteed girolle mushroom with shallot and sherry vinegar, bellotta ham

ii) scallop, prawn and shellfish
-roasted with curry peanuts, tomato, coconut & lemongrass prawns bouillon with tomato and ink squid gnocchi

iii) almonds pannacotta
-fresh figs slices seasoned with blackcurrant jus and caramelized almonds

iv) petit fours

v) decaf coffee

7) duck from challans - half portion (hk$298)
-roasted duck breast with cumin, pan fried foie gras, pistachio, polenta with piquillos and lin chi mushroom; crispy colombo

* 見到咁靚嘅環境.........自己好自然將手機轉去震機mode...........呢盞鹿角燈就令我諗起最近齣killers有幕講女殺手被類似嘅鹿角燈掃埋去,插死咗

* 很有水準嘅1餐,只喺散叫嗰道失色啫

* 結賑時..........發生了1個小插曲..........我哋發現張單嘅銀碼同細數breakdown不乎........大數多咗$40..........我哋覺得咁高級嘅餐廳無理由有呢個系統問題.........叫來經理了解..........最後經理致謙可能喺系統問題bill多咗$40..........之後void咗張單,重新出過1張少$40嘅新單............友人們同我走咗之後,都覺得不能接受呢方面嘅錯失..........我就好奇怪點解佢嘅系統咁渣..........後來諗諗吓..........佢無bill錯,因個牛扒喺要+$40..........不過張單嘅print out又失策哋show唔到..........而侍應/經理又未有指出我哋叫嘅牛扒喺要貴d..........以致有呢個誤會~~~~攪到我哋呃咗餐廳$40,haha
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$495 (午餐)
2010-09-02 19 浏览
說過接下來的生日飯會滿意得多,這就是一例。 陽光明媚的一天,由1881穿過Hullet House正門,尚未步進St. George餐廳範圍,親切有禮的外藉經理已主動喚出小妹名字後,並帶領我到I. Craddock Room就坐,當時Foxyleo已埗步一些時間了。 從Foxyleo的食評已對餐廳及大廚介紹得十分詳盡,小妹只從酒店官方網補充一下:St.George是位神話中的屠龍英雄,這從餐廳標誌,及室內部分特色動物裝潢中,可以反映一二。週六的下午食客並不多,就坐裝修雅緻簡約、樓底天花特高,古樸英式氣韻的高級fine dining餐廳內,氣氛真是好極了;當日靠窗而坐,外面的綠意更是令人無比寫意鬆弛。食友一早盯上Tasting menu($398),因可試最多菜式,然後再點一份3-course set lunch($328),就已夠二人吃得豐異豐富飽足。  先品嚐異常精緻的麵包籃,麵包上檯約已10分鐘,難得仍很熱暖;先後吃了帶有茄香的小餐包、金黃鬆軟的蛋糕麵包、較有咬口的合桃燕麥包,不規則特色麵包條,還有薄脆片,大部分都精緻可口,配上香濃牛油更是令人忍不住口,試完一款又一款。 然後又有非
陽光明媚的一天,由1881穿過Hullet House正門,尚未步進St. George餐廳範圍,親切有禮的外藉經理已主動喚出小妹名字後,並帶領我到I. Craddock Room就坐,當時Foxyleo已埗步一些時間了。
從Foxyleo的食評已對餐廳及大廚介紹得十分詳盡,小妹只從酒店官方網補充一下:St.George是位神話中的屠龍英雄,這從餐廳標誌,及室內部分特色動物裝潢中,可以反映一二。週六的下午食客並不多,就坐裝修雅緻簡約、樓底天花特高,古樸英式氣韻的高級fine dining餐廳內,氣氛真是好極了;當日靠窗而坐,外面的綠意更是令人無比寫意鬆弛。食友一早盯上Tasting menu($398),因可試最多菜式,然後再點一份3-course set lunch($328),就已夠二人吃得豐異豐富飽足。
Amuse bouche,當中那粒可愛車厘茄簡直迷人到要命,小小無比清甜,中間挖空後放進三文魚籽、茄乾及青瓜絲,極富心思又美味! 另一碟則是檸檬雪葩夾著青橄欖蓉,兩者都打成細滑泡沫狀上檯,口味是外清內濃,非常特別。
接著先介紹:3-course set lunch的食物(另餐廳也供應2-course set lunch $280),頭盤六選一要了
Crab Meat & Lobster Jelly:在面層椰菜花忌廉醬汁襯托下,龍蝦啫哩非常的鮮滑動人,中間又有成梳的蟹肉非常鮮甜,是款極清新又鮮美的開胃頭盤,推介! 午餐主菜也有六款選擇,選的
Scottish Salmon橙紅鮮艷,賣相極美;而實在三文魚肉質也十分鮮美,可惜就是過熟了少許,不過底層那加蟹肉又加三文魚籽的薯蓉,滋味豐富多彩,質感又香滑,帶來了另一份意外之喜!
Poached Peach,一點沒有令人失望:一大堆香滑杏仁泡沫之中,浸泡著經紅酒浸煮的蜜桃,仍帶纖維組織的桃子口感極為軟滑,又比完熟桃子更加清新香甜,以超凡脫俗形容之並不為過! 周遭帶豐富杏仁香的細滑泡沫亦甜而不膩,其實也幾美味的。

