2013-05-28 158 浏览
當天出城,是為了一頓美味的早餐,正確來說應是 Brunch。星期天的 Brunch 容許老公和我忘卻時間的流逝,躲懶慢活!走上這道彩圖階梯後,我們便進入另一個國度,一個充滿歐洲鄉村風味的飯廳。飯廳的餐桌大小不一,圓的、方的、長的;有的保留原木色調、有的髹上清純的白色得與一列白窗框相映成趣、更有些餐桌是白色與木色兩者兼備;再由不同樣式的椅子作配襯,顯出餐桌、椅子的自我個性。或許我太喜愛木頭和木製品了,置身當中,感覺與大自然、閒適的大樹很親近。Wild Grass 的木傢俱全部都是回收木材再生製成,環保之餘,又不失品味與舒適,跟餐廳的主題吻合得很!Wild Grass 的 Brunch 包括八選一的早餐、自助美食、甜品及餐飲。侍應先為我們送上麵包,看到麵包上粗糙的洞子及厚厚的包邊,已很想大口地咬下去。試了兩口,連忙嚷老公趕快嘗試。麵包密度高、鬆軟厚香、彈性豐富,麵包的鬆與彈似在口腔裡跳動著。麵包邊焦香、厚身、具嚼勁。試做了一個實驗,手指在麵包左右兩角同時一拉,中間才慢慢的撕開裂口,稍稍放輕力量,麵包缺口會自動回彈,柔韌度相當高。Wild Grass 使用有機麵粉、自家製造的麵包,確是有其出
當天出城,是為了一頓美味的早餐,正確來說應是 Brunch。星期天的 Brunch 容許老公和我忘卻時間的流逝,躲懶慢活!
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Wild Grass 的木傢俱全部都是回收木材再生製成,環保之餘,又不失品味與舒適,跟餐廳的主題吻合得很!
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Wild Grass 的 Brunch 包括八選一的早餐、自助美食、甜品及餐飲。

侍應先為我們送上麵包,看到麵包上粗糙的洞子及厚厚的包邊,已很想大口地咬下去。試了兩口,連忙嚷老公趕快嘗試。麵包密度高、鬆軟厚香、彈性豐富,麵包的鬆與彈似在口腔裡跳動著。麵包邊焦香、厚身、具嚼勁。試做了一個實驗,手指在麵包左右兩角同時一拉,中間才慢慢的撕開裂口,稍稍放輕力量,麵包缺口會自動回彈,柔韌度相當高。Wild Grass 使用有機麵粉、自家製造的麵包,確是有其出色之處,旁邊的芝士只屬配角而已。
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平日極之不愛煙三文魚的我,當天像著了魔似的,竟要來了 Wild Grass Smoked Scottish Salmon with Quail Eggs,可能是要向自己味蕾挑戰,又或許當時只著眼於 Quail Eggs 而挑選,可是我的那一份偏偏就缺了 Quail Eggs,到尾聲才發覺,只好忘記它!

舌尖周旋在久違了的軟滑與微微的燻煙味中,腦中把煙三文魚的味兒重新確立,感覺來得自然,起碼魚味清鮮、沒有從前難受的霉霉口感,不肯定是 Wild Grass 選料獨到,或是調料出色的緣故,總之,我也能在享受的情況下,把這份煙三文魚吃光,算是突破了自已的局限。
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老公選擇了 Egg Florentine with Home Made English Muffin。蛋香濃郁,醬汁香而不膩,配合底部鬆軟富韌性的 Muffin,嬴得老公幾聲的讚賞。不過我更欣賞的卻是那綠綠的小香菜,不但質感細嫩,還擁有一份獨特的香氣,把整個 Egg Florentine 襯托得特別的清爽,的確是當中不可或缺的靈魂及味覺的驚喜!
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保溫爐上中間位置的 Oven Roasted Wild Icelandic Halibut,就是我的主角。餐廳經理於用餐前已給我們介紹,這魚是非試不可的。冰島野生的 Halibut 頗為珍貴,供應亦有季節限制。

