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無肉餐單詳情: 每天供應多款素食菜式
食记 (17)
等级4 2013-09-14
1943 浏览
今天陪老公在灣仔踢球後到附近找東西吃吧我記得附近有兩家景樂集團旗下的餐廳分別是常吃的德國菜還有沒吃過的VIVA ANN所以我們決定去試試新的餐廳啦 =] 餐廳的門口小小的好不起眼喔~~而且有點像是外國賣HAM的店和外帶CAFÉ店門口就放著好大又一整支的HAM 好香喔!!MENU的版面和TASTING ROOM的好像喔~還有個小黑板在推薦精選的菜式呢如果客人要點餐 可在點餐紙上自己圈圈好像香港的車仔麵店哈哈~~~XD我用了會員的免費贈卷《意式肉丸》本來還以為是像PIZZA HUT的那樣茄汁肉丸但原來是像IKEA的那種肉丸配蘑菇汁還有好多好吃的薯條在下面了呢@0@老公還以為沒有薯條的特意點了一份薯條《爆蛋煙肉薯條》份量超多的耶~OMG!!上面的煎蛋蠻好吃的蛋好滑 蛋黃是流心的撒上黑胡椒就很好吃囉又不會很膩煙肉烤得好脆 是外國吃法老公好喜歡..哈哈!!老公還點了《意式蕃茄凍湯》我傻眼了~沒想到他會點那麼奇怪的東西還好味道他說好喝很有趣的 濃濃的蕃茄味口感還有點起沙了但喝下去是超冰涼的但我還是覺得湯要熱喝的XD我們還一人點了一份特式土司喔~~ 45元二件!!!老公點了《青蘋果芝士土司》青蘋果的味道酸酸甜甜的好夏日的FEEL喔~配上厚厚又軟軟的芝士味道好特別!!口感一邊脆又一邊軟的老公說好有趣喔!我本來點了《辣蝦土司》最後來錯了幫我再做還是做錯了=_= 就算了吧!!反正也是蝦 只是我不愛牛油果而已啦這個來錯的《牛油果蝦土司》味道都算是不錯只是整個味道都是淡淡的 沒什麼特別!! 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-06-26
1225 浏览
一天下午去了驗眼,之後想找個地方休息一下,不好走太遠了,索性過來對面這家 tapas 店。近半年西班牙 tapas bars 開得如雨後春筍,為何有那麼多名店不去偏偏來這,只是因為這裡開門的時間比較適合而已。(就算當是西班牙人吃晚飯的時間也嫌太早 。)數年前來過這裡吃午市的迷你 paella (西班牙大鑊飯),味道不錯,餐廳的氣氛又輕鬆隨意,所以雖然是大集團旗下,正不正宗我不敢說,但總算有點信心保證。一如所料,還未到 happy hour 的時間,餐廳內除了職員之外是沒有人的,我也樂得坐在開放式廚房旁看看廚師工作。服務員拿來一大張密密麻麻寫滿字的餐牌,都是各式西班牙小吃 tapas,總之字太小我就看得不太清楚啦。但一般來說,點西班牙凍湯 Gazpacho ($48) 準沒錯的了。這西班牙名菜其實就是把蕃茄、青瓜和麵包等等打成湯,這裡的用雞尾酒杯盛著,在上面也加了點麵包碎和青瓜做裝飾。由於湯裡面有麵包,所以感覺頗為濃厚,涼涼的有點酸又有少少辣,幾解暑的。喝完湯到主菜,素食的 tapas 款式說多不多,便點了 Huevo Roto con Hongos ($68) - 餐牌上的英文翻譯就是 Sautéed Boletus Edulis and Wild Mushroom with Broken Egg。見到廚師在烹調這道菜,濽酒的時候忽然火光熊熊,真是很有鑊氣的啊。其實這是炒牛肝菌和雜菌,上面撒點香草,再放上一隻煎得脆脆的蛋,一上桌已經香噴噴。正如餐牌上所說,當然要把蛋黃「篤」開,讓香濃的蛋汁跟各式菇類混在一起吃才是王道啦。多口問句有沒有甜品,服務員竟拿來了一大個黑板的甜品餐牌!說到西班牙甜品,別的我不懂,就只會 Chocolate Churros ($60)。話雖如此,churros 人家是當早餐吃的,不過又有什麼所謂。有些人笑 churrros 是鬼佬油炸鬼,果然所言非虛,不過這個是點朱古力醬吃的。這個外頭炸得有點硬,裡面也有點乾,質感比較像餅乾,我乾脆當小時候吃那種「XX杯」零食來吃。這樣子買單也要近二百,如果 happy hour 來喝點什麼加點小食,也不是低消費的啊。 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-04-29
1504 浏览
I open an account here just to write this review. Drove past this restaurant a few times and always wanted to try it.We made a booking about 1 hour before we got there and turned out to be zero waiting time which was good. I personally like to have a drink before dinner, so I ordered a draft beer. They only have one type of draft beer (San Miguel), so i ordered one pint, 5 minutes later, a waitress told me that the beer has just finished. Fair enough I thought, then a chef came over (probably the owner since his accent was heavily European) and apologized to me that there was no draft beer left and gave me a 1/2 pint of beer and said it's the last bit of beer left in the can and it's on the house (free of charge). I was happy with that at that stage. So I finished the 1/2 pint and we ordered our food , and I ordered one more pint, the stone cold waitress then told me , 'we are getting the refill just for you from nearby and I am all wet because of the rain'. So I waited , and I looked at the waitress a few times just to see whether the beer is ready yet. And she repeated what she said a few more times, presumably wanting me to feel bad about her having to make the effort of getting my beer. At this stage, 40 minutes