至於Tasting menu要揀的反而不多,因為指定頭盤5款、甜品3款,還有預主菜,只有主菜需勞煩食客二選一。先介紹五式頭盤,全是精緻小巧份量,首先試
melon soup, bellotta ham foam,其實是巴馬火腿配蜜瓜的變奏版,清新蜜瓜化身為泡沫清湯,配上面層碎火腿及拌碟火腿多士,口味非常清甜討喜,又甚有分子料理意味,教人十分回味。接著品嚐
Prawns sashimi, salmon roe, and cocktail sauce,牡丹蝦巨大而且極為新鮮,入口鮮美濃郁,久久不散。
Cucumber rolls, yoghurt and crab meat是較不欣賞的一項,青瓜與蟹肉明顯不是好拍檔,底層的三文魚也很普通。
Sea urchins pancake and califlower pancake也是幾有趣的一項,口味較為濃郁;至於最後一項
Lobster cannelloni, peach sauce,龍蝦鮮美度比Lobster Jelly差太遠了,大家都認為醬汁反比主體要好。
Tasting menu比起set lunch多了一份前主菜,名曰
Creme Princess,是將Shellfish, 65 degree quail eggs, veal sweetbread, apple & nori seaweed等等食材,以sake煮香而成,可惜幾款食物加起來並無預期中的火花,反而更似大離燴,幾無厘頭的。來到二選一主菜,棄了羊鞍選了
Fillet of Cod,店方用上極鮮嫩的鱈魚,拌以鮮美海龍皇湯,估計是慢煮而成,令魚肉汁液得以保留盡致;伴碟還有帶子粒、魷魚及大白菜,令滋味更加豐富多彩,令人滿意。
Set lunch的主菜有六款,好不容易揀出
Scottish Salmon,三文魚肉質鮮美,可惜是過熟了少許以致肉質較實;但我卻十分欣賞底層加蟹肉、三文魚籽的香滑薯蓉,滋味豐富足以彌補三文魚之不足!
終於介紹到Tasting menu的三款甜品, 首先是
Rum cherry sundae,杯中櫻桃非常甜美醉人,自家製的雪糕亦十分香滑,組合起來更是無比美味,來十杯我也吃得下啊!! 第2款甜品無獨有偶,竟是一份迷你版的
Poached Peach?!
美味又何妨重複,大家很快就合力將之清光了! 最後一組甜品
Creamy Jivara with Tonka Beans較為精緻,重點是香濃薄脆朱古力,拌以幼滑朱古力醬,再加hazelnut味脆底,異常吸引! 一旁是帶雲尼拿籽的apricot jelly,還有據報麻麻的小匙忌廉爆炸糖,至於另一端的果味茉莉茶,則又是另一清新動人之作。
Cappuccino作結,很滿足! 最後再每人一碟petit fours,更還帶來一點小驚訝,哈哈! 這頓飯共吃了2個多小時,才慢慢離開,是非常幸福的一個下午。多謝Foxyleo,並期待將來再一起經歷更多美食,共創更多幸福憶記!

34 浏览
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Amuse bouche
21 浏览
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Crab Meat & Lobster Jelly
16 浏览
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5 starters (tasting menu)
17 浏览
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Crème Princess
13 浏览
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Scottish Salmon
11 浏览
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Fillet of Cod
15 浏览
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Poached Peach
22 浏览
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Rum cherry sundae / mini poached peach
17 浏览
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Creamy Jivara with Tonka Beans
24 浏览
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19 浏览
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在這裡, 渡過了優雅精緻的幸福時光~ :)
58 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Amuse bouche
Crab Meat & Lobster Jelly
5 starters (tasting menu)
Fillet of Cod
Poached Peach
Rum cherry sundae / mini poached peach
Creamy Jivara with Tonka Beans
在這裡, 渡過了優雅精緻的幸福時光~ :)
  • Melon soup + bellotta ham foam
  • Prawns sashimi
  • Rum cherry sundae
2010-08-22 30 浏览
Hullett House是位於尖沙嘴廣東道前水警總部內的一個酒店餐飲項目,以十九世紀著名英國植物學家、發掘洋紫荊品種的第一人Richmond William Hullett 命名。由 Aqua 餐飲集團及其掌舵人 David Yeo 負責管理,全面取材自香港過去 150 多年的歷史,實踐掌舵人「By Hong Kong, for Hong Kong… we give you old Hong Kong」的終極使命。Hullett House除了文物級精品酒店外,還有五間不同風格的餐廳,體現香港「美食天堂」的特點之餘,不忘演繹舊香港的獨有情懷。Hullett House內全天候開放的The Parlour,前身為英國維多利亞式的殖民地前哨站,現時提供英式早餐及下午茶,日落後更搖身一變成為舒適酒廊;The Stables Grill座落於大樓的前馬廐原址,現為客人提供燒烤及佐酒小食;Mariners’ Rest為當時過境海員及警察的聚腳點,現為一家酒吧;唯一的中菜廳隆濤院,現時則為賓客提供獨特的傳統經典菜式和失傳罕見的地道美食;至於高級西式餐廳St. George,整間餐廳內設有高聳的拱
Hullett House是位於尖沙嘴廣東道前水警總部內的一個酒店餐飲項目,以十九世紀著名英國植物學家、發掘洋紫荊品種的第一人Richmond William Hullett 命名。由 Aqua 餐飲集團及其掌舵人 David Yeo 負責管理,全面取材自香港過去 150 多年的歷史,實踐掌舵人「By Hong Kong, for Hong Kong… we give you old Hong Kong」的終極使命。Hullett House除了文物級精品酒店外,還有五間不同風格的餐廳,體現香港「美食天堂」的特點之餘,不忘演繹舊香港的獨有情懷。

Hullett House內全天候開放的The Parlour,前身為英國維多利亞式的殖民地前哨站,現時提供英式早餐及下午茶,日落後更搖身一變成為舒適酒廊;The Stables Grill座落於大樓的前馬廐原址,現為客人提供燒烤及佐酒小食;Mariners’ Rest為當時過境海員及警察的聚腳點,現為一家酒吧;唯一的中菜廳隆濤院,現時則為賓客提供獨特的傳統經典菜式和失傳罕見的地道美食;至於高級西式餐廳St. George,整間餐廳內設有高聳的拱頂天花、開揚的木製橫樑及水晶吊燈,洋溢著舊式英倫氣氛,供應充滿英倫風味的現代歐洲菜式,由米之蓮星級名廚Pierre Gagnaire的得意門生Philippe Orrico主理。

