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依家日本餐厅周街都有,但真正令你感受到日式风情嘅又有几多间呢🇯🇵 走入和道屋挂满灯笼嘅长廊,经过呆坐中嘅「无脸男」,再沿着楼梯上就到佢哋嘅用餐区啦🤩 店内采用木系设计同暗哑嘅灯光,靠边有一排榻榻米卡座,气氛舒适👍🏼 日式灯笼同装饰放满每个角落,和风感满溢🏮 Wado Izakaya is a restaurant located in TST that makes you feel like you’re back in Japan. The space was filled with lanterns and arts, with tatami seats for extra comfort and privacy. 餐厅主打居酒屋料理,串烧、寿司、锅物等应有尽有,当然仲有多款酒类任君选择🍺 同班朋友过黎畅谈喝酒,所有烦恼通通踢走💆🏻♀️唯一美中不足就系食物嘅份量同价位有啲落差,如果大份少少就好啦🙈They specialise in Japanese cuisine and offers wide variety of alcoholic beverages . The quali
Wado Izakaya is a restaurant located in TST that makes you feel like you’re back in Japan. The space was filled with lanterns and arts, with tatami seats for extra comfort and privacy.
餐厅主打居酒屋料理,串烧、寿司、锅物等应有尽有,当然仲有多款酒类任君选择🍺 同班朋友过黎畅谈喝酒,所有烦恼通通踢走💆🏻♀️唯一美中不足就系食物嘅份量同价位有啲落差,如果大份少少就好啦🙈
They specialise in Japanese cuisine and offers wide variety of alcoholic beverages . The quality was good, however prices were set a tad bit high for the amount they’re serving.
池鱼刺身 $228
Aji Sashimi
师傅将原条池鱼切成薄片,晶莹剔透嘅鱼肉细致幼滑,鱼油香四溢♨️ 配上酸汁吊出鲜味,同时突显白身鱼独有嘅清爽感😌
The translucent aji sashimi had a slight bite with fatty aromas. Freshness was further elevated when paired with the vinegar sauce.
拖罗海胆刺身杯 $88
Tuna Belly and Sea Urchin Sashimi Cup
油脂丰富嘅拖罗蓉绵密细腻,同香醇淡雅嘅海胆堪称绝配,甘甜味喺口中久久不散👅 脆卜卜嘅三文鱼籽同黑鱼籽附有海水嘅咸香,令鲜味进一步提升🌊
The mellow tuna belly and savoury uni brought out the freshness in each other, topped with salmon roe and caviar for extra savouriness.
和道屋鱼生太卷 $98
Wadoya Sashimi Roll
色彩缤纷嘅太卷用上多种刺身,油甘鱼、三文鱼、八爪鱼等,鲜味大爆发💥 里面仲加左清脆嘅腌黄瓜同沙律菜,拼凑出多重层次嘅口感🤤
Salmon, tuna, amberjack and octopus sashimi was encased in sushi rolls, which was an umami explosion! The lettuce and pickles helped to cut through the heaviness.
去居酒屋又点少得串烧呢🍢 盐烧鸡肾 ($32) 弹牙有嚼劲,洒上少少海盐已经好够味👌🏼 白烧鳗鱼串 ($68) 无加任何酱料,俾你品尝到食材嘅原汁原味🐟 鱼皮烧到金黄色酥脆,配上软滑鲜嫩嘅鱼肉层次感丰富😋
Salt Grilled Chicken Kidney Skewer had a nice crunchy bite, flavoured with a pinch of salt. Grilled Eel Skewer had crispy skin and tender fish meat, with a slight charred fragrance.