其他的款式包括 Baked Cauliflower with Goat Cheese,Sauteed Green Bean,Spring Garden Vegetables,Onion Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary 及 Yorkshire Pudding。
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另擺放在對面的全是肉食,最適合自封 "食肉獸" 的人兒,不過我看到如斯完美的賣相,也不禁流出口水來。

四款肉食,包含了 Slow Roast Wild Beef Rump Steak,Roasted Organic French Chicken,Roasted Pork 和 Lamb。
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首先一試的當然是 Halibut。白白的魚肉,質感非常的細緻、柔滑;具有豐厚魚脂的魚皮、魚翅及魚鰭,不是同場用餐的外籍人士所好,正好讓我們二人享盡 Omega 3 的精華,豐潤肥美得停不了口,加點烤熟的蒜頭,更令鮮味盡出。這尾Halibut 沒有用上什麼調料,純鮮的味道已令我倆喜出望外。借此,還能見識到西方烘魚高超的烹調技烤,確可媲美東方蒸魚的嫩滑效果,認真一流!

Baked Cauliflower with Goat Cheese 的芝香不錯,只略嫌椰菜花過軟了,欠缺口感!

Sauteed Green Bean 的豆香濃郁,腍軟中帶點爽口,嚐到的盡是豆的清鮮味。

Spring Garden Vegetables 是雜菜,主角是 Artichoke,還配以青豆及甘筍等,亦是以蔬菜的原味為主。

Onion Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary。最味美的是當中的洋蔥、入味兼軟腍;而薯仔具薯香,質感也甚粉軟,只是澱粉質有飽肚感,不能吃得太多。

Yorkshire Pudding 是鹹鹹的,有點像港式的沙翁,尤其是 Pudding 內滿佈的氣孔,不過沙翁較為柔軟,Yorkshire Pudding 則較為挺身。
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老公終忍不住要來了 Burgundy Red Wine,此酒香味與韻調也不錯,用來伴以紅肉最合適不過。

看到對面一檯四名外籍老人家,起碼喝了四瓶餐酒,原來食客可多加 $190元,選擇無限飲用餐酒,絕對可盡情喝過夠,果然老而彌堅!
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Wild Grass 所用的肉類,大部份都有道明是 Organic。如 OBE 牛肉來自澳洲,其他有機食材的選地,還包括新西蘭及法國等。

我們對幾款肉食也逐一細嚐,後來更增加了另一款 Crispy Pork Belly,肉質幼嫩,細滑,是多款肉食中最合口味的。色澤是白中帶粉紅,肥瘦相間,皮泡製成香脆,如港式燒肉般。可能香港人慣了享用細嫩的肉質,不像外籍人士可接受粗糙的肉質。就當日經驗所得,若要避免口感粗糙的肉質,便得選對合適的部位。例如 Roasted Organic French Chicken,我選了雞腿。但有機雞隻,甚而雞腿的肉質亦比一般的雞腿結實。Roasted Pork 的骨位比先前塊狀的豬肉來得脂香,順滑,吃得較舒服!
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至於各款肉類的食味又如何?真可用 Natural 來形容,因為 Wild Grass 採用傳統烹調方法,旨在讓大家可嚐到肉類最天然、無添加的原味,所以調味均是淡淡的。
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一套三款的甜品,頭一款是檸檬撻,其餘的是 Apple Pie 及 Apple Crumble,幸好都不是太甜,更富有酸酸開胃的味道,有助消化。
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最後的是餐飲 Cafe Latte,原來還為我們送上朱古力及迷你蝴蝶酥。

Cafe Latte 的奶太多了,咖啡味變得極之平乏。朱古力我沒試了,但迷你的蝴蝶酥的美味,令我將飽滿的肚皮再次打開。


(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$450 (其他)
  • Oven Roasted Wild Icelandic Halibut, Home Made Bread,Egg Florentine with Home Made English Muffin
2013-05-11 304 浏览
I heard about Wild Grass from friend and finally had the restaurant visited last week. I’m not particularly fond of French or any other western dishes but I have to be a bit cliched to say they are doing a very good job. No matter you like organic or not, their food is recommended. I think $180 for a 2-course set or $198 for 3-course set for lunch like this is not expensive, it’s moderately priced.Food:I like the idea of adopting all organic, sustainable ingredients. They import organic wines an

I heard about Wild Grass from friend and finally had the restaurant visited last week. I’m not particularly fond of French or any other western dishes but I have to be a bit cliched to say they are doing a very good job. No matter you like organic or not, their food is recommended. I think $180 for a 2-course set or $198 for 3-course set for lunch like this is not expensive, it’s moderately priced.