說起Pierre Gagnaire,他是法國新料理主義(Nouvelle Cuisine)的代表人物之一,在美食領域裏有如脫疆野馬般打破一切規則與界限,勇往直前地追求突破和創新。作為Pierre Gagnaire的門生,Philippe Orrico的法式料理,也如Pierre Gagnaire般將藝術和哲學融入菜式製作之中,以至在用料、賣相、色澤和質感方面,都蘊含詩意和美態。

St. George的午市套餐(Déjeuner au St. George),分別為: $280兩道菜式和$380三道菜式及$398含多道菜式和兩道甜品的Taste of St. George。午市套餐的前菜有四款選擇,分別為: Smoked Scottish Salmon、Crab Meat and Lobster Jelly、Foie Gras Terrine、63∘Eggs及Roasted Scallops。主菜的選擇有: Scottish Salmon、Potato Gnocchi “Primavera”、Fillet of Cod、US Prime Beef、Roasted Aurora Lam Saddle及Boneless Duck Leg。甜品方面有: Homemade Ice Cream and Sorbet、Strawberry and Raspberry with Rhubarb, Yoghurt and Rosewater Sorbet、Poached Peach、Pistachio Parfait、Creamy Jivara with Tonka Beans及Cheese Selection, Toast and Condiments。

至於Taste of St. George的菜式,前菜、第一道菜和甜品都是由店方制定,客人只可以在第二道菜的兩款中選其一(Fillet of Cod或Aurora Lam Saddle)。前菜有五小碟,特別之處是由侍者同時奉客,並要以順時針方向逐一品嚐。是日的五小碟有: Melon Soup, Bellotta Ham Foam、Prawn Sashimi, Salmon Roe and Cocktail Sauce、Cucumber Rolls, Yoghurt and Crab Meat、Lobster Cannelloni, Peach Sauce及Sea Urchin Pancake and Cauliflower Pancake。

今天與食友Yan再次午餐聚首,知道她酷愛甜品,所以分別點了一客三道菜式午餐和一客連兩款甜品的Taste of St. George午餐。其實Déjeuner au St. George和Taste of St. George兩種不同菜單,有兩款主菜是一樣的(Fillet of Cod、Aurora Lam Saddle)。另外,原來Taste of St. George的其中一款甜品又與Déjeuner au St. George的一樣(Poached Peach),不過侍者在我們點菜時沒有加以細心提醒。儘管如此,店方卻細心地提供一道以青橄欖茉和蕃茄茉,加上細滑泡沫所做成的小點,為客人清一清味蕾。另外的一道清味蕾小點更見心思,以一粒小小的櫻桃蕃茄,挖空中間釀入青瓜碎和乾蕃茄碎。櫻桃蕃茄非常清甜多汁,又好看又好吃。

Déjeuner au St. George菜式的品評如下:

Crab Meat and Lobster Jelly — 非常精緻和花心思的一道前菜,以龍蝦熬湯再製成膠凍放在碟的底層,上面淋上一層以椰菜花做成的奶油醬汁,並加入蟹肉和類似蜆肉的食材置於面層。龍蝦湯膠凍的香味突出,吃起來味道清新,與奶油醬汁混合之後,奶味的香滑使膠凍更見清甜甘美,而蟹肉和蜆肉為食客帶來「更上一層樓」的鮮味和質感。人間美味,就是這種感覺。

Scottish Salmon — 兩大片煎過的淺橘色三文魚,吃來覺得有點過熟。不過三文魚下面的蟹肉、三文魚籽卻很鮮美,配以細滑薯蓉和青椒肉,令顏色豐富又悅目。

Poached Peach — 一個很清新和特別的甜品,以紅酒浸煮一大塊清香白桃,深粉紅色的桃肉,清香甜軟中帶點果肉的纖維,上面鋪上一層白色的杏仁糖漿,有很香的杏仁味,非常好吃,不過覺得杏仁糖漿掩蓋了桃肉的豔色,有點可惜。

Taste of St. George菜式的品評如下:

五小碟 — 其中以Melon Soup, Bellotta Ham Foam、Prawn Sashimi, Salmon Roe and Cocktail Sauce最好,Lobster Cannelloni, Peach Sauce 次之,Sea Urchin Pancake and Cauliflower Pancake和Cucumber Rolls, Yoghurt and Crab Meat的味道最普通。Melon Soup, Bellotta Ham Foam是以切粒的鮮甜蜜瓜和蜜瓜汁,放在白色瓷杯之內,上面放了一團甘香奶油,頂上放了幾片極品黑毛豬火腿,伴以黑麥多士和黑毛豬火腿,滋味一流。Prawn Sashimi, Salmon Roe and Cocktail Sauce的蝦肉清甜,富清新的海洋氣息,白色的三文魚精子很軟滑,吃起來有點像芝士。Lobster Cannelloni, Peach Sauce的桃汁酸酸甜甜很好味,龍蝦麵卷像微型壽司,但沒甚麼味道。Sea Urchin Pancake and Cauliflower Pancake和Cucumber Rolls, Yoghurt and Crab Meat,只是賣相精緻但味道十分普通。

Crème Princess — 是當天所有菜式當中最失色的一道,以清酒煮蜆肉再加入酸甜的蘋果粒,鵪鶉蛋和紫菜。只覺得此菜式的鹹味、甜味和酸味未能融合,有點怪怪的感覺。

Fillet of Cod — 鱈魚煮得很滑,有魚汁,下面用馬賽魚湯煮成的濃汁鮮味非常,帶子和魷魚又鮮又滑,集海鮮的大成,當然好味。

Poached Peach — 上面已述,不贅。

四款小甜品 — 杏桃茉莉花茶,有清香的茉莉花味,下了許多杏桃汁,酸酸甜甜的,但卻沒有茶味。小茶匙上放了少許忌廉和朱古力爆炸糖,朱古力糖在口內爆發,有聲有動感,好玩多於好味。濃濃的杏桃汁,很酸。最後的朱古力造型精緻,兩塊黑朱古力薄片內放了一些牛奶朱古力軟Mousse,由於沒有吃所以不評。

