港铁中环站 G 出口, 步行约7分钟
Burgers Lobsters and Mexican...What a combination....
OPEN NOW in Central serving a great range of delicious burgers, fresh lobsters, salads, ribs and of course Mexican!
11:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 00:30
11:30 - 23:30
大時大節沒有預訂餐廳,竟然在蘭桂芳同Fringe Club 街角找到這間 casual 餐廳。環境不錯,人不是太多,之前在 PMQ 見到另一間 Wilbur's 的時候都已經考慮去該餐廳吃晚餐,正好在這邊廂有一間,而且menu更吸引,隨即預訂晚一點的位置。頭盤有三文魚tartine, 鵝肝, salad 可供選擇。我選了鵝肝,走過近廚房出菜區看見三文魚 tartine, 賣相都非常吸引! 鵝肝!!! 外脆內軟,入口即溶,最棒的是 - 有兩件!!! 配上士多啤梨醬,味道真的是一流! 我嚐試只吃鵝肝不配蔥或者士多啤梨醬,真的吃到鵝肝的香味,細滑柔軟,以前我不太懂欣賞鵝肝,這晚我改變了! 第一道菜已經非常滿足了。怎麼辦? 主菜可選 Surf & Turf (牛扒加龍蝦) 和 Burger,我選了Surf & Turf。主菜實在很impressive!!! 6oz的牛扒、半隻龍蝦 (龍蝦蝦鉗超大的!)、配上薯蓉、幼幼的蘆筍、沙律。龍蝦殼已預先弄碎了少許,方便享用。究竟先吃牛扒還是龍蝦??? 呀~~ 四分熟的牛扒,煎得剛剛好,肉身多汁軟熟,真的不是誇張,實在令我印象深刻。如果可以煎到外面帶炭燒味會10分完美! (後來才發現牛扒是心型的,so sweet! ) 龍蝦非常鮮甜,我以為會普普通通,誰不知...停不了!差點爪也想吃掉! 如果可以多點蒜蓉芝士便好了~~~ 甜品不用選擇,是sharing的vanilla雪糕配小曲奇餅、士多啤梨、紅莓、薄荷葉,焦糖醬帶在柸邊,吃著吃著看見黑黑的小圓球,正猜著是甚麼,一口咬下原來是 - 麥提莎!!! 驚喜啊! 我猜這個甜品不是「自家製」,只是把所有材料放在一起,哈哈! 但是也沒關係了,味道也不錯的! 總括而言,這晚的晚餐實在超值! 食物也挺有水準,看得出(也吃得出)是用心之作,值得再試! 真希望他們會再有這個set menu!
說真的, wilbur's 的店面不是真的很小, 不過不知怎地就是不起眼。本是想到PMQ的Wilbur's 吃午餐, 才輾轉留意到中環雲咸街有店。那自然是棄遠取近啦。十一月了, 天氣雖然不再毒辣, 但沿樓梯斜路走上來, 依然是很要命。這個城市大概不會再有秋天了吧。不怎樣鮮甜的頭盤。三文魚味也比較淡, 小麵包片也嫌太硬了。湊合吃了, 當是清清味蕾。有別於我的小小精緻頭盤, 友人所選的餐湯賣樣倒很豪邁, 大大的一盤。不過, 她在喝了一口之後, 就拿起桌上的胡椒猛下。噢, 明白了。幸好是和友人分享主菜來吃, 否則我看到這麼小的一份意粉大概會昏掉吧。味道還可以, 蕃茄味夠, 海鮮還可以吃。不過這三四口可以完成的份量, 才不夠塞牙縫啊!相比之下, 和牛漢堡的份量就要正常得多, 而且, 味道也算是頗不錯了。麵包夠鬆軟, 漢堡扒略為鞋口, 但尚有肉汁; 再加上香口芝士和新鮮的蔬菜, 收貨了。沙律的味道正常但賣相有驚喜, 竟是日式小木碗啊, 不禁莞爾。至於這一個甜品, 不吃也罷。雪糕已經溶了一大半, 朱古力蛋糕就比餅乾還硬。如果可以轉飲品的話我是會豪不猶豫地把它「叮走」。在這裡你不會找到令你驚艷的東西, 但至少坐得舒服, 可以安安靜靜的吃一餐。就當是中午小休一下, 為下午的工作叉叉電。
自上次同事介紹食漢堡套餐$128覺得價錢合理味道吾錯,所以今次再話去食大家都贊成!~今日星期一8個人一點鐘到達,不知是不是因為天氣問題或星期一 關係,所以得2﹣3桌客人。因為我們上次大家都食漢堡關係,今次大家都決定食其他食品。點知原來大家最後都是叫牛扒...哈哈!~starters: 今次有2個選擇,因為之前食過煙三文魚原因,大多同事都選擇食雞夾餅。smoke salmon salandchicken quesadillas:雞肉加醬汁已經好有味,再加上酸忌廉和少許辣的蕃茄汁加更好味,少少辣之餘有酸忌廉中和返。三片很快已經吃光。mains: set lunch 主菜都係有意粉,牛扒,魚堡選擇。最後大多同事都選擇了7個牛扒和1個意粉!~beff tenderloin:今次叫了5成夠淋之餘又有肉味。驚喜好味,配菜薯蓉都有少許香草味。不過如果多一點菜就更完美。但同事說要7成熟竟然仲生過我地,食了一半已放棄了。Dessert:chocolate mud cake:甜品來到時雪糕已經有點溶的感覺。有點失望!朱古力香濃但淋左少少,再加上朱古力醬勁滿足。ice lemon tea其實同之前感覺一樣,以$128來說係合理,但待應態度有點失望,因為想要水都要問幾次先有。希望有人回應會好一點(始終餐廳一半生意都冇)
This is my second visit to Wilbur's. I took another friend with me this time. We were looking for a casual place to chill and felt like having something heavy to go with some beer. As the decision was rather spontaneous, we just turned up at the restaurant without booking in advance. On a Thursday night, it was rather busy and we were lucky to be able to find a table after a few minutes. So I advice anyone going on or near the weekend to call in to reserve. We had lobster and burger. I had the Mexican chili burger last time so wanted to try something more classic this time. The burger was big, mouth-watering and incredibly satisfying to devour with the cheese. I tried to eat it slowly but was too hungry, so it only took us a few minutes to finish the burger. The fries were slightly on the greasy side, but they were crispy and hot. I don't quite know if they just bought fries to deep fry, or if they make their own. Either way, fries and ketchup just