I like the idea of adopting all organic, sustainable ingredients. They import organic wines and even single slice of meat or egg are from stocks fed organically!

Starter- Baked Breaded Goat’s Cheese, Beetroot Jelly, Rocket & Walnuts
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The baked breaded goat’s cheese was scrumptious!! It was crisp outside but filled with savoury cheese inside! Also, rocket usually tastes bitter but it didn’t at all together with the cheese and their vinegar plus olive oil.

Main Course 1- Mergues & Chorizo Cassolett with Cous Cous, Lima Beans & Tomato
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It reminded me the cous cous I tried and disliked in Italy in first impression. However, it tasted surprisingly good with the sauce. Those slightly spicy sausages increased my appetite.

Main Course 2- Wild Mushroom Arancini with Poached Free Range Duck Egg
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The mushroom arancini was fresh and good mixed with the smoothed egg yolk.

This is excellent. The owner Mr. Jean-Paul Gauci came and chatted with us. I like his smile, very passionate. Servers there are overall polite and helpful.

I love feeling breeze while dining. Therefore, I was happy to be seated by windows. During daytime, the natural daylight illuminates the tables offering a bright, cheerful environment for a business or casual lunch occasion. If you get a seat at inner area, you will find the restaurant being dimly lit with a yellowish toned lighting enhancing the elegance of the dining room.

This was, frankly, a good experience. I know they hold special events sometime and I would recommend Wild Grass to all of you.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)
2013-04-17 211 浏览
I had a business dinner with my boss and clients there. In my impression, Organice food is not tasty. However, all the food there are very tasty and juicy! They really impressed me! We tried Piri Piri Prawn, Grilled Whole French Seabream, beef, dessert and a lot of wine. The taste you cannot find anywhere else. Their beef are organic from the cows which grow up in the wild farm in Australian. If you are a fan of steak, should try out. And the service is very good, the manager is nice and funny,
I had a business dinner with my boss and clients there.

In my impression, Organice food is not tasty. However, all the food there are very tasty and juicy! They really impressed me! We tried Piri Piri Prawn, Grilled Whole French Seabream, beef, dessert and a lot of wine. The taste you cannot find anywhere else.
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70 浏览
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56 浏览
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Their beef are organic from the cows which grow up in the wild farm in Australian. If you are a fan of steak, should try out.

And the service is very good, the manager is nice and funny, hehe...
题外话/补充资料: Oh, yes, they do a nice brunch for the weekend. I think I'll try it this week, and will share more with u soon. ;)
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (晚餐)
  • Piri Piri Prawn
  • Grilled Whole French Seabream
  • Organic beef Steak
2013-04-11 107 浏览
I had a business dinner with my boss and clients there. In my impression, Organice food is not tasty. However, all the food there are very tasty and juicy! They really impressed me! We tried Piri Piri Prawn, Grilled Whole French Seabream, beef, dessert and a lot of wine.(Oops, seems i cannot upload pics with iPad. I'll try to update pictures soon. )As my boss introduced, their beef are from the cows from Australian which grow up in the wild farm. I dont usually eat beef, but if you are the fan o
I had a business dinner with my boss and clients there.

In my impression, Organice food is not tasty. However, all the food there are very tasty and juicy! They really impressed me! We tried Piri Piri Prawn, Grilled Whole French Seabream, beef, dessert and a lot of wine.

(Oops, seems i cannot upload pics with iPad. I'll try to update pictures soon.

As my boss introduced, their beef are from the cows from Australian which grow up in the wild farm. I dont usually eat beef, but if you are the fan of steak, should try out.