Petit Fours — 四粒超迷你甜點,有玉米Macaron、棉花糖、朱古力和開心果Nougat,整體來說普普通通,而玉米Macaron吃起來沒有玉米味,卻有雞皮的味道,莫非是出其不意的分子料理的作品?!
新 vs. 舊
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33 浏览
0 赞好
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正! 好看又好吃的特色麵包
34 浏览
0 赞好
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正! 清味蕾小點 (一)
25 浏览
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正! 清味蕾小點 (二)
17 浏览
0 赞好
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正! Melon Soup, Bellotta Ham Foam
25 浏览
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正! Prawn Sashimi, Salmon Roe and Cocktail Sauce
31 浏览
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Lobster Cannelloni, Peach Sauce
20 浏览
0 赞好
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正! Crab Meat and Lobster Jelly
21 浏览
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正! Fillet of Cod
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正! 香濃熱朱古力
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
5 分钟 (堂食)
$450 (午餐)
正! 好看又好吃的特色麵包
正! 清味蕾小點 (一)
正! 清味蕾小點 (二)
正! Melon Soup, Bellotta Ham Foam
正! Prawn Sashimi, Salmon Roe and Cocktail Sauce
正! Crab Meat and Lobster Jelly
正! Fillet of Cod
正! 香濃熱朱古力
  • Crab Meat and Lobster Jelly
  • Poached Peach
2010-08-15 15 浏览
it was a lazy friday afternoon blessed with plenty of sunshine. thanks to LY, we were treated a complimentary lunch here at st george in TST. the restaurant was, expectedly, slow during lunch time as most of its target clientele eat on the other side of the ocean. we were seated promptly at arrival and it did not take us long to pick from the 2/3-course lunch menu for HK$280/320 (again, i did not pay for this lunch).amuse bouche – sorbet tomato foam. the foam was warm and subtly sweet, whereas s
it was a lazy friday afternoon blessed with plenty of sunshine. thanks to LY, we were treated a complimentary lunch here at st george in TST. the restaurant was, expectedly, slow during lunch time as most of its target clientele eat on the other side of the ocean. we were seated promptly at arrival and it did not take us long to pick from the 2/3-course lunch menu for HK$280/320 (again, i did not pay for this lunch).

amuse bouche – sorbet tomato foam. the foam was warm and subtly sweet, whereas sorbet was cold and bitter. tomato paste at the bottom was sour. the most interesting part of this amuse bouche, however, is a small tomato at the top left corner, emptied and stuffed with sundried tomatoes and some other diced up fruits inside (which i forgot). it’s like a tiny chest with hidden treasures!

entree 1: scallop tartar – scallop tartar, chives, olive oil, roasted almonds and cress, with transparent tomato juice poured upon serving. it’s my first with transparent tomato, a lemon-colored fruit mildly sweet and a tad less sour than regular tomato. it worked very well with the scallop tartar – the slimy scallop was quite bitter from chives, but was lightened up by transparent tomato juice to make it much more palatable. i like the use of bitterness in this dish which did not distract raw flavor of scallops. and of course, the formula would not be complete without roasted almonds to add another dimension to the texture. it’s a light and subtle dish, but i liked it very, very much.

entree 2: foie gras terrine, summer salad with truffles - M ordered this entree and i stole a little piece of the terrine. it was rich and buttery with bits of truffles - so good that i quickly helped myself with second serve, though i swear i did hear a tiny popping sound in my arteries.

Plat principal 1: duck breast, pan-seared foie gras, cherry sauce, marshmallow cubes - game meat always pairs well with foie gras. when the plate was placed in front of me, the grilled duck breast smelled so nice that i shut out any popping sound in my arteries and dug in right away. duck breast was done perfectly – crispy, firm fat skin layer that almost felt crunchy while the meat was full-flavored and oozed juice when my knife penetrated through. foie gras, though did not taste very gamey, was so molten and buttery that it bursted like a candy-wrapped foie gras shot on the tongue. it was a classic composition – cherry with duck breast and foie gras, but the sweet marshmallow was an unexpected twist and, surprisingly, matched very well with the rest of the dish.

someone asked me why most chinese like their food juicy and slimy; i have read that asians on average have less saliva secretion (i.e. a dryer mouth) and therefore prefer their food “wetter”…

Plat principal 2: US prime rib eye, bearnaise eggplant with grapes, buckwheat pancake, shallot crispy potato and salad - L, a die-hard beef fan, ordered this on his last visit and highly recommended it. i am not a beef eater, but i tried a piece nonetheless and was quite impressed with the consistency of its rare texture inside out – usually when you order a steak done rare, it is grilled to a bit dry near the exterior and more “bleu” and juicy toward center. but this one was consistently tender spanning from one side to the other. how did the chef make it?

strawberry, raspberry sorbet - M ordered dessert and i passed on it – i was quite happy with my meal so far and didn’t want to spoil it, having learned from my somewhat disappointing dessert experience last time. this dessert dish looked very cute, though not too imaginative…

it’s an exceedingly pleasing meal and the quality was beyond what i expected from a set lunch menu. chef O seems to have made another leap after leaving pierre (which, btw, was quite disappointing in my last two visits… most of the familiar faces were already gone. even herve has left. who else could take care of me and my unreasonable requests?) the lunch menu was more down-to-earth compared to dinner, with the food overall relatively straight-forward and easy to understand, but same perfect execution and attention to details and creative use of vegetables in each of the dishes.

service, on the contrary, continued to be lackluster - staffs were prompt and polite but their knowledge of food insufficient… i still prefer my food to be introduced (they deserve an entrance!) but maybe that’s just me.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2010-07-18 9 浏览
Five of us went to St George for dinner to catch up and to give Mr. G a belated birthday toast. We ordered a la carte and the 5-course tasting menu, and I was happily swept off my feet by the food. All courses were beautifuly presented (my BB camera didn't do them justice), and made with top-notch ingredients. Among the stand-outs were:Crispy 63° Eggs - This comes with a nicely poached egg that sat on top of a mash of sweet potato, wild mushroom and seafood sauce;Scallops & Truffles - Slightly
Five of us went to St George for dinner to catch up and to give Mr. G a belated birthday toast.