can't go very wrong. Salad was generous in amount and the dressing was very light. I like that they serve enough salad so that we get at least some fibre for what is already a very unhealthy meal.The first time I came, I thought the lobster was slightly disappointing as it was less meaty than expected, and didn't feel too fresh. This time round, the lobster was a little better, but we suspect it's frozen.Service was all right. The attendants are professional but as the restaurant is quite busy, they couldn't be too attentive. But overall we were satisfied for the price (given it's LKF afterall).
There was a time where the only burger I would eat in Hong Kong was from the Butchers Club, they're pretty awesome. But as a food blogger, my blog gets pretty boring if I just eat in the same spot every day, so it was time to spread my burger wings.Continuing the daily lunch exploration around my workplace in Central, I came across another spot in Wyndham Street called Wilbur's burgers-burritos-lobster and thought it was worth giving it a try. It was easy to get a table right on 12pm on a weekday and was quickly surrounded by wait staff giving out the menu and a tall glass of cold water (a rarity in HK where the water is normally served hot).As advertised from the street, the menu consisted of a number of burgers, burritos and lobster rolls. I was sorely tempted to pick up a lobster roll, with memories still fresh from my 2013 trip to New York where lobster rolls were plentiful and superb... But, I stuck to my guns and ordered the wagyu beef burger, which based on the photos around the joint would be pretty awesome.It wasn't too long before a big wooden board was placed in front of me with the largest burgers I think I've ever seen. It was in fact so large, I had to check that I hadn't accidentally ordered the giant burger challenge (which based on photos around the restaurant must have been as big as my head!). After checking, it was indeed a standard burger, which also came with a basket of fries and a salad on the side. Not knowing how I would tackle the burger, I started off with the less complicated chips, which were awesome! Crispy and well cooked, they had a salt that I couldn't quite pick but added some serious flavour. In fact, they were bordering on being the best chips I'd had in Hong Kong to date. Right, it was time to tackle the burger, which had a thick meat patty with melted cheese and a really fresh looking salad. My waitress had advised me that the burger would be medium rare, I was disappointed with my first bite.... It was well done and actually a little chewy. None the less, I tried to power through as it actually tasted quite nice and had lots of fresh salad, which my body was suddenly craving! I managed to get through about half of the burger before I gave up, it was just too big and to be honest, I'm not sure who would be able to get through such a monster, certainly not me!It was not a bad burger and I'd be tempted to come back and check out a lobster roll, although with so many other options in HK, I'm not really sure if or when it will happen!