And the service is very good, the manager is nice and funny, hehe...
题外话/补充资料: Oh, yes, they do a nice brunch for the weekend. I think I'll try it this week, and will share more with u soon. ;)
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (晚餐)
2013-02-06 95 浏览
A friend of mine recommended Wild Grass to us a few weeks ago. We decided to go for our friend's birthday and were sat at a very nice round table for 5 people.We ordered a bottle of their house Champagne Maison Pannier for aperitif which was very fine and very moderately priced at $560.We ordered a set of different starters to share including the oxtail Dumpling, the goat cheese with beetroots, Ocean trout salad, piri piri prawns and sthe sauteed beef kidneys. We were very satisfied with the dis
A friend of mine recommended Wild Grass to us a few weeks ago. We decided to go for our friend's birthday and were sat at a very nice round table for 5 people.
We ordered a bottle of their house Champagne Maison Pannier for aperitif which was very fine and very moderately priced at $560.
We ordered a set of different starters to share including the oxtail Dumpling, the goat cheese with beetroots, Ocean trout salad, piri piri prawns and sthe sauteed beef kidneys. We were very satisfied with the dishes which were all well prepared and mouthwatering.
We selected each a main course, I choose the Entrecote or Rib eye from OBE wild organic beef as the manager recommended to me and explaining how the cows roam freely from birth and have no contact with human until the day they are catched, OBE beefs do not have any hormone or antibiotic injection and feed exclusively on wild grass. The meat was tender and deliciously yummy with a stronger and gamier flavor than any other beef i tasted before. This was a real treat for me.
My friends choose some wild halibut from iceland which was melting in the mouth, the seafood stew with seabass, halibut and herring, very strong mediterranean flavor, the wild organic beef tongue was very tender and the delicate acidity of the sauce was simply perfect, my girlfriend the Organic Barley risotto, with roots vegetables and a light creamy flavor.
We all loved our main courses and licked up the plate.
We drank a bottle of Cahors wine $410 recommended to us by the manager. this is a Malbec grape variety from southwest France with nice elegant tanin and stong bodied wine. The French call it the 'Black wine" because of it's dark concentrated color. some friends had some spanish organic white by the glass to go with their fish and liked it too.
We shared 5 desserts (Rhubarb crumble, lemon meringue, chocolate caketogether and they even put a candle in one of them without us askibg for it. This was a nice attention and myfriend really appreciated.
Overall we had a great dinner reasonnably priced considering we ate organic. the food is very tasty and flavorsome. The menu is $438 for 3 courses. They also gave us some little madeleine biscuits and chocolate truffle with our coffee.
The ambiance was lovely with dim lights and good back ground music, the service was excellent and the staff very caring and attentioned. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a different dining experience. Really great.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$650 (晚餐)
My friends and I had high hopes of this restaurant after reading the menu on-line and various reviews. The wine selection was not huge with nothing under $320 which given the no tax on wine situation in HK gives them a nice profit! The waitress allowed us to sample a couple of whites so we could make a choice - the cheaper wine was pretty bad so we settled on the pricier bottle. Two of us went for the set meal of 3 courses and two of us just went for a main so we could share starters and dess
My friends and I had high hopes of this restaurant after reading the menu on-line and various reviews. The wine selection was not huge with nothing under $320 which given the no tax on wine situation in HK gives them a nice profit! The waitress allowed us to sample a couple of whites so we could make a choice - the cheaper wine was pretty bad so we settled on the pricier bottle. Two of us went for the set meal of 3 courses and two of us just went for a main so we could share starters and dessert. One of my friend's wanted to know the difference between the hanger steak and rump steak and the waitress was able to say it came from different parts of the cow but couldn't recommend one over the other. From the way she spoke she definitely hadn't tried either dishes - maybe she's vegetarian but she should have better info. Our starters were the beef carpaccio and goats cheese with bacon pastry and beetroot. The carpaccio had a too strong flavour which we didn't finish but the tart was good. The waiting staff then brought our main courses before they had cleared the starters. Luckily the restaurant wasn't that busy so they could put plates down on adjoining tables! I had the venison, one friend the hanger steak and my other two friends the slow cooked rump steak. All the mains arrived with a side salad which was nice and fresh. The venison was a good portion with a nice side of braised red cabbage but needed a bit more sauce to add flavour. My friend's hanger steak was OK but she makes better at home. The slow cooked rump steak was tough and dry - the whole point of slow cooking is surely to tenderise the meat. We decided to order one more bottle of white wine and wanted to change our selection as the previous white was OK but not great. Again the waitress allowed us to have a sample and when we said OK disappeared. After about 15 minutes we finally got the maitre d's attention who brought us our wine. For dessert we had the cheese selection and the lemon tart. The cheese selection was good and the right temperature and the tart was OK. Several of the dishes we ordered had a surcharge if they were part of the set meal and overall we found the meal too expensive for the level of food and service. It's great they are trying to be organic etc but for the prices they are charging we expect better tasting food and wine.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$800 (晚餐)
2013-01-21 20 浏览
以有機牛為主的餐廳, 水, 甚至酒, 也是有機的, 十分健康.... 是日午餐有四款主菜及前菜, 我們點了野豬, 羊肉.... 前菜點了羊奶芝士吐司, 三文魚沙拉. 也許是餐廳開業不久, 午餐時段人不多, 十分舒適. 共餐朋友發現, 每張餐檯, 甚至很多椅子都不相同, 但係, 整體感覺很一致, 非常特別. 午餐時段, 不想喝酒, 點了sparkling water, 點知, 水都係有機的. 聽說他們有有機紅酒, 下次一定試試. 前菜到了, 三文魚沙拉味道不錯, 流心鵪鶉蛋十分滑. 我試了羊奶芝士吐司, 一點也不騷, 很香滑. 主菜也不錯, 份量適中, 看似法國鄉村風味. 野豬味道有點濃, 但畢竟是野味, 濃郁也合理, 配上著蓉, 十分適中. 餐廳位於一樓, 透過一排大窗, 光線充足, 偶爾看到對面街往山上的人們, 但是看不見馬路上的車來攘往, 十分寫意. 甜品時候到了. 我的 BLANC MANGE 一點也沒有令我失望, 輕巧的質感, 不太冰凍, 口感甚佳. 十分滿足的一餐, 下次再來!!
以有機牛為主的餐廳, 水, 甚至酒, 也是有機的, 十分健康....