We ordered a la carte and the 5-course tasting menu, and I was happily swept off my feet by the food. All courses were beautifuly presented (my BB camera didn't do them justice), and made with top-notch ingredients. Among the stand-outs were:

Crispy 63° Eggs - This comes with a nicely poached egg that sat on top of a mash of sweet potato, wild mushroom and seafood sauce;
Scallops & Truffles - Slightly-seared, sweet-tasting scallops that were surrounded by little garnishes, and topped with truffle shavings;
Atlantic Sole Fillet - The fish came nicely browned with seawood and some delicious gravy;
Fatty Tuna - The tuna was melt-in-your-mouth delicious and served with "wasabi ice."

Oh, and St. George also serves a very impressive bread basket, which contained 5 kinds of bread that all tasted quite good.

As to desserts, St. George's sent out multiple desserts (pre-dessert, petite fours) in waves. I'd recommend the Gravata (not sure if I remember the name correctly) and the Chocolate Ravioli, the latter of which was quite a novel creation and a sure bet for chocolate-lovers.

On service - all the service staff were friendly, courteous, and eager to serve, and were able to provide helpful suggestions when taking our orders. However, sometimes the food was placed in front of us without any introduction or explanation. Oh, but I kinda of liked the fact that I was escorted to the ladies' room twice during the evening, which was a very nice touch.

Really, the only fault I can find with St George is its exorbitantly high HK 500/bottle corkage fee ! So don't BOYB.

I'll come back again anytime I want a fabulous meal in a stunning restaurant.
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Scallops & Truffles
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Crispy 63 Eggs
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Sole Fillet
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Chocolate Ravioli
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$1000 (晚餐)
Scallops & Truffles
Crispy 63 Eggs
Sole Fillet
Chocolate Ravioli
2010-07-15 12 浏览
Four of us went for dinner last Sunday.The lightings were dimmed to such an uncomfortable level that it took us nearly half an hour to adapt. (We thought that only restaurants like Hugo or Amigos did that in the 60's., very unusual in modern days)We were arranged to sit at a round table (meant to be for 6 to 8 pax), spacious, but very uncormfortable sofa seats, unless your bum was spot on on the cushion, otherwise you would slide into the gap between the cushions.Two of us ordered $888 tasting m
Four of us went for dinner last Sunday.
The lightings were dimmed to such an uncomfortable level that it took us nearly half an hour to adapt. (We thought that only restaurants like Hugo or Amigos did that in the 60's., very unusual in modern days)
We were arranged to sit at a round table (meant to be for 6 to 8 pax), spacious, but very uncormfortable sofa seats, unless your bum was spot on on the cushion, otherwise you would slide into the gap between the cushions.
Two of us ordered $888 tasting menu, one opt for the $1188, and one went for a la carte.
To be honest, the food was nicely presented, bright, light and delicately made with a lot of foams and foams!
The $888 was a 5 course meal and the $1188 was a 8 course meal, all the dishes in the 5 course would appear in the 8 course only with smaller portions. So when the dishes were served, one would see the differences and found it meticulously presented. In the 1st course, the $1188 set would give 1 piece of tuna instead of 2, that was fine because it was supposed to be smaller, but that the prawn was also visually one size smaller, great effort from the kitchen that they must have had spent at least a few minutes to pick a smaller one from the pack. For the fish course, since the sole was rolled up for presentation on the dish, one could immediately tell that the $1188's serving was about 1cm shorter than the $888's 5cm long ones! After the blue lobster dish, I could not bear any longer, so I expressed my dissatisfaction to the waiter, as the $1188's lobster dish only bore a piece of claw meat with the size of a lady's second finger!
The $888's serving, on the other hand, was very reasonable with one piece of real lobster meat plus a claw.
The maitre 'd came after I had given my words to the waiter, I explained to him that the food portion were already very very petite, and without much yield, would the 1cm of fish made any differences to either the expense of the kitchen or the apetite of the customer, and for any lobster dishes, no kitchen would serve their customers with a finger size claw meat, not even for tasting menus. He apologized, but so? It was a Sunday, one could imagine that the kitchen would be run by the souz chef, if he was not also on leave.
My point here was the kitchen that night was not professional enough, obviously they were given instructions to make the $1188's portions smaller but they did not have the skill to present them simply because they had not tried to understand what customers really wanted for a good meal.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2010-05-31 15 浏览
chef philippe orrico is quite an outlier himself - he never went through traditional culinary training - no CAP or glamorous certificates from cooking schools filled with rich kids; instead, he finished college and worked in art industry for awhile before the path of life took him into the culinary world at age 24, which is considered very late for starting a chef's career (most MOFs obtained their title before 30). chef O however quickly rose to the top; he joined pierre gagnaire a few years la
chef philippe orrico is quite an outlier himself - he never went through traditional culinary training - no CAP or glamorous certificates from cooking schools filled with rich kids; instead, he finished college and worked in art industry for awhile before the path of life took him into the culinary world at age 24, which is considered very late for starting a chef's career (most MOFs obtained their title before 30). chef O however quickly rose to the top; he joined pierre gagnaire a few years later, became the sous chef at the paris flagship store, worked for a short time at sketch (a pierre gagnaire's JV in london) before moving to hong kong in 2006 to open the new pierre restaurant (exactly how old is he - you do the math). direct protege of pierre gagnaire but developed his own style in hong kong, chef O's food was acrobatic and creative at the former restaurant. i was curious how he would prepare "modern european food with a british twist" at st. george.

we arrived at at 7.30pm on a saturday night and found the small restaurant all to ourselves; but by 8pm, it was nearly full house. the was quite small and seated ~15 tables, with pine wood plank flooring and a huge chandelier dangling low from the ceiling. we took a quick look at the menu and quickly decided to go for the 8-course degustation.