had passed and I was still holding my temper. Then the beer came.... 1/2 filled , and the waitress said I had the half pint already and gave me the rest of the pint, sorry I just lost it at that stage, wouldn't anybody?? So damn cheap ! I am happy to pay for anything I eat and drink, and don't treat me like a beggar ! Then my wife calmly told her that the first 1/2 pint was complimentary from the chef and pls fill the damn glass up , we will pay for it.At this stage, doesn't matter how good or bad the food was, I swear I would never go back.The waitresses were extremely unprofessional and under trained. I believe the chef made a very nice gesture by offering me a free half pint but his staff totally ruined his professionalism for him.Good luck to them in such a competitive market. 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-01-19
1228 浏览
Came here for a family dinner, no waiting time as we had booked a table. The service staff did not come across as friendly. Our waitress looked stone cold. When asked if she could recommend any dishes, she randomly pointed at the menu with this couldn't-care-less attitude. The sangria had soggy apples in it. The open face toast was tiny and definitely not worth >$30 each. Meatballs, and seafood paella were so-so. Our sardines were cold in the middle--in fact we had seen the chef taking it out of the freezer. Having an open kitchen is not a good idea unless a restaurant is sure their kitchen staff are professional and food is fresh.Would not recommend this restaurant to anyone, and will definitely not be visiting again! 继续阅读
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等级1 2011-08-10
1035 浏览
For Spanish cuisine I must say the food is quite ok, however may b I'm not an expert in Spanish food therefore some of the food I found to be quite simple & doesn't seem to be worth that much ! (eg, pan fried sardine, deep fried calamari, asparagus with goat cheese). I'm sure you can refer to other people's report for food comments. However I believe the kitchen head staff in is one of the most unprofessional chef I have ever come across, he literally puts me off my appetite with the way he cooks his meal, since they work from an open kitchen therefore I was able to see everything. His favorite cooking utensil is a thong clamp & when he's not using it he would pinch it under his armpit with the opening end directly inside his armpit, imagine we all have to eat his cooking from that utensil, gross ! Another thing is he sweats a lot & he never wears any headgear (although many of his subordinates have to wear a bandana), I can clearly see his sweat gets drip onto the food he prepares & then being sent out to customer's table, again gross ! If you can put up with this kind of behavior then i guess it's worth dining there, otherwise better stay away ! I'm not sure if I'd go back to that place again (unless they have a change of chef). That's my 2 cents worth of opinion ! 继续阅读
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