是日午餐有四款主菜及前菜, 我們點了野豬, 羊肉.... 前菜點了羊奶芝士吐司, 三文魚沙拉.

也許是餐廳開業不久, 午餐時段人不多, 十分舒適. 共餐朋友發現, 每張餐檯, 甚至很多椅子都不相同, 但係, 整體感覺很一致, 非常特別.
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午餐時段, 不想喝酒, 點了sparkling water, 點知, 水都係有機的. 聽說他們有有機紅酒, 下次一定試試.
前菜到了, 三文魚沙拉味道不錯, 流心鵪鶉蛋十分滑. 我試了羊奶芝士吐司, 一點也不騷, 很香滑.
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71 浏览
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主菜也不錯, 份量適中, 看似法國鄉村風味.
野豬味道有點濃, 但畢竟是野味, 濃郁也合理, 配上著蓉, 十分適中.
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67 浏览
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餐廳位於一樓, 透過一排大窗, 光線充足, 偶爾看到對面街往山上的人們, 但是看不見馬路上的車來攘往, 十分寫意.
甜品時候到了. 我的 BLANC MANGE 一點也沒有令我失望, 輕巧的質感, 不太冰凍, 口感甚佳.

十分滿足的一餐, 下次再來!!
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$230 (午餐)
2012-12-01 41 浏览
I went to Wild Grass with my friends and we had a lovely evening!The Restaurant is very spacious and open, a very good atmosphere. A good country feel!The staffs were very welcoming and a good service.I started off with a one of their cocktail of the month: Hendrick’s-tini with cucumber. It was very refreshing! My friends had the organic wild grass draught beer, a light lager, and a Mojito, well made cocktail.Given some lovely tasty olives (green & Black), picked onions and gherkins. Loved the g
I went to Wild Grass with my friends and we had a lovely evening!

The Restaurant is very spacious and open, a very good atmosphere. A good country feel!

The staffs were very welcoming and a good service.

I started off with a one of their cocktail of the month: Hendrick’s-tini with cucumber. It was very refreshing!

My friends had the organic wild grass draught beer, a light lager, and a Mojito, well made cocktail.