le pain - the bread basket consisted of italian sweet bread, focaccia, and wheats. the sweet bread was very flat and firm, but focaccia was quite decent.

amuse bouche: white asparagus cream, pistachio, orange biscuit - i really liked the orange biscuit for its tartness which was a great match with the slightly bitter asparagus cream. subtle but refreshing. texture wise, i personally prefer the asparagus cream to be firmer (like custard), but taste was interesting and set a high tone.

entree 1: gillardeau oyster, sevruga and osetra caviar - the osetra caviar was amazing - layered flavors with a hint of brine that lingered in the mouth for a very long time. gillardeau is one of my favorite oysters (these days it's even more difficult to find belon 00 than white truffle :-( ). it was fat, creamy, luxurious, with a tint of coppery taste. on the other hand, the oyster was served a bit too warm and could be chilled more...

entree 2: fatty tuna, zucchini avocado, green granite - the melt-in-your-mouth chutoro was deliciously fat and buttery; it was not aomori oma toro, but still carried deep flavors that developed over time. the highlight of this dish, however, was the zucchini/avocado underneath; avocado blended with fatty tuna and greatly enhanced the smoothness, while crispy zucchini gave depth to the texture. vegetable juice granite was slightly bitter and lightened up the oil tuna dish. the entire combination produced a very refreshing taste and was ingenious.

entree 3: roasted langoustine with colonnata, roasted almonds avocado and green asparagus - slightly disappointing. the flavors worked very well together and i liked how the roasted almonds gave a slightly sticky surface, but the crayfish meat was mushy and called into question the quality of the material.

entree 4: atlantic scallop, creamy potato with sherry wine and seaweed, baby leek with mustard and smoked milk foam - the scallop was slightly pan-seared and still very juicy inside. reduced sherry wine and mustard all worked well together. it was not altogether inventive flavor, but simply tasted good.

Plat principal 1: roasted veal sweetbread, with espelette pepper, red apple confit with reduce farm cider, crab meat, baby spinach and green olive - surprisingly my favorote dish of the night, despite the fact that i do not eat beef NOR offal! the sweetbread felt almost like foie gras - very smooth and buttery (even a bit liquid) inside but outside was crispy and slightly caramelized. it was interesting to pair crab meat with veal, but result was surprisingly refreshing.

Plat principal 2: obsiblue prawn with cocktail sauce; pink champagne granite, tomato jelly - this was my least favorite dish of the night. while i liked the pairing of tomato jelly with prawns (what's with all the granites these days? it's almost as popular as verrine), the savory and sourness of former went well with slight salinity of the latter, prawn with cocktail sauce (it tasted somewhat like thousand island sauce) just seemed a little too american. the obsiblue prawn was okay, meat was a bit bland and soft.

Plat principal 3: pigeon mieral, couscous, piquillos, foie gras, sultana and crispy curry - pigeon with foie gras has always been one of my favorites in any french restaurant and this was very nicely done and reinvented the classic. pigeon meat was pink and juicy inside while foie gras was fried instead of pan-seared and stuffed, which actually tasted cleaner and more flavorful. the sultana-sweetened curry really reminded me of pierre gagnaire...

Pre-dessert: citron sorbet - this was my favorite dessert of the night. the warm, nicely churned citron cream was so foamed up and smooth that it tasted almost like lemon whipped cream, and underneath was a chilled icy grapefruit sorbet. it was warm, cold, sweet and sour all at the same time and yet so harmonious and straight forward. liked it.

Dessert 1: rose ice cream with wild strawberries and raspberries, raspberry tuile - this one was quite institutional.

Dessert 2: pistachio cream, sago, grapefruit pulp - interesting dish. the pistachio cream was smooth, aromatic and paired with the tartness of grapefruit quite nicely. the whole color composition was very pleasant and almost picturesque. i also found the use of sago quite clever, which made a traditionally oriental dessert material seem so natural and fit-in in a french dessert.

Dessert 3: vanilla cream, dark chocolate plates, coffee granite - it could have been a prettier dish but the vanilla cream was very much melted by the time it arrived at our table... the chocolate plates were a bit too soft.

Dessert 4: hot chocolate - it tasted like a very light mocha with a hint of cinnamon. simple but hearty.

Dessert 5: chocolate-covered sparkling sugar - playful, which is what a dessert should be!

Petit four: marzipan, macaron, pate de fruit, marshmallow - these were quite below average :-( the macaron was not just wet - it was soaked and soggy. pate de fruit was so flat that it was almost as if i was eating a sugar cube. marzipan was wet and left a thick layer of syrup on my fingers. everything seemed half melted.

it's altogether quite an impressive dinner. the food was inventive, daring, yet modest and harmonious. smart and creative use of vegetables in all of the savory dishes to highlight flavors. though cooking technique was still very french from soup to nuts, the name "european cuisine" has given chef O more liberty to use his ingredients (i don't think the prawn cocktail could ever pass the test in a french restaurant). composition was dimensional without too busy or distracting. the veal sweetbread was really memorable and unlike what i have in other places.

on the negative side, sometimes temperature control seemed a bit off. the oyster was a little too warm, and some of the desserts appeared to have sat for too long. seafood supply was called into question, but fortunately was saved by good cooking.

it's a shame that the restaurant is located in TST and not central, which is a lot more accessible for me and its target customers.

on service - friendly, courteous, and eager to serve, though admittedly lack of knowledge on the menu. food was often placed in front of us without any introduction. bad english, let alone french - the server could have spoken for 3 minutes and i had no idea what he was talking about. but on the fact that i was escorted to ladies' room as any proper french restaurant should do, i shall excuse these teething problems. however, can someone NOT turn up the air-con at 10pm? i was freezing!

full post with pictures: http://randomnomad.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/st-george/
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
At long last, I got my first chance to sample the cuisine at St. George, the upscale restaurant at Hullet House. I'm a big fan of Philippe Orrico, who used to run the kitchen at Pierre, and have been wanting to see what he's been able to do outside the world of Pierre Gagnaire. I've gotten very positive feedback from my friends, so expectations were high.I browsed through the menu, delighted that many of the dishes can be ordered in smaller portions. My friends weren't that hungry after their
At long last, I got my first chance to sample the cuisine at St. George, the upscale restaurant at Hullet House. I'm a big fan of Philippe Orrico, who used to run the kitchen at Pierre, and have been wanting to see what he's been able to do outside the world of Pierre Gagnaire. I've gotten very positive feedback from my friends, so expectations were high.

I browsed through the menu, delighted that many of the dishes can be ordered in smaller portions. My friends weren't that hungry after their big meals, but surprisingly my stomach was growling a little... After some hesitation, I decided to order the 8-course tasting menu since there is no rule dictating that tasting menus have to be ordered by the entire table.

The amuse bouche was a cup of white asparagus cream soup with crispy orange and pistachio. This was pretty nice, with additional ingredients providing a pick-up to the subtle flavors of the asparagus.

Gillardeau oyster, pink radish with horseradish and parsley water served with 2 wild caviar - Sevruga and Osetra - Gillardeau is my favorite oyster, and the flavors were so nicely balanced between the sweetness, creaminess and a little bit of brine. The Osetra caviar packed so much flavor in such a small serving... Wow!

Duck foie gras, pan seared with ginger, Lebanese tabouleh & watermelon with Coleman's mustard - the foie was absolutely perfect. Lightly seared on the outside and the entire block was so soft and wobbly as I tried to cut into it. The tablouleh was an interesting touch, and the watermelon added an interesting sweet and refreshing element to the dish. One of my favorite dishes of the evening.

Roasted langoustine with Colonnata, roasted almonds avocado and green asparagus - slightly disappointing. The flavors here all worked together, from the nicely roasted almonds to the asparagus, avocado, pear and the thin slivers of lardo di Colonnata - one of my favorite things to buy at a deli counter. But the problem was with the langoustine...it was juicy, a little mushy and almost liquid in some parts...leading me to wonder about the freshness. Given that air shipments from Europe has only resumed in the last day or two, I guess this may be from an earlier shipment before the volcano eruption?

Atlantic scallops, creamy potato with sherry wine and seaweed, baby leek with mustard and smoked milk foam - very nicely done... lightly seared on the outside and still fresh on the inside. The creamy potato was very yummy, and the crunchy seaweed was interesting.

Roasted veal sweetbread, with espelette pepper, red apple confit with reduce farm cider, crab meat, baby spinach and green olive - very creamy and nice. Interesting pairing with the crab meat...and the apple confit was really nice.

Pink Champagne granite, tomato jelly and prawn Obsiblue served cold with a cocktail sauce - the granite was probably my least favorite part of the meal... The combination of the Champagne and savory tomato jelly just tasted a little bitter in the mouth... Not a fan.

The Obsiblue prawn was pretty decent, but I'm not sure I appreciate it being served with cocktail sauce, even though it's served in similar fashion around the world...

Pigeon Mieral, couscous, piquillos, foie gras, sultana and crispy curry - this was very, very nice. The pigeon was definitely very gamey, just the way I like it. The foie was battered and deep-fried, which is kinda weird and interesting. The white sticks are made with curry and sweet at the same time, which kinda screwed with my head. But the combination worked, and I liked it a lot. I also got a slice of goat cheese, which I ate after the pigeon.

Just like at Pierre, St. George's kitchen also sends out multiple desserts in waves. There was a pre-dessert of citron sorbet, which was really interesting as they used chili powder to make it really spicy. I think it went far beyond waking up my palate, it kinda killed it for a while...

Rose ice cream with wild berries and raspberries - this was pretty nice...the rose flavor wasn't overpowering, and I just loooove wild strawberries...

Pistachio custard with sago - now this was interesting...the roasted pistachios were really fragrant, and once you add in the pomelo pulp and candied pomelo rind, it almost feels like a pistachio flavored 楊枝甘露...

Vanilla cream with coffee granite - pretty tasty and reminds me of the taste of affogato.

Chocolate-covered pop rocks - what is it with people making desserts out of pop rocks these days?

Hot chocolate - nice and yummy with orange and cinnamon.

Finally, the petits-fours which included a nice little marzipan and white truffle macaron.

I brought two bottles of wine tonight, expecting to be charged HKD 350 per bottle for corkage. I was informed that it had been raised to HKD 500 a few months ago. Huh? Raising the corkage and you've only been open for a few months? WTF...

I handed the two bottles to a waitress, instructing her to open both, chill the white and decant the red. Twenty minutes later, the head waiter approached me and asked whether it would be time to open the bottle of white. Huh? Shouldn't it have been opened when I arrived?

I thought the food here was excellent. My friends were right - Philippe has only gotten better after leaving Pierre. But months after opening, the service still needs a lot of work. 10 minutes after sitting down, no one had come to ask if we wanted any water. The local staff really don't speak English well, and couldn't distinguish between citron/Sichuan and pistachio/prosciutto. And what's with dimming the lights after 10pm? I could barely see my food...and the freezing air conditioning... were they trying to kick us out?