Given some lovely tasty olives (green & Black), picked onions and gherkins. Loved the green olives!
Also, some warm slices of homemade white and brown bread, with a butter and a goats cheese butter. The goats cheese butter was to die for, had to request for more!

Food: Good Size Portions

Starters: Piri Piri Prawn- lovely big prawns (5), with their spicy oniony lemon coating!
Kidneys- crispy, juicy and a very delicious sauce
Oxtail Dumpling- full of beef flavour inside, a thick ravioli dumpling texture

Mains: Halibut- a very well-cooked fish-tender, with one bone to deal with and a tasty natural sauce & a wild garlic
Pork Knuckle- a massive knuckle, crispy skin and soft and juicy in the inside
Hanger Steak- cooked to medium-rare, a lovely piece of beef. The jus/sauce was scrumptious! A nice little
surprise that it comes with a very well dressed salad.

Desserts: My favourite part of the meal!

Cheese Board: presented on a wooden paddle shaped board, with 4 different type of cheese and decorated
with scattered raisins,sultanas, figs, dried apricots. A homemade fig jam and slices of homemade bread to
complete his cheese heaven!
Custard Caramel Tart: like a creme brûlée, the difference with a well cooked pastry and a caramel top!
Apple Turnover: a crispy sugary pastry filled with stewed apples and yummy little roulade vanilla ice cream!

After all that, we were given some little chocolatey truffles! A wonderful way to end our evening!

Definitely would come again!

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (晚餐)
  • Kidneys
  • prawns
  • hanger steak
  • apple turnover
  • cheese board
  • custard tart
2012-11-19 39 浏览
Wild Grass has a great idea, organic nose-to-tail fare in a fine dining setting, except the reality didn't quite match the concept. Here's my take:1. Service: I get that this is a French country theme and they're going for a casual vibe, but I honestly couldn't tell who the servers were. Some wore white shirts and aprons, others were just in jeans indistinguishable from the clientele. I'm not into uniforms, but how about something identified as waitstaff?2. Food: The menu is pretty simple
Wild Grass has a great idea, organic nose-to-tail fare in a fine dining setting, except the reality didn't quite match the concept. Here's my take:

1. Service: I get that this is a French country theme and they're going for a casual vibe, but I honestly couldn't tell who the servers were. Some wore white shirts and aprons, others were just in jeans indistinguishable from the clientele. I'm not into uniforms, but how about something identified as waitstaff?

2. Food: The menu is pretty simple and at $390, the 3 course set seemed like good value. We had some questions, which our server couldn't answer; for that matter, as nice as she was, it didn't seem like she's tasted anything on the menu. When we pointed out a typo (what is "yellow paper salad"--turned out to be yellow pepper salad), she didn't even know what we were talking about.

I got the oxtail dumpling and my husband got the baked goats cheese (sic) for starters. The oxtail dumpling was like a gnocchi with oxtail. The baked goat cheese seemed to be in the same type of wrapping. Pretty good.

For our mains, I got the suckling pig and my husband got the beef shin. The flavors were good, but let's face it, a suckling pig is all about the crispy, cracklin' skin. My skin was on the rubbery side, as if it had been warmed up in the microwave. I was somewhat disppointed, but looked forward to dessert.

I ordered the caramel custard tart and my husband got the apple turnover. They were probably the worst desserts we've had in a long, long, time. Judging from the pig and the tart, I'm wondering if the microwave is the finishing touch to their dishes. The tart turned out to be an egg tart with a circle of caramel on the plate. The crust was not at all flaky and seemed underbaked. It was lukewarm and really did seem they defrosted the thing in the microwave and drizzled some caramel on the plate. The apple turnover? It was a petite dumpling which also had a rubbery crust. My husband said he preferred McDonald's version.

3. Value: this is my biggest pet peeve in HK. So many overpriced mediocre restaurants. At $390 for 3 courses, Wild Grass is an ok value. The appetizers and the main were not bad, but not tempting enough to go back and try other dishes on the menu. The desserts were a complete disaster. I saw an ad for chef and sous chef. Hopefully, they've filled those spots and are actively scouring a pastry chef!! In the meantime, get some fresh egg tarts from Tai Cheong down the street and stock up on McDonald's apple pie.

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$500 (晚餐)