Regardless of how good the food is, a restaurant needs to provide good and friendly service so that customers would think about going back. For the price that I was paying, I expected 5-star hotel service but definitely didn't get it. I hope the people at Aqua can fix that, or it's back to hotel dining for me again...

original blogpost with pictures and wine notes: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2010/04/la-nuit-saint-george.html
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$1200 (晚餐)
After having had a bad experience of French food at Green Mouse, my husband took me to another french restaurant in TST, St. George for my birthday celebration. The building of the restaurant's stunning, I were overwhelming all the decoration around me. The restaurant was quite busy. All the staff and managers were very nice, always smile on their face. After we seated, the staff immediately served me a cup of hot tea as the restaurant was quite cold. We order a very nice bottle of wine, fo
After having had a bad experience of French food at Green Mouse, my husband took me to another french restaurant in TST, St. George for my birthday celebration. The building of the restaurant's stunning, I were overwhelming all the decoration around me. The restaurant was quite busy. All the staff and managers were very nice, always smile on their face. After we seated, the staff immediately served me a cup of hot tea as the restaurant was quite cold. We order a very nice bottle of wine, for appetiters, we took scallop carpaccio and fish then main course my husband had lamb and mine was risotto with french chicken. They were all delicious and the way they presented the dish were so creative. At the end my husband ordered birthday cake for me, I really liked the way they wrote on the plate. Need to mention that the restaurant, the chef understand the way to cheer the customers, they offered a small cup of soup before the dinner and small plate of dessert after. I felt so comfortable and welcome to be there. We paid $3200 which I think it's definitely worth to spend. I really enjoyed the evening.
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$1500 (晚餐)
2010-02-02 57 浏览
香港曾受過英國百多年殖民統治,所以早年的建築物,充滿著濃厚維多利亞時代色彩.到今天仍然能夠留下來的,已經成為古蹟了.在尖沙咀的舊水警總部,由地產商將其活化,改建成為高級購物商場,和酒店Hullett House.當中在Hullett House內的餐廳,保留著昔日殖民地風情,其中一間餐廳名字Parlour,如果是阿仙奴球迷,一定會想起同名的前球員柏奴亞.幾間餐廳之中,St George同Parlour一樣,聽個名就覺得好英倫.因為這是英格蘭之白底紅十字旗的名字,時裝品牌亦有個Duffer of St George.此餐廳走高級路線,執行Smart Casual dresscode,男子身穿背心短打絕對不能.中午前來之前最好頂定位,雖然未必會滿座,但去高級餐廳,預先訂位是一種禮貌,就算上茶餐廳,也未必比你直行直入.三角形的木屋頂,配合水晶吊燈,柱躉上更有個假火爐,有如時空交錯,回到一百年前.走出門外看看,會否見到"大頭綠E"?St Goerge的主廚,是來自文華Pierre的Philippe Orrico,他是Pierre的徒弟,午市的入場費為$280兩道,$320三道.價錢合理.坐下不

在尖沙咀的舊水警總部,由地產商將其活化,改建成為高級購物商場,和酒店Hullett House.當中在Hullett House內的餐廳,保留著昔日殖民地風情,其中一間餐廳名字Parlour,如果是阿仙奴球迷,一定會想起同名的前球員柏奴亞.幾間餐廳之中,St George同Parlour一樣,聽個名就覺得好英倫.因為這是英格蘭之白底紅十字旗的名字,時裝品牌亦有個Duffer of St George.

此餐廳走高級路線,執行Smart Casual dresscode,男子身穿背心短打絕對不能.中午前來之前最好頂定位,雖然未必會滿座,但去高級餐廳,預先訂位是一種禮貌,就算上茶餐廳,也未必比你直行直入.

三角形的木屋頂,配合水晶吊燈,柱躉上更有個假火爐,有如時空交錯,回到一百年前.走出門外看看,會否見到"大頭綠E"?St Goerge的主廚,是來自文華Pierre的Philippe Orrico,他是Pierre的徒弟,午市的入場費為$280兩道,$320三道.價錢合理.

坐下不久便奉上餐前麵包,一大籃新鮮熱辣,伴以香草牛油和鹽吃.結果吃到停不了,最後要再添.Amuse Bouche是一小杯的西瓜西柚打出來的慕絲,酸酸甜甜,細滑兼吃到啖啖西柚肉,果然開到胃口.




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$308 (午餐)
2010-01-09 19 浏览
Went there for lunch w/ four friends. Every one of us ordered set lunch, which was $280 for 2 courses and $340 for 3 courses. I had one of the signature appetizers which was called 60C Egg. They poached the (Japanese) egg in 60C so it's still kind of raw, and underneath is some risotto with rich flavor of black truffles. The combination made it a a good dish as the egg was very smooth and very tasty and the black truffles was very tasty!For main course, I had the angus beef, which was not ba
Went there for lunch w/ four friends. Every one of us ordered set lunch, which was $280 for 2 courses and $340 for 3 courses.

I had one of the signature appetizers which was called 60C Egg. They poached the (Japanese) egg in 60C so it's still kind of raw, and underneath is some risotto with rich flavor of black truffles. The combination made it a a good dish as the egg was very smooth and very tasty and the black truffles was very tasty!

For main course, I had the angus beef, which was not bad, but not that special. The portion was very generous though which a normal girl probably won't be able to finish it. The meat was good, with some onion sauce on top, however, the beef was placed on a bed of parsley, which the parsley was very tasty, and I find that it actually took over the taste of the beef.

And the most disappointed one was the coffee, it was very strong, just too strong that it actually tasted bitter. I had to order double cream to drink with the coffee and my friend actually needed to add water to the coffee, and both of us just couldn't finish the coffee!

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2009-12-26 11 浏览
Just hopped into Heritage 1881 and walked in this newly established French Restaurant. We tried 3-course meal with $328 per person. The food got a sustainable quality with a taste of experimental favour (by mixing different types of tastes in a single dish).The oxtail soup is highly recommended for the incredibly mixture of freshness of oxtail together with oyster. The bread basket surprised us fot the texture and the favour (alone and when mixed with truffle butter). We ordered salmon & seabass
Just hopped into Heritage 1881 and walked in this newly established French Restaurant. We tried 3-course meal with $328 per person. The food got a sustainable quality with a taste of experimental favour (by mixing different types of tastes in a single dish).

The oxtail soup is highly recommended for the incredibly mixture of freshness of oxtail together with oyster. The bread basket surprised us fot the texture and the favour (alone and when mixed with truffle butter). We ordered salmon & seabass for maindish. The sauces and the side dishes make the fish presenting a different taste presentation. Not even to mention the sorbet, yogurt, dessert... you will find surprises in every dish!

We enjoyed to have talk with the staff and they were delighted to receive our opinions. We did enjoy this meal very much!
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